‘Netflix pushing SJW propaganda backfiring
It almost like no one normal wants to watch tranny propaganda or something. I have a feeling this was apart of Disney plan for a buyout though.
Netflix Shares Crash After New Subscriptions Fall Short of ExpectationS
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So literally everyone should be drowning in potent redpills by now. By the looks of it the race war will be over faster then it started
Didn’t Netflix air an Hispanic serie with child porn last week?
I canceled my sub after they hired the Obama nigger. Good thing to because shortly the Trannie propaganda started.
That’s nothing new for Netflix.
Almost like obama and trannies have a big connection.
There is also the possibility that people are figuring out that everything Netflix puts out is immediately available for free in full HD on streaming sites minutes/hours after official release.
The scene is in the first three minutes or so.
Normalfags are retarded/lazy enough to prefer paying money but having to do zero research over that. I mean, most of the highest seeded piratebay torrents are safe and torrenting itself is something that you learn in a few minutes the first time doing it but that's already too much effort for them.
>I paid for (((media)))
Personally I prefer buying/renting the physical media.
if it's the thing with the kid and the horse riding meme then not really no.
I'm certain that Michael "King of Niggertrannies" Obama is going to find another way of providing disgust and bullshit.
I can't wait for their failing numbers on their new animal documentary.
Well that should be easy, since Netflix has nothing but a small selection of garbage movies and shows I don't want to watch
Dear white people,
Please subscribe again.
Schlomo ((netflix)) goldberg
Can you give me an example of 5 SJW netflix productions?
All of them. Go suck jewish cock somewhere else, you ban evading retard.
They hired Obama to virtue signal and raise the price of their shares for signing such a high profile personality like Obama.
Tf. I can't believe that did that, it's so blaten, at least the comments were really befitting for such degeneracy.
I'll bite:
* transparent
* private school nigger (stand up)
* dear white people
* dc super hero girls
* some british dike comedian who bashes straight white men for an hour
* 8,000+ gay, lesbo, tranny titles
* all of their original titles (e.g., race mixing, anti-gun faggot in This is how it ends)
Sense 8
Orange is the new black
Unbreakable kimmy schmit
Stranger things
Lost in space
Master of none
Dear white people
Bojack horseman
Big mouth
If you can't see that every single netflix show is jewish marxism, then you're a retard.
Torpedo ban evading shill, Big Mouth is probably the single most kiketastic show I've ever seen.
Oi vey why won't you faggots watch my shitty virtual signaling shows? I have a shareholders meeting coming up and Shekelbergenstein won't be happy he can't go on his yacht to eat his cheese pizza.
Read some books, get a hobby, do something productive instead. Your time and money would be much better spent. Hell even video games are a better alternative since at least you're actively using your brain for something.
good. I got my boomer parents to cancel their subscription.
I agree with your sentiment but everything should be done in moderation; watching non-jewed movies, tv, and anime is okay as long as you aren't spending hours a day on it. Nobody can have their brain a nd body active for every waking hour of the day.
That reminds me I need to unsub
fair enough
I agree with you on that, physical copies are always better than digital files. My hard drives fail every 2 years so even torrenting is now always a great option if I want to keep something for a long time.
Watch Jap cartoons if you must. You know you could also try relaxing in quiet, or while listening to music that isn't sending pozloads into your ear drums. Theres this thing called meditation too.
Ohh, you forgot westworld and the mist.
Its full of tranny, gay, lesbian, antiwhite stuff.
Netflix punched its own ticket on going for the wrong demographic. You know who watches television? Working class white guys. Grab a beer after work and stretch out in front of the boob tube. It's pretty much the American way of life!
But, Netflix went the opposite direction and chose to back the wrong horse. Take tranny propaganda or some show about nogs making white people uncomfortable? GREEN LIGHT! 99 seasons and a movie! But, take an amusing animated show about a working class White suburban family in the 70s and their day to day struggles? NOPE! CANCEL IT!
Incidentally, I want new seasons of "F is for Family". But it won't happen no matter how much I ask for it. I'm the wrong demographic.
fuck off reddit
Actually I fucking cant because I have no idea what kind of garbage is being currently/has been produced.
Season 3 got green lit.
Just stop.
God, nu-animation is so fucking sickening. They all look like they were drawn by the same small group of stoned Jew York city hipster faggots you would see working at Vice headquarters. How is it almost EVERY fucking comic/cartoon post 2013 resembles this shit? Is every single person who attends art school a Tumblr retard? For fuck sakes, Hitler was an artist, so it’s not like the inclination to create art is inherently left wing either…
Kill yourself.
You right wing idiots are so stuck in the fucking past, that it’s hilarious. Sorry not every piece of animation that’s produced has blonde women in wheat fields, cherry picked Roman/Greek art, and 7 minute monologues about “The future of Europa”. Stick with your shitty YouTube show, oh wait we flagged that down too.
Are you looking for handouts Schlomo? Are you asking something for nothing? Are you saying you want something for FREE?
>>>Zig Forums
I like how you thought you were going to get praise for watching this show.
Bill is a cuck and his show is garbage
Go back to reddit
you faggots can also leave.
It got greenlit, but that was a year ago. Burr has moved on to other things.
You don't belong here nigger.
I was talking to a feminist the other day about Steven Universe. I pointed out that the main character is male and he is in a heterosexual relationship with a girl his age and that he was born of a loving heterosexual union and that every married couple in the show is heterosexual - with the exception of Garnet, who is an alien.
I think she killed herself.
You haven't watched it, have you …
Fucking based!
see you fucking imbecile.
You wish. The right is rising all over the world laddo.
bojack was the last thing I actually enjoyed the last time I actually had netflix and even then Its just watching a parody of real life, a rollercoaster you think is going up but has only been plummeting the whole time.
If you can't separate the art from the artist, you are a bigger retard than anyone can possibly be. There are no buses short enough. I bet you go to the movies and think the actor is the character.
that image should be flipped and renamed cause and effect.
You forgot 13 Reasons. Selling suicide to white teens.
The big fuckin' oof
Yet, I bet you still use the term "redpill" even though 2 trannies created it.
Kill yourself. But before you do, please tell us what other (((based))) shows you watch?
Here you go user
polite sage for double post
No no … how about you tell us what you think is appropriate media - movies, shows, games, whatever - and let's see how that goes, hmm? Don't lie and don't LARP. Put your money where your mouth is.
stop watching kikeshit, period.
You can only write about what you know, retard. Your beliefs will inevitably color what your create. It takes a real special individual to treat what they disagree with and despise with any manner of respect.
Off the bat, the fact you think current media is "appropriate" in the first place is what outs you as a colossal newfaggot.
Second, you were asked a fucking question. Answer it, then pose yours.
So, you genuinely believe that Christoph Waltz is a Nazi or is he a gunslinging bounty hunter? He played both parts incredibly well … but he, in life, is absolutely nothing like either character.
Or would you like to move those goalposts?
if it is, then some user with a lot of cash lying around should start buying netflix's shares not only to keep it from disney's claws, but also try to dump that festering shithole with bleach and layoffs
Awww … he's afraid to post something he likes. He's afraid the big bad Zig Forums meanies will call him "reddit" and make fun of him and make him cry.
The niggers they are bowing before prefer JewTube.
Wait. So, you don't believe in imagination?
you forgot their best hit, the pro al-qaeda propaganda documentary (((the white helmets)))
Art is an expression of the artist.
you don't belong here nigger, fuck off with your faggotry
You do realize the actual WRITER of Inglorious Basterds is a cuck jew apologist, right? Who also brought us wonderful movies like embedded.
btw you still haven't answered my question shlomo
I don't know how to break this to you faggot, but I don't have a Netflix account. Enjoy being a recurring revenue.
What do you think fuels your imagination in the first place?
I cancelled my account right after "Dear Why Peepoll" launched and the first big push came on here to ditch Netflix.
It's called CalArts, and it's as big of a scourge as you think it is.
I really need to get a new gore folder going again. Just for faggots like you.
Is this the show that had in the first episode holocaust propaganda? The show made by a cuck comedian married to a nigger?
It's still a fucking awful show. You can defend it all you like, but we'll still tell you that you're a bit of a faggot for liking it.
shiggy diggy
Who wants to pay for that preachy SJW programming? Can't image how bad the content is with Kang Nigger and friends now in the fold.
Fuck, I can't be assed to bother stealing current (((movies))) and (((shows))).
Even the slanty-eyed bugpeople are wising up to hollyjew's bullshit.
I made sure to tell my folks it's pushing abortion and pedo shit, little things like that get people to unsubscribe
Damn, that's like Robert De Niro-level "taste".
But that show sucked balls user, if was full of pozz, brought to you by a jew and a whiney ginger with a mudslut wife.
How soon until the faggots on /tv/ start damage controlling Netflix? They are already raiding /v/ and fainting miserably. /tv/ now Bitching about /v/ banning boomer memes in sight.
For those who don’t know. She-ra being rebooted as a tranny by Netflix.
I mainly got Netflix so I could get a decent stream of the X-Files to watch with my girlfriend at the time when she was at college. Got into a few other series because of it - Twin Peaks, namely. This was right around the time they started supplanting good movies/shows with utter dogshit - the real nail in the coffin was removing all their Fox IP's, which was the majority of their good content. For what? To have some poo-in-the-loo content? Tranny propaganda? What a retarded business move.
I still like BoJack Horseman, though. Even if it's full of liberal drivel
First season of Bojack Horseman was fine. What happened in the next seasons?
Season 2 was a drag that didn't really go anywhere, but Season 3 & 4 are pretty solid. Season 1 is definitely the best, but 3 & 4 aren't exactly terrible.