The death of our kiked society is near, things have started to look grim for the kikes they tried their best to control the populace of this planet, but they did so many mistakes in the process and brought so many souls to the funnel it’s now nearly impossible. While they did try their best, they failed in the end and have now resorted in different tactics, they can see the waves coming towards them and they have predicted their demise. Their first mistake was the release of the internet to the public, their second mistake was basing everything on a lie, their third was corrupting everything beyond control, their fourth was killing or enslaving the most intelligent and charismatic out of fear and their last was making the races come together and mixing them with each other. Almost all of them had more negatives than positives, it's remarkable to think that they believe they can take on so many billions of souls enslaving them and then thinking there will be no punishment from a higher power for their behavior.
The most important issue they must face today are not the people not the further decay of their already decayed society, not the uprising of the men and their anger and furry but nature itself the planet has turned against them it's a different thing to try to control multiple predictable organism that live for maximum 100 years through propaganda it's a different thing to try to control an entire planet. They have failed miserably and brought upon us ruin, you can see it today most things are becoming unreachable, inventions are buried and used in military labs destroyed of their potential and used for war, the most important thing is they no longer release things that make life easier, so they can keep us attached to something it’s the first thing you will see in a dying society invention’s being talked about but never released.
Their tactics have changed as I said earlier, they brought immigration and with it economic and democratic collapse they wanted this they wanted people to kill each other and bring down western civilization and with it their most important threat, they didn’t elect Donald Trump because he was the only guy that didn’t want to further escalate things with the middle east and Russia off course he was already controlled since he inherited the fortune and debt of his father but that was just a measure that’s why they let him become a nominee but they wanted Hillary so they could escalate things further and brought ruin to unsuspecting people that’s the one thing you must praise Donald Trump for he brought into your arms people from all type of classes rich, poor and mostly middle class, and they are the ones that are going to lead this revolution. Donald trump is not the hero you wanted but the hero you needed he woke up the masses of the cities now it’s in your hands to do the rest. When electricity fails it will be the first and last sign of the collapse of this society. Be ready anons.
The death of our kiked society
It's order through chaos; can't have a new order without an excuse. If the economy is rigged, then it can't auto-magically collapse.
At this point, I think most of Zig Forums would be excited to operate FEMA camps and machine gunning down useless eaters to usher in a New World Order.
I agree but that doesn't mean the economy cannot collapse because someone is controlling it we are handing out fucking paper and digital numbers for fucks sake it will collapse more easily than a tower hit by a plane (with a few peaceful explosives that make bubbles) A board of peace.
uh huh
What do you believe will trigger the death of the System?
Climate change.
War with China.
Anons…they have prepared for this scenario by working to ensure their own reproductive offsprings safety. In the future, if you find them, you must KILL THEM, no matter how alluring their 'gifts' and promises…this parasitic behavior on Earth is the cause of all the problems here.
"You will know them by their fruit." And the 'fruit' of parasites is toxic. You must kill anyone and everyone displaying parasitic behavior from this time forwards. Parasites can not 'be your leaders' or the Earth itself and all life on it will die. Do not be afraid to do what is RIGHTEOUS. In this situation it is a numbers game as well…because of their very nature there will always be fewer parasites than HUMANS and because of this they will always be easy to overwhelm. This is nothing more than a disease that has afflicted our planet that must be expunged from the Earth.
We are the cells who fight this infection…just as a body has WHITE blood cells, it is up to us to contain the sickness or the Earth will die.
Stay strong. Go with God.
Nice LARP there
Collapse, revolution, war and all other mass hysteria narratives require a zeitgeist, which they control. The breadlines are invisible these days.
A good example is the Mexican Narco civil war that occurred last decade. 250k~ people died over seven years, more deadly than all the Middle East's combat combined. Yet not a peep on the news and no one really noticed in the USA, but they could of spun it easily for intervention. Americans still vacationed there during that war, even when they were being kidnapped enmass.
Once you understand that there's no such thing as a grass roots revolution and all terror is just hardcore PR stunts, you'll get a clearer picture. Don't fall for the useful idiot memes.
The kikes or the planet
HEY nice contradiction you absolute mongol
A couple of things wrong with your theory.
1. There is no higher power
2. Technological advancements maybe keep the corpse of society chugging along
3. Technological progress is accelerating exponentially, especially in the field of Ai, sooner or later it will outstrip human intelligence and at that point fuck knows what will happen
The economy isnt going to collapse. Frozen assests are propping it up. That card has been nullified.
I agree and I shall wait and prepare I cannot do anything else, but given the chance to change something I will grab it
Yea I didn't think about the AI shit-show but it will probably again bring them trouble imagine millions of robots if one malfunctions they should all be connected to work properly, now if one fucking malfunctions it's robot Hitler-Stalin (but he will have no regard for human life only for robot ones) all over again just 10 times worse for the kikes and us probably.
Maybe but if society collapses who really cares about the economy?
It is already happening…starvation and complete collapse is almost here…maybe a few more months until people really understand what is coming upon us. Right now they are still making jokes.
There's no ghost in the ropes, pegs and pulleys, which is what the simplest mechanical computer looks like. The problem with 'AI' is that the more complex a program becomes, the likelihood of it having a critical failure exponentially increases.
The belief that true AI exists is very dumb, unless you believe in daemons of course. Perhaps that's why they're wanting to rebuild Solomon's Temple? :^)
You're the fucking joke.
That;s a really jewish way to avoid an argument.
Also for higher power I am talking about the earth if you really believe there is no higher power well you are not very smart. Also for the AI I don't fucking know how they can fucking make it work but even if it's perfect in the end it will fuck them in the ass
Mate don't offend me by calling me a kike I already told you if society fails before the economy who fucking cares about the fucking economy if everyone is poor except from the kikes
I have my doubts that the collapse is upon us.
It's not going to though. Quite the opposite. 21st century Renaissance is coming, it's the natural order.
Have you tried to grow something lately? It used to be effortless and now it is a struggle.
My fiance and I have a large garden. We're currently overflowing with zucchinis and strawberries. We have squash and pumpkins on the way too and already harvested a large crop of peas.
If it does happen, it'll be completely controlled and a trauma to justify policy. Sadly, trauma is the only way humans learn after a certain age.
was a kike joke don't fool us with it. It was the dumping down of society through using one last gasp of air to show our might in the arts and philosophy while just recycling things if the planet says enough and stops providing us things it's over, if this user tells the truth we are completely fucked
Om Tat Sat, whenever the chaos and crime increases there will be a prophet who will bring order and goodness.
Adding while also the kikes behind the scenes trying to take control and stab us in the back
Maybe. But then, things have a way of getting out of hand once you allow pent up energy to flow. Remember, the jews are not gods and they're not omniscient. They are not above making mistakes.
Wars, recessions, and terrorism have a way of getting out of hand. An economic collapse at this point would be very destructive for the new world order crowd.
You might want to reconsider that statement. Op is on to something, he who has eyes to see, let him see.
Do you want me to explain what I see?
Yes, I have some tomatoes, potatoes etc…but my problems are with the larger specimens like trees. I have a forest garden, I have lost 5 established trees this year for no apparent reason; they just died…no matter how tenderly I care for them and look after their needs. This has never happened before to me…I am telling you it was effortless before as was my garden. We are either having hot drought here or WAY TOO MUCH RAIN…followed by weeks of hot drought again.
Age of the trees?
The bandaid on Jeanne Shaheen nose, is that some kind of signal to kikes?
"Hide your noses, fellow tribe members!"
Well, I cannot say that the same is happening here.
What do you think is causing this? Are the trees Ash trees btw?
Skynet will be reality. Minus time travelling robots.
No need. I'm simply saying that if you believe there is no higher power or universal spirit of sorts, it will do you no good. I am not trying to insult you, just offer guidance.
A man is born gentle and weak.
At his death he is hard and stiff.
Green plants are tender and filled with sap.
At their death they are withered and dry.
Therefore the stiff and unbending is the disciple of death.
The gentle and yielding is the disciple of life.
Thus an army without flexibility never wins a battle.
A tree that is unbending is easily broken.
The hard and strong will fall.
The soft and weak will overcome.
checked but too far away for us user
I think we now control it.
OP here but I get what you mean
I like you user
op is a fag
Chaos is the means, order is the goal. A major conflict in North America will be used to create something along the lines of the NAU or just divided up into Europe 2.0 but I think it depends on the demographics. The more chaos the better.
For example, if you want population control and they refuse to listen to your wisdom just start feeding niggers and show them why overpopulation is bad. What's happening today is entirely based on what they wanted in 70s and 80s, it's just inverted and what was warned about.
Republicanism and short term democratic thinking doesn't have a future in a world of WMDs, so they're accelerating it's collapse as quickly as possible to make White warm up to idea of monarchies again.
If you want smart cities you need a reason to bulldoze the old ones; in Detroit they've installed a giant dragnet robocop tier police HQ that monitors the entire city and has drone patrols and black caravans every new moon.
Thanks for coming
Also, I got in a large plant order and about 1/3 failed going into summer…and I mulch and water and do everything correctly. I have also never seen that high of a failure rate in new plants. I mean, I might have had one that didn't make it, or maybe two if I fucked off a shit ton…but never anything as high as 1/3 failure.
Age ranged…1 yrs to 10 years (with the majority of losses over the last 2 years being in the 4 to 5 age range; I wasn't counting the 1 year olds because they aren't really established although I have never had problems with them before this last 1-1/2 years; but I lost about 7 of the little guys; and this is no joke, fruit trees are EXPENSIVE [to me])…had to cut down a 100+ year old that was close to the house…some sort of black fungus that looked like oil was oozing out of the heart of it and the wood was soft like a sponge. That black crap leaked all over my yard because we had to use a tractor to carry away the larger sections. I can see through trimming the limbs that another of the large house trees 300+ oak hardwood has the same black fungus hollowing out its heartwood.
that's a logical fallacy akin to saying theres no such thing as human level intelligence because single celled plants can't comprehend sunlight or anything else because they lack a consciousness.
Heres the thing, the human brain is merely a vessel that generates a consciousness, theres no reason or evidence that says it can't be done in a different medium, like say a computer or a neuromorphic circuit.
Ah, I'm a fool. But yes, you have a good point, I'm sensing things as I was sensing when Trump announced his candidacy. They have overextended, become too hard and strong. So, as is said by Laozi:
No both my ash trees (100+) are fine for now…although they are the only ones left on our block and probably soon in our neighborhood. I keep them well fed, watered and station a caged rabbit at their base (nutrients).
The black liquid yea I have seen it again many times in trees that are ready to die I am sure it can be used but these trees are dangerous and can come down any minute with a small storm or wind, but maybe it was the area you planted them too much waste beneath them maybe not enough water for their roots, or probably something is wrong with the ground and the weather is not making it any better or bad luck. Maybe change the land, the kikes may have used it to dig tunnels beneath it or some shit everything is possible if it happens again I propose to move for future survival if shit hits the fan.
Don't worry user but god for sure is not how today's religions portray him it's just too complicated for a three dimensional being like us to understand but one thing is certain everything is connected. Whether people like it or not
That's a great idea.
Niggers are already overfed and overpopulated. Look at Africa. Hell, just look at America.
Chaos has a way of slipping out of all control. So long as order is maintained, I believe that White patriots have no chance of seizing power. But let slip the facade of order and the comfortable White Middle Class will no longer be able to insulate themselves from the diversity they try to ignore. This will radicalize millions and give us one shot at taking down the Zionist elites.
One shot seems like good odds to me.
Pray that the Emerald Ash Borer doesn't kill them. Back before they came and destroyed mine, I used to make bows out of their straight, supple limbs. Now they're riddled with holes and dead.
Globalism destroys everything.
i remember someone talking about using the trunks and the liquid but I am not sure I am certain they can be used for medicine though
He has a point but you probably got it wrong>>11878621
You assume that the brain is the only source of consciousness incapable of being a receiver, the camcorder brain model has been written off for quite a while now outside of positivist circles. I'm curious how you explain national tricks/bait shyness and mother sense experiments; evolutionary logic does lead one to assume life wanting to utilize as many advantageous fields as it can for survival.
That liquid came out of an older tree (older than I am) some of the trees on my property are much older than the USA…so I didn't have much to do with planting them :)
From the article; Is geoengineering a bad idea?
IDK guys…maybe cutting off the FOOD of trees and plants (co2) and the sunlight for trees could be seen as 'problematic' by some…you tell me…if you cut off the sunlight and the food to trees and plants on a GLOBAL SCALE due to geoengineering what do you THINK is going to happen?
I would like you to consider what they are REALLY doing to the earth in terms of eliminating its ability to grow food that is outside their 'control paradigm'…maybe this is another one of their endless BAD IDEAS that will result in the death of this planet (god knows there is SO MANY of their destructive ideas floating around that it is almost impossible to believe that life still struggles on here)…maybe?
Another thing I heard a different user talk about was that in France and probably Uk and Germany when the terror attacks happened it wasn't so they could scare the populace or some shit like that their only fucking reason was to arrest real enviromental activists and real activists and leaders and high ranking members in other words they are preparing to do something. I swear they are the worst thing that has happened to mankind in it's known history they are the just plain evil and don't care about anything. But I don't know mate all of the african states when the aid fails will go into civil war cause they have no land to use. Let's hope something big happens and people wake up before it's too late
The Zionist grand plans have failed horribly and they're walking on egg shells, it's a black mark on the Rothschilds as Israel was their baby pet project.
They dreamed of greater Zion being the world's capital, but it seems the Talmudic state has pissed off a lot of powerful leaders and has only rented blackmailed allies.
At this point, Israel is just a giant nuclear welfare state like Pakistan, a liability rather than the model independent super-state they wished for. The invasion of Europe is a last ditch effort to force Whites to go on a genocide crusade in their name.
Yeah…there is this 'bolshevik trick' all over the western world it is the complete disappearance of an entire household (some rich some poor)…some houses are left with even food out and money out…nothing at all is taken (no money, gold, weapons, antiques, etc) except for the entire family and they are never found again. Most of the time it looks as if the entire family is having a meal or watching TV and they are simply 'erased' off the planet and no one ever hears of them or from them again. The houses remain in this state until they are discovered…but it is THOUSANDS of whole family and animal disappearances per year. Because it is not covered at all in the media, the vast majority of citizens think that some sort of DRAMA standoff is what our government engages in (like Ruby Ridge) when the exact opposite is true…they simply erase whomever they don't like from the Earth.
This user gets it
We have seen in history what happens when arabs-persians-assyrians-babylonians unite with europeans some times it ends well
some times it doesn't
What most anons don't know is that most muslims will leave when the gibs end (that doesn't include turks Afghanis and Pakistanis) unlike niggers who will stay and ooga booga all the time, in other words drop the hate on muslims except if they are jihadists fucking burn them then and focus on the real issue the niggers and if it ever comes to this the fucking chinks.
That's like those office buildings in Detroit.
You can see in the video the door was breached or it could have been broken after, they must have special squads to do this shit, they are disgusting not even the romans the greeks not fucking arabs not even niggers did this shit they at least did it in the fucking open and not in normal families or those that just went against them and against their gibs. We should do the same thing when the time comes all traitors and kikes should be rounded up and experimented on until we find what is wrong with the kikes the traitors get the rope though
Every user here should have a gun and a garden. They should know how protect life, and create it with their own hands. Hear me.
Economies collapse only because they are tampered with.
user, I seriously don't think the kikes are human. Have you ever studied toxoplasmosis and the thing it will FORCE its host to do to get what it wants (commit suicide etc)? This is why I continually advocate that we slaughter the parasites and parasitic behavior as soon as we diagnose them (this is obviously some sort of INFECTION within humanity)…they will openly say that they are 'hearing voices that tell them what to do'…so they are having a psychotic break with reality and 'hearing a voice from another dimension'…in otherwards something not human is driving their behavior…and then look at EVERY RELIGION that they are a part of, it is always involving cannibalism and vampirism as a ritual.
It was bad enough when we learned about 'clean food' (food without ejacutions in it) and 'dirty food' (food with nigger [jews are part nigger] DNA blood, spit and other bodily fluids in it) but now to think that they simply have some sort of brain altering parasite that will continue until the earth and all life in it is dead? Well, that is a FUCKING TRAGEDY…and god knows, maybe it really IS FROM ANOTHER PLANET (so alien to Earth) it hardly matters 'where it comes from' if we allow its behavior to murder the planet and all Life on it.
IDK guys…I don't think we need to torture them to find out what is wrong with them…it is seeming more clear each day that they have some type of biological infection that 1) they are trying to spread throughout mankind 2)that causes them to murder and kill; that can't really be explained by genetics alone.
ethnostate is a defunct term you stupid alt kike faggot
implying that there is any other type of nation except the racial and ethnic nation is cancerous and legitimizes "civic nationalism" (a jewish spook)
Sacramental wine mixed with water.
I don't take it at Mass, just the cookie.
I say we study them for future generations you never fucking know if this infection fucking returns and takes another group of people as it's host, what I say is we keep them as samples most killed a few of the elite alive and the rest kill them on the spot. Even niggers knew not to mess with so many things at once even aboriginals and european men knew and had deep moral but these cunts seem like their moral is to destroy everything that can be called art, I say we kill 99% of them and keep the 1% just like they did with us for so many years
The point is that IF they were trying to spread an infection a parasite or some other type of biological weapon THIS would be the perfect time to do it…I think that we need to think of another approach to dealing with this potential infection of humanity…IDK I am still thinking through this and working it out…it probably needs its own thread. I have little things that are jogging my memories, everything from an illuminati man that had his DNA tested and found that he didn't actually have 'a third column of DNA' that 'granted them the right to rule' but that he had a parasite that was attached to his DNA…got to find that article it was interesting.
The jews are incapable of learning from their own mistakes.
No bandaid is going to hide Chuck Schumer.
I was with you up until the point you went full Qcumber.
Where? I cannot see it?
I see you in the other thread, Reddit.
Friendly reminder that this is a forced meme used by shills.
You don't understand the genius of Shrek's cringe comp. It gets funnier the more you think about it.
My cock is the disciple of death
When I am drunk my cock is the disciple of life
seems back to front to me user
and this:
sounds like some gay meme a "deep thinker" soy boy would share on his instagram
I wouldn't call it a New World Order. I would call it a Bright New Way.
No, you simply do not understand the mechanism of life/power if that makes no sense to you. Read Tao Te Ching for God's sake and pose less. Gandhi overcame the Brits, as much as it pains me to say, Mandela ruled South Africa. Hitler too overextended, in a way became hard and strong (1940) which will lead to disaster. Franco, the more passive one, survived.
''Who bears himself the sins of the world
Is king of the world.'' Those persecuted often end up in power. Whereas government easily acts too "hard", giving their enemies the keys to power.
There's a saying or at least there should be that Saturn just doesn't do Order, corruption, degeneracy, death and derangement sure, Order no.
For this reason everytime the Jews have tried to create their own nation state someone has come along and rekt it, they just don't do Empiricism and are engaged in constant factionalism, their current Nation attempt is entirely created and subsidized by Western based finance.
Thus they have only ever flourished by leeching off actual prevailing order, the idea that they could ever create a New World Order under their own dominance is a fallacy, they can collapse the present due to the extent of their kikery but they can never replace it
Extending on your proposition, all modes of kabbalistic/satanist occultism point towards a potential origin of the planet Saturn, possibly one its moons. I would guess either Iapetus or Enceladus. This would imply the simple conclusion that humanity is under attack by a faction originating from right here in our solar system. But it's not the cartoonish version of war we've all had bombarded onto us through various fonts, but more of a genetic and psychological war, not to outright destroy humanity, but to enslave it for the purpose of plundering earth's resources. Gold, in particular, which could be most sought after for their technology. This philosophy of extraterrestrial slavery is known as Communism and is currently what they are attempting to impose onto the entire planet. I've found this to be one of the simpler conclusions which binds all of this chaotic occultism together, but there are better explanations. I would also reason that their biology might resemble those of sea serpents, and this should be obvious since those moons in particular are known to possess massive subsurface oceans.
I don't discard the possibility of extraterrestrial intervention in our past. However, this parasite could have evolved at home, or it could be another matter entirely which is driving their destructive behavior, such as circumcision. I've linked a video covering this hypothesis.
The bigger threat from AI that's more immediate is the demand for weaponization and creative uses of it. Also despite top researchers claiming they'll never develop autonomous weapons, they fail to account for the most powerful and potentially dangerous weapon of all: Information. Every pledge against such weapon development is meaningless, when an AI tailored for intelligence work can manipulate international politics, media and economies through information warfare. At that point it's already too late.
But even without such an AI existing yet, all it'll take is mixed intel, rumors, mis/disinformation, distractions and disruptions to sell a narrative that bad actors and foreign powers (China, Russia, new terrorist groups, cybercriminals and so on) have already developed autonomous weapons and selling them to the highest bidder, and therefore jeopardizes U.S defensive ability. As a result it would encourage develop of controversial policies and technologies to further military goals, subverting all attempts to uphold any autonomous weapons ban proposed now or in the future.
With that in mind, you're going to witness a narrative shitstorm like you won't believe in a few years due to this. Won't matter if any of the claims are entirely true or not, because it'll end up becoming self-fulfilling as all it'll take is the belief that it's actually possible and in development to fuel an arms race. The sheer value this could add to the economy is too tempting for (((them))) to not try this.
That's what your gay post amounts to.
Yeah, he's controlled opposition. That's why the entire Jew system is firmly aligned against him.
You can't have it both ways.
They're very clearly trying to prep the public to be on board for a coup.
They didn't do that with any other modern President, just Trump.
I'm not convinced. Also, if you want to be taken more seriously, you'll figure out how to do basic punctuation.
The only thing our totally white OP has right is that your end is coming.
You don't have the eye. It doesn't matter how much sumbohl-ism you use. You will pay eventually for everything you did.
Yeah the jews have totally lost all their influence over the American power structure,especially since voting in isreal's preferred candidate the orange kike Trumpstein.
please tell me about a successful political movement during the last 50 years that hasn't sucked the cock of either :
- atheist arabs
- religious arabs
- atheist jews
- religious jews
They are the same thing. There used to be info on Wikileaks (before they scrubbed it; since I used to use it to wake people up) that showed that 'israel' was 90% atheist…now think about that…90% which is just basically a way to say that their 'religion' is for the cattle and that they see themselves as the only 'god'…up until now it has worked. BTW there is no difference at all between an arab and a jew, they are both semitic brothers and the jews live in and control ALL arab nations just like they do in our nations.
Are you fucking serious? We're all slaves and there's no going back. Even Zig Forumslacks want brain implants from "based" spacemen.
Shit thread op is trolling
Not always. Gandhi strategically exploited the salt tax and was soft on goatfuckers, which earned him a lead sandwich from Hindu nationalist.
I think you're the one making a logical fallacy by equating man-made AI to bio-organic life forms of which there is no comparison. Machines are not sentient, people are. Machines couldn't become sentient even if we wanted them to. It's fiction.
What in the hell are you talking about? Many times that have died in the last 20 years of US foreign intervention in the Middle East, unless you're talking about something particular that you didn't specify.
Daily reminder we are the literal hand of God. His wrath comes through us.
Finally someone mentions the grand solar minimum.
The lastest video shows an even worse situation.
true. it is important to remember that we Whites collectively made this happen. Imagine what else we can accomplish if we work together?
Not your blog.
Obvious shill
Not really. The reset of our economic system is near and with that, the death of many whites. Nothing else.
I agree. Faggot LARP
Its already happened. The legacy media wont last 10 more years. Hollywood maybe 15 if they really squeeze it. Once the entertainment industry bottoms out, you're gonna see some real hardcore shit kick right off.