Nothing really needed to be added here. Just your average peaceful and ancient European country showing pride in a World Cup victory by completely rampaging across the entire country. Surprisingly the media has not shown any of this, I wonder why.
France wins shitcup, "New Euros" show pride
Other urls found in this thread:
ban assult cups
Thats a fucking huge chimpout
Thank g*d for the combined national goods of sportsball and diversity.
Anyone still need convincing it was an invasion?
Truly a peaceful multicultural society, free of hate.
Yes our's pale in comparison over here I'm envious
Silly user, this is a completely natural response to your (((Team))) winning a sportsball final. The only proper way express your excitement is to destroy your city.
I'll be dammed, France wins both in soccer against Croatia and chimpout size against America
Multiple cities but, yeah.
This is why anyone who follows sports instead of playing them should be hanged.
Look at this hilariously pathetic response and I challenge you not to laugh:
Vive la France!
Is it still going on? Any livestreams?
That and also all niggers regardless of what they do should be hung. Unless they hang themselves, those are truly based niggas comparable to Lil B himself.
This. Just… this.
how am i gonna practice motorsport racing ya doofus
No livestream I can find but look at the earlier livestream they used to try to hide the carnage lol. Oddly it says the link already exists which it doesn't in this thread so no idea why it won't let me attach it.
Well to be fair if you watch sportsball without playing it, you are a nigger.
Oh this is why. Some other user linked it in another thread to try to limit anons looking into the rampaging. Nice try dickheads:
Some of you may not like it but this is peak homophobia.
we need to recognise the ETHNICALLY WHITE nature of many of the French players. considering them merely 'french' is racist.
Ripples in the water keep on rippling about.
Seeing this makes me realize why euros cling to the 56% meme so desperately. Their inner cities are just as niggerfied as ours, only they have no guns to defend themselves.
I believe its mostly France, England, Sweden, Germany and the south that has it this bad. Some of the nordic nations aren't near this scale yet.
It's ironic. It seems to me like it is France who lost here, lost forever.
Super Silly user >your city…do you really think that the massive flood of indigent invaders can lay any claim to any of these places being 'their cities'? Hmmm interesting.
Thanks user.
Yeah, all of the western European countries.
No quite literally- it is your city. Not theirs.
clock is ticking until all that genetic trash realizes that they could have 'football celebration day' every day.
Much smaller countries too user so that many nig… no… not just niggers but even worse… African niggers. That many African niggers is a death sentence to every single thing it touches. I mean, seriously, we're talking about a group that hasn't even been able to build one single thing of any substance or do one single thing of any substance in six thousand years despite having such prime real estate loaded with gibs for them.
Shit meme.
Can I backtrack and say that you are correct? In this case might makes right…and Ethnic European males have no might anymore so {shrug} I guess the cities really do belong to these low IQ shit DNA invaders.
Did a boomer make this meme?
it's a classic meme samefag
Yep. (Pictures) World before Marxism/Niggerification - World After
Hey, at least those eurocucks have decent clothing and are cultured… unlike us American swine. Having premium made $500 B U C C I sneakers makes all the difference. Meanwhile I spend 500 bucks and get an ar-15 from wallyworld.
But you wouldn't be quite so stylish user- and that really really matters.
Smells like a shift change. I would say summer but that smell will never go away.
56% meme was created by Americans.
There FTFY
friends all I see are multinational consumers and our stock keeps rising along with the fire
Doesn’t this have a lot more to do with the riots that were already ongoing in France?
there were riots already going on?
Possibly but I do find it funny that the MSM presented it as such a peaceful and loving celebration. Look at this shit lol
Well, it's not like they put bacon outside a mosque.
Great, the lemmings celebrate nothingness. Who won the world cup exactly? The nation of France, or an internationalist football club who drafted the top niggers and goys from across the world? Sports highlight the meaninglessness and artificial tribalism of modern society.
I didn't even know they won nor care about anything except the riots. Soccer is such a joke of a sport with all the flopping and acting. Fucking NBA Africa/SandNig version of athletics.
They didn't meme responsibly
the 'nation' of france won; the niggers have French nationality and a lot were born there. nationalism is shit tho
You mean football?
I mean soccer. Football provides situations where men actually hit each other at high speed instead of being tripped and acting like they were shot with a bazooka.
Same people who win every major sporting event: jews like Sheldon Adelson.
What's a soccer lad?
Just what the sport is called in places other than the once beautiful areas of Europe before they invited an invasion my man.
o how interesting
56% attempts 'banter'
Hah touche' but brah… 1% motherfucka!
Nice revisionism jacques but France throughout time have been constant shitlords, do you not recall the treatment of colonised Sicilians? How about them accepting money from the church to lay waste on the german Lombards?their assistance with the Mongols wasn't peaceful, and their cowardly implementation of polish auxiliaries as French caverly is documented by Prussian officer.
And your disgusting usage of moracon SUBHUMANS to
== RAPE ITALIANS == and where you not also involved in rhe manifestion of the Rhineland bastards?
However aiding Spain during the reconquista was based and no country deserves niggers( unless it's another shit skin country)
France is one of the places their noses are naturally camouflaged. They save shekels on nose jobs.
The sport that skinny African men with zero upper body strength and children play. Just grab the ball and run that fucker. Why are you guys so gay?
Unlike handegg which has like twenty minutes of play max to fit in as many superbowel commercials with a bunch of juiced brutes touching each other fondly?
Who da thought it would end this way?
everyone on Zig Forums
Not to mention they wear silk shorts… says it all…
Greetings from Paris lads! I am amazed how my country changed in the last 30 years. I too wanted to celebrate yesterday with my buddies but mission impossible. The climate was war Arab country like. I am also amazed by our "youth", Europeans were a minority… God there is no bright future for my country and for Europe
Elaborate user, give us details from ground zero.
for Paris maybe.
Just go to the countryside, you might escape.
To be fair that is standard procedure when your team wins global povertyball, even before shitskins arrived.
Just keep making more french cartoons, slave yourself away if necessary.
that's a funny way to say kikes mr schlomo
It sucks but white Eurobros need to withdraw and regroup. We can always take it back once the jews are dealt with. Let Russia act as a containment and the water will do the rest until the storm has gathered its full strength.
The 56% meme stings because it has a ring of truth. It generated some good OC and it raises awareness of the shitskin problem that a lot of people are in denial about.
I don't know how many times I've seen swamp hicks talk up the "based south" and yet they don't realize they're surrounded by swarms of niggers and spics once they go anywhere with a paved road. Getting butthurt over a meme is newfag shit anyway.
No, it stings because we deserve better than something that looks like it was drawn by a 12 year old hebe.
will marine le pen become more popular with the continued spectacle of shameless rioting by arabs and niggers?
are white french people finally realizing what kind of mess they are in, comparing the "celebrations" in Paris to the peaceful festivities in Croatia? Or does France have some kind of demographic/racial death wish?
Or you're a post-election redditor that can't handle banter.
France also unironically helped turks agains Venetians.
Fuck those cocksucking faggots,
Well, not even on country side you can t escape anymore thanks to their retarded "refugees" distribution policies. I hate these fucking retards. They are contributing and doing purposely to exterminate the REAL French people or Europeans
(((marine le cuck))) is celebrating this shit, game's 100% over until some new Hitler pops up literally out of nowhere.
To be honest I think that AH is necessary. you're not living here so you can't really understand but seeing the "youth" , our future and the way society evolves, you would be crying. Pauvre France
the countryside is niggerified at a pace you wouldn't believe.
nowhere is safe, they could turn any village to "10% of niggers" from one day to the next.
I was in France in 2017, northeast, in Strasbourg, not much nigger there, some arabs though.
Dunno how much things changed but Paris has always been shit.
Hitler is unironically too soft for what France deserves.
Our fearless leader decides to say quiet on the issue of niggers constantly shitting up everything.
1488D chess
C'est juste les jeunes! Vive la France!
* inserts le stick in les bicycle wheel spokes *
Paris is shit, but it's here were political leaders come so if these people get responsibilities were fucked.
Near Strasbourg there are lots of arabs/maghrébins
Don't kid yourself. Jews are using sport to pacify the goyim by turning our natural tribal instinct against us. It's another vector of attack. Both in the US and in Europe Jews and their shabbos goys are pushing the black athlete as the symbol of masculinity to destroy White sense of pride. Almost every nigger doing sports has a trophy White wife. That should be enough to brand any White man who watches it as a cuckold.
There is zero chance this doesn't happen given the demographic switch. They are going to begin taking over every high end position within five years.
Franchement.. je crois avoir la nostalgie quand on était chez nous. C'est fini ce temps. Avec ce que les médias nous préparent chaque jour et l imbecilité de nos jeunes indoctrinés, on a plus d'avenir en tant que peuple
It's mostly western Europe, but you can omit Luxemburg and Switzerland, because many bankers live there.
Nobody likes France nowadays, except EUrocucks
The way it works is regions that are enriched vote FN, and others don't. The exception is Paris that always votes left. Anyway the entire western coast is mostly white, so they vote left. What's surprising though is that FN didn't manage to win any single region votes in the last presidential election, not even the Calais and southeast coast. I figured those guys were getting enough crime and enrichment-related problems to ignore the "FN = nazis" spin that MSM are constantly pushing. Plus they voted for a literal ex-Rothschild banker. I could have seen them going to another candidate but this is just whack. I think that's proof of how powerful the brainwashing really is, when people go and vote against their own interests like this. It's not even clear if they realized they fucked up when Macron started pushing for work law reforms.
Get the fuck out, mutt