Totally organic movements fellow (insert political affiliation here)
I've been keeping an eye on this #walkaway movement. If you don't know what it is, it is a trending hashtag and related video series highlighting the stories of people "walking away" from the political left. Most stories are by normalfags of various backgrounds and ethnic groups and the reasons given for their exodus usually have something to do with the violence and extreme intolerance they see infesting the far left. Some of the videos I've seen are actually rather interesting, like the story of a mother and wife who was encouraged by social workers at the welfare office to divorce her husband to get more benefits when they fell on hard times. That was her #walkaway moment.
Anyway I'm not really here to either sing it's praises or condemn it outright, but it's certainly something to look at for a couple reasons if you're interested in watching political movements.
First, I'm not convinced it's grassroots. Just a general observation really and not a hard one to make.
It's hard to believe that one video from a literally who out of what must be thousands of pro-trump/anti-left "Democrats are the real raycisssts" type videos posted every day caught on so quick. If you haven't seen his original video (
The amateur videos it has produced however seem entirely authentic and present real people turning away from the political left. There have already been hit pieces written to discredit these people sharing their stories, calling them "Russian bots". This is apparently what prompted people to post vlogs. In my opinion the majority of them are real testimonials.
My second observation is that while it's easy to assume these people are moving right what actually is happening is that everyone is moving towards the center, aka the left of 20 years ago. Some of the videos do address the growing hatred towards white people and men, however the comments sections on Youtube are filled with "welcome we accept everybody" type platitudes from conservatives and a good chunk of the videos are by gays, trannies and blacks. Effectively those participating are moving center from where they traditionally were, from both the left and the right.