Wolf Brigade : Live Action
Made in Korea
How badly will they fuck up the source material?
Wolf Brigade : Live Action
Made in Korea
How badly will they fuck up the source material?
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How about you grow the fuck up and join an MMA gym like a fucking man instead of playing children's games?
How bout no.
I smell the talmudic chink…
Why isn't this a new chapter in the series, why are they remaking the third film?
Nigger what?
He's trying to be subversive
Nothing triggers the heeb more than the weeb
You're so into video games and chans that you think martial arts is gay. Put down the soy and shave your beard, kiddo.
video games are for kids. Just baseball/basketball/football and other children's sports meant for playing at recess that men obsess over and should be ashamed of.
Video games are just the most pathetic of them all.
its gonna be shit
You must be new here. Fun is how we got this far in the first place. It wasn't by acting like tough guys on the internet.
Nobody even mentioned vidya except you.
Projecting much?
Degenerate cunt detected
wew, vidya is for the faggiest of faggots
Now hold on just a second here. Wearing beard is not unforgiving sin. Its just hipsters and soyfags ruined it for a lot of us.
We did it guys, we found a real girl!
And if you don't want to be mistaken for a faggot hipster, don't look like a faggot hipster. Shave that shit.
You are so obvious it hurts, are you a lurker or just writing for salon?
I wasn't even taking part in the vidya talk. I just randomly replied to beardguy.
Having a beard and complaining about how everyone is mistaking you for a hipster faggot is like wearing blackface and complaining how everyone thinks you're a nigger.
He's too old. I want it to be more realistic that he's might fuck the girl and that he would have a moral dilemma.
But there isn't a moral dillema, all the non-wolves were just sperging out thinking they were fooling anyone and they got what they asked for.
Having fun practicing poses- I mean karate kata in mirror?
All the 'roids these guys take screws up their testosterone and turns them into trannies. So its no wonder we have so many military fags turning into trannies. The Pentagon doesn't even screen for steroids and actually turns a blind eye to it.
Just wait, all of these MMA guys will be out marching in the pride parades soon.
Gooks making it already seems wrong. The plot has also change to be about future gookland and a unified Korea fighting against anti-unification rebels, so why the Stahlhelms and MG42? Sound wise (going off the trailer) its shit, the MG42 sounds nothing like the real life thing. Add to that the comical bullet hitting flesh sound effect. I can see a disaster looming. I hope hollywood kikes take a hint and stop trying to make live action films about classic anime films. sage for unimportant topic
Check out this one called "Patient Zero". The outward sign of infection is yellow eyes. The infected speak their own language that the normal humans can't understand. Those that are infected become stronger, more violent, and highly organized. (Also notice the infection number they stop at; 6,000,000,000.) And a glow-nigger that can understand them without being one of them is attempting to find the location of the one who started it all, patient zero. The normal fags are hiding out in an underground shelter, looks a lot like a FIMA camp on the inside. Torturing of the infected to get information on their leaders whereabouts is perfectly ok. And the normals consider themselves a resistance. Their's so much Zig Forums shit packed into this trailer it's almost funny.
Yea but this isn't a video game lol
they altered the setting from a dystopian sci-fi future to a setting where the two koreas are about to reunite but some shady groups who don't like the thought of it start a fuck huge riot to the point where they needed the big scary not!wehrmacht soldiers to put them down
I have to think you’re a Jew if you think sport fighting is inherently homosexual. Most straight men don’t consider sport fighting as homosexual. In fact quite the opposite.
I am going to be honest. The majority of you have consumed yourselves with your own bullshit.
MFW when I get called soy because good genetics keeps me looking young.
Dude, give it up remember this is the same board that makes excuses for not to take action and deluded themsleves into thinking put the white savior into office
I guess the newfag shills are cheaper.
Only beta soyboy hipsters think men with beards are hipsters like themselves.
I'd ask why you're still here then, but we both know it's because you're paid to be.
Fucking Koreans. Some of the changes like the updating the setting were inevitable I suppose, but for the most I really don't like what I'm seeing.
I mean, a fistfight while wearing the protective gear? A freaking combat drone? What the fuck is that shit all about? (At least it's not the american remake spearheaded by motherfucking Spike Lee as it'd been apparently considered years ago.)
It's like they're completely ditching the contemplative and reflective nature and understated tone of the original that actually help to accentuate the rather brutal gunfights that took place now and then in favor of an all-out, dumb, generic action movie with a Jin-Roh coating to simply attract the fans on the original.
It's the same shit with the GITS movie, what was the fucking point of that from an artistic standpoint? If there even was any at all, that is. The originals aren't going to be lost to time or anything, they're still great and are just as available to anyone who wishes to watch them, so just fucking why?
I swear, if someday I hear they're gonna remake The Sky Crawlers I'm gonna kill someone.