Great and mighty russia

Russians left without water began to receive it out for passports.

Residents of Severouralsk, Sverdlovsk region, have been living for three days without drinking water because of the collapse of the Kalya riverbed - tap water is heavily polluted, mineral water stores are over.
For the sake of water, people began to fight, writes

Clean water began to be delivered to the city by cars that periodically break down on the way. One person is given only two liters a day and strictly according to passports.
To get a bottle, you need to register in special lists and stand for a few hours in the queue in the heat.
Bottled water was purchased from the city budget. The press service of the local administration said that 250 thousand rubles were allocated for purchases.

Through the site of the mayoralty, officials constantly inform the townspeople about the situation. At the same time, the head of the city district Vasily Matyushenko and the director of the local water canal Aman Karasayev are now on vacation and are not going to interrupt him.

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I agree, OP. This is a tragedy. We should start inviting white Russian refugees into any white country that can take them. Stop the racist hate towards Russians and let them in.

So fucking what? There are similar situations in the U.S. as well. There are towns where you can literally light the fucking tap water on fire because it's so polluted from improper fracking in the region.

I know this is just a shill thread trying to further bash Russia because you fucking kikes can't stand the idea that the two largest and most powerful White nations could ever be on good terms, but god damn this article means exactly dog shit in the scheme of things. You deserve to be ridiculed for your impotence.

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The point is that russia has third world tier infrastructure.

I am sure US would never end up with commie tier breadlines for fucking water.

That's awful. We should send them aid. If you disagree you're a racist.

You surely don't like to know about things that would offend your secularized world view, don't you?

What am I saying that's wrong?

True, niggers aren't disciplined enough to form a line and would just light stuff on fire.

Pretty cute how some idiot like you who has no idea what he's talking about in his failed shill thread accuses others of not knowing things.

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Nigger those taps have always been flammable due to methane in the water bed, that didn't just start happening because of fracking. It was always like that they just never put their lighter under the tap.

The entire world will be engulfed in apocalyptic savage war before 2020 because of global warming. Water problems like these are the beginning.

They want Zig Forums to be edgy Drudgereport news aggregate with useless clickbait. They want to steal your energy.

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How much longer until Russia decides to embrace communism again?

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shitposting aside someone post that cap of the guy who posted saying he was an Afghanistan vet and they used to get told to go go intentionally fuck up infrastructure of small rural towns and then roll in with food/water and exchange it for biometric data collection and in the end concluded it was training to oppress rural populations or whatever

Russians are literal niggers. They deserve much worse than this. Also, sage.

So start selling the russians our water instead of the chinks.

Are there any left?


Common jew tactic. Create a problem so you can sell your solution.


when you say "literal" do you mean literally literal or figuratively literal?







Nigger fuck you. I'm not even anti-fracking whatsoever. That doesn't change the fact that there are piece of shit companies out there that don't frack responsibly or safely. I don't believe in AGW and I want the USA to pursue all venues of energy but if you think that means letting greedy conglomerates be reckless with our environment you can eat a bullet. Hitler was a conservationist and so should every NatSoc be.

You're a shill.

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How is this politics?

>What is free market

You keep forgetting that niggers are only worth 3/5ths.
So that 63 million number is wayyy less than that. Besides, niggers don't matter. GTFO leftypol

I know the cap you're thinking of but can't find it. Fuck, that was a great cap too.


Not only is that not an argument, its a piss-poor non-argument.
You have brought shame upon your kin.

Something jews are obsessed with.

At least I'm not a nigger

Eat shit lolberg. The free market doesn't fucking exist and it never will until there is a homogeneous White ethnostate free of kike influence.

You probably are though, given that non-arguments demonstration of your mathematic and reading comprehension skills.

Pick one, kek.

The "free" market is always run very carefully by kikes.

I choose neither, jew.

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At least I can afford to shower, I can smell your clam from here

Yep, you're a nigger alright.

And yet here you are.


Still can't into one choice

Checked for assmad jew with no arguments, shilling with all hes got, to no end.

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And like that, the thread was exposed to convey emotion instead of fact.

Whatever you say (((buzzfeed)))

You are a joke.

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Good, good, let the butthurt flow within this one

Individualism and markets and capital and buying and selling and communism and equality. It's all for jews and faggots.

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Is that why you're a failure in every aspect of life?

Hard to call the USA a white nation anymore when the majority of non-white births is on parity this year.

nearly* every aspect
Seriously though, stop projecting. Go talk to your local pastor or take up weightlifting, or taichi if you're a weak woman.

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Sage your niggles

It's affecting white rural areas too

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If kek didn't approve, why did I get dubs to confirm?


you're so jewish, I can smell the ash from here

What these fail to mention is these water issues are in nigger areas, and the problems arise because niggers elect niggers and nigger can't into maintaining infrastructure. White Americans maintain and build perfectly functional infrastructure.

Colors and numbers mean nothing without information behind it
See what I mean?


I can't disagree with you but why no sage?

So why not fence them in that area, and if anyone questions the narrative, label it a fema camp?

Detroit isn't a shit-hole because of the economy, loss of industry, or anything other than nigger. It's 100% because of niggers. And it began with niggers voting in niggers who chased out white people. 100% niggers.

Just another day in the "communism was better" hellhole where old soviet shit is falling apart while current parasites in cozy positions just happen to be on vacation.
Meanwhile there are these kosher conspiracy theories about secret Nazi bio weapons on the same site. Pic related.
I'm not very fluent in Russian but the article is something about «термофильные дрожжи» (thermophilic yeast)? That this Георгий Сидоров (George Sidorov) who is described as someone that reminds me of Alex Jonestien going off on one of those crazy rants. One of his milder conspiracy theories is that the Nazis created this yeast to destroy Russians and it can withstand 400 degrees temperatures which I guess means that cooked bread still contains this live yeast? It supposedly ferments in your blood and causes cancer…
My guess is that these sites that pretend to be a credible source of information post this shit as both a way to discredit alternative media making it out to all be crazy conspiracy theories and a way to direct the mistrustful towards controlled opposition clowns like this Sidorov faggot.
Sage because offtopic.

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Nice try tornigger, but read my post again. Slowly.
also sage, you fucktard

So don't be a nigger yourself, sage your posts

Because we don't currently control the government and white people fear the law.

You presume I give a fuck about what's on the top of the catalog. I'm only going to be on Zig Forums for 10 more minutes.

Yo porch monkey, whites respect the law. You niggers fear the law.

Piss poor reasoning nig nog

They did something similar in Cambodia, the CIA did. Cash and food for opium to get all the farmers to switch over from rice. Then they're dependent on the food aid payments and could be threatened with starvation if they weren't compliant.


You chimp out like a democrat

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Reported for cp

Right, "respect" of the law is why white people these days do absolutely nothing about the encroachment of niggers in every aspect of our lives, and why niggers are allowed to act among us with impunity. It has nothing to do with white men fearing lawful repercussions for acting against nigger. Filtered for being a nigger and posting neocon tier gibberish.

Just because we don't broadcast our actions on social media, like niggers do, doesn't mean we don't rise against the nigger narrative. It means we don't get caught for stupid shit. You stupid knuckle dragging ape.

Literally wtf doesn't live in a van down by a clean river tho?

I am sure russians are used to standing in lines for basic, everyday essential items by now


So, who knows what that says, but apparently white people need our help. How can we help these white people, user? All white men who are not cucked are our brothers.

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Whites are cucks. We see this time and time again, thru out history, and all over the globe. All the good whites in europe died in WW2, and whites in US are being outbred by mexiniggers.

All whites are cucks, deal with it


I never said that, I just said whites are cucks. Including you, since my little comment seems to have made you cry

Truth hurts, don't it?

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Based Russians

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Why is this slide thread still up?


I do agree that whites are the most submissive race in the whole world. Nobody is more submissive. Every race has a fault, but fault of whites is submissiveness, arrogant pity of invaders and self destructive altruism.
Most of liberals are fucking white. And there's at least as many low iq whites as half of low iq niggers in the world.

We quickly need to racemix with asians to create and imperium and ultimate half asian race. That will never be neither submissive nor stupid as whites.

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Truly, the best that the WhiteTM race can offer

You people are a joke

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Get out of here nigger.

So uh. You're taunting. So?

Think that's special or clever? You can't even meme. Like that image, the scale is all wrong. Nobody will click on that just to read what the guy with the particularly ugly girlfriend has to say.

And create a whole generation of eliot rodgerses? Come the fuck on dude. Keep your yellow fever mental illness to yourself.

Literally pic related
Case and point, thanks for proving me right

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