Many of them are good people, which does indeed most often originate from the whiter side of their parentage. One of my best friends is half pure quecha and half pure white, which honestly is good looking and behaving, although not super bright. I just feel like it isn't their fault, it's their parents fault and I simply don't know what we should do with them once we re-establish the white ethnostate in our countries.
Am I the only one who feels sorry for mixed race people?
Fuck off, cunt.
assuming they aren't cucks trying to make everyone else like them
For what purpose
Lots of things are sad, OP. A dog being starved and trained to kill is sad. The fact you have to shoot it in self defense is also sad. Child soldiers are also sad.
The unfortunate truth that other races have less cranial capacity is sad too. All interspecies breeding produces suffering in the offspring. It's okay to feel a bit sad now and then, but never let it get in the way of your duty to your people. We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. Once that is done, and all the jews are dead, we can talk about shipping mixed kids to other countries, sterilizing them, killing everyone, giving them a space ship and letting them go exploring… whatever.
But that is the future and this is now. Here and now they are not important. You are not important. I am not important. Only white children matter at all. Dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed.
Thanks for actually responding, its a shame how quick we are all here to assume everything is a slide thread
No, we are neo-nazis.
Our agenda is to rise to power,
and elect a second Hitler so we
can have complete and total
We don’t feel sorry for the
11 million that died in the
holocaust either. Welcome to Zig Forums
There’s nothing wrong with taking an pure 100% jamon traditional Japanese wife, and having kids, I don’t give a flying fuck what christcuck, MGTOW, and purity spiraling larpers/shills here say. Both of my children are blonde haired, and I made the right decision instead of having a child with the REAL genocidal racemixers WHITE WOMEN. I made the right choice at the end of the day.
If they were actual people then they wouldn't be incompatible with 99.999999999999999999% of donors of either race in case they need something like bone marrow transplants.
about 50k jews died under German supervision/action in WW2 and around it, not 11 million, you don't even know the extent of such a figure, the entire German losses of the entire war at all the fronts are only vaguely scraping around that number.
It's physically impossible to deathcamp that many.
It's not their fault if one of their parents was a zoophile degenerate, i'll give you that, but they are still abominations that need to be sterilized.
i see the white person trapped inside of them and feel for them the way you would for a unsc trooper that has succumb to the flood
class traitor
There is only one mercy for them. They should not suffer for the sins of their fathers.
Yup we are getting raided.
This. Racial division is a jewish d&c goyim trick. It's goy vs Steinberg in this dimension
Holy shit, i never heard this retard speaking, i Always thought it looked like a faggot but now i can say that he also sounds like one.
Butt mad googles and skypes in 3,2,1…
That's not the problem though. There are a lot of good people in every race - except maybe the abbos maybe, I've never had the dubious pleasure of shipping my ass to Australia to check it out. There are ones that are smarter, and ones that are done. Many minorities are culturally predisposed to violence, and bring out the worst of the Leviathan that Hobbes saw in mankind. They have poor nutrition on top of predispositions toward lower IQ, leaving them in a stunted state. In theory, they can be civilized.
The problem is compatibility. No matter how much you civilize another race, or how civilized they are (Asians), they are fundamentally incompatible. People are linked to their own. The only thing that can break that is severe adversity (such as certain cases in military combat units), and even that's only on an individual basis. Attempts to push everyone together are destructive to the fundamental identity of each race, and have proven to be ineffective countless times in the past.
The only answers are annihilation until a single group remains, or separated coexistence. The former is plagued by sub-division - Once you remove non-whites, the war shifts as it had in Europe to between phenotypes, and so on down the line. The latter is plagued by the constant impulse to tear down the boundaries, an impulse born to the human condition, and made only stronger by the inevitable outcries against resulting inequalities. The inability to end conflict is the original sin of mankind.
As for mixed-race? It sucks to be them. They are born without an identity of their own, on top of issues with bone marrow, etc. Never pity anyone, but let their plight inform you as to why separation and native homelands must occur.
How the fuck did you not see is a fucking joke post? Do you have 'tism?
explain how it's a joke
Not even reading the rest you trs fucktard.
shill post.
This is why you have to shame those who give births to mutts as its entirely the parents fault. It's unfortunate but mutts will have to go. Yes, I know you will be sad with your best friend being gone, but you aren't going to be alive forever. It will take a relatively short amount of time for everyone who has a relationship with a mutt to die off and then no one will worry about the mutts anymore.
Being an intelligent spic is pretty weird. Hispanic peers would often accuse me of acting White in school. All my friends would be White. I grew up in the midwest but decided to go back to Chile. Heil Hitler!
If you need further explanation for how each of these contributes to a literal parody, lurk moar.
Mixed race people wouldn't be an issue as they could be bred with until their genes are cleansed once again. The real issue at hand is that every other race but whites use them as foot soldiers. They indoctrinate them. They provoke them. They brainwash them into believing shit like oppression and privilege other similar things. If any race but the whites gain superiority, mixed race people will be put to the blade just like the whites. They won't realize this till it happens. They're useful idiots.
civcuck trash.
Nu-pol, everyone. Not only the fact that this shill posted in the first place, but that udiots responded positively to this post, exemplifies the dumbing down of our movement. We are not "neo-nazis," but national socialists.
Shill, please kys asap famalam.
found the kike.
Gooks have a much greater EQ than Whites. In fact, the average EQ of Whites is barely better than the negro. The actual brain to body size ratio of Asians predicts that they should be 30+ IQ points smarter than Whites, but the actual results of the IQ tests are lower than theoretical expectations. Maybe (((Whites))) have been cheating to lower Asian IQ scores?
Emotional Quotient != Real Science != Intelligence Quotient. Maybe the gooks feel feels are getting in the way of their think thinks. Or your translator got broken you fucking yellow dog eating slant eyed jew.
I'd feel sorrier for them if they weren't willing to backstab white people at the drop of a fucking hat, or hell just to make themselves feel better. Part-whites will betray real whites for no reason at all, just because they feel like it. They don't even need to be bribed or cajoled into doing so.
Fuck them. Light skinned quadroons that are five-sixthths white (and that's already super rare because light skinned niggers inevitably breed back into the nigger pool, the idea of "white man who has negro ancestry" is a Jewish myth, even in America) still consider themselves "black." The one drop rule exists for a reason. It's fucking pathological.
Sage for trash-tier half/pol/ thread. Something is being slid.
You're a lot closer, but still off.
"We" are Zig Forums. That's it. Politically incorrect. The fragmentary opinions, the people who refuse to tow the line maintained by the those in power. The ones that actively seek for the truth, and attempt to piece it together through research and collaboration. The people who meet in this anonymous place, because there are no restrictions on what can be said. In theory, even radical leftists would meet here; in practice, their mentality is unsuitable for this kind of discourse, and they eschew freedom of speech and opinion because only in rejecting reality can they maintain any semblance of idea. The right-wing person learns of Marx to discredit it; the left-wing person does not even touch a basic Economics textbook, for he claims its existence is damaging to the movement. Zig Forums is the collective challenging of ideas, which leftists are incapable of neatly maintaining.
That national socialism is our choice of imagery is by virtue of majority population conjoined with outside reaction. It is easier to dissuade outsiders in this manner. Unfortunately, in recent times, there is an increasingly high number of people who have become scum. They post unsourced infographs and pictures with text as sources; they link to opinion pieces as the basis of truth; they recoil in reaction to things that go against 'the will of board', ignorant to the irony of those statements. They are stagnation in human form.
We are the place where anyone can be proven wrong, and they can do nothing about it.
fuck off KIKE
lurk moar faggot
Not emotional quotient, dumbass, encephalization quotient. It's a rating that takes into account the smaller body size of gooks, and larger body size of niggers and White men. Animals with higher EQ are smarter across the board. That's why elephants and whales are dumber than men, and Crows, even with their tiny brains (but enormous relative to their body size), are as smart as chimps or dolphins.
Nigger 6.38 (1)
European 6.50 (2)
Gook 6.95 (3)
This data is from a real and legit politically incorrect study of racial differences in intelligence and brain size. Gook IQ is shockingly low if it's only slightly higher than Whites considering how much greater their EQ is.
The EQ data, along with a lot of other information comparing the races, is in table 1.
Lel you produced hapa mongrels who will never fit in with either of their parents' cultures and are doomed to live their lives as outcasts who harbor resentment towards their dumb ass parents for not being able to do the right thing and not race mix. Fuckin' loser.
Gooks have flat faces. The flatter face and reduced prognathism is correlated with greater brain size in human evolution. Also, gooks have much rounder skulls. Whites are intermediate between gooks at the one extreme, and niggers, at the other.
So the question is, why don't gooks destroy Whites on IQ tests, instead of a modest 6 point increase? (((Who))) could be manipulating the data?
Virtual signalling pays, when you have a gook for a child that gets good grades.
Don't forget cheating. Whether on tests, on assignment or in any other contract (such as marital contracts) Asians love to cheat.
You forgot to whine about incels too, Judah
Right, so they cheated on the MRI scans taken by Whites, and they cheated on the cadavers, somehow rigged the petite flat faced White men to look yellow before the brains were removed and skulls examined, and the Whites conducting the study were fooled.
All of the following data collected by White scientists "(a) autopsies, (b) endocranial volume, (c) head measurements, and (d) head measure-
ments corrected for body size" is actually fake because the gooks cheated and did plastic surgery on a shorter White corpse to make it look like a gook for the purposes of the study.
Thinking of moving to another state. Any suggestions on one that isn't completely pozzed? In Des Moines, Iowa right now and Iowa being a red state the city is liberal as fuck. I have to pay out the ass to live in the nice neighborhood so I don't have to be near the darkies. However I know that cost of living here isn't too bad and i would be willing to pay more for a nicer place.
Last time I checked you can't give a corpse an IQ test. Asians are nothing to write home about morally, culturally or ethnically; certainly if they had higher IQ's they aren't doing anything with them. Never been impressed with Asians in the slightest; they will never be anything but second class citizens in IQ and innovation. They are boring 'nothing' people without any real future outside jewish totalitarian slaughter and control.
Anywhere in Washington that's not Seattle or Olympia. It's honestly the only place that's nice, over 90 percent white (in the small towns/country of course) and free of the income tax jew/gun control jew. But if you don't like indians, don't choose anything south of Spokane
Yes, I hate the 56% meme that's being spammed but I see them in real life occasionally and they're almost always fat, dumpy looking retards that look exactly like it. I really do pity them.
Pity only what was lost. They are a mistake and eventually has to be purged.
slaughter them all, God will know his own
youre a weakling for having pity on the enemy, your heart is soft and you are thus useless to me.
It is the fault of the parents, but this does not change things. The sins of my father and mother are inherited to me, and they will not suffer any of the consequences of such actions. They got to have fun, fuck around and party their whole lives like fucking retards, and now I get to clean up after their mess while they suck me dry of money. It is the same for mulattos; their parents got to have fun and fuck BBC or tight azn pussy, now their children have to deal with the consequences of such actions. The parents will never fully know the suffering theyve inflicted on their child, and they probably dont care because the kinds of hedonistic retards that betray their own race for some dick arent the kinds of people that think of how their actions affect other people. This does not make me pity them; they are a smudge against our race, a blemish to be scraped away.
sage for weaklingpost
I was thinking forced conscription in say high mortality military work with a variation of vedic religion with heavy stressing of reincarnation, and that if they do their part and purify this earth and restore dharma, they will be reborn in a new, white body after they die.
So, sterilize them, then use them to annihilate the Jews, then use them up until they are all dead.
sterilize them
this sort of faggotry is the reason India has lost almost all Aryan influence and turned into a literal toilet country , those hippies failed, they should have preserved the Old Aryan ways, the ways of bloodshed and honor, not meditation and karma
had to laugh at your image, I'd been contemplating something slightly similar though my version won't get turned into A3 posters by pajeets and poo-in-loos.
quickly cobbled together just to show you we could've shared a cab to that idea.
Cassius Clay and the tranny Bradley Manning.
so alike that photo could be an excellent shop.
if we do all reincarnate then the halfbreeds should be lining up to offer the white man's blade an exposed throat. There will be some slicing, hacking and twisting, you may experience pain but before you know it you'll be staring at a nice plump white titty.
I don't want your Sympathy. I want you to have the initiative to redpill others and eventually join me to annihilate Jewry once and for all on the day of the rope.
t. hapa
I'll assume that you are not a troll
1. Their hair will darken to brown when they grow older
2. Jomons are not white
3. They are likely to get Genetic diseases. What are you going to say to your kids when they need a bone marrow transplant?
Brain size is only one indicator of intelligence.
The physical origin of intelligence is poorly understood. Brain size is clearly related to intelligence, but there is apparently more to it.
If east asians were actually "significantly smarter" than White people then their civilization would be more impressive. Jap and Korean civilization are pretty impressive (but not superior to White civilization), but Chinese not so much (so far, anyway). If they were superior, then their civilization should be superior. Their single most outstanding success compared to Whites is their ability to, so far, keep their homelands pure. Other than that, they are equivalent, but not better.
Indeed, if the east Asians were superior to Whites in intellectual ability, then why did EA civilization stagnate for hundreds, if not thousands, of years? Why did White Europeans invent almost everything more advanced than the printing press?
Why did the industrial revolutions ALL occur in Europe (and, later, America) through inventions created and developed by White Europeans (and, later, White Americans)?
Again, brain size is important, but there appears to be more involved in determining human mental ability than just brain size.
First of all, a small amount of non-White (especially non-African non-White) blood is fine for the USA (in my opinion). 15/16 White is White (there are other factors, such as not being jewish, to consider, though).
Otherwise, if they are hostile, then deport them somewhere non-White.
There are MANY places full of mixed people and loads of land in south America, for example.
If they are non-hostile to Whites and White goals, then offer them the choice to either be deported or stay and be sterilized. If they are of good character then they could "surrogate" and raise White children via in-vitro fertilization of eggs or sperm from their closest White relative combined with the genetic material from their partner (if White) or their partner's closest White relative or from a top-quality White high-achiever. Would still be a relative, so not so bad I think.
I know this is "mean" but our goal is to STOP WHITE GENOCIDE and REMOVE ZOG. The ONLY way to stop the ongoing genocide of White people is to reestablish White homelands, and that means White countries by Whites, of White, and for Whites and only Whites.
Nationalism means SEPARATION and SURVIVAL.
None of this is about hate.
It's about opposing genocide.
It's about White people having a future again.
It's about reestablishing White homelands.
ALL other racial groups and most non-White ethnics have homelands.
Whites and White ethnics must ALSO have homelands.
Mixed race could have the non-white taken out of them once PIGD and CRISPER genetic editing become advanced enough.