so with white history constantly being covered up and destroyed, I was wondering, what are some Anglo mythological legends worth reading? It's hard to find many any more.
Legends and Lore
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Jesse Lee Peterson declared July white history month.
There is no such thing as "Anglo" legends. I assume what you mean are myths of the British Isles which are all a big hodge-podge of earlier Celtic, Germanic and Romance legends.
Have you read the Ulster Cycle? Mort d'Arthur? Beowulf? Canterbury Tales?
Yep, that's what I meant, and only Beowulf out of those. Tracking down the others now.
I know one:
How the Anglo became a jewish golem.
keep crying kike, your D&C has no power here
shoo shoo you pathetic wormy jew
I love that troll … that dude just wants the world to burn hes fucking halarious
your dad
google search faggot, fucking learn history you turd
Following Camacho's term, Joe is elected President. Joe and Rita marry and conceive the world's three smartest children, while Vice President Frito takes eight wives and fathers 32 of the world's stupidest children.
By being ruled by Germans and Frenchmen?
The Mabinogion is on my list. Lair of the White Worm while relatively "modern" is just a retelling of the White Worm story.
Honestly LotR and to an extent Warhammer 40k. The old stuff is gone, left to fragments. Only stuff like the the Hellaquin's Wild Hunt lasted to modern memory.
by being a weak people that let the romans conquer them despite having the channel between them while the germans repelled the romans at a fucking river!
Seek the Robert E. Howard thread, friend.
La morte d'arthur.
Lord of the Rings
That is the briton, it is the anglo-saxon who beat the Roman.
They showed up after the Romans left
Anglos are literal fucking jews, i think you mean Britons, and thus celts.
Cath maige tuired is an important point of irish mythology, probably the best info from them, mabinogian and arthurian legends cover the rest, and chanson de geste is good for france, though its more contemporary.
Every month is White History Month
Storytelling Druid who recounts the Gaelic legends of old with commentary afterwords.
Word on the street is the guys who invented the internet and the operating system running were white. Thanks to capitalism, their total net worth is less than Oprah's lunch today.
The first recorded naval battle in the Atlantic is of the Veneti defending Armorica and Britain from Roman encroachments. They failed, but they tried.
Why was that cancelled?
You know we're going to kill you on the DotR right? It's going to be slow and you're going to watch your family go first.
You fucking kikes.
If you can find one jew that can pronounce gailge ill do it myself, faggot.