Former FBI intel advisor openly calls for shadow gov to take on the Government against Trump on CNN

They really want war anons

So CNN is now supporting a legitimate deep state coup openly, they are going to reap what they sow if they are not careful.

Attached: shadowgov.mp4 (854x480, 5.89M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Big talker

cnn is treading dangerously, very very dangerously. and these fucks wonder why people think some dead journalists are not a bad thing

Is Pence behind this coup or is it Pompeo, or will General Joseph F. Dunford, Jr. seize control of the nation???
Will Trumps children and grandchildren be spared slaughter?

Attached: Dunford_CJCS.JPG (1200x1500, 292.23K)

Whoever it is they're all getting strung up.

op here, i would suggest anons start gathering locations of fusion centers and other relevant immediate intel control locations in case (((they))) do actually push this into a hot conflict.

It's not really treading dangerously until or unless there is any implication at all they might face real consequences.

I hope Mattis is ourguy
And I hope he kills everyone of these marxist fucks

Gee, I wonder.


And at some point some patriots somewhere will decide death or jail time is worth fonding and killing these talking heads, that’s what I meant by treading dangerously

So never, then.

Is that the same guy who got to say a bunch of appropriate slurs on cnn?

Attached: CNN_White_Power_hour.mp4 (1280x720, 1.1M)

For as pussy as the Left is, they've done a pretty good job of harassing people in restaurants and being dicks. You don't have to kill anybody, when you happen to run into one of these fucks just go and give him a piece of your mind and ruin his day. There's enough of us to gangstalk and gaslight all of these fuckers.

What could go wrong?

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Since he's phrasing it as a question of "when", I'm going to guess either when sedition and treason stop being crimes (the latter requiring a Constitutional amendment) or when the government has already collapsed (at which point, former government bureaucrats are unemployed unemployable faggots)

yeah he is also the same guy that said the Gov is gonna kill trump

Nothing. You think anyone is going to be punished for this?

Trump was under no illusions who his enemies were when he became president. He's now had a year and a half to prepare for the struggle. I knew he knew when Sec. Mattis burbled on and on about how fucking much money Trump had won for the Defense budget. He seemed genuinely gobsmacked. Trump has bought the loyalty of the armed services; his power now rests in a quarter of a million members of an armed force. InB4 ZOGbots; go fuck yourselves

He has also brought much of the Republicuck Party into alignment, as long as he can deliver coattail victories. That's nearly half the establishment there.

He has personal immunity to most of his enemies' attacks – He's not vulnerable to bribery, flattery, threats, blackmail, or Shlomo's other tricks.

He is also increasingly winning over his countrymen. Great economy, prospects for peace, most visible opposition is either antifa terrorists or old prunes like Nancy Pelosi. Not people you follow into battle, especially when they're advocating for MS-13 and Islam.

I also hesitate to bring this up, but Baste Drumpf the Mighty Wall Toucher has also won the (at least temporary) favor of zionist kikes, leaving quite a lot of the globalist Jews out in the cold. That shouldn't matter, but it tragically does in Washington power struggles.

I like his odds.

I suppose anyone can punish anyone if they know where they sleep and have the mindet to do it

This Mudd's ancestor is the famous Dr. Mudd hanged for his roll in the Lincoln assassination.

Hang them high

Attached: hanging1.jpg (331x500 85.77 KB, 39.72K)

My first thought too.

who controls armored infantry in and around Washington, DC Trump will likely be taken to CampDavid

We're going to see tanks and infantry in the streets Boris Yeltsin style. And the Niggers and Spics are going to burn our building down in celebrations.


Calm down. There is no coup, it's just a faggot liberal LARPing like usual.

if any part of the armed forces actually takes up arms against the pres another faction of the military will try to stop it, this will be a trigger to move against local enemies that one is aware of

most of the military is right wing..

these larpers control the press, the minds of millions of useful idiots and arms flows to said useful idiots, oh as well as most of the intel orgs, their revolution is possible but will not be fruitful

White nationalists.
To… die for Israel, yeah. Trump has no intention of restoring America’s ethnicity. Trump has absolutely no intention of upsetting jews.
Zero percent of it. People? Sure. Politicians? None.
It’s easy to win the favor of jews when you’re personally a zionist and your entire family is jewish.
In this fantasy you’ve drawn up that isn’t even worthy of Q-LARP.

Weird how they accuse of treason but can not provide evidence of a single crime committed. Despite looking everywhere and trying different potential crimes. Weird.

it's happening the same way it happening Russia. You may be too young to remember when Mikhail Gorbachev was ousted

It's not happening. Sorry, ShareBlue!

Air Force One suddenly goes down and Pence is made VP in a government run by a junto

It's a rhetorical catch-22 the Deep State and the media cooked up for Trump in advance of meeting Putin. If he does what they want and tanks US relations with Russia, he's doing it to distract from the truth that he's just meeting with the man they say made him President. If he does what he wants and de-escalates tensions and increases cooperation with Russia, it's confirmation of their narrative. There is no winning move, so Trump is doing exactly what he should by not letting their narrative control his behavior.

I know all about that, but there is literally no evidence to support your conclusion. You can claim that literally any time Trump is not in the country with the same level of credibility (fucking none)

Hi Moshe you may now collect 5 sheckels -

fucking clownworld

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if that habbens…. i hope you all know where your local leftists sleep

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Then you clearly remember that when parliamentarians showed up in parliament wearing bullet proof vests and flak jackets under their suit everyone was laughing and thought it was all an unnecessary joke. 3 days later the supreme soviet was taking high explosive tank fire.

I see many parallels, calls for presidential impeachment, the divisions we have now and everyone thinks it's funny…. like a food fight in high school gone out of control. It's happening

How about the communists going on television and telling the military to kill the leaders of the government, YOU GODFORSAKEN IMBECILE.

Not an argument. Everything I said is true. Go the fuck back to reddit and fellate your kikes there.

I'm old enough to remember it all, but so far, no Yeltsin. Before '93 the guy had charisma and was clearly a threat. No one remotely like him in the US to push aside a Gorbachev right now. If they push this too soon without an alternative it backfires and all that passion can fly off in any direction, possibly back in their faces. But maybe there's a timetable and you're correct.

They always do that. It's nothing new. They have no power. See also:

Same libcuck LARPing different day.

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really and Obama Hillary coalition of other talking heads such as media personalities wouldn't draw dividing lines… did you just wake up today, because that is everyday for the last 18 months.

let's see what tomorrow brings but I'm telling you 5 will get you 10
History repeats itself, and it's human nature. Hillary, Obama, the FBI, the CIA, the State Department, shits going down against Trump whether he likes it or not. I'm confidant he's ready for it, and has planned countermeasures, these idiots won't see him coming.

Wheres >>/cow/ and >>/baph/ on this Phil Mudd clown? At the very least are there courtesy calls going to all his friends, neighbors, and relatives? >You're friends with Phil Mudd right?

There's no doubt about it, it's all a big game with characters and puppet strings. We're just rats in our wheel.
You want justice? Go trick or treating, get a free candy bar from Treyvons god parent mr Gropeberg.
You want peace?
Kid, ur gonna have to work hard.
The real question is do YOU wanna die for Israel or for AMERICA?
When it comes down to it that's your options.


main problem here is that your analogy doesn't line up. Yeltsin was the head of government. Gorbachev and the USSR were long gone. Yeltsin was a corrupt murdering thug but your analogy doesn't work; he was dealing with Zhirinovsky and others along with oligarchs in embryo and lost his shit. He didn't want to give an inch of control and that was a months-long standoff.


Do you need to take a moment to get the sand out of your vagina?

Attached: Leadership Course.jpg (500x378, 54.72K)

died a bunch already, user, just seeing how the kids handle their turn now. been through mine, good luck with yours.

Hi there Jeremy

Oh, do they? Huh. How about you prove it.
So… you admit that you’re 100% wrong, and that everything you’ve said is a lie.

Fucking obviously it’s not perfect. The situation is the same.

Since in 2004 the abandoned seats of the Republic were re-inhabited in all 50 states, THE UNITED STATES federal municipal corporate government is now operating illegally.

We can literally hang all the politicians for treason. I prefer them Nailed to Trees and disemboweled, like in the good old Druid days. But I'll settle for them stepping down and putting into circulation the existing silver-backed US currency.

Join the Republic:

Every thread with the jew shills thinking they have 100% power in red bold text.

was hoping you'd get this yourself, but if a head of state bombs the legislative assembly, who's to blame? now explain this brilliant historical episode to those of us who watched it live, but in US terms, as it requires: how's this work if Trump is the head of state? Should he going to follow Yeltsin's example? Or not? what's the fucking imperfect point? that Trump is Gorbachev, and someone else is Yeltsin?

Not an argument. What power do jews not have, you cocksucking lunatic. They own all media–television, radio, and print. They own all publishing houses. They own all retail. They own the courts and the federal congress. They own most state congresses. They own all cities. They own the entire intelligence apparatus. Every single fucking living soul in all of those agencies is working for the jew, either knowingly or uncaringly, because where the FUCK are the leaks/saboteurs/whistleblowers otherwise? And not just in the US. They own every single Western nation (you know, the only ones that matter on a global scale), as well as China (1.5 billion meat shields to zerg rush any white nationalist groups).
Q-LARP is a hoax. The ZOG will not arrest the ZOG. There is no one coming to save you. Either save yourself or you will die.
What. power. do. they. not. have. Tell us, if I’m wrong.

It’d be nice if Trump was like Q-LARP said he is, but he’s not. We won’t have a Reichstag Fire moment.

You can always tell a shill by unnecessary panicky bold redtext coupled with references to Q where no discussion of the LARP campaign is occurring.

Look, you need to break this down into terms that are more tangible for an anime watching weeafag like yourself can understand a tiny bit more.
If inuyasha and Honda tohru, except she has a f2m dick in this sample, were to kiss, but inuyasha becomes uncomfortable and starts slacking his sword all over - which animal can he become if honda tohru gives him a juicy flavorful hug?
Why none other than the rabid wild wolf he truly is.
Start seeing the world objectively and you'll understand this more you pathetic hack

Sick of your act, JIDF.

Attached: Be afraid.jpg (650x424, 125.57K)

What about the power to not waste insane amounts of water?

Attached: kinneret draining 7.gif (320x100, 20.3K)

Well, I'm right here.

Prove it, bitch, I challenge the jews to kill me.

Come, prove your power


Whatever they were afraid of Trump finding out, he now knows.

What makes u think they didn't want him to find out about something

The screeching of the damn media perhaps?

You evince no understanding of the historical period and events in the picture you found online and posted, although for a moment you gave off the surface impression of knowledge due to a vague yet intriguing prediction of a process underway in the US. Still, only you can see it, and you cannot explain it in English, so back to your Japanese colouring books.

There's three distinct arguments I've been making all night.
Ur a kike
Ur a shill
How u doin Moshe how's the barmitzvah treating u

Attached: everyone I don't like is jewish.jpg (368x475, 24.43K)

This FBI agent gets it, its about that time boys, ready up your rifles, no action yet, but the time nears.

Kek, have some oldies.

Attached: pak nazi.webm (640x352 198.1 KB, 345.34K)

What about the power to chew bubble gum and walk at the same time?


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My theory is they are afraid of what Trump told Putin in secret, could have been anything. And of course the media HATES not knowing

Anyone got the one where he's just rifling off epithets? I can't find it.

Attached: we will not be silenced by faggots.webm (1280x720 159.09 KB, 491.56K)


Saying psy-op while being a redtexting shill doesn't make you not a shill.

t. Increasingly nervous kike

Trump is levying tariffs on Israeli steel and aluminum. No exceptions for his zionist buddies it seems.

Trump is a funny guy; he promotes you, praises you then takes sadistic silent joy, a joy that fills his pance with pints of sticky cum, when he says "YOU'RE FIRED".

You ever lay eyes on someone and just know right away that you'd thoroughly enjoy bashing their skull in?
I got that feeling the first time I laid eyes on this kike fuck.

Attached: Turner Upfront 2016 fQZ36GllbArx.jpg (682x1024, 129.47K)

ebin meme there, Jared


Drumpf was elected by Kushner and Based Bibi. Fuck off.

wtf I love killary now

immediately with the name calling and personal insults. is this how the left argue?

then he got up and turned the tv volume to max lol

Daily reminder that Trump could fire every single person in the FBI right now. Why hasn't he?

Completely false.

The Republican party does not care about winning elections, moron.

I wish a nigga would

for the record im neither a blind blompf or poopootin fanboy, i just like pointing out the hypocrisy of their rabid haters and how irrational they are.

huh… the fuck are you on about nigger?

I can't put my finger on what it is but that guys sets off my "uncanny valley" sense. There's something missing, he's not quite human.

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Because if he cut them loose they would scatter and regroup in a non-extradition country. If he keeps them on the leash he can have them within reach when it's time to hang them out to dry.

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Hasbara-kun woke up again.

that 2nd pic is 100% patrician though so its forgiven

The mouth.

Posts like these make me laugh because they are absurdly blackpilled, but at the same time probably the most accurate outcome.

Attached: Barack Obama Smile 1.jpg (1200x763, 704.41K)

Didn't matter how well the Trump-Putin meeting went they were going to weave it into their collusion narrative. He took a giant piss in their Cheerios with talk of the DNC coverups during such a hyped press conference. DNCNN had no choice but to set the hysterics dial to "MAXIMUM KVETCH"

I'm glad they're freely outing themselves as traitors. Those comments aren't going to age well, especially when featured in the tribunals.

probably a penthouse suite in (((Haifa))) waiting for them.

Then he could just send the military to cut off their black budget avenues and then have them tortured to death. The solutions already are in Trump's power. He is just too cowardly or stupid to go through with them.

It was too shit a shilljob for one thread, much less several. Have you considered suicide? You should.

same guy. hes rooted in slavery and judaism.
look him up one of his ancestors was some important colonel faggot
i hate his fucking lisp too

Not convincing anybody, plebbit.

Deep state and kikes might want to pull that off but they are sloppy and weak, decades of degeneracy and implementing their disgusting desires unopposed has made them vulnerable. Victory has defeated them. They simply don't have the support to truly pull this off. Some parts of the military and CIANiggers with what? Antifaggots and soyboys? Who do they rally behind as their new leader? Obungo the niggerfaggot? Killary the walking carcasse?
The parallels might be there but our enemy doesn't have 2 pair of balls between them. They can still try though, which would be amusing and cleansing at the same time.

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I'd really like to see CNN nuked from orbit. Watching Van Jones and Jake Tapper being incinerated by a cleansing fire would make me cum buckets.

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