Asked to identify his "biggest foe globally right now," Trump says: "I think the European Union is a foe."
Low-energy OP is a faggot; Low energy.
He is right, the EU is fucking cancer.
Germany yes, EU no.
Too bad Trump hates Germany like every other president since WWII. If he didnt, he would pull out the troops that are there and destroy the military installations.
whos dominating the EU is foe
boo hoo
Do you not see that as regrettable? I sure do.
Yeah don't want to D&C those based muslims
nope lmfao get beaned
If Trump says that he dislikes Germany then his followers will as well. You should know this already.
and who the bloody hell likes post ww2 germany?
You might as well just say you're a kike
it's kind of like having a girlfriend whose face you cut so she wont cheat on you but then you ask who wants to sleep with her after her face has been cut
with that said merkel&EU=/=germany
name me 1 (one) reason why that's bad
ah, a classic
True. And he would pull out of NATO. But Trump is just a Jewish puppet, so he is only opposed to the EU because the EU is not sufficiently supportive of Israel. Same with the UN. He doesn't care that they are anti-white because his descendents are not white anyway. He cares that they are anti-Israel (or not pro-Israel enough) because that is bad for his grandchildren.
Trump shills like daily stormer are already doing this.
That's a good simile there Shlomo. We can all relate to having mutilated our shiksas for ritual blood magic an… waaaaiit a minute…
It's not possible to dislike Germany more than Germans do already.
Samething with loving Israel
I see that the poles still hold the negro mentality toward the US.
Something never changes.
The OCD format kike strikes again. No one gives two shits what you think about the op's format, you stinking little hebrew maggot. Respond to the substance of the post or go fuck yourself.
Isn’t it interesting how all your posts are about jewish D&C.
(((and that's a good thing)))
Nice misleading quote, faggot. Good think you didn't cut off about 80% of his statement.
Good job falling for it, retard.
Why does the EU guy look normal? Do you like the EU?
Sometimes I wonder if Trump is genetically engineered to make me smile on a daily basis.