I have a great idea how we can strike the left

How about we hire some sluts to wear bikinis in a Muslim country, start recording with hidden cameras and see what happens. Afterwards we widespread the footage through social media with the glorious hashtag #britneysbikini
The left will be forced to admit that Muslims are opressive against women, shit maybe if we're lucky we might get some stoning footage.
Anyways with the kek worthy and misleading hastagh, young social media addictive millenians will look in to it just to find a surprise.

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Sacrifices have to be made, also we can hire some right wing white crackers if Zig Forums is cheap. I bet that they will even enjoy their few minutes on TV fame.

Fuck off shill

Secrets out faggot.

No. Only the deaths of their masters, the kikes, will lead to ultimate victory. They care not for life, liberty or property, only personal and political power. Now go start suck a shotgun and never post here again.

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Like left wouldn't lie. They are totally trustworthy, right

How about instead we hire niggers to kill you and your family and film it all on hidden cameras placed throughout your house and use the footage to start a hashtag #faggotOPgotwhathedeserved?

Boy, don't you fellow pedes love these BASED niggers trying to get white women raped and killed.
MAGA BASED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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There's enough real video of this happening already, but you're too newfag to research it.

The left doesn't matter, Hang every journalist from a lamp post and you'll solve our problems.

you can shove your retarded definition of liberty up your asshole you useless americanised faggot.

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Kill yourself, OP.

Pretty decent idea OP. There's a good chance they'd get raped or harrassed that would redpill the normies lightning quick

yeah well they should know what they sign up for. We shouldn't deceive said sluts about the dangers.

No, just get nonwhite sluts to sign up. Some half-nigger feminists should be happy to "PROVE THE TOLERANCE OF ISLAM" right?

It's an utterly dog shit cuckchan tier idea from a shill OP and you kikes are not fooling anyone. Now fucking gas yourselves.


why not use one of the hundreds or thousands of cases already documented of mudslimes and/or niggers being barbarians?
because you think a new one might have more chance to get the left to say anything meaningful about their pets murderers of white people?

gas the kikes, race war now
is the only solution that will matter

They ignore this scribd.com/doc/211485752/Easy-Meat-Multiculturalism-Islam-and-Child-Sex-Slavery which is way worse than any of that metoo shit what makes you think they'll turn to look at your attempt to enlighten them? Hypocrisy is their way of life.

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>How about we
Stopped reading right there.
Just kill yourself kid.

Hey everyone. OP might have half a bad idea but also half a good idea actually. We do the beginning part. Where we slut bait. But once the rapugees get to raping. We come out of hiding in SS clothing. Lynch the rapugees. And then post video saying this is the start. Think of all the outcry and real red polling. All the fense sitters will be red pulled because they will see the pro rapugee outcry. The results would be glorious.

No, it's 100% bad.
There is plenty of footage that already exists. If you want to do that ending why not just do it here and murder every non 100% white you see.

The point isn’t to mass murder and get caught up. It’s to spread propaganda like them.

At the very least it will create more dis order and get the race war started sooner than later.

or they'll just ignore it just like every other gore movie made in the middle east.
see above

No one will care. I mean it. If they would, you’d remember that this has already happened more than once, including last year.

I woukd like to leave booby trapped bikes for niggers to try steal. When niggers start chimping out , everyone will know the dead niggers got butt hurt and bleed out of their black asses and died. Shot by a bike they tried stealing.

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Of it’s done well. Like with Nazi logo shit everywhere and we get like 5 to 10 of them. People will take note. Just make it more Nazi than Nazi’s are. Make it so it seems like there are thousands of us even if there are only 20. They will bite the bait.

now THAT is a funny idea
carefuly wipe your fingerprints, and only buy your used bikes in cash

if you hook up webcams around the place where the bikes will be stolen it would be awesome

great plan user it's clear you've really thought this through

There are countless examples of women being oppressed in Islamic countries, and plenty more where women are punished for being raped as is.

In a mosque, women tend to be seated at the back with the men and boys in the front close to the imam.

If the left don't think Islam is oppressive to women after all this shit, risking the lives of a bunch of hookers is not only pointless but grossly irresponsible.

Women want to be oppressed. It's in their nature. Western men have been thoroughly cucked by (((feminism))), which is why women are finding shitskins increasingly attractive.
Never forget that women are nothing more than overgrown children. Giving them the same rights as men is why Western society is in decline.

it's called fire and bullets

Being corrected on shit behavior isn’t oppression. We see literal freaks demanding sexual attention from men they shouldn’t even be in the same room as.

If you hire attractive women, women will side with the Muslims out of envy. You have to hire landwhales and put them in landwhale swimwear. That way, you can add "fat shaming" to the muh soggy knees of the mudshits

Nonsense. Women will see that guy with attractive women and want to be there. That’s how it works.

Feminism is a shittest.

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you know, there ARE videos out there of female journalist being raped by crowds of muslims. The literally cannot move because so many bodies are being pressed against her. Try looking, everything you need is real.

ITT: "I don't understand the liberal, Muslim OR female mindset but I have an opinion on all three!"

I hate people who say "we" even though what they actually mean is "you go and do the work, I'm just the genius idea guy - I'm above putting in effort, just here to take the credit".

You fucking dick…how about how just go get the FUCKING FOOTAGE of all the rapes that are filmed EVERY FUCKING TIME A EUROPEAN WOMAN IS GANG RAPED IN HER OWN NATION…FUCK YOU YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE…there is tons of FUCKING FOOTAGE that is already floating around the web on Arabic/Oriental/African websites of how much fun it is to rape Europeans but the FUCKING KIKES don't let you, EUROPEAN MALES see it…YOUR INTERNET ACCESS TO THE BRUTAL TORTURE AND RAPE OF YOUR PEOPLE IS 'RESTRICTED' WHILE THE REST OF THE FUCKING POS FUCKING EARTH GETS TO WATCH IT OPENLY…

I've seen some retarded shit around here but god damn, you need to fucking die.

seems like a real easy way to kill yourself by accident

this is quality, make sure to film it

Kike Detected

Europeans are not hand rubbing kikes who attack in the shadows. We directly challenge the enemy to fight and then charge through their lines on horseback.

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You appear mad.

Fuck off

You have shitskins in European countries throwing acid in women's faces for not covering their hair, and they don't do anything. You vastly underestimate how much the ZOG brainwashing has set in on the left.

no you dont , sage

Hey JIDF, wanna suck a dick as usual?

Retarded idea that is just going to get dumb women killed and worse and easily be turned on the people doing it. Classic counter psyops and you reek of juden.

Just get the already numerous amounts of leftists who have already done similar retarded behavior you claim. Like the european dumbass leftist reporters who got themselves killed in Africa.

I'd be ok with this idea if it was kikes getting fucked over though.

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the Left would just switch their narrative and say those women were being offensive and intolerant. remember, the Left actually believes in borders and homogeneous cultures enforcing norms – but only for non-whites

Get Thots like Corinne to do so. Will be educational.

Fuck off.

Jesus, it is a pity that we cannot avoid the fact that underage kids will post all their teenage fantasies here.

Won't work. In tourist areas white women are allowed to wear bikinis. And tourists aren't allowed out of tourist areas very easily.


OP is a fagot that has the strong urge to burn alive
Maybe we will see him on TV in a short time

well arranging a feminist slutwalk in allah akbar land could be good, as long as they're all disgusting

Hey Torpedo, leave those kids alone you faggot kike cunt

The Second Coming

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

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