Coffee doesn't destroy lives.
I'd ban alcohol and tobacco if I thought it was possible, but it's probably too late to do away with either. I'll settle for awareness of what drunkeness and smoking does to your health.
But weed? Fuck you. Every opiate of the masses is a cancer and a blight unto itself. We need as few of them as possible, and niggers like you want to keep adding more "because why not."
There are no productive pot heads. There are no productive alcoholics. You aren't productive if you've got to skip out and smoke every thirty minutes at work.
Every single recreational drug enslaves you by providing false good feelings that are tethered to chemical imbalances and a material substance.
That makes them all bad. All of them. There are no exceptions. You can take your coils of hemp rope and shove them up your ass, you fucking degenerate. Emotions being tied to material things instead of immaterial things is how materialism and consumerism works, both of which are strangling western civilization to death.
Anyone who needs a substance to feel happy or content needs professional help and the support of their community. We don't have a community or decent professional help for the masses? Great, let's fix that then, instead of legalizing weed like a bunch of fucking niggers.
The Jew fucks up society so bad you can't even make it through the day, and then peddles a "solution" to you in the form of drugs. And you buy into that? What a good goy you are.
Why the fuck do you think they've got us fighting wars in a desert on the other side of the planet? So we don't fight the war that needs to be fought in a desert here on our own fucking front door.
You think weed can't ruin a nation? Canada voted Trudeau in because he ran his campagin on "ayy weed lmao." Now Canada is being smothered to death by an endless conga-line of sandniggers, and because he waived the need for Mexicans to have a visa to get in, effectively allowing any Mexican to walk up and get free Canadian citizenship, Canada will de-facto inherit all of America's illegal spics.
That's what weed did to Canada. It got introduced, shitheads like you smoked it and got hooked, decent people fought against it to push it back out, and now an utter cuck and total moron is going to burn the entire nation to the ground because he said "dude weed lmao" and the stoners threw their votes at him.
No weed, no Trudeau.
If I could make America dry, I would. I'll settle for throwing stupid wiggers like you out on their asses. Civilization is motherfucking imploding, you worthless piece of shit. Europe is on fire, the entire western world is being flooded with kebab, World War III is looming as a winner take all fight between America, Russian, and China, and we're going in with Europa being AWOL, the cucked military King Kong has left us with being the best weapon we've got, and a fifth column behind us in the form of Islam.
And you want to talk about
What a typical fucking pothead you are. It's the shitting apocalypse, and you still want to talk about your shitty goddamned leaf.
Go choke to death on a bush and die in a ditch. I don't care what color skin you have or what race you belong to, you're a fucking failure of a human being. People like you asking "but why not" is the reason our society is so shitty today. "Why fucking not let gay people marry? Why fucking not give women the right to vote? Why fucking not spend fifty years and billions of dollars pretending that niggers are the same as white people? Why not? What could go wrong?"
Put down the goddamned blunt and look at the world around you for a change, you sniveling lolberturdian cumstain. THAT'S what could go wrong.
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