Alex Soros follows nothing but brown or black Instagram models. It's kind of weird
Alex Soros follows nothing but brown or black Instagram models. It's kind of weird
Soros has children?
Yep. A degenerate fuck ass called alex
5 kids. 4 sons. 1 daughter. Aged 29,33,48,53 (Daughter),55.
I dug into this about a year or two ago, he's got a bunch of dudes that collect models for him to go party with him or sit at basketball with him.
Guy on the right and left of him (Osborne and Spoont) in this picture are the guys who collect models for him to """party""" with.
isn't he like 90 something? how the hell did he manage to have a kid that old.
Watch as he racemix and dilutes his semitic bloodline.
Is the ethnicity just the type of girls he likes?
Spoont shaking Obama's hand with Osborne and Soros in background.
Imagine the feel of George Soros at seeing his own son falling for his own jewish propaganda.
Soyboys are iredeemable
Because black and brown girls generally look decent. Case in point.
jesus some people just live lives I can't even comprehend.
It this the fabled Arch-Soyboy? What kind of loot does he drop when he dies?
Get better taste, nigger lover.
Stay mad, you kike faggot.
Fuck off Alex. Your dad is a failure and you're still a massive disappointment to him. Enjoy that seven-generation family curse.
Do you really want to comprehend living as a fag?
If it meant I didn't need to struggle for anything yes
You do not deserve to live.
Who the fuck is Alex?
Nothing wrong with brown or black girls tbh.
Really terrible examples. I saw some hot girls in his follower list but you are posting fat bitches
Why does his son look like the most faggiest of faggots to have ever existed?
She’s actually very fit, but your definition of “fat” is arbitrary and not factual. Kys.
race mixing is bad faggot. Do not dip dick in inferior genes.
That bitch looks bored out of her mind. What an incel lmfao.
Okay Moishe.
Never bareback the internet, user. What are you, a gargantuan faggot that diddles the asses of male kiddles?
Is that projection I detect, Moishe?
Why so mad at people pointing out the obvious? Race mixing is bad. Why do you want to pollute the white race, user? Do you hate the fact that you're just another mongrel? Why so quick to claim projection over a common place ribbing on an Indian underwater basket weaving forum? Are you a Hapa?
we should bleach all the black girls for joke tbh
Lol hopping IPs again juden? Afraid of the fact that no one wants to fuck monkey pussy? Why would any Aryan man or woman want to mix races and get some 53%'er? Fuck off with your muh bleach shit. No one wants to drill for oil. Forget the brain washing and stick to getting a white wife.
Race mixing is bad you faggot. You know how people fell for it outside of kikes? Faggots like you who think you can whiten a blood line. You can't. inferior genes muddy the better genes. You don't make a delicious cake by sprinkling pieces of shit in it. No. You keep the ingredients fresh and clean. You keep shit and piss away from the recipe. Mixed raced faggots are inferior and prone to mental breakdowns, emotional retardation, and lessened intelligence. Sure some HAPA faggot may seem smart but they only regurgitate what they learned in a book. Mixing races is bad. You get offspring easily swayed by their non-white brethren. They're taught that YT bad, darkies good. They're useful idiots that'll get killed by the non-whites. Top of everything else, they're more prone to diseases and less likely to get a proper donor for organ transplants among other things. There's also the fact that they look like shit quite literally.
No race mixing.
Probably Tofu and 10 grand in daddies money.
Tl;dr, go drink Bleach nigger.
why are you so upset user? You deleted all your posts. Why? Is it because you are wrong? I believe it to be just that. Sorry you can't collect your shekels now :^)
There is no race mixing , because we are all one race.
You’re fucking blind if you think I deleted anything.
I love the darker girls.
Rolling for George to outlive his children
Then why is organ rejection more common among different races than similar? Why is it so hard to find tissue and organ donors for mixed raced monstrosities? Why are mixed race fags more likely to lose their shit?
You deleted his eyes or his mind?
I mean, that’s implying this guy even has a brain in the first place.
Hard refresh the thread faggot. F5 it. A lot of your shitty responses are gone :D You removed them because you know you're wrong
why is it weird he is a kinky jew
Look everyone, the Jews try to sound natural :D
why is this even a thread?
Holy fucking shit you’re stupid, maybe leave your Tor browser for a minute and you’ll see that nothing I’ve written has been deleted.
Then why is organ rejection more common among different races than similar? Why is it so hard to find tissue and organ donors for mixed raced monstrosities? I have worked in hospitals all my life and never heard of such a thing. You'll have to find stronger coolaid than that.
Is this the new shill tactic? Claim nothing was deleted? What happened to you wanting to whiten the bloodlines of lesser races, user? OwO are you afraid of being exposes? UwU
Who's to say they're actually his kids? Or that they were actually conceived in a womb?
dox yourself faggot or stop lying :D 20+ years in neuroscience believe me it's true it's posted on the internet
Clear your cache, it isn't there :D
I’ll clear what’s in between your ears, you manipulative kike faggot.
I work neuro as well….even if what you say is true you can't sit there and actually beleive one group of people is sooooo different and better than another. All groups have good and bad, smart and dumb, kind and mean.
A signed copy of "The Audacity of Hope" by King Nigger, a voucher for a pallet of Vitasoy™ Chocolate Flavor, and a small velvet box containing three months worth of TRUVADA for PrEP®.
lol you can't even green text or respond properly lurk 3 years
This scares pol.
Not there :D
would be a shame if everyone in that pic was located and shot dead
Yep just started posting today.
All of this picture, but also remember that the internet exists and allows the instant recording and transmission, and permanent storage of data. The failure of the Weimar Republic was remedied by the most devastating war the world had ever seen, fueled by the most intense propaganda ever created, ended with some of the most dangerous weapons the world had ever known, and even then it was a struggle to keep things under wraps enough.
Now? Today, everybody can see everything instantly. The moment people actually look, they will find horrors beyond their comprehension that will turn their stomachs instantly and immediately make them wary of the world they live in. No war will ever return this world to "normalcy", but instead will only have two outcomes: freedom for the unchained masses, or slavery for the eternal goyim. By the time this is all over, nobody alive will be fooled by their tricks, and they will resist until death or freedom.
Zig Forums dislikes race mixing because it creates el goblinos
#1 could pass as a man with that face
#2 has a muffintop
#3 fat with scar on stomach
shit genes
Yes look at these hair lipped beasts. Like actually look at them.
Go back to reddit or whatever normie shit you came from because you can't even do proper board etiquette faggot
Waste of dubs. All those pics are doing is making me want to vomit. Brown bitches are revolting on every level no matter how much money they spend on weaves, clothing, makeup or surgery. Now fuck off back to your containment board, leftynigger.
this is his fucking mother.. dear lord look how thoroughly kiked up she is
I'm not scared of them. I'm just not attracted to black jews look at the middle bitch's necklace for fuck's sake sporting bolt-ons or post-pregnancy goblinas.
That's a woman?
Our future overlords are all going to be hipster faggots.
Glad you admitted to being a shill, Kike san :D We also have IDs ;^D
No they will all be killed first.
+1 for including hebrew but you should have gone with something *slightly* more subtle like "g-d"
This is what my "fear" looks like
not if they all get shot when they are out in public
no, this scares Zig Forums the total and complete loss of ones entire genetic line
Couldn't win the argument and now proves he's a shill :D no shekels for you
what a cringy faggot
lol kike san removed all of his posts again :D
Nobody stops them. Nobody stops losers like Dugin or Soros or Spencer. Nobody does anything but MK Ultra arabs blowing up a musical event.
They just keep doing it. So stop larping.
fire bomb their home and shoot them.. is what i heard a man on the street say
A lifetime supply of soylent, those faggy glasses, and a nintendo switch with cardboard