After reading a bit about the Punic Wars and Hannibal's tactics I find the Carthaginian Empire interesting, but this question has been plaguing me for some time:
Were the Carthaginian people similar to jews genetically? They were a Phoenician colony, who, at least according to (((official sources))), were similar to them. Hannibal sure looked like a great man and he definitely was a tactical genius, but the empire seemed to rely an awful lot on mercenaries (just like jews can't fight), they themselves were mostly semitic merchants and they allegedly made child sacrifices to their god.
I've read in some places that it was actually them who showed those practices to the jews. Sadly stuff about ancient jews and Moloch is full of gate-keeping controlled opposition kazhar-tier disinformation. Any insights?
Ancient Semitic Civs
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Carthage is a key redpill. It points us directly at one half of the kike royal families, it points us at the reason Titus destroyed the kike temple, and it really puts pieces together when young anons realize the kike owned media and entertainment industry constantly shows Rome as the bad guy.
Read the Curse of Canaan. Carthage was jews. Uniting against fascism is just another way for (((them))) to say uniting against Rome.
Their currency was even called the (((Shekel))).
Carthage was a Phoenician colony. Phoenicia had the exact same language and writing system as Ancient Hebrew.
That far back they are basically the same. The golden calf was the brazen bull. Moloch was acknowledged by jews and Greeks to be Saturn, devourer of children.
Amazing how history comes together when you realize that the jews are and always have been evil.
So it seems they were even more jewish that I thought. Damn.
Thanks user, I'll take a look.
That would explain why the Romans hated them so much they salted the earth.
Phoenicians were roughly from the same area so it may be possible that they were related to the old israelites.
It matters not since modern jews have nothing to do with ancient ones.
It was a collection of city states that employed native berbers in their armies as mercenaries and paid them with trade money.
They couldn't fight with their own men since they didn't have them. Imagine Magna Graecia with more colonists due to Phoenicia being conquered by Persians. Descendands of Phoenicians ruled over an underclass that was quite different as they.
Which is why they lost in the end despite fighting an underdog in all aspects.
History is written by the victors m8. And it isn't just semites that sacrificed children and even within the group there were no consistency. And it was polytheism so it probably depended on the family.
Link to the source? As I said sacrifice was very common in those times.
Stop ensnaring yourself in the same trap as leftists to with revisionism. One is history and one is ministry of truth tier propaganda.
No they weren't. Phoenicians =/= Jews.
No it wasn't. They were vastly different. Yes they were similarities since they lived close but they weren't the same. In all probability, Jews adapted the Phoenician alphabet.
Stop talking out of your ass about things that you don't understand solely because you want to be top gnatzee on the block.
Carthage did a lot of human (specifically child) sacrifice, an inherently kikey practice.
i find it more likely that carthage and phonecia had semitic culture rather than having semitic genes,so i don't know if they should be considered jews
Maybe. Josephus made up jewdayism in the first century but was only putting into writing the memes of his elder tribesmen. All the stories are actually Sumerian and Persian stories. Hebrew isn't even jewish, well, then it wasn't.
Shekel was a Sumarian word. The kikes just steal everything: language, women, land, etc. they're parasites after all and can't create, only steal and destroy.
Right, but if they are Khazars, how would that benefit them? It would destroy any claim they have to Palestine if it's true that they're actually just a Turkic tribe that adopted Talmudic Judaism. The only people I see attacking the Khazar theory are controlled goy like David Duke, who claims they are indeed the people of the Bible.
The Midians are the predecessors of today's Muslims.
Judges 8. Zebah and Zalmunna, kings of Midian, have crescent moon ornaments on their camel's necks and are also referred to as Ishmaelites. Keep in mind that the Israelites of that time were cleaning out the pagans precisely because they were into things like child sacrifice, etc. It was only after the time of Solomon that the various tribes, mainly the 10 who were eventually "lost" and formed the Northern Kingdom of Israel, but also the Southern Kingdom tribes of Judah and Benjamin, started to turn wholesale into the pagan styles of worship and child/human sacrifice. Of course, Jesus and the Apostles took many of the Israelites and made them Christians, and several other groups such as the Samaritants and Karaites have for the most part avoided falling into paganism, but by and large all the "so-called Jews" in the world today are talmudic motherfuckers whose worship is essentially pagan/moloch/satan worship.
So I looked for Midianite references here
I may follow up on this after visiting my Strong's Concordance.
u mad, Hannibal?
There aren't really jewish genes. They are infamous miscegenators. If their insanity and depravity were genetic, it would have been bred out long ago.
They are inbred as fuck today, but that happened in the middle ages.
What reason is this?
David Duke attacks the Khazar theory? I'm going to need to look into this.
It seems to me that while most jewish elites are Khazars, there is some continuity of the old jews. Look at the torah and how the jews of yester year practiced the same inhuman mode of parasitism upon the peoples around them. Stealing from Egyptians and engaging in the child sex trafficking industry with abandon.
Titus, who I saw brought up through time travel to our time {and no, I don't care in the slightest if you believe me} only destroyed the temple in Jerusalem…the one in Heliopolis was destroyed in 73 AD (I can't remember if Titus accomplished this or not; but as a Flavian you can't really trust the (((official record))) anyway; but you know it is infuriates them when they take down almost all web info on Heliopolis)…I honestly think they were way more butthurt over the destruction of the jewish temple in Heliopolis than the 70 AD destruction of Jerusalem (although they are pretty butthurt over this as well).
Look at this shit:
It is this LAST paragraph that is a complete fucking disgrace! Titus and Josephus were BOTH Flavians (Josephus was a JEW…who was adopted into the Emperor Flavian household for the destruction of Nero Germanicus)…remember Nero 'burning jews' to death as human torches in his dinner parties…well JOSEPHUS was the main reason that Nero didn't have an heir (the whole 'Poppy affair')…if I was Nero I would have burned any jews I could have gotten my hands on after THAT SHIT as well…but that is just me…
So the very idea that Josephus 'surrendered' his city 'aka betrayed his people to the tune of 40,000 dead' to ensure a jewish presence in Rome is more jew/ZOG/international banker machinations…not 'two opposing armies' at all…Titus wanted to butcher 40,000 people and Josephus helped him since they knew each other VERY WELL from Rome already. It seems to me that Nero was the one who was standing up against the international bankers/ZOG and that they won against him.
I can't wait to read more about how Cathage fit into this…I know there was the massacre at Carthage but I don't know what was REALLY going on there yet.
It was the same breed of kikes, ruled over by the cousins of the families that ruled carthage. The Cohen Gadol, descendants of "Aaron" were the priests that carried out blood sacrifices in israel. They were the equivalent to the bloody Malquarts that sacrificed in carthage. Also, the cathage kikes went to the middle east as their refuge.
user, they are STILL weeping from that one. Their pain has become tradition… they regularly meet to sob over the rubble.
But not a WORD about Heliopolis…WHY, WHY? I don't understand…logically that is one of the places where they stole the most of their 'religious' information from…why not even a peep about it and how many people even know that there was two temples…both destroyed in that time period?
M8, with all due respect, khazar theory is bullshit, it was invented and popularized by jews. There is no proof of claims to any of it.
Sure thing, Shekelberg.
So it is generally agreed upon that they were similar to the old israelites, but these probably stole their culture from them and other civilizations.
There are though conflicting opinions about whether these israelites are the current jews or not, which probably would need its own thread.
Thanks for the detailed answer. So would you say that their behavior was not kikey in any way, or at least not more kikey than that of any other ancient civ in their area?
Jimbopedia's (yeah, I know) article on Moloch:
It provides a source for the first claim (which we already know, but can we trust their enemies?) but not for the second. It's a paper I can't access so I don't know if it mentions the "archaelogical evidence".
University of Oxford's article on it, I don't know how much can we trust these sources (mentions a paper published in the journal Antiquity):
Some interesting commentary:
It's just a wild guess, but interesting nonetheless.
Do you have a single fact to back up khazar theory? you don't
I heard a while ago that the Phoenician alphabet was based in Etruscan runes…there was a thread on here a few days ago that showed the oldest know writing system, which looked like Turkic runes to me. As the Prose Edda has Thor/patriarch emerging from Thesalonika and migrating to the Rhineland where the people settled as well as things like the copper plates of Jordan (authenticity hotly contested…but which I have no personal problems with due to kike tendency to lie and their objection to the plates or the history they might reveal).
The Phonetian alphabet comes from Sanskrit.
Actually it happened in the last century. They started to control their breeding to “keep it in the family”.
What is the evidence that the Cohen Gadol served as high priests of Carthage? So far as I am aware, there is no mention of Yahweh or other important aspects of the jewish tribal cult in Carthage.
Then again, little of Carthage survived its extermination at the hands of the Romans.
Where is the evidence for this?
According to the Romans, the survivors of the siege were sold into slavery (I recall one account where the men were sent west to work in mines and the women were sent east but I cannot say for certain if it's true)
I will say one thing though. If Carthage really was jewish and if the jews know it, then the kikes are ritualistically reenacting what Rome did to them upon Germany.
Think about it.
Carthage and Germany were once great powers. Carthage and Germany lost a terrible war against the dominant power (powers in Germany's case). Carthage and Germany has horrendous war reparations imposed on her by the triumphant victors. Carthage and Germany were forcibly disarmed and their lands and colonies stolen from them. Both were forced to pay war reparations and surrender their arms. Both were forbidden to have independent foreign policies by the victors. Yet Carthage and Germany did not die completely and remained economic powers still. Then, finally, the spawn of Carthage was ethnically cleansed from the face of the earth. Her lands were then settled by Roman settlers.
And what shall be the fate of Germany?
I'm not saying that this is what is going on. I'm merely saying that if this is what is going on, it's really creepy.
I've heard that it was started by Bolsheviks to draw attention away from themselves, but can you give a much fuller description of this?
Khazar theory is almost 170 years old. Bu to this day there is no such genetic testing that backs it up.
Oh and sorry for double post, forgot to link you. David Duke while I have personal reservations about him, has good info on it. Well sourced too.
Khazar theory is just jews trying to convince the goyim that jews are not a race.
They would be forced to admit that they started a genocidal campaign against the greeks?
This is interesting.
Khazar history is well known in mainstream sources. Solzhenitsyn talks about it in 200 years together. Yea, a group of Jews from Babylon (Iraq) migrated to this area in south west russia and mixed with the Khazars.
It's not a point of contention, and it doesn't mean they're no longer jews. It's just a historical fact. The reason (((they))) suppress it, is to keep the goyim from investigating history any further.
did you know that Moses wasn't a jew? "Jews" refer to people that descend from "Judah", one of the 12 sons of Jacob (also named Israel), you know, the brothers that sold "Joseph" into slavery? yea, that Judah / Jew. This also means that the "matriarchal line" for jews is bullshit, because Judah naturally married a NON-JEW. Use that bit of knowledge to screw them.
Didn't exist. The whole Book of Exodus is a historical fiction - a fantasy.
the halachic law of matrilineal descent is bullshit, it's a recent invention – just like orthodox judaism.
the levitical law is that if the man - the supposed father - claims the child, then it is his, and thus belongs to the tribe the father belongs to. the mother's status is irrelevant in the mosaic law and in the law as described in the remainder of the old testament, as alluded to in ruth, etc. women had little status, had to remarry a relative in case of widowhood, and daughters only inherited property if there were no sons, see numbers.
fwiw it doesn't matter that moses was a descendant of the tribe of levi and not from judah. there's a lot of modern crap wrapped around the "10 missing tribes" (who aren't missing - the miscegenated themselves out of existence, we know what happened to them) and the people of judea, but none of it matters. modern talmudics and descendants of the "isrealites," whether mixed with khazars or not, all call themselves "jews" and it's a handy nomenclature. any of them that are informed of the history, and most are, just laugh at your bullshit, the same way i do.
i mean, seriously, you sound as stupid to people who know as do the niggers who claim to be "jews" because of ouidah on some french maps being spelled "judah" lel.
ok, the history for those who might be interested.
after solomon, and because of solomon's sins, the "12" tribes were split into two different kingdoms. "12" is in quotes because joseph's sons, manasseh and ephraim, each had full inheritance of land, and the levites aren't one of the "12" which took land as they were given to the Lord to perform worship, in lieu of the firstborn.
the southern kingdom, which held onto true worship longer, is judea and consisted of the lands held by judah and benjamin, and most of the levites moved there.
the northern kingdom, which slipped faster into pagan worship, had the other "10" tribes (including the 2 which were both of joseph) and which bred themselves out of existence. this kingdom is often called "israel" and sometimes called "ephraim" but there are also multiple references where "israel" is used to refer to all the tribes ie the children of israel.
There is evidence that the Carthaginians weren't Semites.
bones & DNA
In the past it used to be assumed that Phoenicians and Carthaginians were Semites, but now scientists using both DNA and skeletal evidence from a graveyard at Carthage have found that the remains have European rather than North African affiliations.
It's important to note that the skeletal analysis was done first and independently. Then mitochondrial DNA tests and analysis were performed. Both teams of scientists link the remains to Western Europe - especially the Iberian peninsula.
The "Carthaginians and Phonecians must be Kikes" hypothesis seems to have been driven by wishful thinking among Jews.
Look at Hannibal of Carthage
Even before the recent discoveries some scholars noted that Carthage's most famous son, Hannibal Barca doesn't look at all like a Semite. (2 pics related)
Now this skeletal and DNA evidence weighs in heavily against the "Semitic Civ" hypothesis.
Phoenician ‘Young Man of Byrsa’ Had European Ancestry, DNA Study Finds
Seeing the forest that isn't there.
The only semitic tribes are the damn shit huts shills in the Levant.
That's all.
If it's well-known, can you prove it?
The khazars are a turkoid tribe from Central Asia, so the modern jews should have these DNA, correct?
Their leadership were high-neanderkike semites. They were an inbred bunch that imported slaves however they could, and eventually spread their genes down the gutter. Look at the (((Saudis))) as a good modern day example. They import slaves from wherever they can, and are vastly outnumbered in their own country. They are led by the most hooked noses, and pass their genes down to the shitting street.
Speaking of slavery, the kikes were born of slaves… their own slaves. The slaves came from all over. How do you think they got the "twelve tribes" story in the first place? The sons of Mannaz, it's a tale stolen from their slaves and neighbors, and rebranded to match up with their own aristocracy.
That would be more proof then.
The kikes ALWAYS do what they blame others for doing to them. You want to see some bullshit? Read this CIA report on israel from 1972.
No, they were of the same bloodlines. Remember, religion to a kike is not religion to us, it's more like the bullshit in a courtroom to them. It is about arguing and control, that is their religion. They shared similar practices and served the same agendas, but used slightly different methods of control. Carthage had many foreigners to control, so they needed something to control masses of foreigners as much as their own. Israel had a xenophobic insular society, so they only had to focus on tribal control methods through theocracy. As such, the cults manifested different forms, but the same bloodlines would cut the throats of the sacrifice and burn the remains.
Hannibal himself was pissed about how proto-jewish Carthage was, if they were spiritually Aryan and more accountable to their martial duties they would have easily beaten Rome in the wars under the Hannibals
Hannibal's goal on the Invasion of Italy was less a matter of taking rome as even after Cannae it's pretty debated on rather his army could have successfully sieged Rome and you can say all you want how he should have gone for the gold, but he didn't. He didn't because he didn't think he could and if the General who recked the shit out of several Roman armies figures he couldn't take Rome and needed to continue his strategy of turning the surrounding Italian cities/tribes against Rome. Well, he made his choice. His general plan was that in the first place. Of course it didn't really work out as frankly the majority of the Italian peoples liked Rome at this point for bullying the barbarians and keeping them safe from said threat. I genuinely feel bad for the guy.
Have you considered sources that aren't kiked?
Actually it was Judah who made judaism hence the name JUDA being at the beginning.
Jews genociding greeks, why in the everloving God would they do that?
more of this "judah" crap.
jew is short for judean. but as detailed above, the kingdom of judea was merely named such because the tribe of judea made up most of the land in it was the inheritance of the tribe of judah. however, it was peopled by the tribes of judah, benjamin, and levi (including the priestly class of kohanim), meaning that many of the people known as judeans were not descendants of judah.
nobody "made judaism." the belief system simply was and during the time of their independence, they didn't have a name for it themselves other than "worship of the one true god" or some similar phrases. judaism was name applied from outside to describe the religion of the judeans - not all of whom were descended from judah - and "jew" became shorthand for them.
during mose's time, NONE OF THEM WERE JEWS. because the word didn't exist. they were all "isrealites" because that's what they called themselves and that's what others called them. the whole "jew" terminology is reference to the southern kingdom after solomon's reign.
addition: since most of the levites moved to the southern kingdom when the split occurred, the descendants of moses would have been judeans, because moses was of the house of levi.
thanks for the doc.
funny no mention of the massive foreign aid given the yids. pic related.
the "orthodox problem" section starting on the 15th page is interesting, especially point 33 on the 18th page. this explains why they changed the right of return definition in 1970. the original 1950 law didn't define what a jew was; the 1970 amendments used the halachic definition ie born to a jewish mother as a condescension to the orthodox, but at the same time added that right of aliyah are also vested in the children and grandchildren of a jew and any spouse of the same, provided the person seeking aliyah is not a jew who has voluntarily converted to some other religion, which basically meant that having one jewish great-grandmother would qualify you, in essence neutering the strictness of the halachic law, which itself is a new invention, see my post from yesterday on levitical parentage rules.
Another (((ROBERT SEPHER))) kike thread. He's been pushing that Jews aren't neanderthals but really the Pheonicians a lot lately. I guess he's ashamed of his heritage.
Reminder, Kike are just inbred neaderthals that were really invented during the time of Roman Christianity as a group of people who wanted to larp as an anti-thesis to the State and culture. Essentially (((esoteric))) satanists and have no real lineage to anything. They're ugly mutts.
Actually this is not true. Judaism is a religion that was a construct of the Pharisees. Nero was the one who granted both charters to the two main Pharisees in Rome. The charter (a Roman civil license required to head and practice a religion) for Judaism was given to Pharisee ben Zaki while the charter for Christianity was given to Pharisee Saul of Tarsus.
So the 'Jewish religion' is no older than 2,000 years old…while 'christianity' is much older and documented by the Romans themselves in complaints about difficulties with 'Egyptian cults' long before (200 BC) Pharisee (jew) Paul was a twinkle in his father's penis.
Paul, the jew was also the son of the High Priest of Mithras, extremely integrated into upper echelon Roman politics (attempts by jews/ZIONISTS/International Bankers) to tear down the Roman Empire were already well underway at the point of the 70 AD siege of Judea.
Anyway, ben Zaki took the 'israelites isra-ELITES/parasites' and forged something unrecognizable out of the 'religion'…eventually bringing about the bastardization of the Talmudic Babylonian 'judaism'…just as Pharisee Saul/Paul took 'christianity' which was a Aryan gnostic cult out of egypt and forged it into modern 'christianity' something that also bears little resemblance to its ancient Aryan roots (because the Egyptian Empire before it was slain via miscegenation and the retardation that naturally comes with this, was European; 'Egypt' has never recovered from their miscegenation; the same way that the Persian Empire never recovered from its Sub Saharan slave trade miscegenation; etc etc etc…miscegenation is their only tool to achieve global domination 'ZION'; as they have utterly destroyed every Empire and its people using this tool ALONE)…
Also, just an FYI for you, the letter 'j' did not appear in European languages until 1400-1500…so technically they were yews…not jews. Lol
Exactly, which is why the original Phoenicians, the ones who resisted the exodus but weren’t immediately ended like the Amorites or the phillistines,are the true Israelites. The Hebrews stole Canaanite land (see Numbers 20:17), culture, genetics, language and destiny. In addition the Canaanites were the Enders of Sumeria after their wave of immigration, Hammurabi was an Amorite, as was original Babylon. This combined with the events surrounding NeoBabylon should add some clarity to why (((they))) are so hateful.
/s why would they need 'massive foreign aid' when they literally control and murder whole nations for not participating in the criminal mafia fiat 'printing press' global scandal of ZOG/international banking…I am sure that it 'makes it all fiscal policy look legitimate in the retarded goys eyes to play the game of massive foreign aid given' but it doesn't even remotely resemble 'reality'…it is similar to thinking that LMFAO 'if you just work hard' and are a slave to the system, just jump through all their hoops, just get the right education that you can 'make it big in America'…I mean how stupid would you have to be not to know that the WHOLE THING is rigged and that ALL the strings are pulled from behind the curtains at this point, dolling out crumbs to whom they choose and suffocating and punishing others, no matter how hard you work? Someone just posted a image, which I didn't save, in another thread that showed that some of the people (all CIA/jews) who lived near Sandy Hook won the lottery 11 times…
"You better work bitch" by Britney Spears is just one big joke on the slave class…the path to freedom for ZOG is one in which the people participate willingly in their slavery after that you simply have to miscegenate them and they will, literally never recover their DNA or potential as rivals for 10,000 years or who knows, probably forever.
Can someone explain why the Phoenicians knew of the Swastika?
Phoenicians were partly Semitic, but also partly Canaanite. The Canaanites had distant Aryan heritage.
Plz go away Christian Identity.
Sorry but there nothing related to CI in this post.
Are you CI? I can almost hear the WE WUZ.
too much intellect for me to comprehend
In the Bible the Canaanites came from Ham. Ham being the dark skinned son whose progeny were condemned to slavery and who went on to inhabit Africa. Meanwhile Japheth means pale and settled to the North (Greece, Europe) and Shem settles in the Middle East.
Now you can disagree with that version of history if you want, but according to the Bible the 'white guys' are the Japhephites, the Greeks and Europeans. Canaanites would be Hamites, and therefore more to do with Africans and darker skinned peoples.
Japheth means expand/enlargement, not pale.
And Nero is portrayed as a terrible emperor in all history classes in the west. Really makes you think.
When your only disagreement with the black hebrew isrealites is that da real jews was golden haired vikangz n shieet then you need to reconsider your religion.
Oy vey, here come shekelstein’s strawman arguments.
whats an edomite and who is pastor jim?
Heard it was the other way round tbh
Edomite is the ethnicity of the Pharisees and Sadducees. It means descendants of Esau. Pastor Jim just means generic pastor.
The "allyah" definition was most likely added to allow them to better consildate the genes from the descendants of (((Aaron))), that is the Kohen. They are one of the rare kike lineages that is passed on from the patriarchal side, and they are the ones trying to build a new temple, so that they can gain religious/political importance in the kike lands again.
Edom was one of the kingdoms of Canaan, before the Hebrew Exodus… it has NOTHING to do with Pharisees. (((They))) destroyed every Canaanite culture/civilization (it took a long time) and then stole their texts, lands, destiny, genetics and history… pretty much all there is to that.
The only whites in the area at that time were the Hittites and the Luwians considering both have clear Indo-European roots
The jews say every Canaanite tribe has Indo-European roots. The deceit is obvious.
However, I’ll give jews the benefit of the doubt. The two Canaanite tribes they’re most sure are white are the Hittites and Amorites. Ezekiel 16:3 says the Israelites are the descendants of those two tribes. Therefore the Israelites are white.
So, because Madona is supposedly white, so sayeth the kike at least… then her kids must be white, yes?
You know fully well the Bible was filled with purity laws. It also says Jacob took a wife of his own kin.
Interesting. I have always entertained the idea of causing ethnic conflict among the original jews and the Khazar elites. Now of course we lack the ability to do anything other than try to reach our own people. The potential for ethnic conflict exists though, as it does in all multi-ethnic states.
I would like to see some evidence before I come to any conclusions.
I'm willing to give the Carthaginians the benefit of the doubt until I see some evidence that they were led by jews.
Honestly from what I can tell, most of the israli-born jews are relatively apathetic as a whole. They'd probably do nothing as the others cucked in on them, except while under orders by their idf commanders.
I don't know about that.But if this is the case, then clearly being rootless turns you pure evil.
Yes that's actually part of the complaint. There is a real though sadly not as large as it could be rift between the kikes being born in the desert shithole, and the ones living it up as parasites off of the USA and Europe. … bit of a fucked up realization, but what if the push to send mudslimes into the west isn't even about us? What if it's just kikes feuding by trying to force them all to have to live with mudslimes, so that the kikes in the west do more to support israel… while actual communists and atheistic kikes are trying to turn that attempt by the israelis into a war on everyone while lining their pockets?
read a book nigger, and stop making shit threads
Or you could stop shitposting and actually put something into your posts. Carthage was a cesspool of miscegenation and it was ruled over by kikes, with their cults and their usury, making it's profits off of the labors of others.
I'm the original poster of the screenshot.
Carthage was never at any point semetic, unlike Rome which became a beehive of Jewry (up to the 10% Jews) after their inclusion in the republic and eventual empire. You're not understanding something. Carthage WAS the good guys. Just like Germany was the GOOD GUYS. Hannibal started the second Punic war just like Hitler started the second world war, to avenge wrongs and seek a peace treaty. Carthage was a merchant, sea faring people and that means they didn't have a repressive empire unlike the Romans who did. Rome slaughtered other Europeans, accepted Christianity (a cucked religion) and overall cowtowed to Jews eventually. Had Carthage won, we would have early exploration of North America, Africa and white domination earlier. We would have been more resistant to barbarian invasions and would see a more prosperous world built on trade, ideas of freedom and justice rather on strength, might and the wealth through conquest and slavery (of white people).
What happened?
Rome got so fucking rich after it smashed Carthage and took it's sea faring technology for trade and had no opponents in the Mediterranean that it became so fucking rich, that it degenerated. It brought on tons of Jews, it had terrible finance and impoverished the poor and 99% by refusing land reforms AND IMPORTING CHEAP LABOR THROUGH SLAVES.
Cheap Labor Carthage Slaves = Cheap h1b indians, spics, chinese, etc
99% getting fucked in Rome as a result of conquest = 99% in america getting fucked through taxes, bailouts, no jobs and lobbying by the rich
The enrichment of rome by stealing technology = The enrichment of the US by stealing german technology (space faring especially)
The political divide of populists and oligarchs in rome leading to civil war = The political divide of the brown masses and the whites in the US
The stoppage of exploration and focus on conquests for Rome as infighting took place = The US no longer become the world leader
Aren't you also that heretical faggot from the Esoteric Kekism threads, who wound up outing himself as a shill? If not, you're still fucking insane.
Yeah, you're the same shit who would think a kike is "white".
What comes next?
Civil war
Trump is an early form of Sulla and the conflict will continue to resonate in the steps of Washington as it did in Rome. Rome was too rich and powerful but the economic divide was too strong. Just as Rome had a slave revolt, so we may have a brown revolt but it will be crushed. I don't fear the left because they can't win, but I fear the right splintering over the issue of economic poverty of the rest of us. Caesar used the idea of populares or political land reform for the poor to gain a foothold in politics. He competed with Crassus and Pompey for prestige. If history tells us anything, it's that some men will get so powerful in the US over the coming years that they will fight it out.
I have no doubt the Jews completely fucked with Rome as well but they weren't as much as an influence as they are in the US. It's hard to say or predict anything with certainty as there are massive differences between now and then.
You're literally fucking retarded.
The (((JuBu))) goes to great lengths to slander Rome.
No user, this is based on clear archeological evidence, the Amorities were a Semitic people,
So it sounds like the Israelities were spiritually a mix of Semites and IE. however, it is worth noting that the Hittites were well known for adopting the gods of their neighbours (Their territory was known as the land of a thousand gods)
Amorites were described with white features such as blue eyes and red hair.
You need to read a book. All you faggots keep spreading disinfo.
Ancient Semitic Civs
Basically every single civilisation right up to the post WWII British/American philo-semitic jew world order
Edomite this, Edomite that…in 150 BC (ish) the jews of Judea (remnants of the Maccabees) forced ALL of Edom (Idumea) to convert to Judaism under pain of death. This is what all the hullabaloo was about and all the Sanhedrin murders that Jesus references in the NT (a LOT of jew priests were murdered over this because they objected knowing that if Idumea was incorporated into the jewish line it meant their extermination from the planet as prophesied)…now, most jews DON'T KNOW that they are Edom, and about to be exterminated; tough fucking luck for them…but that doesn't change history, prophecy or the final outcome. There is no 'Edom' outside Judaism, because they murdered EVERYONE who did not convert, put every last man woman and child to the sword.
Meh…typical genocidal jew behavior, even if it meant their extermination (they get what they get and of course, they should be treated EXACTLY as they have treated others, with no regard for humanity and without mercy).
Luke 11
50 As a result, this generation will be charged with the blood of all the prophets that has been shed since the foundation of the world, >>51 from the blood of Abel to the blood of Zechariah, who was killed between the altar and the sanctuary. Yes, I tell you, all of it will be charged to this generation.
So did Rome.
What a load of shit. The Roman "Mercenaries" were allied neighboring tribes that were being assimilated into the Empire.
No matter the /pol, you always have this blind spot.
You guys have to realize the differences between these things. What is a Jew, a Hebrew, an Israelite, etc?
I know you hate anything Semitic but Noah's prophecy for his sons cannot be denied or ignored.
Jews for Hitler has some pretty good stuff on this.
Tyre/Phoenicia surely mingled with the Israelites, this was very common back in the day. The Spartans are even considered descendants of Abraham - yes those Spartans in the book of Maccabees.
There are striking similarities between Hebrew and Greek as languages (they're very close in proximity too, obviously).
/pol should also read and listen to E Michael Jones on what a Jew is.
thank for being civilized and reasonable. these are people are as bad as the kikes they hate.
Phoenicians had a pantheon of gods like the Greeks and Romans (read Virgil). The true Hebrews always had ONE GOD, the TRUE GOD. There were kikes among them in the sense that many were wicked and killed the prophets God sent. This could be said for any group of people.
tl;dr - Ancient Hebrews are vastly different than your jews of today (or since 70 AD) and Tyrians/ Phoenicians were closer to Greeks than Hebrews.