>On Tuesday an Israeli television channel aired leaked video footage it obtained exclusively showing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu boasting that he had personally convinced President Trump to abandon the Iran nuclear deal. The statements were made at a small dinner event where he addressed senior members of his Likud party. The video, aired by Israel's Kan News shows Netanyahu enthusiastically praising his and Likud leadership's efforts, saying “We convinced the US president [to exit the deal] and I had to stand up against the whole world and come out against this agreement." He added, "And we didn't give up." According to a translation of the prime minister's words by The Times of Israel he further agrees that "the Iranian regime" will "disappear with the help of God" — in the words of one of his supporters, to which Netanyahu adds, "You said it. From your mouth to God."
Because, well you know that's the only thing anyone has on the jewish kike Trump and his jewish family from his jewish ex wife and his jewish loans from elite kikes from Soros all the way to Adelson
Then hit the report button for upsetting the Kushner paid hasbara…
New tactic from Kampfy bots
Xavier Roberts
This one time, I made obongo drone strike innocent palestinians. True stroy just ask me.
Jonathan Clark
Did they really or are they doing what jews are good at an taking credit for shit someone else did or happened? Can never trust something a jew says.
Carson Miller
This is what I feel. Talks cheap, so are jews.
Jonathan Watson
Trump's never once went back on any of the promises he made to his best mate Bibi. It's just the promises to his base that he hasn't kept
It seems neither shitlibs nor commies nor Zig Forums nor cuckservatives are willing to even comment or consider this. Nice cogntitive dissonance. While everyone is fighting each other, the jew brags about fucking us in the ass.
Ayden Johnson
Shredding the Iranian deal means more cassus bellies to say fuck you to NATO(european parasites) and the UN. NO FOREIGN ENTANGLEMENTS
Exclusive Documentation PM @ Netanyahu boasted a closed political meeting of Likud that he managed to lead to the cancellation of this nuclear deal: "We convinced the US president" # Hdsotharb @ Shemeshmicha
Facts: Netanyahu was kvetching real hard when Trump wanted to destroy Iran deal Trump was talking about Iran deal long before anyone even thought he was going to be president
That is because he doesn't have a 'base' all he has are a bunch of slaves who are too chickenshit to do anything but BE SLAVES TO THE KIKES. I swear to GOD that the next person I see 'waving their patriotic flag and talking about their FREEDUMB' I want to shoot them in the balls for their cognitive dissonance (they should not be allowed to reproduce). The masons 'great experiment' of enslavement worked SO WELL IN THE USA that 99% of the people either DON'T KNOW or DON'T CARE that they are jew slave cattle, to be murdered, tortured and raped at the whim of these fucking parasites.
Christopher Roberts
The only thing missing is the cock and the asshole.
Trump campaigned on cancelling the Iran deal, Bibi didnt do shit. It was summer 16 when that pallet full of cash landed in Iran and Trump raked King Nigger ove rthe coals for it.
How mad are you that you can no longer issue bans like that?
Carter Myers
Your stupidity be funny if you kikes weren't trying to end the world.
Isaiah Murphy
Funny because this applies more to turmp than anyone. All talk.
You don't remember that fake news presentation that Netanyahu did right before Trump cancelled the Iran deal? That Trump himself referenced as a reason for cancelling it?
You mean Iran's cash that was frozen decades ago on false pretenses?
Blake Flores
Where did I ever say you couldn't
Isaiah Jackson
Yet you and a dozen kikes are gloating at getting anons banned all week for posting Trump at the wall with a jew dick sticking out calling it "gay porn" and openly mocking and goading about the fact you got them banned
Meanwhile 6,000,000 posts from israelis pushing ZOG here are untouched
It's like you never left Kampfy, in fact you never did
Brayden Stewart
Yeah, I'm kampfy, I run this board bitch and you fell for the regime change trick. How does it feel to keep getting banned by me, because you are being such an obvious kike? You're great for producing salt so I'll leave you here, this time.
The worst part is all you kikes ever do is taunt anons for getting them banned
Great work in turning Zig Forums from a once necessary resource for the jew-wise to a jew LARPers NeoConservative hangout with added MAGApedo's for effect
Jace Rogers
You speak the language of Zig Forums, wow you fit in so well my fellow based true user! I'll take your word as gospel. P.s. have you ever heard of Syria before?
William Fisher
Lets address how Peter Strzoks father was CIA in Iran when the Shah was cooped and the Pisslamic Republic was installed. Lets talk about how based Iran is. The country that for the last 50 years has been just around the corner of developing nukes and driving US policy in the ME. Iran is so based. Truly the last nation to stand against world jewry. No way its chock full of glow niggers and bad actors using its mullahs as controlled opposition. No way. Iran is too baste.