NO WAY! Decrepit Old FOOL Nancy Pelosi suffers SERIOUS FACE SEIZURE While Giving Speech (YIKES!)
Do you think this is facebook, mate? Clean things up a bit, provide some more information (such as the article–which may or may not have been a controlled leak–about the Congressional pharmacy where they admit that members of congress are on fucking Alzheimer’s meds), and put some effort into it. Oh, and get the video file. We don’t want to go to YouTube.
I SAY ALL THAT AND THEN DON’T EVEN FIND THE ARTICLE MYSELF. Fuck, I was paying attention to the video download.
Still alive though, shame.
Just standard retarded Pelosi-isms, no different from any other speech she's made. I was expecting convulsions or something. You're an absolute faggot.
First Hillary, now Pelosi? What's going on in Tel Aviv?
You don't belong here and no one is clicking on that tracked video, nigger.
Bullshit. She is just stupid and thinks she can feign illness. She is fucked.
bad batch, something got in the palestinian's water supply
that's why they're all so frantic
Seems all those MKULTRA guinea pigs are nearing their expiration date.
Alzheimer's seems to be a very common thing in the democrat party.
Fuck off, chaim. We dislike Pelosi and want her to seizure out of her political position.
The ruskies are giving these brave freedom fighters Alzheimer's to hack our noble democracy.
This was actually quite coherent compared to her normal shriek fests. Still she's a known wino and is probably on a long cocktail of meds.
Could even be gene manipulation by Soviet era biologists to hack the chromosomes of who'd be destined to become our future leaders, thus threatening the sovereignty of our humble republic.
What am I supposed to be seeing? Doesn't she always look like that.
ignore the bot.
Human Cannibalism Causes Neurological Damage
sage bc i don't really see it, tbh. not on this one
would be a shame is that place was firebombed
this user forgot to say 'legally and with due process in minecraft'
Kileray Mad Max and Crumbs Pelosi…all have symptoms of neurological damage secondary to chronic and heavy alcohol abuse
Burn the witch, use greasy niggerhair as fuel.
Was that really written by him?
AFAIK it was dl'd off his laptop when he got hacked last year.
UH OH! WHY are you TYPING like THIS? (BOOMER!)
Is it wrong to jack off to a pedo monster in the throws of pain and death?
You're kind of over doing the Boomer meme, dude
This is what I've been thinking. The DNC endorsed the other guy in the general election. They know something about her health.. beyond the obvious.
How short-sighted of you, user. They would just rebuild and hide it better this time. By knowing who and where they are there is a golden opportunity to sabotage the goods going out. Just think of how amazing the next state of the union address would be if the entire U.S. Senate, House of Representatives, and all their aides, were tripping balls cause their meds were laced with PCP.
See something you don't like doesn't mean someone's a boomer, you autist. Head back to cuckchan if you want to spam shitty memes.
looks like Songbirditis
I'm a doctor
Does look like a micro stroke. Which is a thing.
A venerable friend of mine is a pastor who had one while delivering a sermon. I noticed it, and he later confirmed that's what happened. Looked much like this, but Pelosi's is actually worse.
Old people who are prone to mini strokes get these a lot. It's usually an ongoing process and doesn't result in a catastrophic collapse. Just slow degradation over a decade or so.
Reminds me of Susan Collins (R-ME).
>seizure + (((pelosi)))
hahahah he didn't write that shit, he isnt even fucking White, fuck that mystery meat; deport his ass back to honduras
If the dems don't want their ass handed to them again, they'll tell her to BTFU and let someone else (like T Ryan) take the leadership position of the party as a moderate.
Letting seniority and "it's my turn" entitlement mentality is what got them sleeping on the back porch in 2016.
Kuru endured stroke
Stop masturbating
Then that'd be 99.9999999% of the world you infant.
This guy is right. Half-face paralysis would be a stroke. Good news is it's more likely to drop her soon than a seizure would be.
Who the fuck votes for this shit.
Was gonna say it, now I don't have to. Follow up sage
Why are people like this allowed in Congress
I want to see 20 year olds in there
Idiots who vote party regardless of whos in the party.
she's cute
While there isn't enough information to say for certain that a seizure happened. There is enough to be safe on betting that one or multiple did happen.
Seizures don't always take one out. There are split second lasting seizures.
These are often more informative than longer/larger seizures.
These often are a "predictor" for being unfit/unable to partake in life alone, in any meaningful way.
These are often clues that someone may die in the next few years or become completely dependent on others for things as benign as eating, going to the bathroom, and leaving the room.
We need to keep Nancy in power as long as possible.
We want the enemy to be led by someone with literal brain damage.
a dead pelosi can't have seizure
I doubt that would improve things, unless you're looking to be ruled by La Goblina. There should, however, be some kind of basic competence test, I don't know how difficult, to weed out senile politicians and literal brainlets.
That image…
… homotopy?
god damn that bitch is mostly wax
what ….. this is fucking symbolic logic and group theory???
we dont fucking require adults to me specialized idiot, just responsible
their bodies produce babies weather they understand chemisty or not
do you fukcing have any idea about organic chemisty???
do you have any idea about art??? of course you dont, you like anime
fag (this is a polite sage)
The only reason who can understand this is because Pelosi is Satan.
Because her party is falling apart. Even if the "dems" sweep the midterms it'll be non-establishment crazies who despise and want Nancy murdered.
Problem with that is an average 20 year old has values that are shifting constantly as they grow and mature.
It would be like building your political system's foundations on quicksand.
Don't believe that? Record everything you think is important throughout your 20's (especially early twenties) in a form of media that doesn't allow for the lens of nostalgia. Then go back and revisit that when you're in your 40's/50's.
You'll be embarrassed as hell at some of it, and will have forgotten you even cared about a lot of it too.
This is human existence. As we age our ideals solidify for better or worse and that's why politicians tend to be old. They can continuously project the views that got them into power in the first place.
It might (and does) mean that government is out of sync with current society, but it grants stability, which is what the majority of people actually want from their leadership whether they consciously acknowledge that or not.
As long as today is basically the same as yesterday people will be happy enough.
Call them the lemmings if you will, but they vastly outnumber you, so hurl the insults lightly.
According to the U.S. Constitution, you must be 25 or older to be a House Congressman, 30 or older to be a Senate Congressman, and 35 or older to be a President/Vice President.
Inb4 BOOMER!!!1!111
I'm early gen-x, at least learn the difference.
(Hint we were the lazy, shiftless, uncaring ones who couldn't hold a proper job etc. etc. etc. Every generation gets called this by the previous one.)
Flashback to when she did a blowbang.
It's a meme image off /sci/, not an actual suggested test for membership in congress. Obviously.
Anyway, here's the key to the solution, if you're into that kind of thing:
not even embedding youtube when there's a box just for it.
sage and gas yourself
Day of The Wheelchair.
What is your opinion on MEMES??? Are they a cheap comedy trick??
Or are they the beginning of our evolution into telepathy and MindSpeak???
We are telepathically speaking to each other…
We need the meme archive OFFLINE… we need carvings, sculptures, statues and art memes made and stored inside caves for future generations..
Create real life meme replicas and STORE THEM UNDERGROUND!!
Also how will future generations view memes???
As hieroglyphs??? As simple art and nothing more…
We need to preserve them
chins only News source……