What the fuck is this shit? Is Musk losing it or is he playing his part in the script to out the pedo fucks?
Elon Musk calls thai cave boy rescuer a pedo
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Who do you think owns the media?
top kek
most adults in power in thailand are pedos is my guess
"British" Man Drugs kids in a cave sounds pretty pedoy to me
the left is like a whined up toy
Okay, fuck the world. These people may as well be a figment of my imagination
Pedo kikes
Can we make an exception on natural citizenship to be president for Musk?
Miles Mathis did an interesting piece on Musk that has some interesting indescrepancies in his "success" story. I don't necessarily believe all of what he's saying but it does raise some red flags on his run of business venture gains and the time taken to earn them.
no he didn't
is the man in question also the coach?
It's "wind-up toy".
Why not? Because he names your tribe?
nope, right the first time
To clarify this by the way, I'm not doing the where I'm too autistic to appreciate a good fucking play on words. I enjoyed it.
I am also laffin. OP is a nigger for not archiving and linking.
As admirable as Musk is taking on the jewish media, he was a founder of paypal. The number of times over the past twenty years I have been forced to lodge cases against claims paypal have made on my funds, on behalf of clearly fraudulent buyers, with our financial ombudsman and won would shock many. They are a criminal-enabling enterprise who Musk oversaw. So fuck him. A leopard never changes it's spots.
And to think I trust the literal fake news that the submarines helped the boys out.
Seems like it always boils down to the military and humans to get the job done.
Was there ever a White man who went to Thailand and wasn't a pedo?
Can't get one fucking thread on this board without you dumb ZOG worshiping morons infecting it.
Simply point out the truth, jew fucker.
White men saved those kids.
Some go there for the thai boxing gyms.
is that the guys picture? holy hell he does look like a pedo
Yes, clipped that from the video on this article.
Was there ever any doubt? Gotta say he looks pretty good for a 63 year old. That carefree kid raping lifestyle must do wonders for a pedo's stress levels.
Thailand statutory rape law is violated when an individual has consensual sexual intercourse with a person under age 15
15 is some mighty fine Thai pussy. I'd hit it like a nigger sucker punching your mom at Publix
Now if pedo-face guy living in pedo paradise doesn't sue for libel it proves Musk was right.
I felt this way for many years having had to endure PayPal since it’s launch.I have forgiven him. I don’t know why, I just did. I am no longer mad IRL.
Shitposts like this are why when men see children crying and in distress, they just keep on truckin. Saw a deal about a guy who drove on past a 4 year old crying on the side of a freeway because he didn't want to get accused. Kid got run over and died not long after. Little white girl.
Can we make a new rule that we don't question the sexual bona fides of any man who does a one time act that saves a child? No matter what he looks like or where he lives. People who are putting themselves in situations where they can be repeatedly exposed to children in non-emergency situations is different, of course.
People ALSO go to Thailand because it is a cheap place to live on a pension.
You can still pull over and help, but at least record the encounter audio or video and have 911 on the line even if its just phone off the hook with them listening so there is a public record of the encounter. In this way 911 can be used as a notarized audio recording to CYA.
Best user, upboated.
No. Fuck you.
Ok, then I will never help a child ever. Hope it's your kids that die as a result.
Too fucking bad. The rest of the pedos ruined it for you.
I intend to actually look after my kids so they dont get raped or killed
I'm sure it'll take time out of my day and they might not be allowed to do certain things to avoid risk but whatever
In order to help kids we should stay aware of the threat of child rapists
Men face the exact same shit in America.
I don't really care about shitskin kids. Let them die. I care about white children.
I hope Elon personnaly pulls his little sub through that cave while proving that dude is a pedo just to make a point
Do you know where you are, nigger?
How the hell did this happen?
Here's an idea, don't worry so much about other people's kids. If they are such shit parents to allow their children to be in danger then the gene pool is being cleansed when their offspring die. Worry about your own children and the children of your immediate family members. The world is in such a state that White people don't have the luxury of the days of yore when our altruism was an asset and could be used towards the greater good. That luxury may return some day, but not until the 14 words and 88 precepts are a reality and the threat of our racial extinction is over.
Why else would a British man be in fucking 3rd world shithole Thailand? It's obvious as fuck.
Probably to escape the fucking 4th world shithole that is Britain.
I'm assuming jew central since you guys seem to want men to just let kids die.
Jews have whipped up a hysteria that has resulted in men being removed completely from the lives of children. I'd like to post a link to the story, but jewgle is so kiked all I get with my search terms is pro-pedo bullshit.
Hello Chaim.
apathy is jewish.
You faggots say the same shit when a white kid is raped and murdered by a nigger because you're jewish faggots using apathy to drive us into extinction.
I'm sick of you faggots shitting up the board with jewish individualism and nihilism. Fucking kill yourself you anti white kike.
Excellent job only bothering to read the first sentence of my post you fucking mongoloids.
You know what kind of single, middle aged American and British ex-pats live in thailand? Pedophiles.
I know WHAT you meant you fucking snake, either defend your point or fuck off I'm sick of dealing with you astroturfing faggots.
Britain is straight up just as bad if not worse.
PayPal exploits a loophole. They aren't considered a bank, so they don't have to follow more stringent banking rules.
yeah, the ones into ladyboys
somebody should petition trump to eliminate this loophole -he'd probably do it tbh
I made my point nigger. You're being an emotional faggot about it. Not every White person is going to survive the coming struggle. Only the strongest will make it out to the other side. There will be masses of traitors and weaklings that will have to die so that those who are willing to face the truth and fight for the survival of the White race can do so successfully. The only way that is going to happen is if pussies like you harden the fuck up and put all your energy into protecting your own flock, raising them red pilled and strengthening them in every way possible against the ever present threats that the kikes put forth in this disgusting clown world. You don't have the fucking luxury to exert energy for the children of strangers, especially the children of strangers who are shitty enough parents to allow their children to be in mortal danger. That may make you feel like shit, understandably so, but it's the cold reality of where we are right now as a race.
Guess what retard? You aren't going to be there every second of every day to protect your children. And they would be greivously harmed if you were. They have to have some independence as children if they are going to grow up to be independent adults.
Also, you could get hit by a bus tomorrow. Wouldn't you like to know that 75% of adult males would be willing to risk life and limb to protect your children? Why don't you give them a little bit of credit?
tbh, I hope you are injured in a car crash such that you are unable to move and then you see some vehicles just drive right past and then you see one hit your child and splatter it all over your fucking face before you die you piece of shit.
when I was going through my divorce when I was in my early thirties and only got to see the kids once a months I used to walk miles in the walking park near my house. I felt self conscious if I sat by the playground and watched the kids playing, it made me miss my kids but at the same time it stilled the parental need I had lost. I am certain a lot of men out there having dealt with the jewducial system can relate. child support and visitation sucks balls.
absolute pottery
if its something I hate worse than a jews its a person that sides with the jews … you op are a fag
this thread is full of circumcised dick lovers
Inb4 he isn't joking
A spastic emotional response to the cold truth. Like a little girl you are. Dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed, pussy.
To be fair, some of them are there to buy Thai farmgirls for $1500 and two water buffalo, but most of those types bring them back home
t. anglo pedo
props on roasting his ass tbh, made me kek
Ha I quit giving children any attention after Jerry Sandusky. Most 30 year old men I know agree, never make contact with a child unless you have a woman with you.
Texas oilfield worker here, whenever we have jobs down south, we are instructed by law enforcement to not stop if we see children or women that appear to be stranded in the road. We are also heavily advised to carry a lead distributor at all times.
I know these aren't white kids but times are beginning to mad max.
This is very true and an underrated post.
nice digits of running over spiclets and female spics in texas and to shoot them if they get back up as advised by local law enforcement
(((powerful people)))
i went for the full moon parties and stayed for the massage. Not all men are sex perverts
Entirely reasonable, they're probably illegals who will blackmail you and/or steal your truck.
It shall be done as it is willed!
They use the feeble as bait and then ambush you if you stop.
Fuck up, cunt. I don't side with jews or Musk. I think he's running a front for some MIC bullshit and when I see obvious theatrics like this I try look at the bigger picture.
You sure don't.
Nice try, Chaim.
And that is a god damn shame, isn't it? Wouldn't it be nice if we could show our fellow white males a modicum of respect and trust?
Good. You should never think about helping invaders.
pedophile fucking
Was your sperging at that user part of some grand scheme to win him over? A little 'I hope you die!' up front to seduce him to your side? I'll admit, I'm not familiar with the mating calls of the autistic.
Fear is the most potent form of persuasion, Chaim.
Anyone who says we shouldnt help a white child OBVIOUSLY doesnt have a white child.
So you intended to scare him to your side by telling him how much you were "hoping" bad things would happen to the mean man? Jesus guy, take the L, you're a fucking trainwreck.
everyone here are NEET faggots.
Just because you don't understand a thing doesn't mean it doesn't work.
The point is to create a visual (him being showered in his child's viscera) and linking it to his callous attitude towards white children that aren't directly related to him and his eagerness to allow false accusations of pedophilia against other white men.
Read an entire book by a master persuader before coming back with some more half assed snark.
i can tell how effective your master persuasion was by how you have to painstakingly explain it to everyone laughing at you
Well listen, not only did you not persuade him, you actually persuaded me to agree with him instead of you. This is quite incredible to me, my original post was going to be in support of the idea that a white man should not have to fear interacting with white children and that this is a fault of the kike low trust society. Maybe try to be less of a complete and utter fucking failure?
Let Musk continue it. He's pissing off a lot of people.
Just went through this.
You can bet your arm and your leg that most of them are into something, especially "sex tourists".
Retard level 100 detected.
Show us the vid Musky Boy. Shit or get off the pot.
To be fair this isn't actually what happened because you're too autistic to have stopped and considered it might be a fucking joke.
Hmmm sounds a bit fishy to me.