google "tumblr + bugshasing" and..WTF?
Is this real? an actual community of suicidal meth-does and AIDS-spreader?
i know this has been posted before but i cant believe its on public socal media like tumblr.
Death squad alert
Other urls found in this thread:
If you've spent any amount of time here you'd know that bug chasing and meth use is part of their morning routine. The fact that it's displayed publically on Tumblr shouldn't be a suprise either.
This is good. You can finally use your guns you've been stroking so hard, fuckers.
t. Langley
yes, this is real, and there are thousands of blogs just like these. these "people" inject old semen of 100 different men in each other's asses after literally scrapping their assholes out with a wire brush for ""fun""
they want to die from aids and in the process take as many other people as they possibly can with them. (including young boys under 18)
also does anyone know what the fuck "slams" are?
refers to iv drugs, usually heroin or meth
Sorry, I don't speak retard lingo, just what are they trying to accomplish?
If faggots want to get aids and die, so what?
Shouldn't we be encouraging this?
And if we can get it to spread in the libtard community in general, would that not be a good thing?
Anything that kills perverts and degenerates is fine by me.
drug resistant strain of AIDS
gays are filthy degenerate fetish and nothing more
Again, what;s the problem?
You're not a fag, are you?
Reminds me of a blog i saw of some barely legal guy putting elastics on his dick for half a year to kill blood supply before finally sticking a tube up his urethra to stop it from collapsing, then slicing his bloodless dick off
Because a big part of their degeneracy is spreading it to as many people as possible. It's not the disease they love, it's the idea of being a "filthy carrier" that spreads the infection everywhere.
they're walking bacteriological weapons.
they can also create drug-resistant strains of the virus.
are you retarded
truly sickening,gives me nausea,
all this people PROUD of having such a disease and up doing meth.
is this why aliens wont visit?
Is meth hard to obtain in "first world" usa?
That's true I have actually met fags that I found out were doing meth. Fags love that shit for some reason. I knew a guy in high school who was bi, didn't hear from him for a couple years, saw him again and he was deep into meth and was fucking some dude. There were other people but I don't remember him, this guy I remember his fucked up story perfectly.
Don't remember them*
Yes it is real I remember it from years back FUCKING SHOOT EM SHOOT EM ANONS GET THOSE FUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!!
No! I can buy it cheap at my Highschool. The principal and teachers, all women, don't even actively seek out the dealers.
Is a complex chemical compound difficult to find in a country with plentiful chemistry resources and plentiful chemists? I don't think you quite understand what first-world means, poorfag.
I remember a few years ago there were a bunch of Common Filth hate threads, all in the span of one week. Like 6 threads dedicated to hating this guy, calling him a spic, a kike, whatever because he was truthful in calling out faggotry regardless of race and pointing out the many faults of modern white civilization. He knew this shit and pointed it out five fucking years ago, and he was rejected then as 'anti white' like hating faggots and dogfuckers is to hold disdain for whites everywhere. Autists would rather point their finger at kikes and ignore the gays, not understanding that a good portion of faggots were corrupted and lost regardless of yid influence. I guess to care about how your race is breaking apart is to be an anti-white Jewish spic closet homosexual who worships Jews.
What in the fuck is wrong with these people?
Fun fact:
Meth makes women hypersexual.
What communities are hit hardest by meth? poor whites
When meth hit these communities, what else happened? Forced nigger migrations after major hurricanes, along with a rapid expansion of mestizo territories
What do you think the intended purpose of spreading crank around? I think it was to pollute the wombs of poor white women with shitskin genes.
No one rejected him till he went full blackpill
anti white.
You are welcome to go back to tumbler and make more videos about it now that no one wants to watch your sorry anti white ass.
He's anti-white. I don't want a bunch of edgy faggot posting "white girls fuck dogs" stickers where my kids can see them.
He also acts like whites are the most degenerate race of all when they have the least amount of faggots and the least amount of STDs.
FBI fuck off
Syringes. Slamming refers to injections of liquid meth. Some even mix poz blood into the dose, and that research user had a gif of someone slamming two syringes into his cock.
Paging Dark Research user. Paging dark research user. You need to violate some newfag's eyeballs with self inflicted bodyhorror and fags slamming meth while wearing SS uniforms and ballless rubber dogs.
This, CIA sold niggers crack and whites meth
Niggers on crack so they rob whitey to get their fix
Whites on meth so they get pozzed or BLACKed
CF is anti-natalist and pro-weed
I said he’s a spic because I’m pretty sure i know the fucker
If I’m right he’s this insane christcuck whos half Mexican, skates, smokes pot, and wants some sort of Christian inquisition in America
It doesn't though. They treat it with drugs. Drugs that are most likely paid for with your tax dollars. Fags don't die of AIDS anymore if they don't want to.
Here's the deal in NYC
why is everyone in my community either:
super dumb liberal
race mix mongrel
barely-legal or new to US
not radical
rooted in America and the laws and constitution and military family
not a desperate immigrant
along which bordering states shall I move?
this is news to anyone here?
How can New Hampshire not have sales or income tax other than on interest and dividends? Is it all property tax?
you don't want to be there during nuclear fallout or bio-warfare anyway.
How soon until anti-STD-Shaming becomes mainstream?
Checks out. Manlet.
ah,I remember that user.
didnt have the guts to click all his spoiled stuff
What the fuck would that conversation even entail?
this, also there is a video of him burning an american flag just to be edgy. He is a faggot and should be forgotten.
This thread needs to be incinerated along with these fags ding this shit.
1000% this. It's an orchestrated breeding program by glow-in-the-darks.
dont forget that CF has admitted several times that he watches hours of degenerate shit and gay porn for "research" purposes. he is just another crazy mestizo mutt who pisses himself in rage
who you gonna call?
Tumblr is 5-10 years ahead of poz that would occur in society. Just redpill your close friends about it. They might think you're crazy, but when it materializes, then they'll listen to everything you say.
CF isn't pro-weed and he isn't hispanic. He's against weed and he joked about you retards thinking that he's non-white for seeing issues with whites embracing faggots. Fags are responsible for pushing the left-wing horseshit on you in the first place. Remember Edward/Emily Gorenskii? The tranny who doxed several right-wingers?