American Pravda: Oddities of the Jewish Religion
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American Pravda: Oddities of the Jewish Religion
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That's because modern judaism is babylonian mysticism, not actual judaism. This is what Jesus was talking about in the new testament when he called the scribes and pharisees "brood of vipers" and said their father was the devil. He lived in a time just before judaism prior to the exile in Babylon was completely eliminated by babylonian mysticism via the talmud. The scribes and pharisees were the precursors of the modern rabbi.
The rituals of kikes include jewing God(s) as well? Figures. Even Ferengi in Star Trek seem less cartoonish compared to the real thing.
Fucking hell, that's a nuclear article. I'm tempted to print out copies and leave them laying around town.
its needs more sauce in the links though
And it's written by a Jew who was raised in a Yiddish speaking household, so it's difficult for the kikes to cry "antisemitism"/muh six million
Please reply so this thread doesn't 404.
It's interesting how little traffic this thread gets compared to one where Trump memes can be spammed endlessly, isn't it?
for me to understand christianity, I read confessions (by augustine)
and most of the bible (1 week reading)
The jews spend their entire childhood indoctrinating into the religion (it is a radical organized religion)
when you do that, you essentially brainwash yourself, and become totally dependent financially on the teachings.
There are something like 13 books that would probably take a year to read.
but the main difference is that
in judaism, these books are MANDATORY
you dont get to cheat and get by just be memorizing the torah, no that's not enough…
The tanakh and pentatuch are the same thing. Halakh refers to extra-Biblical material that doesn't appear in the old testament.
Jews claim they don't believe in Satan. Any proof the author isn't a bullshitter?
It doesn't take 5 minutes of reading the Talmud to understand how evil the jews really are and why they must be destroyed for the good of mankind.
Very interesting. I would like to see some concrete proof of things such as Satan worship and using Aramaic instead of Hebrew to trick angels.
We really should have a talmudic research general, the best sources of ammunition against them really comes from their own words.
It's surprisingly hard to get your hands on these texts. Not the Talmud itself, as its been translated and commented on since the 15th century. But the Zohar, Schneerson's commentaries, and even the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia and Enyclopedia Judaica are difficult to find. I'm sure if you're on a big enough college campus, it'd be easier, but as for me I'll have to stick with the internet for right now.
Anons delivered some of those here I think >>>/pdfs/
the differences come from 'Pagan' influence on Christianity, most notably Aristotle. Anything good you can say about Christianity and anything that makes it non-jewish is derived from these 'evil heathen' sources
Even that is only because of a turncoat jew that converted to Christianity and took a Talmud with him. This is what finally convinced the Catholic church to stop protecting them so openly, and eventually led to the expulsions and inquisitions.
I'd imagine there's a whole lot more we don't know about because they're even more paranoid about it getting out.
babylonian mysticism = semitic paganism, both are the same with a bit of change of deity names and rituals.
Some interesting books in that essay. Anyone got any other good books along the lines of jew religion behind the scenes?
Holy shit, I'm only 10% of the way through this article, but it practically explains everything I've ever learned from Zig Forums. This is way more important than just the oddities of the jewish religion, it's a treatise on jewish control of the west.
Interesting. I didn't know eugenics was invented by kikes.
Have you ever noticed when a thread becomes an inconvenience to the Jewish people it stops receiving replies?
Ron Unz and everyone who posted on his site will be unpersoned, holy shit
Looks like he is a real person.
most people here are unironically braindead. To stay on topic though, I was completely unaware of their deistic nature, and the fact that they all believe in nigger magic. Does OP have any more gems like this that he wants to drop?
"Son it's your duty to rape this child to death, sacrificing it to satan, and uphold the family tradition, but dont think too much about why."
There would be 2 threads here and I wouldn't have learned a ton about them kikes, shills aside.
Also, I'm admonishing you for capitalizing "jew", lurk moar. Sorry for double post.
Here, have a linl\k:
wtf i love ((( true judaism ))) now
here are two of the books mentioned in the unz piece.
Nothing I didn't know already but to see it being talked about openly is fucking HUGE.
Bump because I'm a Christian, and I loath the Talmud.
Kike free bump
Not sure where you think you are, but that’s not really needed here.
I'm basically an agnostic, but seeing jews kvetch over Jesus is encouraging me to think there's something to it.
His redpill moment is pretty good.
Holy shit. We really need to get some anons on that shit. Bonus if we can nick some Kabbalah texts, I be there's shit in there we could use to pinpoint child murderers.
As you should.
I know that feel.
I'm surprised this story is not blowing up around the web.
I just read the entire article and I think the user at has a good idea, just download the article itself, print it out, then leave it around in different places.
The article is one of the best and succinct I have read about the Jews, and is a gold mine for more reading which never ends with Zig Forums it seems and learning on my end and hopefully other anons as well. Our war won't be won unless we understand the enemy and break people's conditioning and "show them" how the world really is.
And there is nothing more that people hate than being made into a fool, if we can show enough people how bad the Jews truly are, it will no longer need us there to push an pull in the right direction, it will simply snowball until that snowball becomes an avalanche.
A question: isn't the Talmud a secular book though? As stated in the article, it is mostly a series of commentaries and overall "learning points". Disregarding the rabbis, aren't most Jews of today (such as the ones in Israel and in the West) secular/atheist?
It's from a jew so they can't yell "nazi". If we could somehow send it to non-jew leftists they might spread it around in outrage.
A. Aramaic is Hebrew because Hebrew was a made up language back in the 1800s.
B. Jews don't believe in Satan. That's a Vatican meme invented to dumb down a bunch of foriegn gods and myths that European people didn't understand like Moloch, so they just called everything "advesary" (satan) and didn't translate the fucking word.
C. The more these demonic Christkikes push the Satan is real meme, and Jews are from Babylon the more meme power they give to Satanists and Jews. These cults wouldn't exist if Christianity disapeared today… except in small areas of Islamic Africa or some shit.
Well this is the Gnostic/Freemason/Templar/Luciferian doctrine so that makes sense for it to be Kabbalah.
This is a weird one because Jews don't have a hell. Sheol is the grave or eternal death. I wonder if this is just Jews trolling or maybe it's a Roman influence.
This whole post.
But they were called the "good pagans" after hundreds of years of demonizing them and being re-accepted.
Read above comment. You faggots are doing the Jews work for them. It's the same as Alex Jones pushing the Illuminati Nazi meme and "never the REAL Jews".
Le merchant pagan chicken magic. They transfer their sins into the chicken and slaughter it but only after torturing the animal first. They call this atonement. Its like the yids are too proud to admit they are bastsrds and ask god for forgiveness. Instead they torture and kill animals because admitting they're guilty is too humbling.
How do Odin's cummies taste, fam?
Go be circumcised somewhere else.
That's only because they're too ignorant to know that many, many racially jewish people were National Socialists and were accepted by other German NatSocs. which completely BTFO the "Hitler hated/wanted to kill all Jews" narrative.
It's almost as if Hitler and the "Nazis" didn't have a problem with Jews per se – WHAT THEY HAD A PROBLEM WITH WAS THE TALMUD.
I've noticed a bit of a narrative emerging recently, where shit like
.. is really being pushed. Here's the deal, (((they))) are trying to deflect from the truth, as unpalatable as it is going to be to some racial absolutist here and as eye-opening as it will be to normies outside of here, which is that what we call "Jews" today aren't really Jewish in ethnicity – they're CANAANITE in bloodline – and what we call "Judaism" today isn't really the religion of the Old Testament – it's PHARISEEIC TALMUDISM. That's the enemy we're fighting.
see what i mean?
It's unbelievable how racist they are and how no one notices this racism.
The Jews have a hand written confession note admitting they murdered Jesus Christ and still there are these hellbound "Christians" who were dare support a Jew or the Satanic state of Israel.
It's clear to me now in revelations that anyone who supports the Jews is going straight to Hell.
Yahweh is a God of forgiveness user. Don't you know? It states only 10 generations are cursed. In addition, notice how despite being forsaken by God repeatedly in the OT, at the end of they day, God still calls them his people.
Someone needs to make some mathematics with the word gorillion for the sake of keks
You know you can get banned despite using tornodes, right?
He confessed and ratted out his own tribe.
Haven't seen such a Jew of conscience since Vanunu, the guy that made the documentary 'Defamation', Brother Nathaniel, and Benjamin Freedman.
I redpilled everyone I tried for years to redpill with this article. It is pure gold. Thank you for posting this, user.
These Satanic Jews just need a good gassing by Christ himself.
To whom are they feeding their sins? Their own kind or gentiles?
They have to tell each other it's permissible to lend money to goyim without charging interest. The memes are too real
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Kill White Nationalists for treason
They have ruined every single attempt by Whites to defend themselves in real life for the last 50 years
The answer is gentiles.
Since the chickens were NOT slaughtered kosher style they ARE fed to goyim.
Whether you believe in it or not doesn't matter. Its the malicious symbolism involved that matters. These Jews hate gentiles so much they feed their sins to them.
This article gives insight into why Jews feel so good about ripping us off. The pricks seek high places in the ill-forsaken societies that will take them and then use those places to fleece the gentiles and either build up empires in their host societies or else send the treasure to Israel.
This is a reminder that a normal working person works about 50 or 60 percent of his time for someone else. Where do you think that other 50 or 60 percent of would-be compensation is going?
Many industrial slaughter houses in the us are owned by orthodox kikes and maned by esoteric beans. Recently pardoned Shalom Rubaskin for example.
Such a civilized and hygenic culture.
Unz had a follow-up. Will post link but wanted to rescue this from the kike's slide attack.
He talks about the worldwide Jewish funding of it, as well as the Jewish leadership.
Design and advocate for laws which make every Jewish practice imaginable a crime. Make it out to be disgusting. They will begin to lose it. Banning circumcision is hardly the beginning.
babylon was white you fucking daft retard, everything even remotely redeemable about your semitic Jew cult called christianity comes from Babylon, and everything disgusting and vile about it comes from Jews. This is the effect of 2000 years of Jewish mind worship; this is the kind of delusion and confusion that it had wrought.
I’ve thought about that but here in America if we attack the one aspect it will weaken the whole 1st amendment.
fuck the 1st amendment tbh
I'm pretty sure at least one pagan religion requires you to kill jews. So, legal then?
Fuck you too then, you traitorous cocksucker. Go huff paint with your fellow anti-Free Speech Kikes at Starbucks.
Yeah, you're clearly mentally ill. Fuck the hell off. All nonwhites must be excluded from the US constitution. Says it right in the fucking preamble.
Fuck off to one of your "Aryan Containment Threads" you miserable shit.
Wasn't that a scene in House of Cards with Kevin Spacey?
do they keep dried foreskins in those little bags they wear on their heads?
Idk, how does Jesus's juice taste faggot?
It's actually little strips of paper with scriptures in Hebrew. It's a long-standing practice and the "mark of the Beast" is actually a reference to this and to the one they wear on their arm.
I used to know the names for those but I've forgotten.
Lots of Jews turning on their own lately. Was there a falling out?
Yep. This upcoming shoah is gonna be… well I guess you can say downright "biblical".
Having to bump this because some asshole didn't check the catalog …
or maybe because some (((jew))) decided that some of the content in here was too good and that a new thread wouldn't have it?
The based Old Testament Jews go all FINAL SOLUTION on the Babylonian Talmudic Jews?
(bewbs cuz qresearch banned them)
Jews rocking in prayer before the wailing wall, because they are fornicating with a goddess, a snake goddess I believe if I remember it correctly.