I am in an unusual position to influence a few key people that if I mentioned youd never believe me. I dont have access to my JQ dara ans have a short time to red pill a few people. Im sorry to ask but this is important. I need infographics and bite size chunks of the usual facts. One target is of the evangelical "jews are super great" style so information on "goys are cattle" or better yet synagogue of Satan
Other urls found in this thread:
Im on a cracked cell phone but will print hard copies of holohoax info. I can hardly type this.
"Please fogive any typos"
That’s where we keep most of our aggregate data. If you’re after Christian stuff specifically, buzz through these links.
General: pastebin.com
Not Jewish: pastebin.com
Judeo-Christianity: pastebin.com
Fundamental Question: pastebin.com
Zionism: pastebin.com
Marching to Zion: youtube.com
NWO Bible Versions: youtube.com
Sorry to ask to be spoon fed thanks in advance ill check back (on motorcycle.)
Jews hate Christians more than muslims.
Someone post him information about what the communists did to "convert" the Iron Guard Christians from Romania after the war was over, oak table legs and a limited privation/starvation diet while pounding the manifesto into them etc Reminder communism is Jewish and violently atheist.
Have fun, sir. It's critically important to get the those Christian Zionists to repent - and they potentially will if said key individual is also not part of Masonry.
Crap, I put one on the end of that as a 6th and it never posted, now I cant remember what it was. Im pulling from a big folder..
Communist Jews dug up nuns in the Spanish civil war, thats a big redpill on how Jews treat Christians. Communism of course being Jewish as we know, anything communists do can be attributed to Jews, including China. Pics related, Mao being taught by his Jewish overlords.
The civil war ones the one I forgot.
Oh, I got a video thats good. One sec.
What Jews think of goyim.
I could see someone suggesting that atheist communist Jews dont represent religious Jews so that last video should clear a lot of that right up. Dont forget communism is just judaism rebranded.
A guy posted a great article on here in another thread. It is pretty long, though. Not a nice quick infograph.
American Pravda: Oddities of the Jewish Religion
It's actually written by a jew.
Chill friend. You make better decisions when you are not panicking :)
Marching to Zion is good if you can get them to watch, its Pastor Anderson (I know, hes ashkenazi blood and married a mixed race couple) exposing the Jews hatred of Christians and things like how they willingly accepted Christs blood on their hands, how they deny now that they killed Christ or that he was the son of god etc. Theres a lot of stuff about how Jews broke their covenant with god and turned away from him, so they are cursed not blessed. Full disclosure, Im not Christian but I dont hold any grudges against the every day one, just the politicized clergy who say they are not of this world and that their realm is the realm of god but then try to tell the government what it has to do, using pressure.
Seriously though if anyone has some more detailed information than just a vague recollection of Pierce talking about oak table legs and the wiki for Pitesti prison, they should probably dump what they know for the OP. Theres more information out there but I havent gone through it to know what has the good information.
They tortured Christians brutally and forced them to renounce their faith for communism.
67% of Harvard Grad Students are Jewish.
Ashkanazi Only have a 106 IQ, not 115 as a study of Jewish Day School students suggests (high selection bias)
Bolshevism, Boasian School of Anthropology, Frankfurt School, Neoconservatism are all Jewish.
51% of all Media Execs are Jewish
Most of the porn sites are run by Mindgeek, run and owned by Jews.
That's all I have for now OP.
Antifa and the LGBT initiative hate the jews as much as NatSoc do, let put our difference aside and unite in jewish genocide.
While not a popular opinion currently, Blacks, Whites, and legal Latinos in the USA must united to purge the country of jews. Think of the slaughter of jews which would result.
The jews have sown and thrived off division. All groups must unite for jewish genocide to occur. Lets get started Zig Forums in spreading this revolutionary new idea, spread it everywhere.
Red Cross numbers show 250,000 heebs total in Europe 1933
The holocaust never happened
Muh 20cm of wood up ass
Carts that would jew chuck jüden into ovens automatically
Fuel consumption for the supposed cremation of semitic bodies (ha , my favorite)
Can't copy-paste the links in the description. Lots of them to show that yes, this is a thing.
1st is a thumbnail.
Gotta have plenty of links. Just claims just won't work.
Thanks, checked
Apologies, but I have deleted most of that stuff, as I've been trying to fit in to the insanity. Besides, there is so much out there, you don't need my files to make an impact. However, from rote, here's what I would suggest if you reaaaally want to redpill someone on the JQ.
Jews control music and movie production, and the all the world's news media networks.
Jews control journalistic standards.
Jews control all finance around the world, excepting North Korea, Venezuela, and Iran.
Jews control educational standards.
Indeed, the most visciously guarded realm of the Jews is it's control over history, anthropology, and archeology.
Jews control the pedofile network and heavily influence militaries.
And through these means, Jews synergistically corrupt governments.
The closer you get to the (((eye in the pyramid))), the more accurate the accusation. This is why 'blood libel' sets them off so. Each successive generation of Jews is taught that they are fundamentally different from all other people on Earth, a unique species, from elsewhere in the universe. Some Jews really have sacrificed humans and drunk their blood.
After self-preservation, the most fundamental intent of the Jewish apparatus is genocide. They seek the destruction of their ancient enemy, their 'Amalek", by corrupting the 'seed' of the Aryan folk. They are doing this primarily through promotion of race-mixing, through promotion of unhealthy circumstances, and through guilt/shame leading to (among other things) lower reproductive rates. Oerall, everything they do first serves the Jews, then secondly serves the destruction of their Amalek. Everything else is icing on the cake.
Of course, not all Jews are fully involved with the most evil of these machinations, nor would they be if they fully knew about them. Jews are people after all, with all the variety that any folk expresses. However, until full public exposure is widely attained, all Jews must be viewed with a healthy modicum of suspicion. The best way to encapsulate the Jews is to consider them constant hypocrites. Everything they accuse others of, they've been doing themselves.
As for reference, here's two quick video to show how deep this rabbit hole goes. Keep in mind that Jews have been at this for thousands of years.
Jewish race-mixing agenda: youtube.com
Jewish control of pedofile networks: youtube.com
Jewish belief in extraterrestrial origins: youtube.com
You’ve mixed up some numbers. There were roughly 4 million jews in the land that Nazi Germany conquered at its maximum extent. 250,000 is the number which the Red Cross SUPPOSEDLY stated died during the war. The Bletchley Park Decryptions are proven to show ~66,000 dead at Auschwitz.
400k combined between all races, 300k Jews according to German records released by the USSR in the 90s before its collapse, cited and sourced by the NYT. Mostly due to starvation and preventable disease that were caused indirectly by allied bombing of supply lines and the whole country falling apart really. Around 100k at the medium range were executed in the east as partisan communists who engaged in operations such as mining roads to slow the German advance, strictly business.
Influence them but also try to have a good general picture of what they can do.
Here is a readily available one, google and other website search results. deviantart.com
The conspiracy theory charge. deviantart.com
Ann Frank Diary fraud finally admitted. deviantart.com
This channel have a lot of information. deviantart.com
Pro: At least some of these have links for people to check out by themselves and large size, picture has not been downsized.
Cons: The problem is that the description is blacking out names and faces.
No links but Smoloko itself. Someone that doesn't yet know the truth most likely won't take that at face value.
Download videos before they get deleted. Also, do not forget to archive ( archive.is and archive.org/web/ ) articles and so on.
Anyone have some good sources to read about the Bolsheviks, and all the people they killed? Not infographics but actual articles and shit, it'd be very much appreciated. I'm using it as the main course for disproving the holohoax.
Good thread for once
I think Solzhenitsyn's book 200 Years Together dealt with that. I think anons on /pdf/ or /pdfs/ were translating it.
The Rosenthal "interview" is fake, and that picture is Jacob Javitz.
Just talk about white genocide through forced assimilation
Kalergi Plan
The Rosenthal Interview is real,
but the Protocols are a forgery - a copy of an older doc.
https:// rense.com/general66/rosen.htm
If you had that kind of influence you wouldn't need anons to spoonfeed you.
God became an anti-Semite
In this 5 minute video popular Christian minister Steven Anderson says the cucked church view of Jews is in error, and the reason Jews have been booted out of nation after nation throughout history is that God doesn't like them
1948 Was a Fraud
In this video Pastor Anderson debunks the holocaust in a very Christian "what is actually the truth?" sort of way. Show this one to any and all of your timid friends who fear questioning the lies Jews tell about WWII.
The Holocaust Exposed
Pic related is where Jesus suggests that when Jews lie they speak their native language.
Unlike The Protocols, the Rosenthal "interview" was a hoax created by Walter White Jr. The fact that it was published on Rense doesn't change that.
You should be able to tell that it's inauthentic just by reading it.
Good videos. user was not a faggot today
Got the first one, but the second one doesn't work for me due to all the anti-tracking shit I have on my browser. Can some uber-autist save it?
You should crop that from the image.
Thank you for the correction user. I will be diligent in putting forth accurate numbers
Lots of trips in here today
If you're that close to the Jew, just pick up some castor oil seeds and gas em. Sage for simplicity.
Thanks user, I'll check it out.
Basically this. OP should fight with both pen AND sword.