the tribal Jewish 'zine the Forward has published a frantic Op-ed
from 'the Forward'
"America’s white supremacist movement is in the midst of a resurgence. A growing number of young people, many of them relatively well educated, have in recent years been flocking to the racist and anti-Semitic ideology of a particular subculture of this movement, known as the alt-right."
"The alt right (short for “alternative right”) is a segment of the white supremacist movement consisting of a loose network of racists and anti-Semites who reject mainstream conservatism in favor of politics that embrace implicit or explicit racism, anti-Semitism and white supremacy."
>note the Kike-Speak terminology >>> The op-ed calls White Nationalists by the misleading term "supremacists", & it also uses the outdated term "anti-Semitism" instead of the accurate description of Jew-hate as a reactionary phenomenon, 'counter-Semitism'. But otherwise he's not far off the truth.
14 words as described by a Jew
The op-ed later states "the core ideological conviction that motivates all segments of the white supremacist movement: that the white race is doomed to extinction unless white supremacists take action to prevent it."
The cause of defending the White race, the Jewish 'zine goes on to say, is "characterized mostly by its young demographics. Those associated with the alt-right today are the most aggressive and energized segment of the white supremacist movement today, fueling its growth and activity."
"The alt-right continuously demonizes Jews as responsible for multiculturalism, non-white immigration, LGBTQ rights and other societal changes they rage against."
The article goes on to cry salty tears about the popularity of the phrase "the Goyim know", and of course to express shock and awe regarding White people these days openly raising their right hands in Roman salutes. The hit piece also predictably tries to smear everybody from Richard Spencer to Andrew Anglin as harbingers of anudda Shoah
The article wraps up with a nod to the Jewish take-over of universities and colleges created by Whites (which Jews accomplished through generations of Jewish ethno-centric hiring and nepotism). It tells the Forward's Jewish-supremacist readers that the way to shut down these Goyim is - "Uniiversity, civic and political leaders must use their bully pulpit to speak out against the hate embodied and propagated by the alt-right."
Sure, bully us, Jew… that's sure to work (heh heh) Don't even breach the subject of curbing Jew emnity toward all people on Earth throughout history, or, G-d Forbid, the possibility of changing Kike behavior.