California Democratic Party Snubs Feinstein and Endorses Kevin De León
California Democratic Party Snubs Feinstein and Endorses Kevin De León
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Top wew. Looks like they might finally be putting her out to pasture.
Cali leftist ain’t gonna be outdone by New York
This is good. They're fracturing and at the wrong time. Feinstein won the primary, but leadership is ignoring the voters and putting this guy up anyway. If the kikess wins there will be massive butthurt among lefties, if the spic wins the far leftyfags will feel empowered and will push for crazy shit. It's win-win for us.
Pretty much ends the conversation on the DNC being hijacked by a monster of their own making. Fucking morons.
you dems are all types of fucked up ... if its not some old witch its a young commie
3000% Retarded
Time will only tell whether he's a (((good goy))) or a bad goy.
I hope he's a bad goy. Fuck that Jew bitch Feinstein.
Fuck off kikey
cali dems say "that's nothing. here, hold my box of wine and watch THIS!"
what a fucking moron.
or jew.
or both.
the guy who won the endorsement got 65% of the vote of state delegates, he got over 200 of the 330-ish votes. dianne only 7% with 28% voting for the party to have no official endorsement of either side. delegates are elected from among the active members of the party at the local level.
this is not some minor group. this is a majority of involved members wanting change. we may enjoy this because of its stupidity, but we can't berate it as some minor happening.
this also isn't some manchurian candidate pick like ocasio-cortez. kevin deleon has been a labor organizer in the 90s, worked on political campaigns in the early 2000s, and has been in california state government since 2008, first in the assembly and now in the state senate. he's been traveling the state and is well known to the democrat machine. he may be is a moonbat, but he's not a juanny-come-lately and he's not a minor figure in the state political scene.
How dare they betray Trump's good friend and gun-grabbing partner in crime!
Perhaps the honorable Mr. Little was playing 1488D chess. He garnered enough media attention that some red pills were swallowed.
Understatement of the week. lol.
this is something trump is gonna have to turn around on pretty fast unless they're just gonna go full astroturf and orwellian on everything
shit is really starting to stack up on las vegas, it's worse than sandy hook
look at the work of HDRCFX Cornwall on bitchute
how can any of them, any alt media or even fox news keep maintaining any truth angle or opposition to a deep state with this piling up in the background ?
Spics vote spic instead of nigger. This is the future. This is why the voice of niggers doesn't matter. Niggers should be systematically removed from society.
God damn the Democrats are scumbags. Even the very name of their party is a typical lefty hypocritical lie. They're like a fucking communist country.
top fucking lolz, democrats are such a garbage party, I don't know how anyone can think of Democrats as even being remotely American anymore
The "old left" isn't (((progressive))) red: communistic enough for the younger left.
It's going to be amazing to watch them rip each other apart. "Old left" is going to get a taste of the animals they've been breeding.
The weird thing is that this is what kikes wanted with the indoctrination Yuri told us about.
They didn't realize that this level of leftist belief makes kikes the ultimate bad guys because they are oppressing Palestine.
That's a dubly set of posts.
Kikes NEVER plan ahead. Everything is short term for them. One would think otherwise because of their speculation success, but their money is made in moment to moment trade and not long term investment. They're opportunists who live in the moment and it always ends up biting them in the nose.
The money thing is purely because they've made the investment laws in such a way that they take zero risk while investing your retirement.
Bullshit. These hooknose fucks have been planning this shit for centuries. Win or lose, the bitch will be a millionaire, and if she does lose, then a mudshit communist takes the seat that belongs to a white man. It's all according to plan
The golem they created is turning on them.
Welcome to California, where the good news that the crooked old Jewess isn't being endorsed by her party just means a socialist will win instead. The rot is so bad here, a Republican basically can't win, or even get on the November ballot.
Don't be like California – Drive out your Mexicans before it's too late.
Lurk two years, faggot.
delete that image or face the banhammer, newfag
jewess wins or golem wins
Stay retarded, summerfag
Oh, you're just an IP hopping shill. Thanks for letting me know, I'll keep an eye out for your posting style.
Since FDR, they should have changed their name to the Democratic Socialist Party. Around the same time, Republicans should have changed their name to the Constitutionalist Party. Neo-cons should be called Trotskyites It is a more accurate representation, and it puts the cuckoldry of both parties out in the open (at least I have them constitution).
You're totally right!!!
This has always been the case with both parties. This isn't a fracture point. It's going as planned. How new are you?
Frankly, this is worrisome. Elections are not won by appealing to the moderates, they're won by energizing your voting base. If they can hype up the various socialists to actually get off their ass and vote, there's a real chance of actual victories.
>(((intensely progressive))) voices who are coming up through the party ranks
Imagine the sheer amount of jewish dick they had to suck to get there
Very telling that they aren't even hiding it anymore. Very telling they are disregarding what the votes call in are just deciding for themselves. This and what happened with Cortez's victory being contested can easily be used against (((them))). Get on it niggers. The Dem party is laying it all out, they don't give a shit. They'll openly just rig it blatantly and still try to pretend nothing happened.
What happened to those so called conservative illegals?
mfw the Jew gets BTFO by their golems once again
Good job, Little, you based fellow vet autist.
If only he was the monster bluepills think, we might live in a better world.
Haha oh wow, we really will see armed conflict in the US during our lifetimes
I just want different leftist groups to start firebombing each others offices. Spanish civil war 2: Electric Boogaloo.
Either you're a blackpill retard, or your a shill. Either way, lurk two years you mongoloid nigger.
Look at that fucking gnome and her golem.
Found another leftykike.
Pasting from the smaller thread:
The Top 2 Primary System in California has made a dog's dinner out of the primary process and has a good chance of backfiring on Democrats and actually hastening a Republican supermajority in Congress. Since it's possible for two members in the same party to oppose each other in the final election, it's pitted Dems against Dems all across the board and they are going to go Thunderdome on each other. Let me explain:
1. The top 2 candidates with the biggest share of the popular vote advance to the final election regardless of political party.
2. In elections where there are more candidates from one party than another, this splits the vote and makes it harder for candidates from that party to advance to the finals. For example, if there are 5 Dem candidates and only 2 Republican candidates, and the voting district is split 50/50 between the parties, that means that the Republicans can get 25% each, while Dems are likely to get 10% each.
3. This means that one party can be completely locked out of the final election.
4. This year, outraged Democrats are running in mass numbers, often with 6 or more candidates vying for a single voting district.
5. Meanwhile, Republicans are running the standard one or two candidates per district.
6. Since the DNC is bankrupt, the majority of Dem candidates are self-funded billionaires, which are less likely to step down for a more popular candidate with a better chance to win. Nor do they take orders from the DNC, which is powerless right now. In addition, these independently wealthy candidates do not appeal to the Dem voter base, because it's fashionable to hate the rich.
7. The Republicans are not as well-funded, but they are backed by their party and have a lot less money to spend on ads that do more to annoy the voters than sway their votes. Attack ads are much more likely to be Dem vs. Dem because of the personal wealth of the Dem candidates. On top of that, Dem candidates will spend the majority of their campaign money hammering their closest Dem rivals rather than focusing on Republicans.
8. Because of all this, more Communist candidates like this guy are likely to be one of the top two. This shifts the Overton window farther right, because California has a very large Centrist population on both sides of the aisle—Centrists who are dismayed by Brown's overarching Sanctuary State policies.
9. As a result of all of the above, many Congressional seats are likely to be Republican/Republican lockouts (although the governorship itself is likely to be a Dem/Dem lockout).
10. In this particular election, Congressional races are far more important than the Governorship, because the Governorship mostly affects just California, while the Congressional races affect the whole country.
Conclusion: California's retarded attempts to gerrymander and favor Dem candidates with stupid primary laws may actually hand a Republican supermajority to Trump.
and not a moment too soon.
(1) illegal spics come to our country
(2) work for pennies building our houses
(3) start becoming a nuisance bc muh jobs and muh crime
(4) start deporting the beaners
(5) beaners get mad and attack the jews
The rise of the far left poised to take over dnc is good news. Anything that breaks the grip of jewish hold over dnc/rnc. (((Neocons))) are still hanging on to RNC - McCain, Lindsey, Rubio, etc and they need to be shown the door.
its not clear to me how much further left they really are, or will be once in Congress for awhile. newcomers always have a schtick, and it generally seems radical. what they really are, are simply the PoC that the DNC has been promising power to for 50+ yrs. Its just now they oops'd and let in too many beaners, who are kicking the leadership out
YES! This is not talked about enough. The kikes are now getting ousted from BOTH parties AT THE SAME TIME. Its like an electoral politics shoah. its beautiful
You should want extremists like this to win in cali just like cortez in jew York these people aren't playing with one tenth of a deck and if they encourage or allow a Marxist purge to happen those states will be the deepest red in the whole union for the next 90 years also even trump, "passive as he is" would have to use force at that point and the dnc corporation will become the newest wig party weither they join the civil war or cuck out and try and reverse what they've done.
This completely misses the point. The is literally an illegal immigrant family member advocate for illegals who puts illegals in state office and is for abolishing ice. This thread and this idiotic story miss those very critical facts completely. I posted a thread with these relevant facts, but of course it gets locked, while this shitty one hiding the most important information stays up because it was posted first.
There is no profit. They aren't leaving, and soon there will be no service jobs at all because of automation, so they will all be here, on the dole, and breeding like rabbits. They've already fucked up our communities beyond belief. The future is either kill all of them or whites are finished.
Responding to
This is why this thread is completely useless. My thread was locked for being redundant when it's not at all, because it actually addresses the information that matters, namely, that the Cali DNC has officially picked a guy who wants to abolish ICE and appoints illegals to statewide office. This is an act of war. California has repeatedly defied the fed govt on immigration, but with this candidate, this is official support by the dominant party of a hostile Mexican takeover of the California government. This is an act of war.
But we're the leftist plants amirite?
Yes, and? No one is going to fight back against it. No one is going to do a goddamn thing to these commies.
The Deep State is expelling its Jews. Dianne Feinstein, Jon Stewart, Jacob Appelbaum. This is NOT a good thing because the Jews are being replaced by the Muslim Brotherhood and Nation of Islam who can provide more votes. There are more Jews (and whites) staying on with the program for the money and power than there are fighting back against it.
Just mandate e-verify for all government positions. Easy to implement, easy to get a vote tgrough.
Spics are catholics, they go against the jew.
which of course explains why they vote 2:1 for the dems, the party which the jews also fund about 2:1 with their shekels and also vote about 3:1 for.
Catholics are founded by jews.
A more radicle version of the left will take over in 4-8 years
I wish this was by the work of Patrick Little and not some internal kikery within the Democratic Party.
That makes no sense.
Youre right, saying that jews dont plan ahead is completely dumb. Beaner wouldnt get that position if it wasnt for steady white replacement that they caused. Thankfully jidf is too dumb.
Catholics are inherently jewish and heretical, even in the Christ cult sect.