In the United States, the abortion rate for Black women is almost 4 times that of White women. On average, 900 Black babies are aborted every day in the United States.
Why are you against abortion?
We're not. Only Christkikes are and we hate them for being dishonest in general.
Stop making posts, little commie girl. You need a white alpha male boyfriend who will break niggers spines for you. That's why you're here and you dont even know it
Abortion is currently the greatest ally to the racist
Terrible post
Rude sage for fuck you OP
did you retard even read the post?
Shill thread already full of astroturfing pieces of shit. Report and hide.
Planned Parenthood is filled to the brim with Mexicans girls in big cities. And we support this, kike worshiper.
The argument I've seen is that abortions absolve people of any responsibility but looking at niggers and spics they'd keep breeding no matter what because those races lack personal responsibility on a fundamental level.
I support mandatory abortion for fetuses with severe malformations or genetic disorders.
Because I'm not into jews sacrificing babies by the boatload to Moloch.
Niggers shouldn't be here having babies in the first place.
So? Just because you have a shitty nation with minorities whose relationship-culture was directly engineered by the kikes in media, doesn't make abortion right.
It's the good old saying of two wrongs doesn't make a right. Abortion is a downright disgusting modern display of human sacrifice. Which not only kills white babies, but also betray their very souls from the persons they trust the most, their mother and fathers.
The spics and niggers you hate so very much kill more babies than the poor white trash that you somehow think are any different than the spic trash or nigger trash.
Souls don't real, Christcuck.
I agree with your sentiment Christkike and steralization is the moral path. But I'm damn sure not going to be a cuckservative and attack planned parenthood when they provide birth control for every poor spic and nigger out there.
It's MORE moral to stop the planet of the apes. So fuck off Alex.
Go D&C your mother you kike.
You too, faggot.
I'm against free abortion for white people.
But I encourage frivolous abortions by other races. What we really need to do, is to target white women in a way that stops them from taking advantage of abortion, instead of ending abortion..because we do like to keep non-whites aborting their mudspawn.
I'm And I'm assuming most people here are against aborting otherwise healthy white babies. If it's diseased or a non-white, kill it.
White trash babies are okay to abort because even if they aren't already damaged by their mothers drug abuse they'll just grow up to produce more trash. The differences between an 80 IQ nigger and an 80 IQ redneck are ultimately miniscule.
Too bad you weren't aborted too.
D&C thread, filter and sage
We talk a about this every single time abortion is brought up, I don't know why you bothered to make a thread.
You also seem to have overlooked the fact that the whites who get abortions are either trash(white niggers who vote for gibs) or out and out libshits who deserve to die on principle.
I openly shun and despise anyone who engages in abortion: because they are kin slaying trash. I also very much encourage niggers, spics, kikes, liberals, and muds of all shades to kill their own children.
A useful tapproach to to make abortion very difficult in white rural areas(so there is little temptation) and ignore the nigger/liberal areas where you have no political clout anyway.
The optimal solution would be the cutting of all aid(food and medicinal) the abolishment of welfare, and the legal extermination of all non-whites.
We should be targetting a specific type of white women, women are weak and will follow the herd. Women with families which are habitually "conservative" would likely have sons that express those traits. Women from urbanite and habitually liberal familes should be allowed to go extinct.
I don't know, there are plenty of cases of otherwise hopeless white children rising above their parent's stupidity and making something of themselves. Of course if the mother's IQ really IS that low she'd be classified as retarded and sterilized anyway, so it's a bit of a moot point I suppose.
It's simple: all non-white babies should be aborted. White babies with white trash parents should be supervised and financially supported.
Abortion is political as it gets. I posted to Zig Forums about the alt-kike satanists and your mods deleted it every time. Why don't you go there and deal with that D&C?
I was a white trash baby and have a 138IQ and a very abusive family life as a child. You need to check your Jew DNA card and back the fuck off the Aryan race breeding.
I didn't. Learn to use chans.
I support a roofing hammer to the back of your head, traitor.
There is nothing wrong with welfare for poor whites and it's pure National Socialism to help children climb the mountain of success. You're a fucking Jewish capitalist invested in usury and slavery.
You need to die or stop posting your boomer opinions here. We're NatSoc here. Fuck off.
Conservative isn't a trait in these days you low IQ wacko. It's a fucking boomer meme that means you support George Bush 10yrs ago.
First post was kike-free, and anyone who can't handle or stay healthy enough for a child shouldn't fucking make one.
Embed is for you. Your post reminded me of this.
Imkikey is awake
Abortion clinics are a kike racket so they can get free stem cells for their disgusting rituals.
The true solution to the nigger problem is killing them all, followed by killing every jew on the planet.
stem cell research just came out idiot. It's like 10yrs old and 20yrs old for the deep state
The plural of anecdote is not evidence.
Fair enough. Druggies should not breed regardless of race.
I ain't
What was broken by environment can be fixed by environment. What was broken by genetics can be fixed by killing it. The most wrenched of "white trash" is still better than a nigger. Then again, I'm surprised there still exists white trash. (weren't they mullatoed or happa'd away?)
One innocent white child killed by their whore mother outweighs any perceived black population increase (that’s what we have abject poverty for).
Gen Z is already at boiling point, if anything the accelerationism plays in our favor ATM.
I'm fairly sure the traditional white trailer trash still exists. Look at Juggalos. There's a certain base amount of human detritus no society can get rid of Im afraid.
You seem really invested in this thread, man. Just an observation.
Polite sage.
Abortion = Hot Topic. Why?
Left/Dem/Lib do not give a f#ck about anyone but themselves, so Abortion = non-issue within their groups, only an issue if their right to do whatever the f#ck they want is threatened.
To Divide the Right/Rep/Con within their groups.
Religion wants numbers and dummies (this is same for Illegal Aliens). Dummies Breed like Rabbits and fill coffers, grow the Religion.
Dan Quayle; "…Larry King Live`` show, said he would support his daughter, now 13, if she chose to have an abortion when she is older, although he said he would first counsel her not to have one…"
Some Right/Rep/Con believe Women have right to make that decision.
It is w Wrench.
I hate when you retarded faggots shill shifts start
Christkikes think that if you get rid of abortion and welfare all the niggers and low IQ whites will have to turn to the church for gibs. That's why they bitch so much about welfare and abortion. Have to make more little goyim to keep the church in power!
I'm against abortion for whites, I don't care if niggers do it.
You are asserting that because I want to kill the children of liberals, who will inevitably themselves grow up to be liberals I am the traitor? What precisely have a betrayed. These faggots are the reason we are in this mess to begin with; they want pet niggers, they infiltrate our social institutions and socially signal regardless of whether they couch it in secular or religious terms what they want to is show to other faggots that they are "high status", they prevent us from exterminating the muds and kikes, they undermine us at every turn, and they actively betray our nations to foreign and supranational powers because they are kinless and rootless xenophiles.
Not in the short term but it causes problems long term if implemented at a national level because it the state by its very nature is a distant master which lacks in depth knowledge of local populace. IE it does not have the necessary information to discriminate successfully. I'm no libertardian, I don't value freedom I only value survival and propagation. If there is a flaw in the Prussian system from which Natsoc is derived it is that it is too lenient and frankly so are very large church bodies though that is somewhat remediated by the local nature of priestly authority so long as large bodies do not arise which dispense welfare without in depth knowledge of those it is helping. Natsoc and for that matter nearly all traditonal social systems coerced the unfit organisms into adaptive behavior, effectively altering the expression of their innate behaviors sufficiently to allow them to survive in concert with a relatively speaking impoverished environment which didn't allow them to indulge in
Cruelty is the kindness of the wise.
I put the term in "air quotes" for a reason dipshit, I'm referring to the behavior set we define as "conservative" or the GSS has defined as conservative for the last 70 years they have collected data. It is a proxy for the desirable traits we want but without some abstraction you will get nowhere in data analysis.
As for the assertion that political affiliation isn't mostly inheritable, that is just plain false as far as can be determined every behavior is 93% inheritable. Liberals aren’t breeding anymore and temperament and predilections to certain political positions are very much inheritable, the 2010 US survey, GSS, and Europoll 2011 both found that 93%+ of individuals had the same political and religious affiliation as their parents once they were older than 25. Indicating some form of heritable trait is being passed on. This is true even when comparing the adopted with their birthparents.
You can see it in the birthrates by political affiliation and race within in the USA. White Democrats: 0.9, Jews: 0.8, blacks: 1.4, and spics: 1.6. White republicans are between 2.6 and 2.9 depending on whose numbers you use, with the highest being recorded in the General Social Survey which also has the largest sample set.
If the 2014 white conservative birthrates and those of the other demographic groups remained constant without additional input via immigration by 2050 only 20% of individuals in the US will be descended from habitual Democrat voters or self described liberals and only 7% will be black.
That is what the demoshits have feared for so long, that is why they want to import shitskins so desperately.
Most what trash are genetic hedonists much like affluent liberals. The solution to the problem would be utter mercilessness. Without social support only the strong would survive, these would then integrate with the productive white population and gain the support of those communities. The advantage of relying solely on local social support is that is extremely discriminatory, only those considered worthy by community or the local churchs(all transference of aid should be forbidden by law so it never leaves the community via a church network) would be helped and habitual abusers of the largesse would be left out in the cold to die. We need to destroy the interest for pleasure seeking at a genetic level by culling. Our founding social truth should be that happiness holds no value.
It's almost like he is the OP and immediately IP hopped or something.
Still here, I should be same ID. I also understand the shill-paranoia that exists here, but it almost seems like you enjoy thinking there aren't actually other individuals who post here. Just maybe.
Also anchor this shit already, low quality OP, and I'm done saging shit anyone might accidentally bump.
Sorry, paid shill, no one believes you.
?not shill, not f#ggot, and do not think retarded, but never tested…?
Did I not answer the question to your liking?
OP Q) Why are you against abortion?
My A) Abortion = Hot Topic. It is a Wrench thrown into the gears in order to Divide the Right/Rep/Con within their groups. Is that better, more clear? Topic that is easy to show Hypocrisy, and easy to trigger all different groups of people.
Are mods randomly deleting stuff?
If female intelligence was the deciding factor of the intellect of a child, there wouldn't be geniuses of any race. Women are, by design, just intelligent enough to care for children and a home with few exceptions. Not too stupid, not too smart, just basic. The intellect of the males from each line of parents is what matters, and even the dumbest whore can have a pedigree of male brilliance going back centuries.
I'm not. I've successfully encouraged my mudshark cousin and SIL with beaner fever to get abortions. I even drove my SIL to an out of state clinic for the procedure.
States rights.
Where's the amendment that allows infanticide?
If retarded faggots want to make something an inalienable right, they need to make it an amendment.
Furthermore, if retarded faggots want to take away my rights, they need to make an amendment.
Ok lulz
Purely religious reasons. Fedora all you like about that, but it’s important to me. And by faith, I think that if we eliminate abortion, the negro birth rates will fall anyway. Look at Africa. They murder each other all the time, but that doesn’t stop their birth rates from going sky high. An evil people curses the land and brings evil upon themselves. If we stop allowing evil, things will go better for us.
That’s the other thing, if we allow the state’s to make choices, Blacks will move to states that allow abortions and give welfare etc. natural segregation and we can keep evil away from us and watch Illinois and Cali fall into the pit
If we kept abortion while ending subsidies for fatherless niglets things would get MUCH better.
i'm against it because its immoral to kill an innocent human life.
abortion is what helps """good""" blacks succeed. part of white's success is the ability to control ourselves and not overpopulate so we can live with plenty, because we can pass our wealth down to our children. giving this power to blacks is what helped them invade our society. if abortion never existed there would be more blacks, but they would also live more like animals compared to whites, and the differences would be more visible and staggering. you think whites during the 70s would have accepted a black family of 14 poor niggers into their neighborhoods? instead abortion made it so it'd be a black family of 3-4 with moderate wealth.
right now because abortion has existed we need blacks to abort to keep their population in check.
its a complex issue.
because it's murder.
we've got plenty of other methods for reducing the nigger breeding rate, from eliminating the positive incentives, many of which are perverse, like paying more child support if the baby daddy is in prison, to providing negative incentives, like "norplant for niggers" to qualify for welfare, or paid sterilizations, up to and including mass deportations of niggers to liberia.
Reducing the criminal class of street dealer muds would help with that. I have no fondness for Whites who disgrace themselves, however I think they'd have a better chance in a homogeneous society without corrupting (((values))) and forced egalitarianism.
On a slightly tangential note; There are several kike couples that "foster" white babies born with chemical dependencies in my area. They get referred to them by CPS. The one kike husband has accusations of sexual misconduct, but the charges were thrown out in court…the very court that processes white babies for placement in his home.
This guy is retarded. He believes in magic.
anti abortion and pro abortion activists have one thing in common, They both hate jews. Let's put our differences aside on this divisive hot button issue for awhile and unite to purge the USA of jews. We'd all be better off for it afterwards and then the matter can be discussed rationally once the (((parasites))) are gone.
The collateral damage is higher than you think. Compare abortions to the rates of birth.
There's your answer.
It's not a complex issue at all. Little nigglets grow up into full blown niggers and niggers kill Whites. It's a simple as that. Only christkikes have a problem with aborting negro babies.
Because most of the few people left here are just Christian Republicans not ethnic nationalists
you fail to mention everyone you've mentioned, they all hate the jews equally, politics aside it's in everyone interest to get rid of the jew, that is the only thing that everyone has in common, lets talk about that.
I here the rural whites I see daily talk about slaughtering niggers, spics, and kikes. Not allowing them to kill themselves but killing them directly. And they are all Christians. I also see National Socialists here saying we should save the liberal whites from themselves.
The real true is that mercy, pity, and empathy are a disease and only those who are immune are breeding. I see them and the "christian" posters as the same thing, they were likely borne of liberals and discovered the truth about race and the kikes and thus altered their behavior. That's fine but they still have the proclivity for mercy. That weakness will put us right back here again in 500 years. The solution is extermination, not a single child can be spared.
they all hate the jews equally, politics aside it's in everyone interest to get rid of the jew, that is the only thing that everyone has in common, lets talk about that.
Agreed, even if black, it still is a sacrifice to the jewish "god " (Moloch).
What the Jews is planing to do is to ban abortion in states where niggers compose a huge percentage of the local population while keeping it for Whites only anywhere else. They are already laying the ground work for it. They realized niggers aren't breeding fast enough when abortion is at hand.
Are you for slaughtering every nigger, kike, and spic child with a jackhandle? Because that is not murder but rather war. That isn't a sacrifice to anything and they can never be christian or anything else so what exactly is lost. These creatures are parasites: they aren't productive, decorative, or even edible they don't do anything.
Our goal is to destroy their future and the very memory that they ever existed. They must be relegated to dusty tomes nobody will read and when read will only prove why we were right to exterminate them all. They must not only cease to be, they must cease to have ever been.
To be honest that doesn't seem to be the plan and there is not real indication of that happening. Also the plan was to import tens of millions of spics who also don't breed at replacement rates.
You sound like an edgy jew talking about whites.
Truth of the matter, if and when whites have a stance of strenght, not taking any shit that is fling to them, and stop having compassion without prudence and common sense, niggers will have no way out but trying to evolve or continously bashing their heads against a wall.
If niggers want war I will give them war. Still, I am not going to be a liar user. I am not going to say to whites that abortion is evil and to niggers that abortion is wonderful. That is the way of the jew.
Who says I don’t want niggers to have abortions? Better yet they can all be deported to Liberia
Not against it in principle but I am against it as a form of gratuitous birth control for sexually irresponsible people.
In this thread we pretend that the abortion by race statstics aren't provided by the abortion company kikes and that sheboons are throwing away their free gibs and "muh niglets" excuses despite every ghetto and Walmart in the country being full of sheboons and their many offspring (that they get government checks for).
We then pretend that whites have as large of families as any of the shitskins, despite visible evidence everywhere to the contrary, and white women don't have an excuse to be whores instead of settling down because they don't get abortions or treat abortions as a quick easy form of birth control.
We then further pretend that the kikes running this scheme don't know that by selling to the populace that it is niglets getting sucked out instead of white lives that the voting population of men, across the board, we will obviously be more accepting of it as white men and spics don't give a fuck about niglets and niggers don't either.
I guess if we are playing pretend I am all for it. Surely our population isn't dwindling in this situation.
Brainlets trusting kike provided statistics in order to justify their own genocide contained within.
California? New York? Illinois? Texas maybe, but the states with the biggest infestations of shitskins are clearly leftist shitholes that will never abolish abortion. The states yelling for an end to abortion are the whitest ones, and even if California or New York did make abortion illegal, shitskins would give zero fucks. 10,000 garden shed and basement abortion clinics would pop up overnight, right next to all their illegal dentists and plastic surgeons. Only white people care about following laws.
abortion is much less important than jewish genocide. Everyone hates jews, and I mean everyone, even their friends, let's talk about jewish genocide, then we can talk about abortion. Fair enough?
I am not a shill, it's Christians who are vocally anti-abortion, humans in general need to reduce their populations, specially African Americans, as their environmental footprint is as big as whites but reproduce as Africans.
If you start acting all autistic about abortion policy as the key to saving the white race then you've already decided on defeat.
This is a meme. White people in the south have IQs and temperament matching whites elsewhere in America, they're just completely surrounded by niggers and spics in their schools, in public, and so on.
Who said anything about the south? There is white trash all over the country
The black population is rising since roe v wade. My theory is that abortion increased sexual promiscuity without protection among blacks, because now, like other things in their life, they don't have to deal with the consequences. If they get pregnant, they can just abort. However, many women decide to keep it.
Are you the guy from the French football thread who is railing on and on about "muh subhuman white amerimutts"?
I'm okay with abortion on paper, but I'm personally disgusted and find it abhorrent. Still, I don't think it's up to the law to decide. If some dumb cunt gets knocked up because they thought Ty'rel was going to be a good father (only to find him dead in the street a day later), that's one less future retard we have to deal with.
Any woman who wants to abort their baby is probably going to be a shitty mother, and I wouldn't want to wish that on anyone growing up.
The real thing we need to discuss is proper birth control - giving 'nogs condoms doesn't do shit, so maybe introducing RISUG to the US would help.
Relying on abortion to control the black population is a half measure for pussies. Send them all back to Africa.
It really is amazing how the Jews finally convinced us that child sacrifice was not only okay, but actually a good thing. Disgusting, but amazing.
Blacks outbreed their abortion rate. Whites don't. Baby killing is jew shit. Shill topic. Sage and fuck off.
I'm against abortion of white babies. Pro-abortion of non-white babies.
Why are you? Do you not understand rate?
im for aborting because it removes negros from this world…just not enough
First of all, OP is a robofaggot and this is a shill thread. They're trying to target fracture points. This is standard COINTELPRO stuff. If we're going to talk about this crap at all, let's keep it civil and not get assmad.
I oppose it for a number of reasons. Not the least of which is, I'd rather follow the Reich's example.
I'll play devil's advocate here. Yes, abortion does, on net contribute far more to keeping the populations of foreigners in check because, by their very nature, they are remarkably promiscuous and have no desire to take responsibilities upon themselves. Additionally the vast majority of white women who are getting abortions are likely either race mixing or are dysgenic to begin with. I've not seen any evidence that those white women getting abortions are actually genetically healthy or even same-race couples.
There is a flip side though. Allowing the left to continue pushing this in the way that they do means that it will continue to be normalized. White men and women will indeed be increasingly affected by that propoganda as time goes on. Now regardless of whether or not you believe the left can indeed invoke the blessing of some manner of supernatural entity by the practice of human sacrifice, they can damn sure invoke a hefty revenue stream from the very lucrative endeavor of human tissue and organ trafficking.
It gets better. As stupid as niggers often are, there's plenty of them that possess enough of an admixture to recognize that "whitey" be trying to kill they babies and shit. Except that 99% of white people aren't the ones responsible for this… In fact, for better or worse, white people are propping up their populations both in America and abroad far beyond what they would be able to do on their own. Whitey as a whole is, in fact, surprisingly concerned for the well being of Africans. Shekel worshipping kikes have managed, once again, to scapegoat actual white people for their bullshit. They use issues like this to drive a political wedge between the races, which is a big part of what enables them to maintain as much control as they do. Everybody knows that the so-called democratic platform has, as the entirety of their foundation, identity politics and victimhood. It's racial class warfare, Marx shit. So in terms of pure strategy, to support abortion is to politically shoot ourselves in the foot.
A much bigger issue to be concerned about here is the division that this drives between us and other Christians. If you want to win the common men and women's hearts to our cause, supporting abortion is not an option. You will never be able to convince even somewhat serious Christians of any stripe that God is okay with abortion, even of niggers. To attack that is to attack their religion and it should be a no-brainer that that's a losing battle, regardless of how strongly you oppose their position. This is an important book for our movement, read it.
Ignoring fracture points doesn't make them go away.
Sure do. Do you not understand total?
You are promoting allowance of straight-up evil actions - a mother and a doctor coming together to murder an innocent child - because 'well its pest control!' and I don't know whats more Jewish than trying to justify some horrifying shit like widespread infanticide-out-of-convenience - killing MORE WHITE BABIES THAN BLACK - because it keeps the violent idiotic Black population 'in check' (ie, present and not enough of a problem to cause Whites to want to do something about it beyond allowing niggerbitches to murder their own babies - which thereby creates the demand that White women be allowed the same).
Basically, you're stupid, you've got no moral compass, and you're a philosemite.
Oh, you're just a shitposting shill.
My bad - I thought I was speaking to a human being, not a bugperson shabbos.
Carry on, slave.
Good thing I'm not ignoring it then, but rather addressing it in an objective manner so as to contribute toward mending the fracture. I anticipate you using words again to address this post. If you are not an entity composed of methods and functions, please tell me what color 00fff3 is.
Nah. Look at the content. They're being pulled from a database. Not saging because this is important for anons to recognize.
Yeah, that's what shills do - a database of 'snarky' shitpost responses are provided to the shabbos bugmen sitting in some sweaty basement rented by their jew masters, in an urban shithole.
Can you imagine if that was your life?
Imagine waking up every day to that.
Good God, the horror.