>it's (((hip))) to be transgender, or any other \pronoun\ other than the two genders that truly exist.
The brainwashing has changed generations
Also, they're teaching children to masturbate, furthering sexual degeneracy. I don't think I have to explain why that's bad. The implications of sexual degeneracy destroys a human.
If you can't code in a real man's language such as C you're just as cucked as the Swedes. Sorry user, you need to step up your game.
Kevin Smith
enjoy and git gud
Oliver Murphy
Agreed. C/C++ is the bees knees.
Angel Morris
Fucking kikes trying to derail the thread.
But bump for interest.
Elijah Jackson
Probably shouldn't have used an off-topic image if you didn't want off-topic discussion.
Dominic Phillips
my copy and paste shell scripts make poos look competent.
Charles Wright
Does Sweden have any real recovery options? You get murdered for wrongthink :^(
Ryan Garcia
No. It's a deeply ingrained cultural defect. Pathological altruism. They've failed to adapt to the threats of modern (((social engineering))).
Jack Kelly
So what's the result of Sweden then? Let it destroy itself and eventually rebuild, or..?
John Jenkins
Hell, I would throw a bone to anyone that at least bothered learning C# or Java over a python "programmer". Python is how women and shitskins get "programming" jobs and why the future of tech is paired with diversity hires making broken shit. They hire these python "programmers" and the job will obviously be in C or a variation of, and they use a shit jumping off point, their precious scripting language designed for Downs Syndrome kids to feel included, to build buggy crap . Python fags get the bullet too. Polite sage for off topic
Dylan Rodriguez
I love those alpha programmers who despise all kiddos who don't write their own compilers
Truth is that anything that gets job done properly is a good tool. Python can be used efficiently, obviously if you are all about speed you don't go for it but it's useful in a lot of cases. Couple of days ago I had an idea,listening to some music with major bass drop that once the war starts it'd be fucking awesome to pair bass drops with artillery. I thought it would be pretty fucking awesome so I got to programming. After short browsing it turned out that Python has couple of well designed libraries which will save me quite a lot of time, pyplot,wave,pyaudio took care of enormous amount of work I'd have to do myself in alpha languages. So instead of wasting days I got job done within few hours.
Language wars happen because companies try to push theirs over others, like Microsoft and Sun(pushing memeshit Java)
Easton Lee
How is competition between language creators bad for devs?
Nathaniel Rogers
Hooktube is useless now, it's just jewtube embeds. Use Invidio.us or Freetube.
Anthony Williams
Ever wondered why there would be one less retard on this planet if you would kill yourself?
Colton Bennett
Oh look, it's another pot calling the kettle black thread. I doubt the reason the Sweden Democrats went from entering parliament to being Sweden's largest party in just eight years is that the Swedes like this shit.