I'll start
ITT: Images that piss off commies
I keep my money in the bank nigger
The nose knows.
Fuck off you filthy mother loving dad hating commie cunt.
Low effort thread man. If there is no containment thread for you halfchan simpletons maybe just stick to halfchan.
Half a shekel in interest for a good goy
What business are you in user?
Gay prostitute.
He is GOOD at his job then! Most of the time they give their POZZED assholes away.
Low-quality, niggerlover.
Who are you trying to lure with that fat wallet?
send me money plz
Just post pictures of america and shit, commies hate america because represents that their worst enemy suceeded in everthing they wanted to but failed.
This picture also exposes Shills on imageboards.
America is literally the biggest reason why the USSR won the second world war. American "capitalism" is just the other side of the International Jewish coin, with communism being the other side.
Go back to where you came from.
credit unions
See, the shill just apears to post a mad shilling.
lefty niggers hate everything about america, just post shit about america and how it was sucessfull contradicting all that socialist believe.
He is actually personally responsible for like 33.74% of the total HIV infection rate of the continental United States. Only ~10% in Hawaii but he's been really honing his strain and expects to get his numbers up and reach the market being created by Obongo & Podesta bringing all of the boyfucking faggots to Hawaii. If you're interested in having your little neghole thoroughly pozzed I'm sure OP will be open to that for the right price. Might give you a discount considering.
USA is also the reason why USSR is not a thing anymore.
ahahaahaa you took his bait
Sell out
Not even envious at all maybe a little bit
Reported for violation of board rules. See
The USSR didn't end until the time when Putin locked up the Jewish oligarchs.
Post images that trigger jewburgertarians.