Chinese reboot Apartheid colonialism in Africa
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What are the kenyans gonna do? Build the railway themelves?
top kek
Not surprising to see the whining coming from a trumpnigger jew fishwrap like Breitbart.
I can't believe how racist you are being to call out POC. Chinese are adding diversity by increasing the total number of ethnic groups in Africa. Worry about your own immigration problems, you're fucking separating children from their parents. How low can you stoop?
BLUCK BLONALD BLUMPF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Niggers are about to start begging for the Whites to rescue them from their new Sino overlords. And they thought apartheid was bad
I'm sure conservative nigger lovers like you will be right there to do it, too.
Chinese are the most racist race ever, behind jews.
I always wanted to fight the chinese in the first moon war but I'll settle for bandit/pirate, sabotaging the chinese one world infrastructure for fun and profit.
My trips beat your dubs- and no nigger- there's no help for you in your new rice slavery.
I'm sure you're extra motivated on account of being a fucking nigger lover.
Fucking /pol making me love the filthy fucking Chiacoms. Shine on you crazy Chink bastards.
how the fuck do you expect them to fucking make train tracks???
its probably some h1-B type special shit… these fukcing trains arent going to make themselves you idiots
be honest , without the chinese there would be no hope of you doing this project at all
The people in his country rape and kill and eat each other on a daily basis but this stupid nigger is assmad about not being invited to the chink table at lunch?
This. Chinese are some of the most racist, least PC, no-nonsense people on the planet.
And this is how chinks are going to destroy africa´s natural landmarks, while turning it into a smog continent. Not like niggers were going to do better than those soulless bugs. Europeans need to colonize africa again and wipe out every nigger and chink there, to preserve Africa´s beauty
Blacks screaming save us white man in 3….2…1
You think the kike media and shills care about Africans when they whine about "muh resource looting" and "muh neocolonialism we must stop China fellow goyim"? The only big business the West has kept intact in Africa is the diamond mining. You all know who controlls that business. Otherwise Africas ressources remained mostly untapped for future use by themself and that doesnt mean the Africans.
Birthrates in African countries under "Chinese colonization" have been increasingly dropping in the last 20 years, because unlike the (((Western))) "aid" programms who are just trying to feed, cure and keep as many niggers alive as possible and teach them about the honey that flows in European rivers and money that grows on American trees, before teaching them how to construct a wheel, the Chinese infrastructure buildup and trade is actually improving African living conditions, building an economic cycle and jobs and filling their life with shit like cars, tvs, smartphones, games, bling WHERE THEY ARE and all kind of shit distracting them from spending their time breeding more niggers all day.
They are afraid it will stop the flood into Europe. Before Europe and America are taken out they cant take Africa for them self anyways.
What are the nigs going to do ? call the evil whitey to build their railways ? they certainly aren't going to build it themselves, so all they can do is whine, and chinks don't give a fuck, unlike the foolish guilt ridden whites.
Watch "Empire of Dust" on jew tube. It's a documentary about chinks building a road in africa. It's unintentionally hilarious yet horrifying at the same time.
fucking kikebart
the nerve of these kikes.
Hahahahhahaa oh god this gin be good. There wont be any ethnic africans left alive in africa by 2050.
Bu bu bu muh white colonialism, better the devil you know you stupid fucking retards.
Because ir works. It's only system that allows coexistence with black race.
When the Chinese were in America building railroads in the 1800s, they didn't want to have lunch with the Irish or the blacks then, either. It's just the way they are. I don't think it's a big deal. He should quit crying about nothing.
That's a sentence worse than death to jews. They can't and have never done hard labor.
His body went into autoshoah mode from it.
The Chinks don't care about anything and they will do anything to expand. I have no doubt they are killing a whole lot of people when nobody is looking. I mean.. fuck… did you guys see that they were literally selling human meat to the nigs there? No I am not kidding.
hahhaha, enjoy another dead kike my friend
I remember that, the Irish got into a big fight with the chinks I believe. Just goes to show how that diversity sucks.
Africans knowingly eat human meat on a regular basis anyway.
Any time these idiots try to force diversity everyone just self-segregates anyway. It's almost like people don't have much in common with people of other races.
It seems to me that some jew mutt hasn't seen the extent of their new silk road plans. niggerfaggot
Economics have no direct correlation with birth rates. Main factor is rape culture. Increase of income may be connected with defusing of rape culture but correlation is weak.
Egyptian slavery was probably just them being asked to dig a hole every once in a while.
(((Otto Warmbier)))
Remember: Operation Tower of Babel
Dems support China. China is a racist colonial power. Therefore, Dems are a racist colonial power
that's not what this is. See: Operation Tower of Babel, Consensus Cracking
Classic. The Chinese are going to learn what the white mans burden truly was and join us in our struggle.
fuck dems and reps. all kikes; go back r/Donald
All the amerimutts whining here:
its ok when the Chinese do it
The fuck are you two idiots hallucinating about?
Remember The Great Leap Forward?
Yeah, let's have everyone build their own blast furnace in their back yard, cutting down all the trees and letting the land go fallow. 40 million people died in 4 years from starvation.
Dumb fuckers. They'll eat anything with four legs except the table, yet won't touch cheese. And they have zero empathy. Watch babies get run over by trucks, thugs beat up old women, and force children to beg and nobody will lift a finger to help. They're the original Autists.
If you haven't seen this documentary about a previous Chinese construction project in Wakanda, have a look when you have an hour to spare. By the end of the film I think the main Chinese guy is ready to nuke Africa and every nog in it.
Empire of Dust: China In Africa
"Empire of Dust is a documentary about the Chinese attempt to build a 300 kilometer road connecting Kolwezi with Katanga’s capital, Lubumbashi….
The road was originally built by the Belgians in the 1950s but was neglected and has deteriorated since independence like the rest of Congo’s infrastructure. The Congolese were incapable of maintaining it.
"The documentary shows how frustrated the Chinese become with the laziness, incompetence and thievery of the Congolese. In Africa, even the most simple tasks become extraordinary challenges for Chinese engineers."
And now they are in Africa, isn't fucking great!!!
The Chink had the temperament to get Africa right. Look at what the west did.
All of these fucks from Europe, sucking the Jewish dick, trying to bring a useless Mud Age people up the evolutionary ladder for, Jeeebusss. Then the self righteous fucking pieces of shit invaded and from help from the USA with clean water, immunizations and free basic care from all of the FUCKING Jesus loving fucks, Free advances to their agriculture and free pesticides and herbicides along with FREE antibiotics. FUCK the WEST it deserves all of the raping and fucking it will get. Europe will get the most but fuck the USA too for their arrogance in perpetuation this shit.
The White Man died in the Eastern Front of WWII, what was best of the Ever-Anglo died in the trenchs of WWI. What is left is JEW SPEW.
Thank the maker for the Chinese they will finally ride the world of the Nigger at it's locus. For that they deserve a place in history and honor for the sacrifices made because the WHITE MAN was too weak and too JEWED to do what was needed.
It's just the usual false dichotomy jews.
If you want to stop the chinks you must love niggers and so forth. They don't want you to envision a future free of jews chinks and niggers, and failing that they will try to convince you it is impossible.
The entirety of the West is overrun with niggers and spics. If you want anyone to buy what you're selling, maybe tackle that first. Instead we get the "poor niggers" spiel. After all, we need the nigger manpower to "match" China. You nigger faggot military shills are so fucking transparent.
prove it's human
This really isn't Apartheid because they're not wasting time upgrading the locals. Chinks are just buying land, draining the resources and getting the fuck out. Only whites were dumb enough to think nogs served a purpose.
I told you so, it's like clockwork.
Fucking Bliss!!! Chinks selling Nigger meat to Niggers. What a fucking dream come true and who did it take? The fucking Chiacom.
gee I wonder why?
You posted this same garbage in other threads too. Quit spewing your D&C all over the board you fedora-tipping retard. Filtered.
Relevant. White South African guy gets hassled by the Chinese while living/working in China because he has to declare his country of origin on everything and they automatically assume he is a nigger.
Spoken like a true Kike loving, nigger fucking LARPING faggot. Kill yourself tonight
Just watched that movie. All I can say is "basket case."
lottac chink shills itt
Greatest comedy of all time. For anyone whos worked construction and dealt with nogs, you'll appreciate how frustrating and retarded they are.
Sad that they can't just kill them. Trees and every other wildlife can be decimated for profit. But not these wretched creatures. All because a small cabal of nigger fetishists have nukes.
I mean really now. Look into their part in the slaughter of whites in SA and then you'll understand.
Polite sage.
Declining birth rates are a malthusian phenomen - the local negrotope simply cannot carry any more negro biomass. The excess production of new negroes spills over into other regions inside and outside of Africa.
How can I blame the white man for this?
Best part of the movie.
Proof: Hollywood doesn't make movies staring nogs or remove nogs entirely otherwise the asians won't buy or watch it.
checked. Current hilarity is niggers "working".
Future hilarity is native niggers attacking chinks on nigger territory. Sit back and enjoy Rhodesia shitshow 2.0.
That's one of the reasons why the soy wars movies are doing so poorly besides them being shit and what made it even worse was the slant and bootlip kissing at the end.
I meant doing poorly in china
At some point the Africans will chimp and the Chinese will respond with a proper fucking holocaust. It's something that's been taken seriously as a reality in international politics for some time. Hell, it's probably already happening in isolated territories.
They've already got an African base. China has Russia in it's pocket enough to veto any action from the UNSC, and a vice-like grip on media wherever they zerg. It'll happen, and nobody will notice until the boats stop coming.
They're doing poorly overall. Disney payed George Lucas a stupid amount of money for the rights and the money they made despite being record breaking is not going to cover what they need to make back every year to make the investment just break even. No one is buying the merch and no one went to see Solo shit is fucked for those jews.
Well then thank god for the Chinese. Cleaning up the mess the Whites made.
I can't wait for star wars to die now
Because they are illiterate fucks who think jew memes are real, just like (you)
I give up.
True, touche' user. Still though, pretty hilarious that the Chinks go into Africa as "humanitarians", begin nig clearing and to hide their nig killing they sell nig meat to nigs they have working for them to dig ditches. Can't make this shit up….
This is doubly hilarious when you consider this is exactly how chinks behave when dealing with whites
I dropped the entire franchise when they first introduced nigger/white woman lead. Haven't seen that movie or any other and never will. They want to make a movie for niggers let them pay to see it,I sure as shit won't.
Same thing when they made spider man a nigger lover,didn't see it.
Same thing with the dark tower when they made Roland a nigger ,didn't watch it.
Don't lap up their kike filth, even for free, it pollutes the mind.
Time to get a refund from that shitty hebrew school, hershel. English class grade: F-
Niggers deserve to be enslaved but at the same time Chinks are little better. In the end all those precious resources go to waste either in nigger OR chingchong hands.
No chance, Chinks constantly are looking to hire or steal info from whites. It's a literal wing of their government.
No user, he's just waiting for the Chink to stop talking, that's it. Because the nigger assumes that he's right and the chink is wrong.
Even my 91 year old family member just said to me yesterday during the all star game: "Hey why am I seeing so many commercials during the game about a nigger with a beautiful white girl?"
If he at 91, someone who has a tough time remembering an hour ago… if he is noticing it then it's happening a lot.
Ghost’s Of rhodesian are laughing about now
Enjoy communism niggers!
You should watch Addio Africa as well…another classic nog movie showing what Africans are really like…was not released in the West, for obvious reasons. It is 3 hours, right? But it helped to shape me into the person with a 'unique perspective on nogs' that I have today. If they all dropped dead tomorrow, HUMANS would lose nothing at all.
You know if the Kikes were to win and they really did replace us all with Africans a very spiteful part of me would be laughing his ass off as they oy'd and vey'd as they wished the white goys would come back and save them from the living hell on earth they created for themselves.
Of course the Chinese do this. They haven't bought into the socjust agenda and they are just working to improve their own country and their own people.
It's truly embarrassing how the west is working more in the interest of other people than their own.
Western companies like Shell (oil) already have in the past destroyed a lot of African nature in favor of industry.
I think the dropoff in births comes from the west trying to make condoms more accessible in Africa.
The west also has its oil business in tact in Africa, companies like Shell destroyed very large amounts of land in Nigeria due to their operations.
It's the only sane option outside of exterminating all the nogs.
This. Having said that, sometimes I like to watch for free, just to point shit out to normalfags I work with or be hypercritical of it. I'm actually amazed at the demographics that go to theaters. Whenever I hear someone talking about movies, it's all Gen X and Boomers. Millennials just binge watch Netflix and steal shit online. Probably because the economy is so fucked that $20 for an hour and a half of entertainment in a room full of other cunts who may or may not ruin your experience isn't a great investment, when you can buy a 50in TV for like $1000 and watch all the Netflix you like, and even plug your PC right into the damn thing with an HDMI.
Glad I missed this one.
I strongly doubt that the nogs would even notice…it isn't like they haven't already done ten times worse to themselves for the last several thousand years. Remember, they have ZERO VALUE for human life…NONE…they are not like us at all…different species.
Does anyone have the WEBM of Taylor Swift's Africa but its the chan version?
It won't let me post it :/
Perhaps a segment but most everyone if they're doing anything is just grabbing things online.
How do Star Wars fanboys do it? Endure the constant shit for decades?
I don't know, apparently some of the books are good, but I've only played the vidya not the new stuff though, I have standards
Why do chinks love making railroads so much?
Thanks a bunch user.
A simple way you can repost videos is to change a byte value in the file using a hex editor so the upload hash is different. In the WEBM format there is usually a comment section after the header, for the file that you linked its comment section begins at byte 545 and reads "Xiph.Org libVorbis I 20150105" you could change any one or all of those bytes to something else and you'd be able to repost the video and it'll play exactly the same way.
Once upon a time there were even feuds between anons inside of the GIF files of anime girls, since the comment of a GIF isn't compressed and is easy to modify in any text editor.
stfu faggot