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daily reminder
Can't wait until the vampire hunters finally track him down to his lair.
George Soros is their own judas goat that they trot out whenever they want to prop up another one of their own false dialectic, like Putin, the alt-right, and these astroturfed anti-immigration parties (that are also pro-Russian). Whenever George Soros is "attacking" or "speaking out" against something, rest assured that whatever it is, is kosher controlled opposition.
Hasn’t worked out that well, shows he’s fallible too.
people like soros, buffet, kissinger, carlos slim
they all get in their jets at the end of the day and bang like 20 hookers.
let em burn
Americans voting for the candidate they want = treasonous meddling from foreign nations
Hungarian jewish financier heavily funding political groups in a foreign country = liberal democracy
this tbh
Criminally underchecked dubs
His legacy should be that he's the first kike touted out to use an example of the kind of shit they do and why we had to gas them all back in the founding of our splendid 4th Reich.
can't wait for this evil kike to drop dead
hope he gets defenestrated by a mob of angry children
Soros was the peak. Younger jews aren't as smart or cunning as George was. Just look at how easily BTFO they are now. The future belongs to us. It's all downhill from here.
It's a thread complaining about the neocon approved bogeyman Soros, who Trump is indebted to just as he is all the other slimy jew cunts that own him
The future of America is in the hands of jews, which was the choice you chose to make when you voted for jews
Jews scared of Tuplas.
Fuck off you fucking /x/-tier retard and/or shill
more like upsky
oyyyy veeeyyyy give up now goyim! give uppp ughhh
russia never changed and neither did china they are and were dictatorships
poland had one law to remove very old politicans from parliament and now it is a dictatorship akin to russia??
Not letting thousands of people from unknown provenance and unkown aliiegiances violate your borders is "undemocratic". No Having a vote is democracy,having borders and legal migration WITH PASSPORTS AND CHECKS is democracy,letting citizens of a country decide their country's government.immigration systems and borders is democracy.
Denying aid for refusing european union decrees whch under classical founding european union rules are completely dicatatorial,completely illegal and completely against the spirit of the project and the preservation of europe as a continent is not only undemocratic it is a coup d'etat for a united states dictatorship of europe which happens to be backed by a jewish banker.
this is exactly how communism took over china and russia and we will not sit back and let the same happen to our european homeland especially those that lived under communism in the past.
#adopt a billionaire
unfortunate for whom?
a small group of jews,bankers and influential liberal globalists or the mass of humanity who wish for self determination?
Don't get cocky, user. While Soros is indeed a gigakike, our enemies aren't anywhere near defeated just yet. And we have to repair the damage this shit has done to the spirit of our people. It's a long road ahead - and it's going to get worse before it gets better. Take joy in watching this monster in his death throes, sure - but always keep your head.
Why do you keep saying dictatorship like it's a bad thing?
*haitian children
fixed that for you
Is that supposed to be pro-Soros? This is a NatSoc board, not Liberal
This article is the most pilpul-ridden collection of Jewish word-twisting I've seen in a long time.
Whatcha doin there rabbi?
George SOROS: The One-Man DESTABILIZATION Machine (Black Pigeon Speaks)
Why do they care about legacies so much?
Let's say a jew of Hungarian origin, I don't see the need to slander Hungary.
Yeah, because if we just stopped voting, kikes would just magically lose power.
Because that’s what normal traditional people do.
Because even though they can control the narrative now, they can't control it after they die. A good "legacy" allows them to have some kind of influence on the narrative and the overton window well after they're departed.
By reverse their effect on the present and the past, you stop them from controlling the future.
They are screwed then. These Jews now can’t even hold an honest conversation.
he didn't lose shit, the article is there to make it seem like things are going wrong for (((them))) meanwhile they know exactly what (((they))) are doing, classic disinfo and misdirection
What about the Rot_childs?
Why would (((they))) publish this
Just some jewish folk who bought and own NeoCon Don
Yeah because Hillary Clinton is completely free of kike control.
You know you can call them kikes here right?
If only we had voted for Hillary!
You pretty much already did you jew controlled brain redundant normie spastic
>(((they're))) seriously back to the "DONT FUCKING VOTE AGAIN GOYIM" spiel
Do you realise this is Zig Forums?
You are promoting jewish democracy controlled by jews for solely jewish benefit
How can you invade a board diametrically opposed to your retarded jew controlled viewpoint and claim to be the natural base of this place?
Even though you are trolling with a limited IQ and script, can't you see how retarded your entire practice appears from anyone outside looking on in?
this is Zig Forums, the very first principle of Zig Forums is to oppose you jew controlled drones
funny how you claim to belong here yet you refuse to say kike.
When did the option materialise in this brief interaction between me and you a retarded MAGApede?
When a B'nai B'rith embedded CIA kikes like Mike Enoch makes a living making jokes about "gassing the kikes" and every single israeli on this board calling anyone not supportive of their latest jewish agent a "kike", it pretty much minimises the value of such a slur word when 99% of every invading faggot here calls anyone not supportive of jews a "jew" or "kike".
Let me make this simple
If a gang of Hillary supporters invaders your home Reddit The_Donald and kept promoting Hillary on there and calling anyone not supportive of Hillary a Hillary lover.
How retarded would that make all the Hillary bots appear to you MAGApede's
Now imagine that 99% of The Donald posters are now only promoting Hillary Clinton and get one oftheir mates to become a mod, banning anyone critical of Hillary on The_Donald.
Do you see how retarded everything you do and say on Zig Forums appears to anyone with an IQ above 12?
Guess you’ve never read Goebbels.
Fuck off.
That’ll fix things, I’m sure. The last century of American history has shown us that voting works, hasn’t it? Also, kill yourself.
Is this your first day?
What? You mean the "legacy" of destroying an entire goddam race of people? The "legacy" of wrecking countless lives by toppling economies for profit? The "legacy" of perverting and crushing multiple unique cultures?
In the end, the world will remember you as the worst plague on mankind since the Rothschilds and Attila the Hun. You'll be right in the history books with Pol Pot, Chairman Mao, Joseph Stalin, Leon Trotsky, Jeffrey Dahmer, and Al Capone…the list goes on and on, and you pretty much belong at the fucking top.
Please die soon.
I love how these pro Hillary come out with BS like this. It shows me that even the left and the right are united in the hatred of the jews. The right and left need to unite with the singular goal of zionist genocide. They hate the jews as much as we do, let's shake hands with antifa and start the jewish genocide united as one massive murderous block.
Anyone that threatens; in any way, jewish power is okay with me.
Fuck even burning down a bagel store is a start
What about Kissinger, Adelson, Kushner etc?
I propose we oppose all of them and not just pretend there is only one bad jew in the world
I got news for you…all of us are indebted to some Jew, in one way or another. That's what comes of allowing them to take over the banks.
It doesn't mean you like them, or even respect them, all Zig Forumsacks don't.
But they have it set up all over the world that if you want to do business, and ever have any chance at making enough shekels to buy your freedom, you have to go see the Jew.
And you can blame the Catholic church for it, when they made it illegal for Christians to engage in usury, but still allowed the kikes to do it.
They all suck, too.
Invest in rope sales.
Am I speaking to an agent or did you have to get your subject matter expert to help you?
Go ahead and go home, and wait for Hitler to be resurrected.
The rest of us will be voting for the next step toward Hitler, and WE'LL be the ones to resurrect him.
Yeah and the Christians forced jews into being slavers, drug dealers, pornographers and all the social ills they are behind that contributes to the enslavement of all mankind also…
Just for the record, Christianity forbids usury slavery, the elite rulers were the ones who allowed the jews to do it after getting indebted to these jews in the first place and sold out their people in the process
At least you got that bit too
Antifa and the LGBT initiative hate the jews as much as NatSoc do, let put our difference aside and unite in jewish genocide.
While not a popular opinion currently, Blacks, Whites, and legal Latinos in the USA must united to purge the country of jews. Think of the slaughter of jews which would result.
Sorry, Schlomo, every Zig Forumsack votes.
No free ride for your next Hillary.
Hand on heart, do any of you MAGApede spastics realise how retarded you make all Americans look, or is that the purpose of what you're doing here?
The jews have sown and thrived off division. All groups must unite for jewish genocide to occur. Lets get started Zig Forums in spreading this revolutionary new idea, spread it everywhere.
Just to highlight once again what passes for competence these days
>Still using the same "DONT VOTE" playbook with the same image set we've been seeing for over a year
They really aren't sending their best.
Sage for off-topic. Watch (((his))) reply to this.
Maybe someone who was tricked by him and got to know the inner workings of his organizations are helping take him down. Just a thought.
His final days will be spent knowing that he failed completely in all regards. Perfect. Couldn't happened to a nicer guy.
I already did when explaining to you how retarded it is you MAGApedes look when pretending to be pol/aks
here's a well known kike for example, sitting next to his best friend Bibi
Wow…you'd think the American president could afford a larger monitor…look at that tiny thing.
I think you forgot to label bannon…he worked for Goldman Sachs so at the very least he gets a 1/2 jew flag.
How could dictatorship possibly be a good thing…this is exactly what we are under now, are you enjoying it? Hmmmm?
Why would we vote for Trump again? Are we not going to TAKE CONTROL OF OUR NATION? What would we need Trump for? We are going to institute a MERIT (can you hear me now?) M E R I T O C R A C Y (keyword: M E R I T)…not another extension of the Charlemagne/jew oligarchy (Trump, Hillary, Bush, Obama, etc). Did I emphasize the aspect of M E R I T enough? Just in case I didn't:
Although, I suppose, in jewfaggotworld they would consider this a form of merit, it really doesn't work in a White hetero ethnoworld.
Noooo…you must understand the jew mind. It is holocaust they fear because they can not be resurrected (reincarnated on Earth)…the bodies need the heads cut off…this causes death and then the bodies MUST BE BURNED…this prevents the data from reorganizing and spawning another jew in the last ones place. Rope is going to allow them to respawn…and we will be in exactly the same situation as we are now…but they will be 10 times worse because they will understand that we have the will to exterminate them even if we didn't do it correctly.
Why do you think that they say that the Earth will be cleansed with FIRE in ancient manuscripts…IT WILL BE CLEANSED OF THE FILTH THAT IT HAS ACCUMULATED AND THAT LIVES AS PARASITES UPON IT…it has to be FIRE or it will all be for nothing.
Eze 37
3 Then He asked me, “Son of man, can these bones live?” “O Lord GOD,” I replied, “only You know.” 4 And He said to me, “Prophesy concerning these bones and tell them: ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the LORD! 5 This is what the Lord GOD says to these bones: I will cause breath to enter you, and you will live.…←- enough already…DON'T LET THEM RESURRECT ANY LONGER…their bones must be complete ASH.
No, but they couldn't have done it all without control of every nation's money supply.
The Church could have stopped it. They worked hand-in-hand with the rulers, and held sway over the people.
The Christian church was just a method of peasant control in the first place.
the kikes are defeated when they are burnt and buried.
I'm afraid trump handed over the last few shekels of the budget to his friends in israel to be able to afford any decent hardware for America
Ok so we just let them win elections and amass power in the meantime, right?
How do you plan to celebrate when the kike finally dies?
At this point I'm convinced you actually are retarded Hillary supporters with the sole aim to make MAGApedes look beyond retarded, which you needn't bother doing as MAGApede spastics do that job themselves, as you do
you're not fooling anyone jewboy
Kill yourself, nigger lover.
Voting literally takes five minutes. Vote in the morning, prep for civil war at night. It is that simple.
Any vote that is not against Hildabeast or those like her, is a vote FOR that degeneracy and criminality.
Now, just what would you have us do? Not vote?
If everyone who felt the system was rigged simply didn't vote, that would mean all the perverts, kikes (same thing), commies, welfare rats, and utter trash would be the only ones voting. They would win every election and pack every court with disgusting filth.
You seem to think this would accomplish something, but it wouldn't because these animals would SLOWLY continue the degeneracy and enslavement, and no revolution would occur, and no Hitler would rise.
If, however, you ensure they lose constantly, and are seeing the degeneracy, that they worked for decades to install, threatened, you will see them tipping their hands more and more, until THEY make a fatal, frantic, and frenzied move, that will give rise to more disciplined candidates, and those that wish to revamp the government inadequacies that allow for degeneration and national corrosion.
Remember, Hitler was the candidate of a political party, people voted for and supported him. He took over when the old regime collapsed under the weight of its degeneracy and corruption.
You may think the vote is perpetuating a Jew ideology, but even if it is, it can still be used against them, and that is the smartest path.
KYS hasbarafag
No they allowed kikes to commit usury on other kikes(or non-Christians but functionally that just means kikes) they were not allowed to lead with interest to Christians. They did it anyway, that's why they were exiled 300+ times in Europe when they either loan-sharked enough or pissed off the wrong noble, or just one sly enough to get their gold then have his men at arms frog-march them out of town. Ghetto walls were built up because their debtors had a habit of sneaking into the kike-quarter and murdering them or burning their shanties down.
Why do you think that voting and open/covert slaughter of kikes are mutually exclusive? Why not do both?
Why not just set upon the kikes violently and also financially boycotting them at the szame time instead of validating them by voting for, campaigning for free and cheering them on?
No, kill yourself for being a Francis E Dec -esque repetitive faggot.
Because voting does absolutely fucking nothing, so only paid shills would tell us to waste our time on it. Because no one is ever going to kill kikes, so keep your delusional bullshit to yourself.
This israeli jew mourning the loss of his buddy Kampfy does make a good point for all you genuine antisemites out there
If you are feeling low and want to kill yourself.
Make sure you take out as many jews as you possibly can, the higher rank, political figure and or elite wins you maximum bonus points.
That way when you die you won't be committed to an eternal fiery Hell for voting for neocon or neoliberal jews your whole wasteful life, you could actually make sense and purpose of your life in that final fateful act and redeem yourself in the same process.
Thanks to the low-rent israeli hasbara kike for that tip
You know, we're all just arguing to the audience here.
I know your a kike or commie, most people here know it too.
You won't deter Zig Forumsacks from voting or supporting more and more conservative candidates. You won't be able to drive Zig Forumsacks into committing stupid crimes that can be used against us, politically.
You're wasting your time, paid for it, or not.
And I'm wasting time with you, too.
I have to work out, because I have a meeting this afternoon.
Consider this my last post, have fun blowing smoke out your ass.
Meh…even one to one kills will rid us of the FILTH in no time…I just wish all those veterans who suicide out 24/7 would being taking out our enemy with themselves…I would build them their own memorial with my bare fucking hands if they would just take ONE LAST ACT OF REVENGE ON THE PEOPLE WHO DID THIS TO THEM.
You are on Zig Forums promoting voting jewish conservative
Your audience would perhaps be more attuned to Breibart, Fox News or reddits The Donald
He doesn't want any of these "good causes" to have anything to do with Israel, though. Uhm…