Brit/pol/ #2853: Brexitdomor Edition

UK government 'risks another Windrush' over EU citizens, MPs say
The government runs the risk of another Windrush scandal if "serious concerns" about its EU settlement scheme are not addressed, MPs have said.

Donald Trump 'may' meet Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage
Donald Trump has said he "may" meet Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage and Conservative MP Boris Johnson during next week's state visit to the UK.

Donald Trump Praises Nigel Farage for ‘Great Victory’ in European Union Vote
President Donald Trump praised Brexit warrior Nigel Farage on Thursday for the results of the European Union vote.

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ban the nonce SA you useless cunt

Nice sources, where'd you get them.

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Marxists, scoobydoos or Neolibs? Pick one and only one

so, illegals being given scoobydooish protection again?

Just found them at 19:32:32 on the 30th of May tbh

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What you lads up to this evening? I’m having a cheat day today so it’s dominos for dinner tbh

hopefully building up enough courage to check my dating profile and then get comfy with the QT shift



Had any luck so far with that stuff lad? I don’t think I could do it because I’ve seen people mock people I know for being on there and I don’t want that to happen to me

dno not checked it in a week, maybe somebody messaged me, maybe nobody did. No matter what I lose smh.

How so, lad?

How long have you been trying it for? Just like a recent thing then?

Honestly? There’s no particular reason I just don’t think I’m good enough tbh

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Went looking for a censored YouKipper video about Sir Oswald Mosley when I noticed an old comment from Masterscoobydoo.
Now that cunt is backing Rory Stewart.

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Which one do you use? Tinder is depressing as hell

a few weeks, a month maybe. I'm fat and not attractive tbh.
smh that's my problem too, lad. We just got to do it tbh


based manipulative women and female tribalism

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I’m using Badoo. It’s comfy.

Didn’t mean it.

Best of luck to you, lad, you’re doing better than me because I just can’t bring myself to do it. I did start lifting to fix my esteem but I don’t think I’ll be able to put myself out there unless I get six pack abs tbh
Have you messaged anyone or met anyone you know in there? Did you put actual pics of yourself in there? Would I have to if I tried it?

Oh right. I've got a match but not paid for it so can't see who has looked at my profile. Seemed like a ripoff but I have 9 "favourites" and over 200 profile views. Maybe I'll pay for it.

Need to get off tinder. Today I was bored at work and swiped right on about 100 profiles without looking at them. This was my only match. Grim

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Like tears in the rain…

What a sick and twisted cunt. Advocates the breakup of an entire family over different political views. Fucking scum. Divorce really fucks kids up. Oh I’m mad.

Most dating sites require a pic yeah. I just have my face which is a bit deceptive as I don't look that fat keeeeek. But I write my weight down below. Was like you but in the end I said fuck it, might as well start and try. Trying now doesn't stop you from doing it later when you have the six pack. Our biggest problem is probably our lack of self esteem. It really sucks

all the husband did was laugh at her looks with and without makeup.

That's H3H3 kike wife. Hope she does abort


tbh wouldnt realy care if vapescoobydoo got just'd

smh lad

Tinder penalizes thoughtless swipes right. Do it at random.

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Are there many English lasses on it? Im not interested in Slavs.

Tasteful sexy pics to fat girls then acting coy

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Holy shit fucking hell kek what the fuck is that goblin Jesus Christ

Shit. Does it know if you just use a fake pic just to get the account up and running? I’ve avoided taking or being in any pics for 9 years, I’m not overweight but my esteem is in the toilet kek
Respect you for still doing it though, I’m still too much of a pussy kek


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Wtf does Gucci mean ?

Can't wait for more based Windrush scandals. Send those 67 average IQ Negroes back to Bongo Bongo land with the other animals.

That’s even worse. My god the wrong side really did win the war.

You can use fake pics yeah. Probably best to use ones that you know cannot be reverse searched though, like edit the pic slightly so it can't be traced back to somewhere else on the internet. I'd say just use yourself though, or make a test account with a fake pic. I just took a pic with my phone. If I posted it here I'd probably get a lot of likes from the Zig Forumslads smh

Penalises how? Not that it matters since im deleting it in 3 days.

50% are Slavs, just unmatch, that’s what I do
English lass was clearly into me today, but she raised too many red flags to meet her in person, as I’m not after random shags or meeting used up slags.

thispersondoesnotexist is your friend

nah lad those look so eerie

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Not my screenshot btw

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They tweaked algorithm over the years. Now if you”re new you get newbie benefit, but as soon as you start swiping right like crazy it’s gone. You don’t get displayed as often to the ladies.

this is the depressing thing. You might think you have high standards, can't hold a candle to the ladies tbh

Nigger and/or thot speak

Seems like a lot of work. I don't want slags either, one of the reasons im getting rid of tinder.


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Oh sweet that’s good to know. Might set one up in advance in case I wavt to actually go for it, do I need to pay for anything it is it all free?

How often do you check back on there usually?

Or just swipe right on the ones you actually like?

Exactly. You get extra points for opening the profiles once in a while.

Has anyone tried using HuWhite Date? It is pretty based.

Most if not all of them costs, yes. Used to check every day, just work's been a pain lately and sucked out all my energy

sounds a bit daft lad

His reply was great though at least kek. Reminds me of scoobys (actually scooby not the hooknose) reply to some fat girl when he asked her for pics and she says
He goes

How so?

Fair enough. Work gets tiring. I work nights so I’m left drained between shifts, I know your pain lad, have you paid for any of the stuff you gotta pay for?

Takes too long. Easier just to swipe them all quickly then unmatch the fat bints.

No, but i'd be up for giving it a go. Are there many users?

State of that hound

I don’t pay. There is no need.

Yeah, to send messages and see who visits me

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how many trannies are on this?

There is 3000 or so users but only about 500 females. It is free though so it is probably worth a try. Although this does make it suspicious, if I was paranoid I would suggest it could be a scam to gather information.

Set age to 99 if you're into that sort of shit lad
what the fuck is this bullshit
so sentence him for that

there are less than 2000 women on there

Already unmatched it. Should have taken more screenshots its other pictures were even worse.

remember to punch your gf and break her fingers lads, just dont disturb her sleep

Top kek
She’s so fat that when she fell over, nobody laughed but the ground sure cracked up.

What? Really?

Wait hang on you have to pay just to message? Paying to see who views ok I can understand but to message?

yeah. smh. Sites vary, but this site is like that

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The tradition of uniting the two is older.

Fucking hell I can get herpes for free down the town

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There is no need to pay. Seriously. They will encourage you to pay, but once you verify account it’s pretty good without payments.

God damn though that thing was a right proper munter. Shit. Bet it has high standards too lmao

Can a Tory who doesn't know about sodomy really be a Tory?

They must fucking seeth when this happens

What site?

When it cones to money I’m tighter than a virgins cunt kek do you know any free message ones by any chance then?

What stuff is usually premium on there?

My fucking sides kek

He might not know about Sodomy because he is not even aware of the repulsive fact that men can copulate with other men.

nah dno. tinder or badoo maybe? Ask the 43 year old boomer

Just bought some tinnies

Oh no…

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Badoo. Checking who liked your profile, but I didn't find it useful. Just swipe right on people you like.

I think he was posting shots from OKC

Probably but i'm way out of its league. I've actually matched some really good looking lasses but it never goes anywhere and the number of slags is depressing.

I hope so, I always leave it a few hours from matching until unmatching in hopes that it sees and knows exactly what happened.

what the fug

kek btfo'd

I literally found a cuck post on /leftypol. I don't know if is genuine or not, but its pretty funny.

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What is this drama about?

that ruined my evening.

shitposting bot on reddit

Ever looked into the cuckcake scene?
It's sort of like cucking but backwards, the haggard old bird gets to sleep on the sofa while you pump a load in some younger tastier sort.

She has to bring her home for you

there are literal cuck boards and reddits tbh