White House Announces Scheduled Time of Putin-Trump Helsinki Press Conference
White House Announces Scheduled Time of Putin-Trump Helsinki Press Conference
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Kike free first post
Keeping the thread up in the catalog as a containment for later.
Putin was claimed to have hacked nearly every election in Europe and America for a while. It still pops up regularaly. Whenever leftists lose the media blames it on Russia. Despite there only being evidence of israel tampering.
how fucking brain dead does one have to be to not only believe this, but earn a living shilling this on japanese img boards
Pic related
I take the bait to remind the anons who are slow children of what's being danced around.
I don't think even most lefties believe it fully anymore.
I have never seen a more "unified" media and world leader response to two leaders coming together than this situation which has created the biggest coordinated "Trump should cancel" storm of all time. Hilariously they are actually trying to nice approach with Trump in a few instances. These people are such fucking dingleberry morons.
Usual filthy Jewish mind, always thinking about either feces or gay sex. You guys are so transparent.
Yeah these kikes will go into overdrive today over this meeting
mu russians..... /4chan/ and /Zig Forums/
you're late to the party scholomo
Literally anyone who thinks this at this point is an auto shill. It shouldn't even be a question in anyone's mind given the media circus about the same shit.
What's BEST to like about Putin so far in 2018
Russia Rules the Air War
Israel & ZOG -→ BTFO
I was going to say that I’m surprised this meeting isn’t being compared to the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, but then I realized that kikes really really REALLY do not want to draw any actual attention to WWII.
Knowing how they operate I truly wouldn't be surprised if either a flag or something worse happens very soon. They simply cannot have the US and Russia coming together, they really cannot afford that to happen, so now that I am really considering it I fully expect something enormously bad to happen over the next few days.
I'm thinking a "Russian attack" on the Empire State Building or something. Do we know if Larry Silverstein took out any big insurance policies out lately?
How so? Did Russia even once fired a missile or intercept Israeli planes over Syria?
Coincides withe the 100 year anniversary of the Butchering of The Romanov Family.
Yeah it would have to be an attack on the United States as Russia doesn't have to deal with the coordinated internal media issue to push the people into wanting action but America does. So yeah if it happens I agree it would be on American soil disguised as a Russian attack but the current situation really does raise a high probability of something as they can't have the US and Russia come together as that is their biggest threat.
The bestest goys are meeting today? Oy vey this should be a treat!
Nice catch. Trumps also been hyping military parades and a big event this Veterans Day which coincidentally is the 100th anniversary of WW1.
Veterans Day - 11th hour 11th day of the 11th month. Add onto 2018 which adds up to another 11. That's a lot of numbers.
Is it too late for Trump to speak with some gentleman from the AfD?
Let's hope Putin succeeds in convincing Trump to denuclearize Afrimerica.
I like that classic font they're using for the broadcast
literally Adolf Day?
if you need proof this place is 100% run by jews just look at this thread
These headline updates are great, THE DON IS ON THE RUN!
Putin has a kickass security detail
look at all the pathetic sycophantic bootlickers drooling over these powerful men
i bet you guise really wish they would tell you what to do with your pathetic lives huh?
never trust russia
while we wait
Putin looks strong, Hopefully Donald can take the heat
He looks like a manlet lol
I was just trolling, looking for a fool like you to ignore, didn't you know that?
oo boy goys, I hope they've got those new high tech ear pieces working so Bibi can assist them in their decisions
any ayyy lamos ? He should have at least 1 grey alien if he's legit
You have much too learn.
When any of you get the chance to watch the HD video of Trump and Putin seated, aside from the general dog and pony show that it is being manipulated by the opposing zionist and marxist media factions.
One can only marvel at the extra dollaps of orange make-up Trump was wearing.
I genuinely don't know what the purpose is of the liberal use of extra orange make-up on Trump* during the course of the last few years but I can't help but feel it's some kind of elite inside joke relating to clowns
*some say orange is the colour of freemasonry, but then again no other known masons use orange and certainly not the sort of cartoonish amounts that trump slaps on
Very funny, kike. I'll laugh once your family starts turning crispy.
kikes are so mad about this meet lmfao
Holy shit they couldn't have spelled it out better without naming the kike than they already did.
Putin giving off some odd body language at the initial meeting, seeming to get more and more nervous as it went on. By the end he's holding onto the arm of the chair like grim death. What appeared to set him off was mention of the U.S. and Russia repairing relations, so either he really wants that, or he really doesn't. Either way, he's telegraphing that this is a big deal. Trump just looked relaxed through the whole thing.
They are utterly petrified about America and Russia coming together. I have never seen such a coordinated yet obvious shit fest. Now they are mad he didn't use a specific word…. a word….
Even Fox is MUH RUSSIA HAXXOR shilling. Fucking disgraceful. Like with Brexit getting a huge second wind after Trumps visit, chatter is U1 info will start to come out after this meeting with Putin.
Why would anyone red-pilled on Zig Forums believe in the jewish theatre of politics you Trump-niggers are promoting?
The only way your sentence would make any sense would be if we were posting right now on Breibart or reddits The_ZOGnald, but we're not, we're on Zig Forums a board designed to contest the jewish media narratives
Lefties don't believe in it at all. They just repeat it over and over like idiot birds because that's how cults work. But they do have faith in the corrupt legal system finding dirt on Trump, because they believe all politicians are guilty of something, especially billionaires. They are just willing to overlook the crimes of the Democrat ones because of gibs.
I really think we are about to see some major flag or something terrible. Given how petrified they are of America and Russia coming together and given they will do anything to stop it or fuck with it they really only have one option here and that is to shift eyes away from it and that means false flag or worse.
the Russians involved in both Clinton and trump's campaign are really jews jews from different factions.
The supporters of Hillary and Trump are retarded drones of these jewish factions
Their FFs have been weak as fuck lately. The last one was that newspaper office getting shot up, remember? No else does either.
Twitter of the guy had all the hallmarks of MK stooge.
The false flag effects on the TV addicted American populace
Man shoots the shit out of some office block with hardware that couldn't have possibly even been purchased by such a goy with interesting hebrew writing on the boxes
[Trump supporters] :
We saw how shitty Trump's security reacted to that glider a few days ago and he is in a hostile area (the EU) and meeting with someone that they definitely do not want him to come to an agreement with. I don't like it. I am suspicious anyhow but this one here… I don't like it. They will do anything at anytime to anyone and they cannot let this union happen.
Empires rise & fall that's why… You never know who is going to step in and rock the boat against current powers.
Give it a rest, hasbarafag. Of course we all know you won't, and will just keep flogging a dead horse and repeating yourself.
Yea, thats why I believe there have been so many "delays" and "running late" today. This is the first time a sitting President has taken his own motorcade out of the country.
A 4chan poster just linked this.
You kikeshills always keep to the script. I wonder if they even allow you to engage further or whether you are just too damn retarded to come up with anything better. It's pathetic either way tbqhfam. Go ahead post the pic, you know the one. How does it feel to know you haven't made progress on the mongolian saddel marking forum since you started?
Trump isn't a kike nor does he serve them, no matter how hard you try to kvetch otherwise, shityid.
Go ahead show us some more promotional material I'm sure it will convince someone eventually.
lmfao tbh I'm not too worried. I believe Trump has the tactics and might of a junta behind him and his probability of assassination is close to impossible.
This retarded shitposter is the least of their worries.
Still bad. Europe is now a dangerous place and are not our allies as they are completely Marxist with overflowing desert people and nigs. I just don't like it as Europe is such a den of shit now. How much it has changed in a mere decade.
Chill out. The world is a dangerous place to live, even if all the nigs and jews were removed. Europe is setting up to recover just fine. This things just take time. We're dealing with a cabal that has been running these subversions of our lands and people for millennia. It;s not going to be sunshine and rainbows tomorrow or the next day if ever.
The elites already know what will happen if they kill Trump. If he dies, the country goes into a state of civil war and they lose their cash cow. People already know to take out key critical infrastructure if they proceed with it.
The media constantly makes shit up and has all but egged people on. All it takes is one asshole. Just look at yesterday with that fucking glider. If that guy had a gun it would have been over. Security was shit on that.
Finnish First Waifu. Not too bad.
>The elites hate him!
If America falls into civil war, global chaos will ensue and likely WW3.
Marvelous digits confirm beautiful genes.
OFF TOPIC: Is there a thread on this? Pic related.
Old news, yeah it was gone over.
All it takes is one trip to the preplanned power plant to turn off the power for 30 million people for a good month and a half and cost the US economy $5 billion a day.
You better have your target list ready user. I'm sure others feel the same.
The global economy collapses if the US goes into civil war. There will be no world war, just hundreds of civil wars happening at once.
sorry to interrupt but just wanted to remind everyone a truly comedic TV show will be airing tonight, tomorrow on Showtime
Yea, he's a nobody. Trump already has the server.
I disagree. Kike meddling with geo-politics during an American civil war will indeed lead to WW3. But its never going to happen because America is not going to go through a civil war short of assassination, which isn't going to happen.
Civil War or "the great cleansing", is going to happen one way or another. In fact Trump is trying to stop it but will only end up delaying the inevitable unless he goes full Emperor-of-America-mode.
you honestly sharing allied propaganda on pol/? your utter clownage has been noted
Kind of weird, local news is reporting Plutonium stolen (not even kidding) last year and yet is reporting it this morning:
ill take trump
you can have merkel and the other satanists
Go kill your family and die, plebbit.
His post was more suited to Zig Forums than any of your neocon jew cheerleading has been
It's not though, as much as some here would wish it so. Disclosure is coming and this meeting is a big part of it. Watch for U1 coming back into the news, America for sale under the Obama admin. They'll try to run bullshit stories to drown it out but its coming and the evidence will be irrefutable.
No. No civil war among the general populace.
Not yet.
I'm hoping it comes to that, actually. Shitlib dems are spiralling out of control, becoming more and more radical with every passing day, so its not impossible to imagine it happening. Just fucking take power and be done with it. The only other option is an eventual civil war; it's unavoidable.
t. Q-Larp