Judeo-Communist Shitheel unmasked!

'You know what to do, lads.

>Far-left boycott group Sleeping Giants, which specializes in harassing the advertisers of conservative media organizations, is now complaining to Twitter about alleged harassment after its anonymous leader, (((Matt Rivitz))), was revealed.

Attached: SleepingGiants-60.png (640x480, 73.52K)

Other urls found in this thread:


It’s always a trap.

Here, have a link;


Fuckoff fed, not your personal fodder.

Dox the faggot. Ruin his shit. Dig and find his online life. Archive it all. Screen cap it all. Save copies to USBS

Fuck off juden.

is there a downside to weakening the bedfellow relationships between politics and advertising? no sarc; serious question:

The guy looks like (((breitbart's))) twin.

Attached: get a load.jpg (600x600, 38.21K)

Holy shit this is very big news. They pretended to be white GOP/Conservatives and said racist, sexist, and homophobic, whateverthefuckelse and were paid by Twitter to do it?! Am I reading that right?

They contacted advertisers and encouraged them to boycott all sorts of conservative media, and made a big ruckus about it.

They have been doxxing and harassing people for over a year and made them look like shit by fake racism to blame them and now they get doxxed and look at this whine fest

Attached: Screenshot (4360)

they always screech when it happens to them but it's hilarious when they dox a single dad with a kiked employer who needs to put food on his table for his kids

"The Jew cries out in pain as they strike you" will always be a relevant phrase. Someone post his dox and address, bonus points if it's his family members so that their lives can be ruined too. Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth.

I hope he kills himself. Matt, if you're here, you know what to do.

Attached: already goodified 4.gif (640x300, 1.15M)

Libtards eat their own so easily….

Attached: Screenshot (4366).png (625x495, 61.34K)

Reminded to anons to dig through here for ways to prevent being doxed. Faggots like that in the OP are a dime a dozen nowadays.

If you talk shit, you have to be prepared to get hit.

Always. Therefore, beware all cries of pain. They warn you.

Let there be no mercy for the communists.

Oh hey it's a Jew what a surprise. Who would of guessed.

Attached: 3718734.jpg (586x409, 46.9K)


Hey ugh did you just blow in from stupid town? Your post reeks of feds.

who has ruin-life-tactics.jpg i can't seem to find mine atm

fuck off. this is staple Zig Forums

master race

Take your impotent snark back to your containment board, leftynigger.



Here you go, not sure which was was the most current. Probably the larger one.

Attached: ruin life tactics (2).jpg (1132x4640 621.69 KB, 175.99K)

Removing all (((cuckservative))) websites would be a bonus given that all of them suck judens cock 24/7. Any legit website will have their hosting, domain, and advertisers taken out within weeks with a simple muh nazi accusation. Too easy.
The way forward is destroying (((their))) platforms guerrilla style not setting up targets to be taken down. Besides, its a lot more fun and cheaper that way while maintaining max user status.


That's not the problem, there's always going to be that, the problem are the jews in government that didn't uphold the law, attacked the "alt-right," worked to create a theater for pretext to vilify Whites waking up.

Poetry, this commie deserves far worse than that,


How about something like this?

Attached: holo aus wtf.jpg (480x480, 36.08K)


what happened to the other thread?

I think we should do something about all the israeli kikes that harass anons for criticising NeoCon jewry on Zig Forums first of all

There is an acronym for photos posted online by overweight women - FGAS - "fat girl angle shot", a reference to the way the fatties turn their heads 'just so' or position the camera 'just so' in order to hide their outstanding physical feature - corpulence.

In the photo he uses for himself on Twatter, this Jew Matt Rivitz has done a similar camera trick to hide his hooked nose.

IMO he bears a close resemblance to the Happy Merchant. That may be why Rivitz is so butt hurt by what he sees on the web.

heh heh

Attached: Merchant alien3.jpg (480x516, 34.15K)

I legitimately hope his family is raped.