She wrote on Facebook
She wrote on Facebook
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Good. Another shitlib thot dies from its own stupidity.
Yes. Or would you like your taxes to go support the welfare of some mongrel rape baby?
Traitors, etc. A lot of whites are guilty of opening the gates, they won't be spared. Oh well, eggs, omelettes
The gene pool is better for it.
Make her the martyr for Sweden's nationalist cause!
Every revolution has relied upon someone dying. Her situation is near perfect; the nation and its authorities have betrayed her to foreign rapists. There was no one left to help her so all she could do maintain her dignity was kill herself. Is Sweden really going to become a nation known for such evil? Such cowardice? No. It is time for the Swedes to rise up and purge the filth from their nation. Do it in her memory. Do it so that her fate is never repeated EVER again.
see picture
She is more use dead as an example what happens to those who embrace animals rather than alive as someone who pushes hard for those animals to be let into the west.
Things wont get better if men just protect women from the consequences of their actions to destroy the west as well.
martyrs dont kill themselves … she should have taken the guy out before she took herself out
hey sweden deserves it and she deserves it … she uses facebook
The body count must rise until the psychosis is broken. If it takes a thousand, ten thousand, a hundred thousand, or a million. It'll be worth it.
its a sad and unfortunate situation, but she as a person deserved it. she will be a bigger benefit to her people dead as an example, rather than living, inviting the problem onto her own people.
we need artificial wombs or we're going extinct, white women are worthless
an unnatural life is one of a subhuman.
If you're going to go out, suicide seems like a wasted opportunity.
incels aren't white
No user.
A traitor to her people.
Get pussy off your mind for once.
Lemons, lemonade. Did the IQ of this board just jump 15 points? Ur making me all misty m9s
She learned her lesson when it was too late, that is all on her, wish is weren't so. Liberalism or anything remotely left or far left is pure suicide for anyone.
She isn't a perfect martyr. She is better as a cautionary example to point to. Whenever a swedish woman expresses support for rapefugees, point them to her as an example. There's plenty more like her but recent examples are better.
She was a dried up 30 year old shitlib.
Seems fitting
Damn right. I'm not the sort of person to get suicidally depressed, but if for example I had terminal cancer, I'd certainly think about going out in style.
I think it would've been greater if she would be staring in some gore movie made by some Swedish imports. Piece of shit liberal.
Sadly her politics asked for disaster & this is why women shouldn't vote - & many Anons are correct instead of offing yourself get a weapon & destory sand nogs & their (((support system))) the best you can. This is just the beginning.
Should have committed homicide instead.
Swedes are in the same category as mudskins now, as they are cancerous tools of the jews and actively work to destroy whites and white civilization.
>(((Trump))) supporters gloating at a white womans rape victim's suicide
Whereas Neocon jew promoting Trump-niggers campaigning for ZOG to have complete control of the US government is really based
Tell us where you are from son and we'll take a look at how shits going in your country. Protip: Traitors turning white peoples against each other get the first bullet.
it serves as an illustrating example you enormous retard
traitors get the rope first.
She was on the rag, she wouldn't have gotten pregnant.
And this cultural enrichment might have served to make her understand that people like us on Zig Forums have her best interests at heart in the things we do and say, and that Trump does to, when he says immigration is destroying the heritage of European nations.
She might have been saved from the constant barrage of Jewish propaganda that she's been subject to her entire life, which is made much worse in Europe due to their lack of free speech, and the silencing of anyone that would speak truth to that propaganda.
I don't see a victory here, except in that it is a cautionary tale for any other Swedish woman that thinks inviting animals in to shit all over your country and abuse your people is somehow a good idea.
All of Europe needs riots and rapefugee camps to burn, with casualties. When will the victims of migration finally realize the police and government officials are their enemies, and need to die in the same fires.
You can be victims, or you can be rebels. These are the only two choices you have left.
I'd say the fact that her tampon was shoved so far up her fuckhole that it took a doctor to get it out, pretty much proves violent rape.
I'm a nationalist but when I look at the infighting and distraction that causes, makes me wish for a board where criticising European nations was seen as trechery and resulted in being bullied into silence.
There is no infighting. Sweden does literally nothing. While Britbongs fight for Brexit, Rooskies attack the banks, Hungaryfags name the jew, and Burgers fight for the Wall, Sweden demands more government soy gibs be distributed to them instead of mudshits. Completely useless faggots.
I know it's a bait, and the poster knew it would cause reactions, but I'll bite.
Nobody gives a shit about traitors, in fact, traitors should be the first to die and also need to be made an example of by dying in the most horrifying possible way, they are the enablers of the kikes and one of the main responsibles for their own bad situation.
If your doorman lets in a burglar and he robs your house. Is the door man not to blame? All traitors get the rope and liberals getting their own medicine is the best thing that can happen.
God damn…
Some women do like it rough.
I don't know how I feel about this. On the one hand, another leftist bites the dust. On another hand, it's a clear victim of brown-on-white crime that's seen as anything but - where the police's incompetence did fucking nothing to help keep these mongrels off the street. In any case, this is where leftist ideology diverges - do you support blatantly anti-white globalist agendas, where "muh poor refugees dindu nuffin rong!" is considered a superior moral argument? Or do you see the rape as a terrible crime and the victim to actually be a victim?
It's also the inevitable outcome of leftism - from the "anti-racist" getting raped by invaders, to the invaders being set free from the turbo-cucked police
I have mixed feelings about this pic.
Not because of empathy, no. Traitors get the bullet etc. But it was user's blood. How bad there can be a disconnection between siblings that one would lock them up in a niggerhouse? Hopefully this made user stronger.
Everything on boards ever is implied to be made up. Doesn't prevent people from talking about it.
I'm genuinely envious that you can even ask that question with a straight face.
Really wish the guy in the screencap elaborated on the 'got them declared mentally unfit' bit, because I've been planning on doing the same thing and I'm having trouble with how to do that step.
The west hasn't had many functional families of European blood for a while…
Do you know what a dysfunctional family with guardians cucking you out of winning in life is like?
I know the latter part and is pissed me enough off. Plus the former part? Sheeiiit
It starts with a lawyer.
But surely there needs to be some valid reason you'd have to present to the judge or whomever; not to mention that the court or the authorities in question would need a (((professional opinion))) to reach their decision.
>white women are worthless
If you're gonna go MGTOW, go all the fucking way, faggot
The family would've came to that conclusion anyway but now that there are autists in the comment section provoking them and being rude it dilutes the message.
Would not do it to my parents or siblings but even though the later are completely bluepilled virtue signaling normalfags they never reached that level of poz or disregard of their own kin as that user's parents, at least not yet.
Id do it to my mom and she hates niggers too. Most family is leeches. Family is nothing but forced relation. Boomers are the worst people and need to be shat on to understand how much trouble they have created. Extermination of retards is the only solution. Man was I born in the wrong era.
Why would anyone screencap this inane pysco babble? You fucked over some defenseless old people, so hardcore - your own PARENTS at that.
boomer spotted
This. At no point should we try to martyr her. These FB normalfags in the OP followed the best approach. Post mortem shaming and ostracizing, make sure that cunts with thoughts of race treason KNOW that they will not receive sympathy even in the event of their death.
Why are you not dead yet, gramps?
Well, I was raised by a penniless single mother with the only sibling she had was her hateful single mother.
No, I'm not a nigger
Got out of this hate loop, and now I have several kids and am working on buying a house. It did a toll on me, I was a pussyass soyfag until my early 20s, and a liberal until my late 20s. Thank Zig Forums, at last I truly see, and my wife, even if tired of my periodic rants about poz all around us, likes the way Zig Forums changed me. Thanks, user.
Wrong. Kikes first and entirely. Kikes are not white, go away, kike.
This is the only rational answer.
All the rest of you have been sucked by controlled opposition. Mindless fuckers.
The only reason men have ever gone to war, built giant walls and castles, was to protect their women.
If you don't realise that is the end goal of civilisation, you shouldn't be speaking in public.
Lucretia motivated the Romans to expel the Etruscans. Can we meme her into the Swedish Lucretia?
Yeah, those fucking whites are always opening gates, just like they did in Constantinople and Toledo.
If not for kike enablers, faggot, we wouldn't be in this mess in first place. No remorse to traitors.
Not OP of the screencap, I just saved it. But let me tell you something O Vey so great! “All” leftist think that by helping savages they did good and accumulated imaginary brownie points. Like by helping those niggers they will somehow treat them good in return. So think about it. They were nigger lovers their whole life. Importing them and causing countless hardship to whites that matter as a result. But when the time to cash in their brownie points comes they see the cold hard reality of the world. They sold out their own families wealth to destroy the white race. So now they can reap what they sow. Anyone that is a traitor deserves this fate at best. And you’re a cuck for thinking leftist deserve any sympathy. In my ideal world if I ever rise to power(lulz). I’d take all the leftist and put them in camps with the savages. Then I’d give the shitskins just a little above extra to survive. While giving the leftist none. Then record the social experiment and broadcast it. Oh would it be glorious. Letting them dwell in the filth they created.
It is good that you saw the light the redpill user, and didn't let hate consume you. You are a big man 4 us
I'm sort of consumed by hate right now. I can't stand stupid people even they are of my own race and Volk. Aktion T4 looks reasonable to me. Is it wrong? Yes. But can you logically argue against it? Really can't, just kindness.
So rebuild those giant walls and lock 'em up in castles again.
Meanwhile, as long as women are legally free and equal to men and their vote counts in politics, they need to be held to the same standards of responsibility too.
Having a subset of population (a 50% one at that) with power but no responsibility is openly inviting traitors and subversion.
Fix feminism and we'll stop treating women equally with men.
Congrats, you killed your parents and bought some vanity bullshit for a measly twenty five thousand dollars. If killing your parents is all you're going to do to reverse your situation, if that's your proudest moment (as he didn't brag about how many spics he deported), then you're an edgy plebbit spacing mong who takes shit way too seriously and should fuck off. Newtards are getting edgier but no one is getting smarter.
It is. The herd must be thinned of the weak, cowardly and treacherous for us to face the coming battle as it will be for our existence. When some South African shit starts we can't have fuckers like this around. They will side with the enemy. They'll give away their daddies bunker position for some BBC. Same with drug addicts. But then you probably have a homosexual little brother you think should be spared the noose.
Cuck spotted. Sympathizers get the rope too.
this might be the spark that Sweden needs. its unfortunate that it had to come to this, but she will not be forgotten
He just made a couple of race traitors face the consequences of their actions. If you wanted these pension shekels and a caring child to wipe your ass when you are old and useless you should have thought of it before you hired pedro and juan to cut your loan and fuck your daughter.
Yeah, boomer spotted. Too retarded to even know how IDs work.
don't think of them defensless just because they don't strike you with your fists
A nice example of the kind of cancer that hangs around these parts lately. All memery and nothing of substance. Maybe nazis really do always "think in absolutes" when your typical Zig Forums peon is willing willing to kill their parents over the boomer meme. You still live in one of the richest, most prosperous country in the world, your worst situation isn't comparable to some of the shit here in Eastern Europe. This isn't fighting back, and all three of you should fuck off back to /r/cringeanarchy of whatever.
stay mad, faggot
this is the future they deserve
I'm really starting to think that nordics must have genetic defect or how else can you explain this madness?
Fuck off. Rubbing it in is great.
Spoken like a true boomer, god damn. I live near the border and the cops near-openly work with MS13 child sex traffickers.
You obviously do not know what it is like to live among niggers if you live in Eastern Europe. You have not a fucking clue.
What substance do you have? Being a cucked faggot? It’s people like you that are the direct result of the situation today. Telling it like it is, is cancer? You know what’s cancer? Faggots like you that spew love and peace with no solution while continuing the cycle of destruction. You’re kind will get the rope sooner or later. History proves me right. Whites always win for a reason.
When I lived in Eastern Europe I never felt it necessary to carry a gun on me. Now that I temporarily live around niggers in Texas it is different. This criminal element breaks into houses like there no tomorrow, robs people at gunpoint, CONSTANT harassment while in public. Literally cannot be left alone unless miles away from civilization without some nigger asking for change or robbing you if the situation is right. All these fucks are in and out of jail in no time at all for "lack of evidence." Shit load of insane homeless niggers threatening people on the streets for change. Now I carry a fully loaded Sig with hollow points at all times. People make fun of Texas for being obsessed with guns. What people don't realize is just how fucking insane Texas is.
Nice little rehersal faggot, yes you are the cancer, what's the solution? What the fuck do you think? I asked before, how many spics did he deprot if he's so eager to prove how "dedicated" he is? Grow a pube you pahetic soyboys and go face an opponent your size, I can't imagine being so scared to act in my own country (nothing violent obvs). Based meds.
Sweden has a wet match in a damp cave tbh
This is the struggle we face, but we have to endure and do the best to reverse the situation. The reason why Zig Forums is full of peons is because Zig Forums is influential, Zig Forums was mainstream not long ago, many people are thinking like you, so when the world asks Zig Forums how to solve to problem, its best to distance ourselves from the retards who say "kill your parents".
It's fascinating how you brought fear into this. I can only assume it's projection, and you're terrified that someone's going to have you facing the consequences of your actions.
Well I’m 6’2 230 and besides the gym I go to I’m litterally the strongest person when ever I step foot into a place. So I’m not sure what you’re getting at here? I’d fight you faggot if I could. So what you’re saying is because he isn’t actively getting rid of savages he is the problem? So what you’re saying is race war now? Gtfo with that cuck shit faggot. It’s not our duty to get locked up to fight for retards like you. Not to mention you are cancer. Calling out people that are ethically in the right. You’re probably just a race traitor and fear this is going to happen to you.
And Crickets chirp from the general direction of the femicunt circle.
Top kek we both called it. Fucking boomer race traitor cuck he is.
A facebook post could have been stupid virtue signalling.. she probably in earnest wasnt very political
But Bernie Sanders had no problem being arrested for standing up against segregation. I see who's the real alpha here.
This man should be praised like a god.
Way to out yourself, grampa.
Except making the anti-immigration party (which used to be racialist and which the public still thinks is racialist because the media has stuck to that narrative) the largest party by a wide margin, having an openly National Socialist party grow enough to permanently establish itself and likely taking places in municipal elections already, and also having developed a nationalist media with a degree of coverage that far exceeds any other Western country. As for internet presence you have no idea how many Trump memes were made by Swedes. Practically everyone I know spent every night from the primaries up to the election fighting the fight on social media due to the upset the US election system made possible.
All this while the US, UK, Germany, Italy and France are all objectively far longer gone when it comes to racial displacement. The major reason for the Sweden Yes meme is that literally everything that happens gets reported in nationalist media whereas in for example the US not even one hundredth of all the nigger or white crimes ever even get mentioned. Basically the contempt for mainstream media is so strong here locals read every single paper and pay attention to all gossip and report everything of note to nationalist media to have it exposed.
People assuming that nationalist media in Sweden is as shitty as in their own country and taking the relative amount being reported to mean Sweden must have an insane amount of crime is so fucking tiring it's hard to express. Look at the murder rate per capita of the worst Swedish cities (Malmö, Stockholm and Göteborg) and compare them to any US city, let alone the worst, and there is practically no violence to speak of, yet Swedes are already pushing for more extreme political options than anything that's ever going to appear in the RNC. Three years ago they had to stop announcing where new "refugee" centers were gonna be until they were already occupied because ordinary Swedes had started to fucking burn them.
Country wide pedophile rings, total police nanny state which they haven't done anything about.
Moscow is the Muslim capital of any country of European roots. Total invasion, enacted by Putin. BRICS is crawling with kikes, just like Putin's cabinet.
Massive supporters a larger and more totalitarian EUSSR state, bans people for being racist, unable to even maintain their fucking country above soviet status without constant gibs.
After 70 years of being the uncontested reigning champions of racemixing, white replacement, being a greenhouse for every deranged kike leftism that then spreads and infests the rest of the world, and being the kike's personal gimp and gladly letting themselves go get slaughtered in order to destroy all Israels enemies, all while having arms most others could only dream of while never daring to do anything with them. Such effort.
See? Everyone can play that game. There isn't a single white country that isn't the undisputed leader in some field of cuckery. How about instead of everyone pointing fingers at everyone else people focus on cleaning out their own damn house? There isn't one white country that is in a position to get on some fucking high horse. We're on top of our shit and we're dealing with it right now, thank you very much. How about you do the same?
Kinda this. It's censored to hell but Sweden probably puts more of a fight than the UK, France and possibly Germany.
I stood up to washed up corrupt mobsters in my Union. Got 300 people a raise and a single thank you for it. Got canned for my rebel rousing tactics and the “only” reason I can even get a job back in my industry is I played the correct politics and made someone money by fucking those fucks. Not to mention people that took a hit as a result of my raise are the only ones that showed me any concern in the whole industry. I did take a stand and I lost my job and was almost kidnapped by corrupt police. You would probably shit your self if you dealt with what I dealt with. What have you done? Sucked off communist? What do you do fuck your self?
Cucked fucktards like this is how you get a nation full of semen-drenched faggots like Sweden
Are you new? This has happened numerous times across Europe in the last few years.
Nothing happened apart from strengthened virtue signalling and Soros funding.