RSA - Racial tension reaching new hights
You better have Musk develop autonomous electric rocket cars to run over niggers at mach 2 while blasting eurobeat then.
Why would you not just embed the video, you retarded fucking nigger?
you are all types of lost my friend
You will learn to hate, too.
everyone seemed remarkably well restrained bix nood
i was talking about the eurobeat and love for elon musk
you have shit taste
Gas yourself
gas yourself
Not gonna lie, jews and niggers suck at life and have to die.
I see you kike
wow they make a quick transition from "we are going to kill you all" to "omg that guy looked at me harshly, we are the victims here"
This is the sort of thing WE are allowing to "immigrate" into our own countries.
If the immigration policies of all white nations are not altered to only allow white immigration, then…in this video…you see your future.
No thanks, nigger.
Wow, even niggers are smarter then the EU…
You Conservative Capitalists are the ultimate cuckolds, totally unwilling to destroy the system that enslaves you because of your ego fueled dreams of getting a chance at holding the whip which currently lashes you.
but diversity is our strenght.
It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.
They were not easily moved,
They were icy – willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.
Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.
I think it's rather lame but what makes it anti-white?
Cumskins are gonna get fucked
Just say you're a faggot, that's how I'm reading it anyway.
Not as fucked as you niggers will be once the whites are gone
There are.
It is a poem about Brits hating Germans and wanting to kill them. Over the first world war of all fucking things.
The entire white South African situation just highlights the basic cucked and utterly full of shit nature of 99.9% of the LARPing NatSoc, pro-White, Christian etc posters here, reddit and 4chan. There has been no effort or push to get the USA to accept these people in mass. That's 4+ million white people who could be resettled in the USA ASAP and help with the Race War and fight the Niggering of States. But where is the energy or effort. No where to be found. At least Russia is resettling some and just shows that unless your a Spic or Nigger that the USA hates you and wants you dead.
We haven't done it because that's stupid. Many are liberal as fuck and accept what's happening. Others want to fight to defend their land and right to survive. Others are leaving for Australia and Russia. Others will leave for Australia, Russia or the USA once the situation gets worse.
You expect 4 million people to get off the boats and put on brown shirts? Come on man.
You have a point about the liberal fucks in SA who can't wait to be raped and killed by the niggers. Its really hard for them to come to the USA, only way right now fastest manner is to get sponsored here. Spoke to my congressional rep about it he looked at me like I took a shit in front of him, even when I pointed out that many of them are Christians he basically ran away with an aid playing cover for him cutting me off from pursuing him about it. The condition of the USA is almost terminal now.
Public ownership of means of production or its not socialism. Musk isnt for that, i bet, just another buzzworder.
I don’t want them to flee. I want them to fight. Afrikaners are sadly very easygoing, but they can’t pull a Rhodesia and just let their death happen.
what if instead of frantically racing to show off who has the most esoteric reason to call something anti-white, you accepted when the subject is powerful rhetoric that works?