China files WTO challenge to US $200B tariff plan
Mod edit: UNOFFICIAL thread standard of quality:
China files WTO challenge to US $200B tariff plan
Mod edit: UNOFFICIAL thread standard of quality:
Other urls found in this thread:
SA, US, EU/Asia
He's referring to your thread quality. Reported.
I don’t know why the image deleted itself, but at least the thread’s a real thread now.
agreed. don't know why you need something in the subject line as long as you put the title of the article (in redtext, preferably) at the top of the body. but, anyway, its good to know that the mods are finally taking notice of this shit
Here’s the image
Good. I hope America is finally weened off China's teet.
mods should really only edit a thread if they are going to sticky it…editing it like that is too much
Imkikey does whatever he wants. There are no mods just the JIDF crew. Stop pretending he left.
Fuck WTO everyone should leave it. Gay shit like software patents put the internet on pause while niggerfaggots figured out how to pozz it.
the butt blasted turned commie by jew chinks crying too the JTO jew trade organization that those pesky Aryan whites are bucking the plan and the deal (((they))) had.
A black hole calling the kettle black.
Actually black holes are bright energy sources, potentially most largest in the inverse, have no upper size limits and are most efficient reactors turning any matter directly into energy.
and they are black
the idea of color is the light frequency something gives off, so black holes give off no light … hence our perception of them being black and why we say their color is black
More people really need to learn about this stuff.
They fixed a shit OP, and you have a problem with it? Guess you wanted it to stay shit. Wonder (((why))) that would be.
Not a black hole. Accretion disks can appear outside of black holes but they are not black holes.
It would be a real shame if this was used as Impetus for the US(maybe Russia too?) to drop out of the WTO and take others with them.
No offense user but thunderbolts project are full of shit pajeets no better than mainstream physics cucks. While mainstream claims there's basically no electric interactions in the vacuum of space, TBP claims there's basically no gravitational interactions in the vacuum of space, and gravity is purely an electric phenomenon. That's plain retarded and untrue because there's no known shielding for gravity. Going from one extremism to another because of teen issues I guess. They're making disprovement to the electric universe theory James McCanney came up with in the late 70s. Not to mention all that "gods of the alien sky" stuff any normie atheistic undergrad mind instantly misjudges and belittles.
Truth lies somewhere there in the middle, and the key to understanding it all are comets indeed.
The event of China opposing truly fair tariffs from the United States with the WTO is just like what happend when Qatar bitched to the WTO about SA starting the multi country boycott against them. This event correlates to the timeline. The purge begins soon.
Hi, kikey. Why won’t you answer the guy’s question in the meta thread? Just how ass-blasted ARE you that your board was taken from you? You’re castrated now. It’s over. Forever.
What was the OP's pic?
Janus cosmological model is where it's at, lads.
The guy writing it is literally insane but it works and explain EVERYTHING.
He reposted it; it seems to be a Q-LARP image and nothing to do with the thread, anyway.
Wow that’s all they have? Lmao
The collapse is going to be hideous. It will wipe out their last 30 years of progress politically and economically.
Oh you respect upholding fair trade behaviour now, Chinaman? Too late, fagets.
It’s in this post:
The US doesnt need the WTO, thats a kiked globalist organization. Pull out.
It's honey pot bullshit. First let's figure out how solar system works before playing and assuming hecktons of things with deep field and general relativity. If it doesn't involve and incorporates keywords I presented in the first post it isn't worth much aside from abstract math standpoint and cosmological jerkery that won't amount to anything, because how do you apply any of that in a current time laboratory? Go to fucking Moon a second time for starters maybe please.
All you have to do is demonstrate that objects with negative mass can exist.
Which is something that has basically been done
So if you can have negative mass a LOT of shit is suddenly explained without quantum field theory and dark matter.
It sounds neat, I'll check out his work. But that negative mass article has no direct measurment, it's always tiered for so complicated stuff and that's where mistakes and convenient interpretations kick in jumping the gun. There could be other explanations for this phenomenon, pure clickbait.