I want do discuss strategies and methods
to bring down and end lying MSM fake news media.

Particularly how to combat the Open Society sponsored collusion, censorship and how to regain freedom of speech both in Europe and USA.

I am combating my national MSM since 2016 and have exposed their bias and proved their collusion with Open Society Foundations burning through 200+ usernames and redpilling the whole country on Kalergi, Rotschilds and UNCHR replacement migration / genocide of European people.

I am this particular MSM's worst enemy and their worst nightmare. Same could be said for Soros sponsored communists in my country. I am systematically launching attacks on their empire if lies dissasembling their chokehold on my nation. with increasingly good results, just won the election with a right wing party which hasn't been in power since 2012

I will not stop until they are ruined.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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A hostile media is part of the propaganda campaign. The siege mentality it engenders convinces certain segments of the population to go along with issues that are not in their interest simply because those issues have been aligned with their "camp" [as defined by the hostile media].

Must really suck to be 2nd shirt, 3rd tier troll in the IRA / Moscow. Work evenings, forced to do shit like this on really lousy forums like Zig Forums..

Immediatelly identified.
Are you part of (((mediamatter/shareblue/americanbridge21))) or an European Open Society sponsored NGO?

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We aren't here to teach you how to shore up your defenses, moshe.


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What's the pay?

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OP, you have to know we're going to take this pretty lightly. A lot of people LARP here every day. Please don't hold it against us if you're the real deal.

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>have a system to keep track of "this person predicted this would happen, but then the opposite happened" like the way they do (((fact-checking))) now
the problem stems from how dumbed down they've made the news:
every position is made into a bumper sticker and loses all nuance in the process; "I'm [pro/anti] abortion because I'm a [democrat/republican]" vs "I'm anti abortion because a fetus is a life and as such it has rights as well guaranteed by the 14th amendment" / "I'm pro abortion because any legislation regarding a woman's body violates 4th amendment protections" etc
every debate is turned into a shouting match and trying to gain points with the audience by regurgitating talking points instead of trying to convince with well-reasoned arguments;
every interview is a chain of loading a question up so that giving a negative response without becoming the antichrist to the viewers is impossible;
every sound bite is polarized and repeated ad infinitum along with an "expert" breaking down (((what it means)));
and in my opinion the solution is a long period of de-escalation since 90% of the media now is saying that the country is on fire because trump is president while the other 10% is saying if you let democrats anywhere near government we might as well start queuing up for the bread lines.

I really wish I'd stop getting dubs for shitposts. It's been happening for a while now.

They are using appeals to authority to indoctrinate. Logical fallacy is logical fallacy.

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kek no. Only you fucktarded communists think that way, because following a herd of fellow fucktards is all you low IQ niggers can do.
I suppose Assad is also a kike, because you know, he's a butcher who kills beeple wid chebicals. And we should disrupt the Best Korean peace talks because Kim Jong Un is really a kike. I know he is because the hostile press says he's a monster who violates muh human rights.

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Assad and North Korea very clearly name the jew with zero hesitation. It isn't comparable at all to vote farming perceived corruption that no one has any intention of mitigating.

Good job user. I wish I was as diligent as you.

Fucking kikes get out reeeeeeee

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I want to discuss

your fucking reddit spacing

and how it makes your low quality thread


Those are paragraphs you illiterate kike.

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Fuck off, NATO military psyop spook.


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No shit, really? I wonder how that happened.

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The MSM needs to be gamergated. They post anti-white shit nearly daily and it would be easy as hell to hit them for racism with their advertisers.

many gallons of gasoline, real and imagined.

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you really need to examine your life.

They really fucking do. We just need a catalyst event something that gets a bunch of normies off their ass at once.

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msm hate the goy only a matter of time until they slip up, everything after the event will be justified

You have to constantly and relentlessly post the truth in spaces where being subject to it is unavoidable. If media organization x tells a lie you have to make sure that their lie is exposed and repeatedly thrown in their faces in front of their audience.

normie youtubers, twitch streamers aggressively red pill broadcasters creators in turn they will red pill their audience

I'm thinking about starting one, maybe this weekend. The normies need someone to jump start it then they'll jump onboard. Got some people to do it to the FNYT the other day when they released Le epin putin trump gay video.

I trust you god speed Hitler.

They're not actually telling the news factually anymore, it's just propaganda so "freedom of the press" is flimsy.
Call for the MSM to have their broadcast licenses revoked and make a point to advocate replacing the useless big box news with only turning to accountable local news sources, that way the fotp argument is even weaker.
Fake news out, small real news in.
MSM will kvetch right into the Streisand effect.

Kek wills it! We need dirt. We need memes. We need people to spread it.

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Slip up how? The (((MSM) is already openly anti-White and every syllable of the nation-wrecking shit they ceaselessly broadcast is openly shameless screeching bullshit propaganda. They simply ignore the six million times they've been busted lying.

s/msm/jew disinformation and indoctrination outlets/

Criminally unchecked righteous trips banish kike shills eternally.

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I think I see your problem user. Not trying to black pill I swear!

I'd be all for this, but the problem is that it can only apply to television, and even then there's workarounds.
Asking the law to prohibit advertisement for printed/digital "news" brings into question articles kept up verses ongoing events.

Do you really think that most people care about logical fallacies?

This. Gamergate was gamers affected by gaming journalists.

Trump already got people to chant "CNN sucks." That's about as specific as you're going to get for a general population. There needs to be something to make people care, and they need to be pushed to have some lasting effect beyond public outrage otherwise they'll just weather the controversy and resume business as usual.

We need to attack their revenue.

You don't belong here. Not by a long shot.

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Perhaps the frog god looks favorably upon you.

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Kek like to make the fool of his followers sometimes. Chuckle and move on I think he called me a faggot once it was pretty funny.

>make people care
I think the normies are lost. We should prepare to fight this war alone.
A lot of activist movements fail because they are not entertaining. The best movements make people think but hide it under entertainment.

We need to be more entertaining to normies than CNN.

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Good luck, OP.

The legacy news media are to some extent dying already. CNN lost 35% of its viewers in the twelve months that ended with the latest quarterly report.

Last year the New York Times had to vacate four floors of the building where its offices are - and have long been - located. They did so in order to fill those floors with paying tenants, to get some real income.

Legacy media owners are experiencing harder times now than ever before.

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Why not push them over the edge.

We already are, but that's not the problem. Zig Forums doesn't fill the same market role as CNN.

Whenever a normie sees/hears about a news story, the first thing that he/she does is just go on Google to look it up. Establishment media then usually clogs the top results, even if the results are frivolous because the story never develops into anything more than a topic for the day to talk about.

Even now people will generally agree that CNN is garbage with just a little push (the trick is to not make it about supporting the right wing by turning them off, but by pointing out that even among left-center news sources there's more trustworthy alternatives that didn't tell its audience that it's illegal to read Wikileaks), but most people don't care to fact check it beyond looking at (((politifact))) and thinking "gee, it has 'fact' in the name, so it must be true, and this CNN article must be trustworthy."

Zig Forums will never reach that market because when normies look at it, they just dismiss it as "Nazi conspiracy theory stuff." Meanwhile they'll see CNN articles being shared on the likes of Reddit by leftists posters on r/politics and be normalized by the slant. Zig Forums's information can't be easy to digest as well because of the nature of imageboards beyond what memetics escape the outside.

Trying to be "more entertaining than CNN" is a moot point since ultimately it means playing by rules the community isn't set up to handle, all for a market niche that the board doesn't care about.

The most effective part of /gamergate/ wasn't the intellectual debates against bad faith Twitter shitposters like Sarah Nyberg, it was sending emails to the advertisers to actually hurt their bottom line.

We don't need to compete; we need to attack their bottom line.

The one thing this statistic omits is that they had a boon during the election and have been dropping off since.

The beast is wounded, but not dead. It needs to be killed.

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Also, the fact that CNN is playing on a constant loop at basically every major airport should be considered here. It doesn't matter how many people chant "CNN sucks" at a God Emperor rally. Playing fair and subscribing to "Muh Free Market" ideals will not work.

Agreed. Just not sure how.

Media, Facebook, Google, and the like gain their power from the ability to make normies what I would call stupid-confident. Let me describe that.

Confident. At any time, they can turn to their phone and get a definitive answer to any question.

But stupid. A definitive answer to any question in the social sphere is most likely wrong, shilled, or an oversimplification, and the mental model of the normie does not allow him to understand science or mathematics.

How does this affect the psychology of the normie?

The stupidest of normies can debate the most intelligent of anons and win every single time because he always has what he knows to be the facts at his fingertips. In fact, because of the signalling value of human body language, he doesn't even need to debate that user. He just knows.

The normie knows, just by looking at the user, that he is smarter than than the user. And if by some fluke he should begin to doubt himself, he simply needs to take out his phone and scroll through it, and he will be assured once again that all is well.

So how can we use this?

There are a few different lines of attack that I can think of right now. For the first line, we do nothing. The laws of physics and statistics eventually catch up with normies, and then they fall. They either learn their lesson and stop being normies, or they fail to learn anything and are extinguished from the gene pool.

The second line of attack is to directly challenge the reality of that normie in a way that he cannot ignore. In an extreme example, a normie who claims to be untouchably lucky could be encouraged to engage in Russian roulette. A less extreme example is when the highly trained user triggers the normie into an emotional or ill-thought-out plan of action and then ruthlessly uses his training against the normie.

The third line is similar to the second except that we instead seek to profit from that normie's defective model of reality. The "lucky" normie is encouraged to bet on schemes that give the user an edge. The overconfident normie is encouraged into contests that the user will win. This line is good, because it benefits the user, but it is also bad, because it fails to teach the normie.

Route two is the one that I believe would damage the media and social media companies the most in the short term.

You need to do what the strategist John Boyd said: create non-cooperative centers of gravity and overload the learning capacity of the enemy system while undermining it morally. This can be achieved in two ways:

(1) Get the enemy's system to attack each other, much like (((their))) pets turning on them, i.e. find some way to get the media's propaganda power to go after parts of the enemy system that they are tied to and allied to (investigate/propagandize about other media, the deep state, Soros, the jew). This will start splitting them up, dividing/conquering, and making their ability to do project power much harder because of infighting and rivalry. Think of Soros defunding femen in Israel for being noncooperative, but on a greater scale.

(2) Overload the enemy media system's ability to adapt and learn from the environment. Best way to do this is to start manipulating MSM journalists with convincing fake news and later revealing it was bullshit similar to "black propaganda". This will undermine the moral stature in an already untrustworthy lugenpresse. Doesn't have to be political. Could be normie stuff like sports. This has a major moral consequence of making the media-watching population noncooperative with the media when they have to admit wrong stories and news. This can also be enhanced through amplifying true propaganda (things the media actually said) about how the media hates normies (news stories that are anti-white, anti-male, etc). This further severs the connection between the media and the population.

Both these options (1) and (2) are capable of being done by any user on this board on their own. They aren't FBI, because there is no violence involved. It is mere trickery that plays to our strengths and resources of trolling and memes. Pic related for visualization. Sever the alliance connections between red lines. Undermine the power of the ideological black arrows.

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might want to look at singapore's approach too

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Constantly archive and expose their fuckups, lies and contradictions at any given opportunity. It's actually that simple at first, because it all adds up rather quickly and you're using the media's own words against them. Once people start seeing the familiar narrative patterns and become curious, you then point out the relationships the media has with certain (((sponsors))), and briefly explain how the propaganda network functions. People deep down don't like feeling manipulated, so making them gradually aware would have a major impact.

Take the FCC route?
"…(FCC), require broadcasters to identify commercial content–usually an advertisement, an embedded advertisement, or a video news release–that has been broadcast in exchange for payment or other consideration. A written or verbal sponsorship announcement must be made at least once during any sponsored commercial content except when the sponsor is obvious…"
Why is this not enforced with MSM, we well know that if MSM talking heads are drinking Starbucks and talking about Starbucks there has been a payment somewhere to the Network by Starbucks.
FCC rules need to be added to cover MSM telling viewers "Actors remunerated," "Actors Paid," etc. pic related
Labeling by Law; Tabloid, Talk Show, Certified, Accredited, and Cited Real News Source, Fake News, etc.

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FTC as well; The FTC’s Endorsement Guides
www.ftc dot gov/tips-advice/business-center/guidance/ftcs-endorsement-guides-what-people-are-asking

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You retards out yourselves on such a regular basis that I strongly believe you are like children completely oblivious as to how you get spotted so fucking easily everytime.

Legislatively: Re-institute the media cross ownership rules that were abolished in 2002. If it seems like things have gotten worse in the last 20 years or so, this is why.

Expand those rules to cover internet "news" outlets. Break up media companies.

Abolish "public" media companies like NPR/PBS and divert those funds to hosting web space that is publicly accessible and whose content is governed only by federal law to ensure public access to disseminate content without becoming part of a data skimming vacuum by using other platforms like youtube or facebook. Bolster the Fourth Amendment with internet data protections.

Bolster consumer protections to allow a "return" and full refund for all digital media at any time within 2-3 years to decentivize companies from crushing secondary markets and turning media commerce into a "licensing" scam.

Roll back deregulation of fair use standards to break up content monopolies and rupture the cash flow of media companies. 14 years for the filer of the copyright, with no option to extend or sell that copyright to others.

Societally: Recognize that all media is propaganda. Boycott all media that can be monetized. Do not watch television, do not listen to the radio, do not contribute dollars to purchasing any media from retail markets. Buy secondary or pirate. Crash the propaganda bubble that a handful of powerful entities are using to suffocate your culture and civilization.

Do what the press does with you, dox and target their grandparents and children/nieces relentlessly.

Dumb boomers.

The media political ideology vs the population's ideology is not equal. MSM should be bleeding money. It's coming from somewhere. Shut down gov benefits to news, shut down cia influence, shut down regulations.

The biggest threat to msm is online media. The internet is fertile to overtake CNN because it already is. If the gov makes it easier to start a news aggregate site, competition would blow it out. Now all we have is the blaze and infowars. Talk about diversion.

I want do discuss strategies and methods to bring down and end lying MSM fake news media.
Switch off tv

and this

Some happy little accidents could happen with the head of these organisations. They would learn not to mess with humanity.

We enter the meatspace and get out the vote. We find hidden pro-trump people, and we cajole never trumpers, making it fucking clear their failure to get out and vote is a fucking sin against their own children, literally it's the homosexual rape of their own kids, if they don't get out and vote in November, straight fucking ticket ☑️ Republican

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we live in a society

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Putin invite sends Washington into Russian twilight zone

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lying fake news media going batshit insane

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True News playlist; perhaps the best red-pilling source on youtube, alongside of the author's other works.

The entire point of the media, especially cable news media, is to keep people overstimulated, constantly stressed, and overly emotional. This destroys your ability to think clearly and rationally thus unable to make proper decisions. Short-term memory loss is not uncommon. Stress also causes a myriad negative health conditions such as high blood pressure, ulcers, etc.
Every single day, left or right, they are pushing something that you should be outraged over as part of and on behalf of "xyz group". There are reasons to be outraged in this world of shit for sure, but we need to be vigilant and not allow ourselves to be played by the weaponized and deceptive use of words and appeals to the baser emotions that the media deploys against us daily. Almost all of it is designed, not to impartially inform, but to elicit an extreme reaction from two sides, the "for" and the "against".

Ask yourself:
-Why am I being shown this?
-Who is this meant to appeal to?
-What could be the desired effect of showing this/wording it this way?

Pay attention to buzzwords and flowery or descriptive language. Anonymously sourced information should always be treated with the highest amount of skepticism. Check sources if provided, often they don't back up an author's position except for cherry picked details - especially statistics.

These are just a few of the things I remind myself of when reading news. I cut the cord 8 years ago and couldn't be happier to see the MSM drowning in their own bile. As they leak onto the internet and have more presence on sites like YouTube, it gives us a chance to influence them directly in ways that just wasn't possible before - such as massive downvoting and even creating response videos debunking their lies.
These are good

and we can keep doing what many of us already do, like not clicking on or sharing their direct links If you can't archive, take one for the team and screen shot the article, using ad-blockers and most of all, being informed enough ourselves to present a strong counter to their narrative online and in person.
Adblocking alone takes a huge chunk out of their online revenue, which is shit to begin with because their subscription rates are piteously low. Knowing your facts and being able to strongly defend them changes minds as well.

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What is your opinion on MEMES??? Are they a cheap comedy trick??
Or are they the beginning of our evolution into telepathy and MindSpeak???

We are telepathically speaking to each other…

We need the meme archive OFFLINE… we need carvings, sculptures, statues and art memes made and stored inside caves for future generations..
Create real life meme replicas and STORE THEM UNDERGROUND!!
Also how will future generations view memes???
As hieroglyphs??? As simple art and nothing more…
We need to preserve them

8chins only News source

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Kill yout local disinfo peddler

Trump is looking to punish several former U.S. officials who have been critical of him for his questionable and increasingly concerning behavior with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin.

At Monday afternoon’s White House briefing, press secretary Sarah Sanders announced that not only is Trump considering the proposal from Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) to strip former CIA Director John Brennan of his security clearance, but he is “exploring the mechanism to remove security clearance” from an entire list of former top law enforcement and national security officials he would also like to punish

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Thanks for this fam.
The dillema I'm currently faced with is do I keep going or watch it crumble from afar.
Is it worth my time?


Also check out the movie Shattered Glass if you haven't yet

>(((Zig Forums))) steps up and helps by datamining opposing strategies