Putin dropped us all a redpill and said that the Russian (((mob))) gave Hilllary #400million. We need to meme this.
Other urls found in this thread:
Posted this on some other forums and it was instantly deleted. They are scared kek.
Yeah but Trump didn't literally murder Putin on stage!!! :^)
Putin dropped a bomb and nobody is noticing it.
#400million fags. Get in on it
This is the reason the dems are chimping out so hard. The witch has ordered them to discredit the source.
get them talking about it
So the democrats thought that they would be able to cover their crimes by accusing the republicans of them?
Are they fucking retarded?
They really think it's not noticeable that they come out with "fact checks" just hours after that allegation yet can't produce any evidence of Russian hacking in 2 years.
Unless there is a tangible consequence for their "crimes" that isn't just an election cycle or two that don't go their way, I don't think they really care.
Classic deep state gaslighting and confusion tactic. Project everything onto your enemy, delay, memoryhole
Get this shit out anons
Get details on these guys who donated, this is the sort of shit we need to prove shitlery deals with some fucking atrocious people.
10 bucks says their a bunch of shellstein crypto-jew commie cunts.
They're true disciples of Alinsky. It's not a tactic to them, it's a lifestyle.
Putin and Trump each have access to high quality intelligence, and the forensic investigators of their respective countries. Politifact surely is in a position to make an affirmative judgement that he's just blowing smoke. I bet Putin is even a Russian agent…
Good comment from zerohedge article on this;
Browder's paternal grandfather was Earl Browder, who was born in Kansas in 1891.He was a radical and had lived in the Soviet Union for several years from 1927 and married Raisa Berkman, a Jewish Russian woman, while living there. After his return to the United States in 1931,Earl Browder became the leader of the Communist Party USA, and ran for U.S. president in 1936 and 1940. After World War II, Earl Browder lost favor with Moscow and was expelled from the American Communist party.
“A handful of shysters who basically stole Russia's most valuable companies in the 90s, minting a small handful of mega-billionaires, while the rest of the country ate dirt.” (Hedge fund managers George Soros, Bill Browder and other Russian investors ripped off the Russian people)
…”the Great Russian Rip Off” happened in the 1990’s, while Soros was Bill Clintons Expert on Russian affair…
…Coincidentally, Bill Browder is the man behind the accusations by the Clintons of Trump’s Russian collusion..
Sorry for the spacing, those repeating digits make up for it though if I say so myself.
fuck off. we're gaining momentum
GREAT dirt. Let's meme this shit
it's being picked up
Can you summarize this into a few sentences max. I haven't dug into it like you. Make pertinent to #400million and easily understandable what the connections are and how it counters the MSM narrative
CUCKCHAN IS GETTING RAIDED HARD as soon as the #400million came on the scene. It's like a fucking storm.
Then we can meme the shit out of it
I'm not trying to be obtuse, but there's like 30 indictments of Russians with allegations of hacking. Have those been disproven?
This is what they're sliding everywhere
Yes. By virtue of your faggotry
Post in all boards that are relevant.
Let's get this shit out
user use your head
Thats always the issue with this level of shit. The sheep need it bite size but its the hardest thing to make it digesetable. We need some higher level of autism to shoop up some maymays. Clearly we all need to do some homework on this browden and his business connections, so typical that his dad was Head of the CPUSA and ducking ran for pres. You couldnt make this shit up if you tried.
ya gotta dig on this topic. i'm spreading like mad on all platforms but haven't taken time to research
running with it
Too late Dov.
but he flew Bin Laden's family out of the country when the entire nation was grounded
also Bandar Bush was a thing, Bin Laden's relative Bandar was such bffs with Georgie that he joked he was part of the famil
Always remember, blumpf, putin and the giraffe assad are zogapedo puppets and have totally not just won the Syrian war in the south west, defeating greater ISISrael and pushing ISISrael back to the 1974 border agreement for their safety.
Try not to play to their noise, they are in savage damage control. Just focus on what exposes more dirt here, dig on browdens, figure out when that money hit their coffers. They tried to side step and scapegoat trump with their shady actions.
Also dont let them get away with the noise, by all means post shit to those fools who are drumming up hate as its where the msm will direct the sheeple to look. As they love posting peoples opinions from twatter as fact via consensus.
Man Just shoop Hillary's bitch face on Dr Evil and slap a "FOUR HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS" cap on the image r/the_donald would eat that shit up and meme it
Imran Awan was the person helping laundering the money to Hillary's foundation.
Yup. They are terrified. Keep going.
He doesn't know the emperor's name, does he?
(((Saul Alinsky's))) "Rules for Radicals" 101.
Can't post on cuckchan bc vpn blocked but wish i could
This is an actual elected official pushing this bullshit pretending their hands are clean and rooting for war at the same time.
I cant believe I forgot to post it
Here are some twitter hashtags that are floating out there -
- #400million
- #400mIllionclinton
- #400millionForClinton
- #400millionforClintonCampaign
This is good.
Seconds man, seconds
Screenshot is CNN
Twitter suspending acounts that tweet with #400million hashtag
Browder does business with the Ziff family. One aspect of their business is their stake in Och Ziff. Och Ziff did serious business with high-level Israeli government connected Dan Gertler, who is the go-to guy to grease palms in the Congo to get deals done. Gertler got hit with OFAC restriction recently. Note that Gertler is also in hot water because he greased Congolose officials on behalf of not just Och Ziff (the hedge fund the Ziffs own partially), but also because Gertler bribed Congolese officials on behalf of Glencore, which was Marc Rich's company (the guy Bill Clinton infamously pardoned).
Anyway, the Ziffs are major wealthy players in South Florida. Father was a kike magazine publisher. Kiked to the max. Don't know if this helps the Browder search.
TL; DR Browder is associated with some major kike power players
(((Politifact))) dismisses an allegation that would need a full investigation to prove or disprove within hours? They're in full panic mode
No. It makes it seem like a joke.
Remembuh da 400 gorillion!
Re-worded it slightly.
I know - right? I saw that too and ignored it, but maybe it should be archived as well……
- - - -
Try harder schlomo, Pres. Putin just fucked you sideways.
Dont feed this troll gents, filter and carry on!
I'd like to introduce you to the Jewish concept of chutzpah. It's usually translated as "pluck," or maybe "moxie," but the true meaning is more like "perversely attacking when you've already lost." It's such an extreme bluff tactic, it actually works most of the time. Witness that megakike Gloria Allred still threatening to sue Trump right after he won the election. They can't help themselves; it's their one big survival trick.
Forgot to add also that Browder and maybe some friends in high places from the US probably knocked off Magnitsky, even though they had some fake campaign to lionize him. US/Browser probably wacked him.
Underrated post, this is gods work. This shit here guys more of it! I wanna see numbers in action.
I posted this in a different thread, but will repost here. Good rundown on Browder.
Why investigate when you already know what your bullshit (((investigation))) will report anyway? Might as well get the scoop!
On a serious note, I'm steeling myself for the inevitable encounters with smug-as-fuck-but-somehow-still-not-married cat ladies on FB and other platforms who will drop a (((Politifact))) "debunking" on me as if it's ironclad proof I'm a nutcase who hates women. I mean, I am, but that's incidental
I'm glad Reuters is reporting these bites twitter.com
Browder - Hermitage Capital Management - cofounder - edmond safra / murder by arson by Ted Maher.
Straight from jewpedia-
Dig boys. The well is deep and full of rats.
Anuddah Shoah!
Updated to add Browder
I'm gonna sleep comfy tonight.
Hmmm I wonder why.
>posts X person who is about to Shoah (((them))) standing next to a kike
Read closer.
We don’t want boomers here, you fucking kikelover.
there's gotta be a meaty Brennan/Bill Browder connection and Brennan is terrified of what Putin may have found in dusty old CPUSA files
So leave glownig.
Everything is funny in bread and circuses
Putin is really gassing those kikes, especially when he gave about 400 million shekels to them.
Really winning there, champ.
The mob controls Jewtin and the mob is controlled by Chabad. Oy vey, sum dum goy.
Plus do you have any specific proof that the mob themselves actually gave money or are you talking out of your ass?
It's happening
In your head, Moshe.
You faggots should read or listen to the audiobook of Red Notice, Bill Browder's autobiography of sorts. I listened to it three or four years ago, and found it quite interesting at the time, but once he began whining about unfair treatment and lobbying Hillary, John Kerry and co. to pass legislation, I realized how much of a fag he was.
The guy was just another rich nobody that got lucky with some smart and timely investments that exploited the economic chaos of post-Soviet Russia in the 90s and 2000s. He tried first in Poland, but ultimately failed there.
It's insightful to read the man's bragging first-hand, written well before Trump ran for President. I'm sure there are some juicy details to be picked.
I have no doubt he paid up some big buck donations to get the Magnitsky Act signed into law. $400m would be huge, but considering so much of his money was stuck in limbo, probably seemed like a bargain.
I'm honestly sort of surprised none of you niggers have ever brought it up all this time, but there you go. Read and investigate. I bought my copy through Audible at the time, maybe I can find a way to rip it, because I wouldn't want anyone else giving that giant faggot kike Browder any bux.
ty user. adding to reading list
Also, Browder is most definitely a giga-kike, but his sneaky investment tricks were pretty clever. If you gain nothing else from it, at least you might get a leg up on the kikes when failed states like Venezuela lose the commies and try to go back to republican capitalism or some variant. Of course, his methods require a fairly large bankroll, paying out bribes in the midst of chaos, and exposing yourself directly by getting down into the dirt.
As my amazing aunt always told me since I was a preschooler: reading is the key to the universe. Knowledge is power.
Know your enemies by reading their manifestos! They love to brag.
Good summary. He goes into detail about his grandpa in his book. Something I totally forgot, somehow. Billy himself basically wrote the book on disaster capitalism with his methods, but never got credited by his neocon/lib peers, so he had to write his own manifesto.
Do not buy it new. If anyone knows how and can offer instructions, I will happily rip and post my audible audiobook version. Its like 30 hrs long though, so no fucking way im going the analog route and re-recording it.
Unfamiliar with audible audiobook. The extent of my ripping skills would instruct you to burn to CD then rip CD into mp3 format and upload to napster
Projection; it's standard jew operating procedure.