GERMANY - Video Ad for Patrols to Counter Migrant Crimes alarms Police -

Videos made by far-right National Democratic Party (NPD), often accused of neo-Nazism & anti-Jewish sentiment, promotes a campaign to create 'protection zones'

Cops fail to secure safety or to fight crime committed by migrants - say NPD men.

"Germany’s police are determining if the commercial by the right-wing NPD, which patrols the urban trains of the so called S-Bahn system in Berlin, violates any criminal or civil laws."

The video in issue features the NPD's efforts to secure “Protection Zones” by foot patrols of Nationalist men. It argues that the action of ordinary citizens is now necessary to secure people's safety, and wants to recruit volunteers for civil defense forces.

these Neon Heretics Blaspheme against a Social Narrative
The NPD's video "specifically stresses that crimes are often committed by immigrants and people with a foreign background."

Here's the video that's causing such butthurt among the Kikes and Cucks. It's brief (1:13), but the language is German. - -

"The massive increase in violent crime and burglary and the simultaneous dismantling of police stations has led to a large-scale surrender of the rule of law. Daily "isolated cases" confirm the widespread feeling that one can live less and less safely in Germany."

source -→

Attached: German NPD flags gate 2.jpg (374x501, 34.34K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm all for the creation of a vigilante community-defense force, but remember that doing this is the first step on the path to civil war. When you provide for yourselves services nominally provided by the government, then you set the groundwork for self-governance and departure from the established state apparatus. You can bet that the (((state))) will come down hard on this if they actually make something good for themselves.

Make no mistake about who's patrolling the trains & streets and fighting for the safety of Germans -

==The National Democratic Party of Germany==(Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands, NPD) is a far-right and ultranationalist[13] political party in Germany.

"The party was founded in 1964 as successor to the German Reich Party (German: Deutsche Reichspartei, DRP). Party statements also self-identify the party as Germany's "only significant patriotic force". On 1 January 2011, the nationalist German People's Union (German: Deutsche Volksunion) merged with the NPD" …

The party is usually described as a neo-Nazi organization… and has been referred to as "the most significant neo-Nazi party to emerge after 1945."

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i sincerely hope there is a civil conflict in Germany that leads to the deaths of most of the communist and kike officials

Not to blackpill, but it's always worth remembering that political meetings in Germany must always be attended by the police, and that recordings of the event are available for review by the magistrate judge. In other words, all legal opposition in Germany is controlled opposition. I hope these fellows have more steel than that, but I'm never hopeful about the absolute state of Germany.

NPD are controlled opposition, as made obvious with their association to (((David Duke))) and the fact that they’re a supposed NatSoc party operating in Germany in CY+4. Sage for glow in the dark thread.

What's the difference between Der III Weg and NDP? Except aesthetics

Oh yeah, sure, and I'm sure it's inspired by "(((Hitler)))" too. You filthy fucking kikes will do anything.

Kill White Nationalists for treason
They have ruined every single attempt by Whites to defend themselves in real life for the last 50 years


Ask yourself, how have (((they))) not taken out Duke yet? Why do (((they))) allow the NPD to exist in any capacity?

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Because (((they))) can only survive with White Nationalism.

David Duke is a homosexual. He works for them.

Duke likely turned when he was in jail years ago, but there’s also the chance that he was always controlled-opp. A slimy snake in any case.


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Lost cause, nothing of value will be lost

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At least shitskins are not legally defined white lol
Fucking mutt

top kek

Totally legitimate gaslighting there, kike.

Reminder police are merely a state-sponsored gang.

Cold War is over goy ;-)


Are (((you))) not going to post your shitty jpg this time, ANTIFA kike?

T.German Cuck
Have some more

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every single one of you will die in holocaust 2

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David Duke was born female. Everyone knows that.

Kill White Nationalists for treason
They have ruined every single attempt by Whites to defend themselves in real life for the last 50 years

Jew detected

That's not what the expression means, idiot. Controlled opposition is not opposition which is maintained under control via oppression but opposition whose leaders are secretly in bed with the state and as such deliberately mislead their members and sabotage the supposed cause.

If it is one thing that has come to define NPD its how disciplined they are when it comes to not taking the bait. There have been countless trails attempting to shut them down where everyone from the movement walked becasue every incident that was used by one agency to take them to court would end up having been carried out by plants from other agencies and not the actual party members.

It certainly helps quite a lot that the situation is essentially the opposite of the US, where ZOG wants you to believe you are under your fourth amendment rights so they can get you to nod at something a provocateur says and throw you in jail. When you know every single thing you say and do is recorded becasue either the policemen are right there recording you or you know from past court cases that there are probably five guys with wires at every single interaction you have with anyone then you simply don't do dumb shit.

They're not. They're a Social Homeland Party and they have nothing in their program that can be used against them in a court of law. Now go to the >>>/gaschamber/ and take your kike demoralization with you.

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Miscegenation is now a crime in the New Reich.

God, I'm so sick and tired of these words being used by (((journalists))). "Alarming", "Shocking", "Outcry" etc., these bastards keep using them no matter what happens when it's even a slight bit to the right.

How does he grow a beard?

Ah, kikes and their lies. It never ends, user. They have some kind of gene.

>associate with media darling (((David Duke)))

You can’t be serious.

Again, >>>/gaschamber/

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Off yourself.

If the government cant protect the people, it is their right and duty to protect those among themselves who are defenseless. Self defense patrols are inevitable and a natural response to a government which abuses its own citizens and neglects their safety.

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Also this forced anglin neon meme is shit.

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Light your parents on fire you psycho

Your tricks don't work here, Abe.

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And what kind of leader do you think emerges when the Thought Police have got your home address, nigger?

I’ll light yours on fire instead. Read Siege.

Why are you even on this board if you support glow in the dark niggers?

Holocaust 1 you mean.
It has to has happened first :^)

Fag cultist detected.
I hope you get aids next time you share needles with your fuckbuddies.

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What kind of fucking question is that even supposed to be? Do you think the Wiemar thought police didn't have Hitler's home address? If Hitler lived today do you think wouldn't have it? Do you think they won't have the address of the next Hitler?

Ain't gonna work, Abe. Hitler taught us about your dialectics. We are talking about the NPD and nothing else. Give us the evidence for NPD being controlled opposition or go choke on your pesticide.

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Humble beginnings.

The Communists would kill every White in Holodomor 2 or in more Katyn Massacres. We will all die but it is what we fight for which lives on after our death.

Was it not Adolf Hitler who invited international investigators to figure out what happened there? Oh how the jews pushed the narrative it was Hitler's doing until way after WWII when they had to relent and the textbooks were changed.

If you had read SIEGE you'd know Mason shits on retards who think everything is controlled opposition and everyone is a spook. What the fuck do you think they called him and his organization when he started supporting Manson?

Naturally you haven't as you are just a kike blackpiller. Don't worry, we'll take care you all one day.

Hit me up on Gab and I’ll educate you.

The evidence is their association with (((David Duke))), who glows in the dark harder than even Kike Eunuch and Dickie Spencer.

Mason also shat on movementarians in Siege and that applies to you 8kikes as much as it does to the livestreamers and podcast hosts.

Any webms of the videos?

Oh wow, look what this kike is reduced to!

You’re not even worth a response.

So filter me then, kike. Go ahead.



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That are complettly different situations.
Non of the things Hitler promoted were illegal. Most of his goals were shared by 90+ percent of Germans, including communists and monarchists.

Weimar was in fact a democracy, had free speech and independent courts, so the opposite of today's Germany.

Are you this retarded (((romanian))) faggot here to tell everyone that NRM, Azov and the Iron March groups are all CIAniggers while tarring the name of SIEGE by acting like a fucking retarded faggot?

>implying I’m one of the (((It Was My Privilege))) gypsies
You’re reaching, Moishe. :^)

yeah, you're that same asshole who spent something like 40 solid hours posting the most braindead trash over every thread
go put SIEGE into action and commit suicide by cop trying to take out a rothschild, shitfaggot


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1. Duke doesn't glow in the dark you fucking kike demoralizer. He's been naming you practically all his life and offers free audiobooks which covers your evils in detail. Who has he ever framed or set up? If Cucking on some issue or being wrong doesn't mean you are payed and instructed by ZOG.
2. If having had any association with anyone who is legit means you are not yourself legit than there is nothing legit on this planet and even Hitler wasn't legit, because even Hitler associated with people he didn't realize were traitors.. As such it doesn't even matter to begin with.

Neither is anything NPD promotes.

Has no bearing whatsoever on whether a party is legal or not.

There we go, another one for the >>>/gaschamber/

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Shill or retarded.

Attached: Hitler-Rebellion.PNG (1098x325, 390.08K)

The kikes get really fucking rustled when you mention NPD. They can see what is stirring among the Germans and they know what's coming for them.

Last time I saw them this rustled was when I mentioned the National Socialist Underground.


>implying those two gypsies are the only ones who know the truth behind glow in the dark (((political dissidents))) and (((far-right organizations)))
Lurk 2 years.

Are you telling me that (((Duke))) has been legit over the past almost 5 fucking decades now if (((they))) haven’t tried to assassinate him? The man is on some kind of payroll and to assume otherwise is copeposting the likes of which I’ve never seen.

Remember to drink an extra gallon of bleach tonight.

Duke has redpilled thousands on the JQ, your argument is invalid. If he was a paid shill, he didnt do very well.

That was before he did write his book and choose to take power by elections.
Hitler was the legal head of state and government of Germany

He also had a racially homogeneous country you civnat cuck. He also wasnt fighting the complete annihilation of German people nearly to the degree we are. Youre nothing but a deradicalization shill and your words are worthless around here. We will stop white genocide by force and wont apologize for a second about it.

Bump for the one good thread I see today. OP is still a fag for not posting the video though.

This thread is also amazing:

And this thread is of interest, because all the damn kiked cunts of the EU, and the mongrels who protested Trump, will have no protests of it:

>profits from being a (((political dissident)))

and, if you're not a kike, while you are there, read Rules for Radicals

So what?
You seem quite enrage by just mentioning the facts. Why is that so?

I don't know who graduated you in Tel Aviv but you really aren't good at this.

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You might as well give up at this point, actually. When the collapse happens, THEN we can GTKRWN, but as of now, it’s nothing but e-celeb movementarian podcast hosts playing 88D chess and 8pol believing in alt-kike, (((far-right))) lies.

Well then, can you provide any reasons as to how I’m wrong? Surely you think I’m a kike, Moishe, but let me see your Talmudic reasoning as to why these people aren’t all glowing in the dark.

Well of course. If you are secret and support extralegal means you are obviously ZOG. Also if you are public and support legal means you also ZOG becasue why are you still alive, ?

Jews being paid overtime in this thread.


And any fooled by him, go read Rules for Radicals. Then let's discuss, not as animals - the idiots, the loudmouths, the rude, the stupid, the kikes - but as wise and learned men, the whites in truth, these strategic matters before us.

Yes they are.

Yo can I get a webm.

Just give up they are jews, they are paid to make every groups look like control ops.

QQ more, Moishe.

Thread disruptor:

Truth. The oppressor the kike and his companion the cia and the fbi ceaseless in their affliction of we, the good, the righteous, the courageous, the intelligent.

You see any difference? I don’t.

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Nice shop, but you did not put in the big jew nose and the juden star, mr. jew.

Apparently you need to write a book an-

Nevermind. 0/10, pretending to be retarded is the easiest thing in the world

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I'm not the one who said such things. Again, have you read Rules for Radicals?

Apparently you need to write a book an-

Nevermind. 0/10, pretending to be retarded is the easiest thing in the world

Yeah, I just saw I fucked up

The mods must do something about the kikes who say every op is controlled op.

First they say the alt right, now they expand it to the NRM & NPD, everything.

And have you read rules for radicals?

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Because this book discusses part of the problem, why we can't really gain traction right now…

I wouldn't assume that we can't convert kikes to do our bidding. Many kikes have been majorly assfucked by their supposed friends. While they may be aware they are fucking over the kikes, they may do so in a "samson option" of their own. Consider how whites are convinced to hate whites, by becoming completely cucked. We can use this mechanism as well, and cuck the kike.

I was clearly quoting somebody else with the “redpilled” being in quotes, you absolute retard. Off yourself.

We have plenty of traction, SJWs are running scared largely except their institutions. I havent heard social justice in like 2 years, the last time I saw it was on a quote written by fucking Goebbels.

There are no good Jews and weeding them all our is the safest way to make sure they never fuck us again. There will be no discernment between X Jew and Y Jew. #YesAllJews

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