The White Prophet
with Black Slaves
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The White Prophet
with Black Slaves
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I knew whites were evil! Oh wait, tell us about arabs, what did they do to their black slaves? Tell us when they dominated slave trade, how they treated them. Were there any white slaves? Reaaaally?
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Let's assume a comment was posted at 7:20:11; to see what time it was in Israel just add +3 hours ->10:20:11am in Israel. Keep in mind Sundays are working days for jews and they are low traffic for real Zig Forumsacks usually. Meaning it's more likely to find them on Sunday morning/noon Israel time check your corresponding local time.
Arabs aren't white
The middle east, Asia minor, the Levant, and north Africa were white before the Arab conquest.
Frankly it always baffles me that any black is Muslim when in Arab (the language you have to learn to read the Qur'an according to all currents in Islam) black and slave is the same fucking word with a slightly different pronunciation (these days only, it's absent of any historical text).
shitslam is for subhumans
Yet more stolen history from us
don't you mean (((white)))
he must have certainly have had lighter skins that his castrated slaves but is a well known fact he was spawned by reptilian kikes
also, if i'm not mistaken, the mudslime equivalent to satan is a dindu but don't expect any dindu to know this, or the fact that mudslimes not only enslaved them but also castrated them
in orther for a dindu to know that, they would have to read and reading is haram for niggers
Extensive Female-Mediated Gene Flow from Sub-Saharan Africa into Near Eastern Arab Populations
We have analyzed and compared mitochondrial DNA variation of populations from the Near East and Africa and found a very high frequency of African lineages present in the Yemen Hadramawt: more than a third were of clear sub-Saharan origin. Other Arab populations carried ∼10% lineages of sub-Saharan origin, whereas non-Arab Near Eastern populations, by contrast, carried few or no such lineages, suggesting that gene flow has been preferentially into Arab populations. Several lines of evidence suggest that most of this gene flow probably occurred within the past ∼2,500 years. In contrast, there is little evidence for male-mediated gene flow from sub-Saharan Africa in Y-chromosome haplotypes in Arab populations, including the Hadramawt. Taken together, these results are consistent with substantial migration from eastern Africa into Arabia, at least in part as a result of the Arab slave trade, and mainly female assimilation into the Arabian population as a result of miscegenation and manumission.
Yeah, irrelevant.
They're all the same thing except for the Levant dipshit.
Wrong. First he tried to be the messenger of the jews but when they rejected him he went "fuck it" and invented his own religion.
Anyone trying to push this is trying to push mohamad is (((hwite))) so that muslims will not attack jews since they are gods children and somehow not the lizards they actually are.
This retarded bullshit.
Racism is not wrong.
Racism is a recognition of the genetic reality of race and the huge and important differences it has on EVERYTHING.
If you are not a racist then you are a fool.
Furthermore, both political parties are controlled by globalist kikes.
(And neither party is AT ALL what it was 150 years ago. That should be FUCKING OBVIOUS to anyone who isn't a moron)
The dems are the strong arm party.
The pubs are the weak arm party.
The dems push White genocide globalism forward.
The pubs push against the dems A LITTLE, but not enough to do anything. The reason for this is to give the illusion of choice to the voting masses.
If the pubs were not bullshit controlled opposition then they would NAME THE JEW and ADVOCATE FOR EXPLICITLY WHITE INTERESTS. They NEVER do either of these things. They NEVER push for specifically pro-White policies despite 90-95% of their voter base being White.
That said, it may be possible to influence the redZOG to a certain extent. There is still a little honesty in some of them, I think.
Not much, though.
Bottom line, diversity is genocide.
The blacks should never have been brought here.
The blacks should have ALL been deported to Africa after the civil war.
Also, kikes never should have been allowed to come here. They are the main force behind White genocide globalism.
White America ==IS== America
You know what, I don't find this too far of a stretch to imagine to be honest. They certainly have a way of turning things on their head, ie, the democrats used to be proponents for slave owners and the republicans antislavery, and it has now flip flopped. Feminism was just about striving for equal rights and a fairer deal, and now today it stands for men hating matriarchy that is gunning for priveleges over males. and the so called antifascists are most definitely the fascists. gay and transgender degeneracy disgusted all and was frowned upon, and now it's the social norm. I could well believe that mohammed was white and history was rewritten to gear up middle easterns to take over the world through outbreeding countries they invade.
On a side note, I was wandering if anyone as any information about Africans being traded to India as slaves around 500 years ago? I had never heard of such a thing, but apperently there is a tribe of africans out there living in the jungles of India, their story is that they was took there to be sold as slaves but managed to escape once the ship had docked, they entered the jungle and have existed there ever since, allegedly 500 years ago. At some point they was discovered and where actually granted land rights and some of them do speak Indian too these days, they are just treated and classed as the lowest caste when they do venture out from the jungle. I had never heard of African slave trade in India and just wondered if it did occur or if this is just some bizarre way of getting in through the back door.
Stopped reading there. Sage.
Makes absolutely no sense.
Why would you ever want nigger slaves? Niggers are way too stupid and lazy to be effective slaves.
Africans were ABSOLUTELY sold, as slaves, into India.
Indeed, the "eastern slave trade" (or "Arab slave trade") in which the muslums captured blacks in Africa (among others) and shipped them into the middle east, India, Indonesia, and SE Asia transported more enslaved blacks than the western slave trade (into the Americas (all of them, not just the US)) ever did.
Indeed, slavery is one of the CORE values of islum. "mohammed" himself allegedly owned numerous slaves. Slavery and islum go hand in hand. Even today there are de-facto slaves in many muslum countries.
The reason why you have never heard about the "Arab slave trade" is because it conflicts with the dominant narrative of the "lefties" or "mainstream" or "media" which is "hate White people" and "White people are the bad guys of history." Pointing out that the muslums were ALWAYS slave traders and slave owners is "politically incorrect" and "inconvenient" so the media simply sweeps it under the proverbial rug.
The inconvenient truth for the "hate Whitey" crowd is that EVERYONE had slavery. THE ENTIRE WORLD had some form of slavery of human beings for most of history. Blacks sold into slavery were ALMOST ALWAYS captured by BLACK slavers to sell to slaver camps on the coast. Indeed, the only reason why slavery is banned (at least officially) around the world is because of WHITE PEOPLE.
WHITES ended slavery.
there is actually more bondage slavery in the world now than there was at any other time in history. Current estimates of captive slaves is 40 million. Of course this doesn't count the entire earth being in 'soft slavery' to the jews due to the dollar fed res currency.
Sounds like (((Robert))) is shitting up the board again.
he may have been (((white))) but there is ZERO chance that he was white