This is nu/pol/
Don't lemme catch you
This is nu/pol/
quit doxxing my car dipshit
Other than being anti-christian was is the issue?
Who's anti-christian?
Shit aesthetic.
I liked the Coexist with the guns one
Pick one
I hope you do catch him OP. And I hope it is on livestream.
Good on him. If I was a sperg I'd do the same.
nice truck brother
check out my ride
That's too much decal. Way too much.
Yeah. It would have been better if he'd just used that one and tossed the rest of the kit.
Jesus wasn't a jew. He was a Levantine Greek that lived in a majority jew area. It was customary back then for settlers in foreign lands to worship the gods of the locals in addition to their own.
Man, vans like that really take me back to the early 00s and all those cuckservatives being the butt of every joke. Comfy times.
this is so cringe but I unironically like it
Alex Jones literally selling red pills
Buy truck nuts for your pickup
This is merely a top level boomer poster, the kind you’d find in the q board posting cringey memes and thanking the president. They are our allies, though they should not be permitted here on our board. In real life though? I’d gladly salute this guy.
D&C BS thread because how dare someone talk shit about the left. Go fuck yourself chaim.
One X, not two, you massive faggot. Mcfucking kill yourself.
If you could only see what I see.
dude brain force legit use the filters, brainforce, and healthy dose of rick and morty yuour iq will skyrocket 60+ points
Not true at all, he came from the loin of King David. Its a given the kikes today aren't of the same racial stock as Jesus, so no need to spread blasphemy like that.
A merchant who whips merchants, okay?
He was born to a Jewish mother and claimed the line of David, fulfilling Jewish prophecies. You have much better ground to stand on talking about his Divine Nature or claiming that despite the equally Jewish behavior from non-Judean Hebrews, these Hebrews weren't Jews and were truly blessed.
but i drive a wrx
Back to Zig Forums. Are you really going to let your BO suck all the cocks?
How does it feel to be a nigger?
why don't you ask one?
Much like pittbulls are the niggers of dogs, WRXes are the niggers of cars.
who chopped you bro? its ok, its not your fault
Sorry, I don't speak nigger.
its ok to cry man you cant always win
This guy looks like a hoot
10/10 would share sips with