What is it with jews (or marxists) and boundaries, borders, delineations, or separations? They hate distinctions and classifications, not just with the border wall, but intertwined in every thought they have. The last forms of accepted tribalism lies in sports, movies and consumerist goods. Restaurants, soda, nintendo, are all things you can sperg out about. Claim superiority and list the oppositions failures. All game consoles are not created equal, and fanboys and loyal consumer nationalists are encouraged. There are plenty of Fortnite Hitlers that would gladly show their game’s superiority with the wrath of Stalin. The delineations between race, countries, and achievements are taboo. You are no longer allowed to form a tribalism between common blood. You are spit on for flying your nation's flag, and that flag is burnt, and you are pushed down with any remaining symbols of your country. You cannot glorify your father’s history of shooting to the moon, or building aqueducts, and your priceless historical artifacts are broke (Persian statues) and smelted (Swedish viking artifacts into scrap metal). The beauty of separations lies in the separation of failures. Separations let damage and failures occur far away from success. Sometimes there is collateral. Good people fall with the failures, but then it forces the collateral to be antifragile. To separate and rise above if they have the skill. I don’t want anyone to die, but if someone dies in Africa because they electrocuted themselves trying to get 1 liter cooling oil from a transformer with which to cook, and 100 die at the hospital that now doesn’t have electricity, that failure that needs to happen. Don’t bring that into my area. Go be African somewhere else. Boundaries stop the successful from preventing nature from taking it’s course. Critical Theory deems what is right must serve the end goal. What is right is not scientifically correct. It must throw out boundaries of objectivity. Reality must change to meet goals, and it is changed for marxism or assured elitist rule. In Critical Theory, obesity is not related to health, racial statistics are racist, and women need into engineering.
It is interesting how prevalent this is throughout cultural marxism and jewishness. All beneficial separations are damned. Separations that follows nature, benefits humanity, or spurns our earthly cosm are castigated by “intellectuals” and the elite.
Why though? Is it a projection from the jews? Jews are racially aware of distinctions more so than blacks. Do they feel guilty by their racism and project onto others what they want to fix within themselves?
Do they want the world the be a smear of failure in an effort to bring Tikkun?
Do they hate whites so much because they see us as a threat, and want us in the masses of servitude? The eternal Goyim?
Tl;dr Kikes hate boundaries, delineations and distinction because: 1) they prevent them from exercising their parasitic power; 2) any sort of natural hierarchy leaves them at the bottom.
Henry Fisher
The Talmud says that the jews will destroy all nations and rule over the world from their home in Israel. Thus they do what their book says.
Matthew Sanders
Ian Sullivan
i think they genuinly hate reality and want to destroy it because they have the biologically ingrained belief that this reality is their hell and such a prison only deserves destruction, possibly to be remade into their heaven
Kevin Sullivan
This. If it was as simple as the OP puts it then they'd have open borders for Israel which they clearly abhor the very thought of.
Thomas Rogers
A hate for separations is practically brain damage. How can someone say science is subjective? This time we live in is so weird.
Christopher Sanchez
jews love borders and boundaries. for them. but to destroy us, they want us to get rid of them.
this isnt really complicated, newfriend.
Colton Kelly
Jews don't hate all boundaries, just boundaries that do not benefit their plans. They love boundaries for Israel, wealthy gated communities which they can control, etc. They just don't want boundaries for the gentile so that their enemies will interbreed with nigs and become dumber and easier to control labor force.
Levi Russell
Kikes don't want to be told what they can't have. Lurk more.
Owen Price
Jason Morris
Jews are from everywhere and nowhere. Just like merchants, they travel and swindle. If the world had no borders and were united in imperium, they could freely move about without being noticed. Why Jews like urban-living. No one notices them.
simple. erode your enemy as a cohesive group, until they are all so individualistic they have nothing in common and no group pride. then they are incapable of fighting another cohesive group.
they don't do this shit to their own. they dont race mix, or allow their own to be disarmed etc. you have to understand ingroup/outgroup mechanics
Justin Hughes
They want to bleed everything together so there is no history, language or culture that is its own, identifiable entity. When everything is broken down for all, then it loses value and meaning. Also because they want globalism to succeed so it will be easier for the Jew World Order, no borders makes things easier. No trade barriers, no breaking the law in one nation and escaping punishment in another. Then consider their fixation on breeding all the goyim together into one horrific mongrel slave caste. The idea is that this slave caste will not have any identity to fight for, you can't fight for Europe if everyone is part European and Europe is part of the super state.
Its a big play they're making but they feel they have to. Its prophesied that they will rule the Earth while ruling from Israel and they are well on their way to achieving that irreparably.
Carson Brown
stop assuming they're making a principled stand and realize that they're doing it for effect
Leo Bennett
Isaiah Lewis
They arent really Jews per se user. Thats just their most modern facade.
They were the Atenites of Ancient Egyot before then and were responsible for taking the teachings of Imhotep and warping then into what we know Hermaticism.
They are Theurgists who believe that they can become the Godhead by destroying borders and boundaries, first abstractly and eventually literally through destroying the physical and mental seperation and thoughts. Their work in physics is intended to eventually collapse the waveform of time and space and force everybody to become a mathematical singularity.
they are a cult that worships the roman god mercury
Jace Bell
Not related to thread, but why is the middle of Siberia, Kranoyarsk with 1,22 people per square km has as much light in the night as Western Europe or Eastern China? Seems fishy and impossible.
Those in power are prepared for the apocolyptic chaos on the horizon. Fraternal societies hold on to the rituals that existed before man, before Babylon, before the garden. Ancient bloodlines wish to bring Revalations to a head with technology from greys l, draconians, and 4th dimensional beings (Appolyon, Azazel, Lucifer, etc.) Those embraced by tge teachings of Lucifer will not be burned by the nuclear flames.
The kikes are a tribe, therefore their victory depends on keeping themselves on top of the caste system. They do not hate boundaries so much as they hate competition, and they really hate the idea that people would unite outside of their control to stop them too.
Remember, they are building a wall around Gaza, so they believe in closed borders for themselves. Also remember the Berlin Wall and the Iron Curtain. They benefit wether globalism is achieved, or if everyone is divided, segregated, and conquered.
Carson Lee
The more different kinds of muds are around them, the less they stand out. And their whole plan is to kill all whites so this also furthers their goal.
Kevin Hughes
Remember, Saturn was originally considered a benevolent god of agriculture until the Romans combined him with the Phoenician god Moloch.
Jaxson Fisher
Jews are genetically inferior to the other races in most areas, which is why they use deceit as a means to obtain and hold power. It's also why they align with the betas, or outcasts, in every society. They use them as their proxies and shields. Outcast betas tend to think and act very much like Jews. They know they can't stack up in honest competition, so they scheme and lie and discreetly break the law to get ahead, while they play the kind and empathetic ally. Schemers are easy to blackmail and control. It reminds me of that line about male feminists all being creepy date-rapists. They are creepy, that's why they play the part of the understanding nice guy. It's in the hopes that women won't trust their natural instincts, so they can get what they want out of them.
Most of the rich liberals also surround their expensive homes with some nice high walls and fight tooth and nail to keep (((diversity))) away from their kids schools.
Jaxon Barnes
It is the reptillian inbreeding Ancient Israel, they are less hunan than la creatura.
knobs, huh…well the more honest among them know that they are human beings (slaves, captives)
when the (world) tree is dead and chopped down (Cromwell; Druids) all the branches can be taken, stretched out and straightened and bound together forever into fascia…so that they can never be free again
The idea of the 'brick' is from Babylon were a garden (eden) is built by a young girl out of bricks. When she is betrothed her mother gives her the first of 72 bricks that will make up the foundation of her 'private garden'…all the rest she must supply herself.
That's where the lion's share of Russian natural gas production takes place. The lights would be a combination of gas workers and gas flaring. You can see a similar anomaly at the Bakken formation in North Dakota
Hunter Wilson
I believe both the garden and the bottomless pit of Abbaddon are real places in modern Iraq and Iran, what was once Babylon, but before that, in millions of years of chaotic manipulation by gallen angels, who knows what dwelled before Adam.
…and now those secret societies, the withered body of the Ancient Mystery schools, are more than prepared for the approaching strife. They will watch as society cannibalzies itself, and with the teachings of Lucifer introduced by a false Christ, probably either a reptile crossbreed or an AI, those who remain will have even more blasphemous ways to destroy itself.
It also shows up a lot in their artwork too. Notice how social justice faggots, and just plain old faggots, love to randomly splash pastel colors around the place rather than using actual contrast and how transitions between two sections of the color spectrum is done so without any sort of logical transition. In games especially you can see pink and cyan "fog" just floating around for no fucking reason other than, assumedly, they think color contrast just means slapping two preapproved colors around willy nilly.
Michael Brooks
That image of Hubal is interesting…do you know where the brick faces in the wall comes from? That is from the temple of the Moon (which is variable energy as well as being male/homosexual in the oldest traditions). There used to be an interesting rosicrucian story that I found online and can't find any longer of a time when the earth was composed of WOMEN ONLY who raise children with wisdom to adulthood when they graduated into adults and were sent out into the 9 worlds (planets) sorted according to their natural proclivities and character.
No men lived on the planet at all, it was simply a nursery paradise that specialized in fostering living beings…
…and then the moon showed up in the sky (the oldest legends say that it was rolled into place by two brothers) and the corruption of the garden, burning, torturing, pillaging, raping, destroying and the current age 6,000 years began. With women always looking for the original male spirit/father (who was murdered by the two brothers)…and men (the offspring of women and the fallen) either standing up to BE MEN…like their spiritual father, inheriting from HIM before them or falling into decay as the sons of murderers (moon).
I am really bummed that I didn't save the original story when I found it…my abstract retelling doesn't do it justice.
Checked but yes as looney as Icke is, the moon is alien in origin. A symbol of fertility, it "birthed" the Sumerian reptile gods, and was worshipped by druid wizard priests and other pagans.
…Adam was seduced by Lucifer's reptillian consort Lilith, if the Gnostics are to be believed. Their child Cain is the ancestor of the Babylonian bloodlines of Babel and the Chaldaen dynasty. "Ancient" human architecture is built on layers and mounds bult by long dwad and far less human hands.
Sorry about the second reply…but that does make the Anu Tree of Life images just that more sinister (as they kill/conquer planet by planet working their way up to the Sol; in their mind the ultimate prize as 'gold' is said to be generated from the sun itself)…I have been puzzling and thinking lately that PERHAPS the Moon really is hollow and is simply a transportation device going from planet to planet as sort of a Death star killing machine.
YES, I totally know how crazy all this sounds…it is just that there are little hints of it everywhere and when your mind specializes in pattern recognition it begins to pick this shit up after a while and while you can shove it away…the thoughts always come back when something else triggers them by dropping another piece in the puzzle.
I have no opinion about Icke at all…other than sometimes really enjoying his imagination (to me, imagination is the most precious gift a human can enjoy).
Have you done any research on the importance of Thresholds in the early middle eastern religions…see that Moon Temple photo I posted? Well three tryptic thresholds appear ALL OVER THE ENTIRE PLANET in every culture and in EVERY TEMPLE of EVERY RELIGION.
Yeah, that's rich. Lilith is a corruption of Ishtar. The Jews, in all their jealous nature, made this goddess (who also goes by the name of Inanna) to be a whore and a demon. In reality she would be the first true woman who was usurped and replaced with Eve, a Jewish creation, a golem. That's why women have their debased and inferior nature to this day. Because the concept of love is adherent to the Jewish desire to conquer and control nature.
Nathaniel Barnes
There are people among us that openly advocate miscegenation and you’re complaining about just the Jews.
To a Jew, a border, a boundary, will invariably become the line a Jew is not permitted to cross.
That's why they hate boundaries - because they act to bind people together, and to exclude the Jew.
Jason Sanchez
Is weird if Lilith visits in my dreams every night?
Hudson Richardson
I do a lot of research on sacred geometry and the idea that symbols and geometric figures is the language of God. The same flower of life imagery appears from China to Egypt. Enochian rituals and the fiendesh practices of King Solomon and his yoke is the primary religion given to reptillians and grey by Lucifer. Humanitu, Adam and Eve, were victims of a condpiracy older than known time, when the great rebellion in heaven was thwarted.
Physically weakest, most cowardly, rootless race that cannot hold an empire without massive external help and can only act as a parasite would benefif the most of global passage.
Nicholas Perry
Not sure I believe the Gnostics…but you know how it is…the only valid religion that a human can have is one born out of personal experience and exploration of your mind/environment. Anything that is handed to you or wrote is completely invalid because it is not personal (doesn't belong to you or your experience but is someone else's understanding and therefore invalid or a mockery for people to adopt).
I definitely think that Cern/Father/Adam/Christ is the father of humanity (Us) and that other peoples have their own Father(s). But I am not certain of the Lilith part…it seems to me that women were always here since the planet itself is feminine.
It is strange to me how similar the images of Cern are to ancient seals from the middle east/ayran seals.
Something to think about…I actually don't find anything problematic with Cain…he seems more like us rigidly moral and upright while Abel (Hubal, Ba'al) is a human sacrificer and killer of children. We are TOLD that Cain is the first murderer…but if you just look critically at the texts you can see quite plainly that Cain murdered Abel for Abels ritual human sacrifice 'to god'…so NOT A GOOD PERSON.
'Firstlings of the flock' actually means 'children'…so Abel is the first murderer (and probably ate them in cannibalistic ritual if the traditions of jews; priests being allowed to eat from the slaughtered 'cattle' in jewish temple rituals are anything to go by) and he murdered Cain's children (most likely as a 'sacrifice to god'). Part of pattern recognition with the jew is to look at their ancient (african origin) religious practices and compare them to their behavior (which oddly never changes in the slightest…I am starting to think that they are AI or some type of computer virus in the matrix because their behavior is completely consistent over thousands of years).
The great pyramid even appears in the planning of Medieval and Early Modern architecture. Since the great pyramid was still half buried in sand, the knowledge was kept and coveted by secret fraternal orders from Greece to the Templars.
"Set" is also the first syllable in the name of "Satan", the second might refer to the god "Anu" of the Sumerians. "Set-Anu"
Eli Cox
Not to mention Saturn, a planet worshipped as God by pagans, cults, Catholics, Masons, and Satanists. Saturn is represented as horns or a circle within a circle. Moloch, Baphomet, Satan.
King (Sun)Sol-O(Earth)-Mon(Moon) is interesting…those are all interesting as well…wasn't it Sol-O-Mon who ordered the child of the two whores to be cut in half (that is so much 'semitic wisdom/child murdering' I can hardly bear it; child murderer just like his father)…but yes, I too have pondered Solomon quite a bit and the mythos of his enslaving of the Djinn to 'build his temple' for him (reminds me of your Nimrod image)…there is a whole story about solomon forcing the real children of god to labor as slaves to build his 'house of god'…when their king comes to pay them a visit and hear their pitiful cries 'sol-o-mon' doubles their workload and will not let the captives free or even let them rest.
Solomon is the only character in the jewish bible who is explicitly tied to the number 666 as well.
Nice first photo with the tryptic as well…I am looking for the 'threshold' images I have on my computer as this also relates to Dagon and the threshold in the temple. Supposedly Dagon bowed down before the Ark of the COVENant, Dagon might also be another person that we can label as an archetype of the Father of humanity.
Oh another mystery religion story is the story of the Father/Christ and two thieves…on either side…it is not a direct parallel but it is close and it also involves tryptic symbolism of killing the Father archetype who is surrounded on either side by male killers and rapists.
I just believe that the "gods" of antiquity are a muddled combination of the worship of angels/demons, demigods, and venerated ancestors.
By the dawn of ancient civilization, the "gods" were already gone.
Anthony Green
Oh, well then I totally agree. I thought you were a paganfag.
Solomon and his temple, along with Harim Abiff and whatever fiendish screts within the Holy of Holies, was the birth of sex magick and secret societies, aling with the mystery schools of Grrece and Egypt. Lucifer, before man, taught his lessons to other star systems. Fallen angels traveled black infinity with the power of dying stars, spreading both war and ritual bpack magick to greys, other dimensional beimgs, etc. Those creatures in turn were the fallen angels of Enochian legend, and the reptile Gods wirshipped across the Ancient World. MJ 12 wad the President to be signing a pact with Lucifer. Christ was murdered because he wanted to save us from ourselves and the ruling clasd, themselves controllrd by demons.
You have to go word by word and look at the verses…the whole 'stories of genesis' that are drilled into our heads from a young age are TOTAL LIES TOTAL CRAP…they do this hoping that you won't go back and really look at what it says…man, I'm telling you, you would be amazed at what they REALLY SAY…one of the oddest translations in the whole of Genesis is that God had 'respect' for Abels ritual human sacrifice. The word that is translated as 'respect' actually means that someone is completely horrified or appalled…someone who can't even look upon such a horrifying sight.
But basically, like I said the jews never do anything original or creative…so one can look at their behavior today and see their behavior yesterday and tomorrow. What do jews do? They genocide, torture, murder, cannibalize, genital mutilation, child and adult human ritual sacrifice, homosexuality, pederasty…once you become 'jew wise' you can see that all our wars, all their planned starvations, all their genocides are all the same damn thing that they have engaged in from the very beginning, starve, torture, murder, genocide, rape…over and over and over…and they teach those who are stupid and weak, low IQ trash to do the same things…THIS IS WHY WE NEED AN ETHNO-GLOBE…these people learned to be our enemies from their jew masters and they will never stop injuring us or our children.
Take Lot, a 'righteous man' in jew eyes. He was a complete and utter coward who wanted to throw his baby daughters to a violent homosexual rape mob (instead of defending them and his 'guests' with his life; fucking piece of trash!). So his guests think this is GROTESQUES and they prevent Lot from being a TOTAL PIECE OF SHIT. Later, Lot who is still so 'righteous' in jew eyes, gets drunk like a bitch and rapes his daughters (incest, pedophilia) with all that 'jew righteousness' which he blames on his daughters…saying that he is too drunk to remember raping them so 'it's their fault'…yeah…fucking piece of shit…but THAT has been presented to us all our lives as 'righteousness' without us ever questioning the pedophilia, incest, and cowardice. THAT IS OUR TRAINING TO RIGHTEOUSNESS…sickness, vile, coward, disgusting filth. We are 'made in jew eyes' to be like they are and no one says anything about it…no one recognizes the TOTALLY DEBASED CORRUPTION for what it is…and we let them 'rule over us' and get away with it ←-that is the real shame and humiliation for our people, that we can't see what is right in front of our faces is so vile that it is just completely batshit crazy.
Juan Evans
The real question is how do we escape this nightmare, if it's even possible for us to do so?
Dominic Campbell
Tear down the 13 bloodlines, their cartels, their black cathedrals of sin and rape (Hollywood, San Fran, DC, AREA 51, etc.) My issue with Zig Forums is short sitedness. This conspiracy is older thsn kikes, older than humanity. It is the conspiracy against God's children and Earth itself. Pray and learn, knowlege is power and all that shit.
I hope that you are going to GREAT LENGTHS to separate out the 'jew corruption' from your own faith.
Those who really follow Christ do not believe in any of the sick disgusting jew claptrap that they try and pass off to the world as 'moral'.
We do not believe in Ritual Human Sacrifice (like the ritual slaughter of our patriarch 'to forgive 'Sin' [Sin is the Babylonian moon god; not something a human can 'engage in' because it is a PERSON/ENTITY; you can become a child of Sin; but 'sin' is not a verb].
We don't believe that one should engage in cannibalistic ritual like the jews; so no 'eating flesh' and 'drinking blood'. We don't believe in homosexuality, pederasty or any of the other SICK SHIT that jews like to push off onto the world as 'normative' or 'natural' behavior'…we do not corrupt ourselves with their FALLEN ANGELS BULLSHIT either…we Come OUT of Babylon…so that we can live upright as our Great Fathers and archetypes have done before us.
I think Enochs description of the Fallen is pretty spot on for their behaviors and as a guide for what to AVOID LIKE THE PLAGUE if you have any interest in being a good person.
Yes, this is the first of two CORE PRINCIPLES which underlie the communist/kike: 1. defiling (boundaries=tradition, morals, goodness - think about how modern art is all about degrading) 2. robbing/stealing
IGNORE ALL OF THE ARGUMENTS OF THE DEMOCRAT, THE COMMUNIST, THE KIKE Rather, observe its behavior: Does it steal? Does it promote thieves? Does it defile something? Does it promote the defiling of something?
I think the Old Testament should be de-canonized, and the teachings of Paul should be considered extra-canonical like the apocryphal scriptures.
The teachings of Jesus are fundamentally apart from Judaism in three distinct areas. The Christian God is worshipped anywhere, not just in "the temple", the Christian God does not consider infant circumcision a legitimate religious practice, and the Christian God does not accept animal, or human sacrifices.
Jack Scott
The Old Testsment is valuable, you should see that. Christ was not born in a vaccum, God has been and will always be.
Nathaniel Sullivan
Dude, I have read it in Hebrew, Greek and in Polyglott as well as KJV, and about 9 other versions. I have Strong's and other concordances…as well as maps, atlases, cultural guides (such as the writings and translations of Lightfoot and others) and studied ancient semitic and near east rituals, practices and religions of that region. I have been studying it since 2001…I am not some, 'wet behind the ears child' who is just making shit up…I am extremely well versed in THE ENTIRE RELIGION to the point where I consider myself an EXPERT on both the religion and its 'morality'.
Easton Hughes
Lincoln Williams
Maybe some of the prophetical texts are accurate, I'm not sure. The laws of Moses are where the OT begins to collapse imho.
Jaxson Lee
I think threads like this are good because they teach me not to trust/believe in any of that occult shit since jews own it all.
Isaiah Rodriguez
they don't mind boundaries for themselves. Guys like Bernie Scamders can preach their 'Open Borders' message from the comfort of a lakeside cottage on a private island, in a gated community, behind fences, locked doors & windows, under 24-hour surveillance surrounded by guys with guns compliments of $650 unused goybuxx from his pretend to run for POTUS campaign donations
Henry Parker
Credentials mean nothing, what you take and learned from the book the first time is most important. The subconsious awakening of something dormant. What matters is if you follow the words of Jesus or not, and that you believe and feel God's love and presence.
If you only knew who I was IRL, LMAO…ahhh anonymity…its the best thing since sliced bread.
I am fond of Jefferson's Bible (NT) where he did exactly that…it really is an inspirational work when the Pharisee bullshit is removed.
Mat 16:6 And Jesus said to them, "Watch out and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees."
Acts 23:6 Then Paul, knowing that some of them were Sadducees and the others Pharisees, called out in the Sanhedrin, "My brothers, I am a Pharisee, descended from Pharisees. I stand on trial because of the hope of the resurrection of the dead."
He is recorded as LYING straight to the faces of anyone reading the NT and people STILL worship this POS as the 'founder of the Christian faith'. He wasn't 'on trial because of the hope of the resurrection of the dead'…that man is a fucking liar and it never stops through the whole NT. I began to wonder if he ever stopped lying…but as a jew, I expect nothing less.
Acts 21:39 Paul answered, "I am a Jew, from Tarsus in Cilicia, a citizen of no ordinary city. Please let me speak to the people."
Elijah Robinson
lol use your ISP run by Jews.
Adam Wright
They know where you live and your every action. The CIA and NSA are Illuminati states within a state and nothing you do is known Fuck it, do not show fear to these monsters. I hate kikes but you fear them.
you know what? You are really really onto something here, I believe. Jews do not respect boundaries. The seem to feel they are entitled to something of which they are not, so they take it any way they can. They are thieves. Look at Palestine for example. How they just take over the land without regard to borders, who owns the land, or being told that they are not allowed to take the land. They just did it anyway without regard to the other parties involved. Jews treat everyone else like they are subservient. It is appalling. Europeans are trusting people, so the Jews, appearing somewhat similar to Europeans, mix into society, and start to manipulate the Europeans to do as the Jew wants. When Europeans get tired of it and say, "No More!" the Jew cries out in pain, claiming that the European is Anti-Semitic and that they suffered in the Holocaust. It is disgusting. They have no respect for boundaries whatsoever. Whether the boundaries are International Boundaries, or if the boundaries are Personal Boundaries is immaterial. Boundaries are a foreign thing to the Jew. Jews are originally nomadic. Of course they don't know what a border is. The word probably doesn't even exist in their vocabulary.
Hudson Johnson
Leo White
Oh, Hi FBI
Cooper Butler
Duhhhh F bee eyes everywhere!
Blake Miller
You'd be surprised how many people 'get it' on the surface and still continue doing things like partaking in the Eucharist or 'communion' (CANNIBALISM)…while thinking themselves 'wise'.
I am just saying that it is not 'easy' like a no shit sherlock type of thing…you have to really examine every single little aspect of your actions to purge what is unclean from your thoughts and habits.