I haven't seen this many retards since the election
Post screencaps of the people with negative brain mass posting dumb shit on twitter using the #TreasonSummit hashtag
I haven't seen this many retards since the election
Post screencaps of the people with negative brain mass posting dumb shit on twitter using the #TreasonSummit hashtag
Oh boy what happened now? Did Trump threaten to be fair and hear Russia out or something?
Replace Russia with Israel, and there wouldn't be any outrage. jesus fucking christ, these people are lunatics.
He said he didn't believe the Director of National Intelligence when he said he thought it was Russia
They're still butthurt about the Tsar aren't they?
Twitter is histrionic sperging 24/7.
CNN: Trump is an Russian asset.
They keep trying to shill McCain but no one but McCain gives a fuck about McCain's opinion.
They are becoming completely unhinged, publically disintegrating and it's not even election time yet.
>after he attacked (((us)))
Trump Derangement Syndrome taken to new levels. And this coming from a Congressman. Absolutely incredible. They're losing this fucking minds. What comes next? The unhinged may become increasingly dangerous given the type of rhetoric their leaders are using.
joke: Trump is a puppet of Putin
woke: Trump and Putin are puppets of Chabad
Those promotional pictures are powerless to convince us UNLESS you also post touchingwall.jpeg!
There is no other way, plebbit.
Two can shitpost at this game. Should we abandon Hitler’s ideals for dealing with kikes? No because we’re not fucking children who switch loyalties because of a picture
Go back
Well since you asked so nicely.
How do lefties not understand how bad it looks when they say Strzok should receive a Purple Heart and Trump's meeting is on the level of Pearl Harbor.
Desire to purge is rising.
At least he admitted that they are idiots.
Nice projecting kikeshill but you don't belong here and we all know it.
You are here forever.
Not bad but my version is better.
Isn't he dead? Are these guys pulling some "Weekend at Bernie's" shit? Maybe we'll see the lefties argue that living is just a social construct and that America is ready for a post-living leader.
Like pavlov with a bell kek.
Take note user of ll those Traitor….. Their will be a purge!
I think Twitter (and social media generally) might be one of the worst things that has ever happened for people with weak egos. They've been driven, it seems, literally insane by the constant need to outdo the next person for the attention embodied in likes/retweets. I have no other way to understand this level of delusion and hysteria. Watching it must give one a feeling akin to those of tourists who took day-trips through Bedlam lol. Amazing.
Can someone explain what exactly they think his treason is supposed to be?
if things get real fucking bad all names and faces of the enemy are known, it would be a shame if talking heads were liquidated in their homes or places of work
Nothing is stopping anyone from doing that now apart from cowardice and/or the desire to milk the tension to push an agenda that wouldn't be popular or accepted otherwise.
This is what he’s referencing.
Lurk two years before posting. Your shit was disproven decades before cuckchan existed.
It's astounding to me, these people have no clue at all of how insane they sound to sane people.
It's beyond hyperbole, because the sane individual may use it, but they don't actually talk themselves into believing it.
These mental basket-cases ACTUALLY believe their own hyperbole…seriously, they may need to be committed to asylums for their own safety and the safety of society at large.
imagine being this retarded, and then
What "treasonous" happened exactly? Also these people using the word traitor or treason is fucking hilarious.
This is what happens when brainlets get 'political'. Social media was a mistake.
I wonder if I can collect gibs on behalf of my dead relatives because I think of them as still being alive and who are you to life-shame them for living differently? Calling them dead is just as wrong as mis-gendering them. They're all trans-alive and I demand that you give them the same Rights and any other living human being.
It's about respect!
Treason is anything Trump says that hurts their feelings.
Doing or saying anything that goes against their narrative, of course.
Interesting. What's the point of posting that? Is it a time sink?
Is that literally all they are complaining about? I'm a phone fag at work and all the kikes here are crying about this press conference like something new happened.
Top kek
Mainstream media constantly clucking about how Russia "meddled" in the election. All the evidence I've seen is that okay, among 144 million russians, less than 144 of them who happen to speak some English decided to communicate their opinions about political candidates via some meme posters. So a 1-in-a-million shot of a Russian citizen deciding to offer opinion on international politics.
I'm sure there are just as many if not more Americans who are able to use enough of the Russian language to translate their hatred about Putin and his party towards Russian Facebook or other Russian social media platforms to try and influence THEIR elections. I'd wager that a lot more American effort has gone toward that, for many more years, than vice versa. I don't understand why Trump doesn't point this out. Just say "Putin showed me evidence of American meddling, TO BE FAIR, he is right, Americans have done way worse than what we are mad at Russians for."
No voting machines are wigged. SOME user released the DNC e-mails (possibly the DNC itself to play victim or whistleblowing Bernie supporter) and Russian anons just like everybody else were helping to circulate the Wikileaks. Big fucking deal. I don't care if some of these anons were in the Russian military (so far there are only indictments, they mean shit all until there is a conviction) there is a different between a couple bored privates meming Hilary Clinton pizzagate theories and actual orders/policy of an entire government.
This foam-at-the-mouth oneupsmanship is spilling over into real life, and it's about to cost the Democrats big time. Fascinating really. Just sit back and enjoy the show.
lmao i'm tempted it try and push this meme
JIDF, just what the fuck do you think you're doing?
It's more like this:
That's what the retards are screaming about right now.
That’s actually pretty funny. It’s like our freeze peach.
No, just no.
Their demographic cake is already baked and no one in a position of power is going to change that cake in a meaningful way.
You replied to the wrong post.
what is this face.
Fuck, thank you. I was so confused man.
Reason for Twatter bot screeching today:
Putin reveals at least $400 million of Russian business money went into Hillary's campaign
Doesn't JIDF have some sort of reading comprehension test or IQ threshold, or does it just take any inbred kike in it's constantly rotating employment?
Voice of America meddled with Russian politics via radio for many decades. They did the same back to us, with Radio Moscow.
This shit has been going on, on both sides, forever, I cannot fathom why it is suddenly a concern.
I EXPECT Russia, and other countires besides, to take sides in our elections, just as we do in theirs. It's no big deal, and it has never been shown to work, anyway.
Wikileaks has said repeatedly they did not get the hacked emails from Russia, they got them from a Dem committee insider, via thumbnail drive.
I have not seen any convincing evidence that the Russians gave anything regarding the DNC to anybody.
This whole thing is a fake meme that's gotten out of control.
Former AIPAC lobbyist (((Wolf Blitzer))) HATES Putin because Putin is supporting Assad, Israel's enemy. How dare that kike speak of foreign interference.
Makes me sad that Russia beat us to the punch.
Good catch, they're burying that statement.
"During the press conference on Monday, Putin said Browder's associates sent $400 million in campaign contributions to Hillary Clinton's campaign during the 2016 election."
I'm not really going to go back and forth with you on the issue. You and I live in the same country, you drive on the same roads. Is what it is. You know the real numbers every time you commute to work, pass a school, or go the grocery store. To meaningfully shift demographics – not just quiet down the pressure and create a more favorable electoral position for israeli-centric geopolitics – it would take an operation the scale of which could not possibly go unnoticed in almost every single municipality in the nation and would require tens and tens of millions of legal citizens to be stripped of that label along with their assets.
That's not happening. You and I both know that it isn't happening. Please do not pretend otherwise.
Fucking perfect user, thanks for the lulz
this and ISISrael/Syria/Golan happenings
>And they are making the kikes go back to the 1974 treaty lines for their security.
Is why the kikes are kvetching.
Kek! Nice.
The timing of this shit is too coincidental.
Just keep in mind most coups occur when the leader is abroad.
Kek. I'm definitely going to have fun with this one the next time i decide to shitpost on twatter.
Considering how much money Trump has already funneled to our parasitic military, I'm pretty sure you can rule out a coup.
I think you should go kill yourself you pathetic faggot. Despite the hurdles Trump has been deporting shitskins and blocking others from entering. It may be far from ideal but it's still happening. So between the shift of the overtone window, the manner in which kike media has been behaving, Trumps successes and the fact the the democucks don't even have a semi-viable candidate for the next election, I would say blue wave, or even blue survival, is a total joke.
The demokikes will be flattened by slightly better republicucks and will also schizoe apart from within, during the next years.
Soon after, the cleansing begins.
Why are you denying the Holocaust?
according to the typical neo-liberal:
russia is the enemy and hacked the elections to make trump win, therefore trump is committing treason by cooperating with russia
of course, russia didn't actually hack the election, and, though they are our enemy since they're at least largely ran by (((them)))
I'm at a loss of words, but Russia isn't exactly our enemy
The intelligence agencies are the greater threat.
I just don't fucking get it. Like, the shit people are saying is like they want to go back to the cold war, or straight up go to war with Russian. I thought liberals were all about that anti-war, no intervention, peace and shit. Y'know? This is so stupid.
Relax nothing that interesting is going to happen.
They're much more pro-war when it involves more dead whites, strange huh?
It is designed only to protect israeli geopolitical interests by maintaining a population that is awash in holohoax propaganda and guilt instead of a largely illiterate and monolingual Mexican population unaware of it or a radical islamic population actively in favor of a second one. This is not complicated. His entirely family is jewish.
So what? They'll have plenty for the next one or the next one after that and does it even matter if you're getting the multicult anyway?
There is virtually no difference between them. They've all been 100% on board with everything that's brought the country to this point.
That third picture
A day without (((news)))? Other than that, none of them work. These commies really think the working class are on board with their asses, don't they?
And it's not just Russian. With North Korea too it was like "Peace talks? Negotation? Fuck that!" so it's like, what's the deal? When he imposes tariffs on China or the EU they get mad about it. So then if they hate US intervention and tension, why do they get mad when we actually consider not messing with people?
The best part is that JIDF doesn't seem to know why everyone can so readily see their own-goal doubleposts & replies.
Sssshhhh. It's a secret.
Liberals are full of shit and when given an iota of power will abuse it to the fullest, look at cuck a duck and all his idealistic ramblings and then how he sperged out so hard after a few shitposters memed on him that he got chased off of his own website. The only time these faggots care about free speech is when they want to subvert or sabotage you and will crush any smidgen of freedom when they are in power. The same goes for lolbergs and commies.
Because everything he does is bad
The version of that used on Zig Forums is
But the truth they don't want you to know, drumpf is actually a poo kike, goyim.
They and other groups seem to have been particularly bad lately at trying to blend in, i guess they are rattled and over-worked with all dat anty-swematizm rising over the net!