Jewish Anti-Trumpkin Activist Defeated in Texas Primary

Sure Fletcher is another democRAT. But at least its not another fucking Jew.

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Wow. these loser democrats kikes are getting DESTROYED unlike our based Patrick Little who almost won the California senate race.

Who could have ever guessed the platform of 'I'm a huge fucking hooknosed gentile-murdering kike and I hate that Blumpf because two scoops is too many!' wouldn't resonate with the voters in Texas.

The first part would probably pay off in spades. Very popular with the steers and the queers alike.

The fact that White men like Patrick Little are prepared to stand and call you out is eating you alive, isn't it, jew.

Yeah we all know the best way to secure the Texan vote is by being related to the zodiac killer

Well it didn't, so.

The delegates etc.

Hi, leftypol.

Suckstart a shotgun.

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Nope but here's a meme for you.

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"Trumpkin" is a leftypol invention. I don't care how you came to use it, it labels you as a member of leftypol.


I love how faggots like this seem to completely miss the whole point, which was it was a miracle he even got any votes considering his platform. No one thought for a second he'd win, that was just all the hype faggots shitposting like typical shitposters, but the fact he got as many votes as he did with the shit he said was a major victory

[kvetching intensifies]

That was a bear attack user


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You know how I can tell if boomers are posting? They always post that demonRat democRat shit, as if progressives will suddenly get btfo and become nationalists.

What's with the flood of news posts? Is 8ch edgy drudge now?

It was a sublime pleasure to vote for Mr. Little. I showed my ballot to my son and took him along to drop it off on election day. The poll worker was a vibrant-haired SJW goon and all-around unfuckable landwhale who thanked us for voting and handed me the "I Voted" sticker.

The boy and I were laughing all the way out to my car.

Someday, we won't have to vote at all to get candidates like the irrepressible Mr. Little.

Common misperception. I have it on good authority Cruz had nothing to do with all that.

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3 months left, Israelis. You should have spent that $4B you stole from the US on bottles of Evian.

1st post kikes the most
We failed this time.

Lots of boomer trash got brought here during the election and the months following. You can tell because when you post boomer memes, they get tremendously upset. Fortunately, they haven't infected the other boards to the extent they have on Zig Forums.

She ran in the wrong district, if she had ran in the 18th she would have done better. The smell of that fucking Jew was pure spoiled Gefiltefish. Doesn't matter though because that failed abortion Fletcher can't beat Culberson. Not that he's any good; typical RHINO fuck that destroys the USA for the kike. He has been at it for a long time and that district is in demographic browing this is his last or next to last shot of being elected. So in the end the Jew wins again. In 2022 if they haven't redrawn the district the Dems will run a Beaner and win that seat.

hahaha you thought PL ran to win? hahaa nice try, we know you don’t actually think that, but instead you want it to reallllyyyyy be true 😎 he ran to normalize calling you out kike; witch seems like it’s becoming the norm again-kike hahahaha *fire continues to rise*

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its a term of endearment. don't you wuv uncle trumpkin?

Texas is drifting blue fam

No, keep repeating it. I’m sure we’ll stop believing truth eventually.

The truth is that every major Texas city and the surrounding zip codes are 60%+ dem column. That is going to accelerate. I know most of /pol anons aren't active in politics IRL but right now in Texas the dems are registering WAY more than the GOP. It fucking blackpills the shit out of me but that is what is happening. At least most of those registrations are still contained within solid dem districts so there is that.

Jews are not Americans.