Union Jack spat on, Brits told to leave Durham

The local police told some guys carrying a British flag to leave an event, and eventually the town.

Union Jack spat on, Brits told to leave Durham

A shocking story is emerging from Durham of events surrounding the 134th Durham Miners’ Gala, an annual Trade Union organised event in North East England where the local community marches, children set up stalls, speeches are made and it appears from the outside to be a typically British and good natured event.
Until this year.
This year, the event was awash with far left activists, many using the day to attack the visit of President Donald Trump, ironically a passionate supporter of coal miners in America. Among the masses was Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn, whose speech attacked Trump rather than praise what he has done for American miners. He was accompanied by left wing activists and rent-a-mob groups such as ‘Stand Up to Racism’, the hard left group chaired by Diane Abbott which recently joined in with intimidation tactics and mob rule to close down a democratic debate at the East Lewisham hustings. ANM reported on this event and exposed the shocking trail to senior figures in the Labour Party. ANM has been told that there are also numerous unanswered complaints to the police about the event, and ANM have had no response from the Labour candidate Janet Daby or the Labour Party themselves about what action they intend to take.

The Police banned us from joining the main gala. I kid you not. Told us if we did we would be issued with a dispersal order!
The FLA guys moved away, around eighteen of them after a wreath was laid at a Victoria Cross memorial by us. Fifteen minutes went by.
I then talked to an Inspector, who relented and allowed this smaller group to split into two and walk down to the Gala through the streets of Durham.
We let some more time elapse by going for a pint at a nearby pub.

Upon leaving pub, one of our party’s British Union flag was spat on by an approximately fifty year old female member of the public!
Ten to twelve of us walked through the crowded High Street waving a mixture of Union flags, Royal Standard flag and For Britain flags with four of us wearing For Britain rosettes: myself, two Milton Keynes members that had traveled with me, and local Kevin.
Lots of attention and looks, no trouble with notable approving glances too.
We then walked down a narrow footpath towards the main event field with tens of thousands of people, I do not exaggerate, listening to left wing speeches.
Myself and Kevin were at head of party.
Many foul mouthed people then verbally abused me in particular, presumably due to waving my Union Flag.
I / we stood our ground and carried on moving towards the crowd.
The abuse then became extreme.
The most I said was “you don’t know what you are talking about mate”.
Lots of cameras on us, including TV.
Police arrived.
We were all told to reverse back.
I was told by Police “if you go down into the field Sir you will cause a riot”
I said “What for waving a Union flag?”
Myself and others were issued a Dispersal Order to leave the city within fifteen minutes
We did not have lunch!
All Kevin’s people and my people were straight forward, ordinary, non provocatively dressed and well mannered.
Welcome to 2018 England I guess.


The bongs are just getting shat on from every direction lately.

britbongs start killing the police and judges now

And? You get exactly what you fight for. If someone else is fighting, they'll get what they want at your expense.

with what?

It gets worse everyday.

Attached: wo.jpg (700x799, 102.58K)

edgy words

britbongs steal guns from the gangs and the few police that have them and kill the police and judges, use firebombs as well

You know, little events like these can be used to drive your population into actually doing something if done right. They can't jail you all, and, even if they do, as long as you have enough supporters you'll be able to send another wave to protest. Pardon the lack of knowledge regarding commas.


Where is churchill and harris, defenders of britain now, you fucking limeys?

Durham where you fuckwit of an OP. Durham, Australia, Durham, South Africa, Durham, North Carolina. Durham you're a futwit OP


Pity you peasants aren't going to do anything about it I REALLY wish you did thoughrooting for some "common sense reforms" to come out as a groundswelling from the British everymanand they finally revolt against that tyranny they allowed through compliance

You might be retarded.
If there is a Durham in the UK it's there, otherwise,
it's Austrailia.

Obviously nigger, that's part of the fucking point he was making.

that's illegal without a license

Attached: gee i wonder.png (422x28, 4.36K)

It wasn't a problem for these people, and they made the cops runs like bitches.

Attached: UK the fire is rising.mp4 (640x360, 2.59M)

fuck em, English trash

Literally on the first line of the article
>A shocking story is emerging from Durham of events surrounding the 134th Durham Miners’ Gala, an annual Trade Union organised event in North East England


Brits pissed that the media and gone full blown Orwellian in censorship of tommy being locked up


Well, you could start by growing some balls.

with the necessary paper work to obtain a coup d'e ta license

Tommy Robinson's the straw that broke the camel's back.

But I wonder why it was this and not the national epidemic of grooming gangs upon which the Tommy Robinson situation is based?

millie again!

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Look at this britbong, he can't even reach the level of an African savannah nigger and fashion himself a spear from wood.
You're literally less capable than niggers.

or Stevie Yaxley Lennon of Zion
if you're being factual.

Cricket bat puts a dent in faggots.

dubs confirm, UK police and government need to be killed

With love and overall cuckery

Based. Fuck the Rothschild flag

Good, good…it's time to wake up the normies. It's time for people to unite and exterminate all 350 million americunts. We must taught them that Trump and Obama are no different.
We must cut the chains of americanism. We must tell them loud and clear. NO AMRICUNT WE DON'T WANT OUR MCDONALD'S AND YOU TAYLOR SWIFTS POLUTING OUR MINDS AND BODIES.

First things first, let's see you work up the courage to actually fashion a spear from a piece of wood without a license. I'm waiting for you to prove that you're more capable than a simple individual of high melanin concentration.


Stop the DnC before it starts, plebs

When that dumpster fire burns down it will be those same police standing in the middle of the fire they helped start.
The universe is a self correcting mechanism.
Grab popcorn while you wait for the show.

Attached: popcornkampfyeat.gif (500x235, 499.93K)

Spineless brit for not just running in there with the flag. Let a riot start and have the whole thing on camera.

Why haven't the Brits marched a million strong on Downing Street and fucked the tyrants up? Their government is literally protecting child sex rings and protecting savages over the people. What the fuck is wrong with the British that they aren't killing everyone in charge


Wow. So, faggots spitting on a flag is actually 4D anti-kike chess

How's working for the British government, you worm?

Either nigger level dumb, or cucked to fuck.
They don't realize the police guy is scared there will be a riot because he sees them as a group.
They could easily have wrapped up their flags and dispersed, then entered the event individually, and then re-grouped. He wouldn't have a fucking clue what was going on, and would be shown up as a ZOGbot when no riot happens.

As national socialist we are against the idea of harming any of our fellow natsoc brothers regardless of race/creed/color. We want Africans/Arabs to have a strong homeland, as well as whites, and most of us would gladly lay our life on the line to defend their homeland, and help them secure a future as well.

He's not wrong though. A riot would've happened due to paid agitators, and those poor bastards would've been in a world of shit. I'd think that would be worth it though.

You realize that the leftists are the one advocating for real racism right? The democrats were the party of the kkk idiot. We just want people to pull themselves up, and achieve a better future, not rot on government programs.

Nationalism means SEPARATION and SURVIVAL.
Nationalism means having a homeland for your people.
It DOES NOT mean genocide.
It means OPPOSING genocide.
DIVERSITY is what leads to GENOCIDE.
YOU are the ones advocating for genocide.
Non-Whites have homelands. Vast homelands for their peoples in Africa, Asia, South America, and so on.
Non-White homelands are almost all EXPLICITLY racial in their citizenship and immigration laws.
When tens of millions of Whites were forced out of those homelands as part of so-called "decolonization" lefties like you CHEERED.
Your kind celebrated removing the "oppressive White invaders" from non-White homelands.
Yet now your kind support the complete opposite when it comes to White homelands. Now you support importing millions of non-White invaders into White lands.
The thing you clowns should admit to yourselves is that you are not motivated by "decency" or "love" or "goodness." You are motivated by a HATRED OF WHITE PEOPLE.
YOU are the ones motivated by HATRED.
Not us.
Your kind support White genocide.
Our kind oppose it.
You support genocide.
We oppose genocide.
You are EVIL.
We are the GOOD GUYS.

Intelligent and uncucked people are the ones advocating for "race realism."
Because RACE EXISTS. It is NOT cultural. It is NOT only cosmetic.
It is biological and genetic.
It has an ENORMOUS effect on EVERYTHING from appearance, to ability, to political tendencies, to emotional tendencies, to intelligence, to health, and so on and so on.
Only cucks and morons (and liars) pretend that race "doesn't matter."
Again, nationalism means separation and survival.
White countries for White people and only White people.
Likewise for other groups in their own SEPARATE countries (which already exist, so the non-Whites should GO TO THEM).

True. It will happen on a wider eventually. Civilization is a train riding along tracks with a collapsed bridge. Like watching a slow motion train wreck.

Thinking about the hatred I receive for trying to wake people up, I'm tired of it all to the point of letting them have the zog they want - it's their choice. bbut you're giving up on your own! No, hateful cucks and lying traitors who refuse to wake up are not part of me
Only the strongest will be immune to the mind virus.

Why? What's shocking about htis story? None of this shocks me at all.

Nice twitter snark but it doesn't work here.
People are getting attacked for waving their country's flag, even as hundreds of child-rapists get off scot-free because they're brown.

are you fucking retarded mate?

With bricks you tea nigger

He was told that it would happen just for waving his country's flag.