Fortnite being used by Chinese government to test cyberweapons that fry RAM hardware

So the new Fortnite Season started and all the eager gamers downloaded the new patch for the most popular game on Twitch.

Only problem is that the new patch has some kind of Memory leak or BSOD error relating to RAM. It affects all computers from Intel to AMD computers AND AMD and NVIDIA Graphics cards, from low end systems to high end systems. Many people seem to think it might be a memory leak however numerous people have reported the error to the company who have not responded or even acknowledged it for four days…

I always check the specs/hardware on my computer every week and after the BSOD (blue screen of death) I checked to make sure my memory was still good. But, it appears this BSOD (SYSTEM THREAD EXCEPTION NOT WORKING) has physically damaged my RAM card so I had to replace it…

Here is the conspiracy. Tencent has a 49% stake in Epic Games the maker of Fortnite: Battle Royale. And China is pissed at Trump for his trade war and has been expanding RAM memory facilities and kicking Micron (Taiwanese RAM company based mostly in Taiwan and Singapore) out of the country…

What better time to deploy a patch that fries millions of American's high end gaming computer’s RAM then right when a trade war with America is about to start and you just kicked Micron out of your country and you are starting up Chinese owned state run RAM factories…?

And who are the other two major ram producers? Samsung and SK Hynix who are both located on the Korean Peninsula…

http s://,37420.html

http s://

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I'm not even Zig Forums and I can feel the STUPID burn in my face.
Fucking kill yourself.
What a strange and rare occurrence indeed. Not once has it happened, ever, at any time.
For fuck sake user, make a thread on /v/ asking about games leaking memory and you're gonna get half a million hits.

Unless verified by other gamers then it's either a coincidence or you are lying. Time will tell.

btw, I'm not trying to accuse you of "crazy conspiracies" or anything.
Memory leaks happen a lot (especially since games are coded by amateurs nowadays, especially AAA) and while not impossible, a Memory leak frying a Ramstick is rare as fuck.
It mainly happens when the disk is already dying (shoddy manufacture, long life already) because a ML massively stresses it, but it's not such a common occurrence that you'll find more than 5 people who had that happen to them.

There is ALREADY Ram-Frying virus and they do it far more efficiently than using a Memory Leak.

I got out of that crap long before they sold out to the chinks. Cocksuckers stole the battle royale after taking in money for a co-op tower def. game. fuck them in the ass. Arrest them all and have them fed to trannys.

thanks for bringing this story to our attention, its the dumbest shit i've read for a while

how is china going to increase the frequency or the voltage supplied by the motherboard or even reasonably expected to get away with causing extra load, enough to not kill the game performance but some how ear out the ram ?


considering that tencucks has stock in hospital/medical shit. then being shit and wanting to fuck with users in some way sounds more like a conspiracy theory. It'd be an absolute dumbass piece of shit move to try and fuck over users that are using their products.

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Chinese don't have morals like white people. It will be interesting to see if it is related to something old or something new they are exploiting. If there is any merit to the story you'll hear about everyone pulling it from their service until it's sorted.

Damn, it's starting sooner than I expected. I was hoping for a quiet retirement with my backlog. We're fuckin doomed. This is a country investing in perfecting human DNA while we are brainwashed into fucking monkeys. But I guess it's best China destroys us before the kosher alliance gets clinton pedo types running china and russia.


Technically, it's possible.
A Memory leak usually means a high volume of acess to the RAM. In 99% of the time, it's not noticeable. The Ramstick might increase 0.5 Cº if even that much.
But a defective stick (or one that was installed in 1998) might not be in the best conditions and make one or two "shorts" inside of itself.
This will rase temperatures a lot more and Ramsticks rarely (if ever) have ventilation for themselves (again, because they're not suposed to heat up like this).
So it is THEORETICALLY possible.

Or, what I'm more inclined to believe: OP got some nasty virus from 2000 that allocates memory to itself and focus over the native system. This is shit that hasn't been used in a long time, so either OP got really badluck with an old/defective card, or you managed to contract PRE-HISTORIC COMPUTER AIDS.

Either way, nice going retard.

Serves people right for playing this shit. thanks chicoms.

it's just really dumb compared to wiping out firmware or something, and even that's dumb in the end unless you try to doing by a numerical formula effecting what ? 10% or less ? 2% ? 00005% ?

You can just download more though. holy shit you are dumb


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It's like playing pandemic. Start off as a minor annoyance that everyone will throw money at wasting resources to make an annoyance go away rather then force their hand into an immediate annihilation before it can really gain you anything.
They're jews and want to bleed us as long as we keep producing. Killing us off doesn't get them anything other than a planet full of niggers and a bunch of shitty construction.

Even if it's just a shitty developer releasing a buggy patch, this is a win/win scenario. On the one hand, ChiComs are fucking with people who have shit taste. On the other hand, incompetent game devs screw the consumer of their terrible game.

Honestly I'm just going to tell anyone who asks me yes this is real, call it the pikachu virus

Israelis did Stuxnet which did similar hardware damaging stuff. Fortnight uses Battleeye which has access to your kernel.

Don't send this faggot to /v/, either. We have enough summerfags.

While I'm sure this is unlikely, it's possible OP is retarded and attributing the RAM dying to the memory leak. Rather than there not actually being a leak and it was just a symptom of his RAM frying.

Does your computer bring attention to any other shit around that time? Like reporting high temps, voltage fluctuations and anything that could support your RAM not being shit?

Have a gander. (original link: )

Attached: Tencent logo.jpg (640x427, 29.27K)

Well theres your problem

Fucking understatement of the year. OP == retard.

Would not even be surprised. Well spotted OP today you were not a faggot.

only fags play fortnite

Expect a lot of shills in this thread. OP you found out something that they didn't want you to find out.

And before we forget.

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This whole thread is absolutely retarded, but this one line hit me the hardest. What kind of fucking idiot thinks "specs" can change because of some faulty software? OP must be some fucking TV show writer.

Tencent has 49% stock of Epic? Shit, no wonder I get e-mails of unsuccessful log in attempts to my account. Better uninstall everything and delete my account. Too bad I have to say good bye to Unreal Tournament.

What most likely happened is that your existing hardware was already bad, and the new patch stressed the hardware in a manner that uncovered the fault. It's not uncommon at all for faulty hardware that was "workin' fine yesterday" to suddenly misbehave following an update. In other words, you're an idiot.
oh and for the record, nobody runs a memory test "every week"; you only ever run it when there's cause to run it, i.e. something went wrong. this is how I know you are a lying nigger.

You are retarded

Same but I haven't even played UT in over a year so no loss really.

The knights

Game on CIA I use magnetic coils.

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Correct me if I’m wrong, but wouldn’t RAM frying be a firmware problem?

Holy fucking shit, I didn't know when my old Crucial ram died two years ago it was a cyber attack and not just bad ram from a shit company going out.
Go back to /fringe/ retard.

You shouldn't be playing videogames with microtransactions to begin with. Make your own.


There are different levels of access to hardware and the operating system runs at ring 0 the anti cheating measures used by the game have access to r0 meanwhile controlling voltage and such is handled at ring -2. Operating system cant access it. It is managed by microcode running in the hardware. If there exists an exploit that let it execute some r-2 commands it could easily damage hardware.
Commercially there has been no such exploit for x86 processors in 3 years

This is a stretch of the imagination. I skull-fuck my RAM and GPU RAM constantly with huge simulations that are run 12-24 hours a day depending on the experiment day in day out and the shit is still working fine.

Smart shills would shill random threads to mask their true targets

That is not what a "memory leak" means.

Old viruses generally do not function on new operating system software and hardware.

Stop posting and lurk moar.

OP has nigger brain. Nerds would discover it and for that quarterly bump in sales, they would have trashed their company. No one would ever buy their shit again.

I once heard there was a JIDF virus made by elite hackers that could destroy your graphics card on TF2

Me again, just wanted to show you this. I doubt China's govt team is using fortnite in this way, but I wouldn't be surprised that they do something similar in the future. There's a reason we don't want china controlling all hardware manufacturing in case we get into a war with them.

Wrong. The only thing a memory leak does to the RAM is make it store stuff that it will never access.

I'm okay with this.

Spot on.
Memory leak is a code error that causes data to be left in RAM which slowly (or quickly) fills up your RAM and then starts paging out to disk.
What this guy is probably thinking about is a rowhammer attack. Which does thrash on the memory pretty hard, but isn't meant to kill it.
Just cause it to fault and allow access to unallocated RAM.

I thought Zig Forums was under new management? Good thread to lock

kekd n check'd

Fortnite is better than Overwatch anyway

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