The Open Border Koch Bros are Giving $400 Million to Republicans for the midterms.
I bet you didn't realize Adelson ass raped our country this bad.
The Open Border Koch Bros are Giving $400 Million to Republicans
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I dont get it? Are you using double speak?
Fucking Republicans are pimping you hard. Give Trump and the Republicans another majority term and i guarantee Sheldon has a nice amnesty bill and hate speech legislation waiting for you. Talk is cheap esp from trump and letting that buffoon lead a trade war will wipe out America for decades.
You're right. I'll be voting for anti-white and anti-male Democrates this time around.
There is no doublespeak whatsoever. The Koch brothers and the Republican party in general are massive open borders shills.
OK I give up. You're right. I'm dumb. I was a fool. Will you be my boyfriend? We can gay parade together against orange cream Drumpthlickle
It's something you could have rectified by a very cursory look into the politics of the Koch brothers. They don't keep it a secret.
He's selling us out to Jews and when everything's imploded for decades to come the media will say "See what those racist Nazi's did to our country". You realize Trump already endorsed the biggest Amnesty in 50 years and it would of gutted the number way to prevent illegals from taking jobs. Paul Ryan wrote it, they'll pass it after the election. Money talks and bullshit walks.
Trump was championing amnesty years and years ago. He explicitly called for it DURING his campaign [after he baited people in with more radical language early on, of course] which was confirmed by his son, Eric, in a subsequent interview. Mike Pence was the original vessel for the "touchback amnesty" in the Republican party, which went over with the base like a lead balloon and he had to slink away from the national stage for a few years. They took him out of mothballs for the Trump campaign.
"400 Million" why is it always 400 million?
Putin says 400 million
Iran money 400 million (where did Obama get 400 million)
Guess what the first search result for 400 million is;
Putin's Pants-on-Fire claim about $400 million donation to… (politifact) of course…
Check out that paste mag link, look at that dirty shit. We're already gave Sheldon a $670 million tax break and we'll probably be at war w Iran some time after the election. That'll cost trillions we don't have and a shit load of dead Americans and PTSD stricken soldiers We have no hope until Citizens United is overturned. Fuckin Jews
This fucking dude must of watched the Daily SHow like for like a lot of hours. He totally knows what Zig Forums doesn't know! I've never even heard of the cock bros!
Please stay forever and teach us not to be nazis. And be my boyfriend!
Oh fuck you speak our langauge. You know our social cues. Yet you seem to have incite that we don't.
Can you please be Zig Forums's gay boyfriend!?
We need your incite!
forgot bromance pick
Insight my dude
no no no
incite us… the Left can't irony anymore
Also I was reading about the blacks being mad at the SA farmers. Guess who has all the money, the Jews and the Jewish media has the people thinking those people are white oron their side. Here's the richest lady in SA and she serves on the anti white Harvard Board of African Studies.
The other half of the plan is to let an Islamic takeover of nuclear countries in Europe occur, so ZOG and Israel can have a casus belli to nuke Europe, which would in turn mean nuking Muslims in the Middle East and North Africa due to the chimp out over nuking parts of Eurabia. Thus the West would be broken beyond repair.
It's totally the Muslims dude. You're so right. We need to join Tommy Robison and Alex Jones and fight the menance for reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaals!
We can deal with the Jews after we take down the Republicans and Islam. You're so fucking smart! BE MY BOYFRIENDS!
>The other half of the plan is to let an Islamic takeover of nuclear countries in Europe occur, so ZOG and Israel can have a casus belli to nuke Europe
You're the dumbest cunt I've ever seen post on here.
implying it's not a slow burn and the kikes and esoteric homos don't think they can liberalize mudslimes with white pussy.
You know nothing, faggot. I'm bumping the esoterics of white genocide just for your education.
That's got nothing to do with my response to you. Naming some moron rival explanation says nothing about why you responded to my post with a misinterpretation of what I said. Seems as though you are backpeddling because you are a dumbass. I'll make it more clear to you: please explain how you made an inference from an explanation in my original post that names some deeper actors (the jew) guiding some scenario with surface actors (muslims), and then inferring I'm talking about the surface actors only ("It's totally the Muslims dude"). You'll notice that the word "so" is an indicator of why the preceding sentence happened. It couldn't be more clear for someone that isn't a retard. I'll wait for your explanation. If you can't explain how you made that inference, I'll assume you're a nigger or back peddling on stupidity.
If what you're saying is true then both choices were as bad as the other, Trump maybe slightly less so.
If the left got in, people would be mad and insist if we just voted a right-winger they'd have stopped all this nonsense. They'd still be buying bumperstickers and watching O'Reilly and prefacing every sentence with, "now look, I love illegal mexicans but..", meanwhile the dems would open the floodgates and America would be blue and black forever up until it turned into the people factory headquarters.
Since the right got in, people have seen that they're not alone in wanting zero immigration and that politicians running on it have a chance. If it turns out that both sides are the same and we have more democracy, people will be much more willing to rise than the first option.
Fuck off jew, your time is over.
ever heard of patrick little you spanner
Headline fr Israel
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Doubles Down on Slamming Israel's 'Occupation of Palestine'
She has more balls than any other politician in America.
Good thing the "Republican Party" is dying.
you are right … still better then any dem who will trun this country into a muslim rapist theme park
to be replaced by the Nat Soc party
no one cares about palestine , it was a safe move
I care because those people use to be real allies, loyal allies before we lost control of our govt. and the don't cuck out when the Jews snap their fingers like all the people in that new Sacha Baron Cohen movie, fuckin disgrace.
I did say "no one"
Gas yourself, you piece of shit. We see you, kike.
you are a nigger faggot
Yeah in the UK we have the same thing
Neo-Liberal jewish 'left' openly promote open borders
MeoCon jewish 'right' pay lip-service to pretending to defend our borders while doing the exact same thing as the left does
Is Breibart down at the moment or something?
This. We need to maintain gridlock in congress.
Please don't remind us.
Oh it's one of you. What a rare treat I thought you had vanished in the wild soyfields.
How about you gas yourself for expecting me to read your post, weebcuck?
Kill yourself you pathetic heebs.
If you think Patrick Little is impressive or /ourguy/ just because he was stupid enough to trash his entire political career in fifteen minutes by acting like a 17 year old and being incapable of at least a rudimentary level of subversion - you're the pathetic heeb.
Careful now little buddy. You're postig on a anime imageboard after all.
Patrick got much more votes than anyone expected and was an excellent conduit for our ideas. When was the jew last named so clearly by so many people, in fucking commiefornia of all places?
Sure it was short lived and he made some mistakes, maybe they just finally got to him, no matter, in any case he spread the truth and showed anyone who was watching just how many there were all around the state. People that were thinking alike.
Kikes are losing the overall war as seen by their incessant kvetching about Trump, Russia and sometimes just an implication thanks for that one Elon.
Little was a useful figur and maybe he will further harm the kikes, maybe not. Either way, we keep marching on.
gas yourself, kike.
yeah as if the kochs matter more than fahr llc or the unions or all the other kikes etc. not sayin' the kochs aren't a problem; what i AM saying is that focussing on the kocks is classic hebrew misdirection.
pics related. farh llc is the hedge fund of (((thomas fahr steyer))).
five of the top six (((donors))) give exclusively to the dems, majority of the money to the dems. intredasting.
the last two are first trump, and then clinton, donors by type and size. notice that 6-to-1 advantage in "large individual donations" to hilldawg? them's jews.
Just like the Soros obsession oh the kosher right.
The fact that someone like Little was even allowed to exist - let alone openly shit on israel - is proof that shit's way different than 10 years ago.
compare the size of these by sector. which one was the (((jews)))' favorite?
hey, it's schmul from two cubes down, here to help out mendel!
breathe the same gas, kike.
I support Little Nehlen and that Mexican chick. They were worried about Nehlen and that Mexican chick. You guys got tricked into dropping Nehlen. Joe Lieberman just wrote an oped begging the opponent she just beat to run against her again in the General as a 3rd party candidate.
Soros and the Kochs are all kosher targets to draw attention from the heebs who actually matter - Rothschilds, Bronfmans, Saban, Adelson, etc.
jews use the number 40 as a very large exaggeration, not as a factually accurate number
Wow you're right, America should just open the borders now and offer life time welfare to anybody who crosses it. No conditions apply.
yeah you need to work on your list order.
(((thomas fahr steyer))) is more important than adelson in terms of pure money pushed into politics.
see pic 3 here , adelson is one jew just swimming against the stream, the other five of the top 6 outspend adelson more than 2 to 1.
saban is chump change.
Kill yourself faggot. Both parties are owned by Jews.
Why haven't you infiltrated the mainstream political parties, buddy? If you think it's so easy, put your money where your mouth is.
You aren't really making a good case for your party here, republishill
I get politifact bullshit almost every time I search anything controversial about politics.
all the same schlomo, so fucking butthurt he had to triple post, but at least he remembered to sage lel.
I almost always reply in different posts. Looks less like shit. And you don't have an argument. The Republican party is just as Jewish as Democrats or more, but for 1/6th the price. You can't explain this. It's because republican politicians are not ideological like democrats are. And when they are ideological, they agree with dems. But for the most part they are simply callous profiteers.
dead koch bros can't play both sides
In a better world, GOP wouldn't accept the money. They're only interested in open borders and free labor for their businesses. They're as corrupt as people get.
The Coke(aine) Brothers benefit from open borders.
ALL (((major donors))) benefit.
keep your faggot shit out of Zig Forums, take it to /cuteboys/
t. faggot :