They're going after the NRA now.
NRA and some other nonprofits will no longer need to identify their donors to the IRS
U.S. adds second charge against Russian national linked to NRA
They're going after the NRA now.
NRA and some other nonprofits will no longer need to identify their donors to the IRS
U.S. adds second charge against Russian national linked to NRA
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They profit off the corpses of white children
Not sure if ironic shitpost or really that big of a faggot
Step your fucking game up. I need to speak to your manager, I didn't pay for this shilling but I feel bad for your ripping him off.
This is all rather simple. Strzok has his Russian double agents make contacts with people they want an excuse to spy on. Then they gain political intel. Trivial, actually. Most of the so-called "Russians" are Russian kikes. Something like 15% of israelis are Russian in heritage and speak Russian as their first language.
Someone is pissed about this thread. This thread is correct. CNN, next week, will be attacking the NRA, with dog whistles hinting at a supposed attempt by the Russians to kill Americans using a stooge NRA.
Ah, kikes. What tales shall they weave next? What wickedness of them knows limit? Where can a kike do good, and when? Is not their soul truly hell, that which thirsts for the blood of white children?
Why do people post gore like that will actually scare these degenerates away? If anything, they'll probably want to stick their dicks in that dead animal.
Dude, fuck the NRA. They're lobbyist faggots almost as bad as any other corporation; the only reason they've been remotely tolerable to many conservatives is because they're pro-gun enough to care about the 2nd Amendment. The NRA sides with gun manufacturers, not gun owners. They spend billions of dollars lobbying faggots in Congress so they can get their kickback shekels from the manufacturers, and they wring their idiotic goyim piggybanks dry with donations to fuel the fire.
A proper 2A gun rights organization needs to supersede the NRA in terms of authority on advocacy for gun owners, an organization that supports the people, not the fucking corporations. Right now, it's all the same bullshit system; the NRA supports taking guns away from the good goyim in as many minute ways possible so long as the bottom line of the gun manufacturers isn't affected significantly.
All of that said, this is just accelerating things even more. If this ruling stands and other organizations aren't held to the same standard, then it's grounds to sue for equal treatment. Leftist organizations are going to get mighty pissed off when the pendulum swings back their way again.
Nice try, (((Plebbitor))). Go be a good goy somewhere else.
The latest muh russia arrest of that russia girl "connected to the NRA" opens the door to subpoena all donors and file through every single detail of the entire org.
Hello there fellow goy
Not only that but there’s rustling and word of normal fag community that there’s going to be protests on the 19th to pressure law makers into resigning (((net neutrality))) into law.
That Russian girl is innocent and still sits I’m jail. Her hearing is sometime today. Mueller has so far, indicated and/or jailed 33 innocent people in his “Russian Probe” witch hunt. 33 innocent peoples head are now on the chopping block
How does one indict 33 people for something that never happened? And all the while Cunton walks free.
Hello, (((Dianne Feinstein))). How's the weather in Cuckifornia?
Fuck the NRA. They call for gun control. They have no interest in repealing existing gun laws.
They want the donor/member lists in the worst way.
All this "one and done" posting really makes me think.
Why would they go after the NRA in the middle of midterms? Seems like a good way to get Republicans, specifically Trump's base, to the polls in the same way attacking "reproductive rights" mobilizes pussyhat shitlibs.
Their motives are curious.