I guess if not calling people nazi is working i guess change tactics and call them communist.
80 IQ Liberal boomer post
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A shitty Democrat group that does nothing but put up retarded billboards all over the country shilling Muh Russia and trying to make people feel sorry for illegal beaners. Funny how these people want literal communism in the US but accuse right-wingers of being commies because they know it's something the right associates with evil. Slithery, slimy snakes.
Put some fucking effort into your posts, OP.
Just when you think they can't get anymore retarded.. They do.
How come we dont crowdfund more billboards?
I remember they rejected the pants up dont loot one around the time of the Ferguson riots.
They're not wrong
Although it is funny that they think commie-hating cuckservatives will suddenly vote left-wing over a billboard.
Nazis are the real communist, or something…
Your thread sucks balls, faggot
it would be a shame if the person that paid for the billboard was shot dead
Technically it's correct, given that the Republican party has been full-on Trotskyism since at least Reagan.
Now they have moved to full projection of their inner goals. They say this as Bern-outs aka literal Commies/"Socialists" are trying to take power of the Democratic Party. They want free college in the same way they wanted free public education, so they and the corporations/unions can control it. End of story.
But this billboard shows how hard they are projecting and trying to make the association with Russia and the Repubs hard. The reality I think is most leftists are resentful of Stalin as they were raised in Trotskyite programs…
democrats are trying hard to stop leftist socialism from taking over their party.
the left panic over its young from breaking rank makes me laugh.
I'd widen that out to Americans in general.
I don't live too far from this faggoty thing. It'll get burned down eventually or defaced. Most people here don't care for Dummycunt antics or niggershines.
I think they may be trying to spread their propaganda in "enemy" territory. When I lived in Arizona almost every other White kid I knew (and most of their parents) thought Hitler did nothing wrong, yet that's where that stupid billboard of Trump with the dollar sign-swastika and the clown-face nuke cloud from Twisted Metal went up right after the election.
don't just say it – it won't happen. you need to REPORT
I wasnt suggesting we put up the same billboard as last time.
More projection from the left, it seems to be the only thing they are really good at.
It's interesting that projection is one of the main reasons we are in this mess.
We made the mistake for far too long of projecting our decency, honor, rationality and sense of fairness onto non-whites, when clearly they are vastly inferior in those areas (except perhaps some asians)
wtf I love the gop now
t. leftypol
Sounds about right
muh lewfties vs cuckservatives
They picked a fucking terrible name. All I think of when I hear Mad Dog is cheap, disgusting boxed wine.
Ironic seeing that your post is dogshit
Remember when boomers used to ridicule The john birch society?
You know what we do with mad dogs? You put them down.
Carl Jung said that psychological projection happens when ego is scared of getting hurt and doesn't really consciously assets the situation, portraying the negative emotions usually associated with the shadow part of one self with the "enemy".
Mind you, this is the only "valve" or "outlet" for negative emotions brewing in the leftist at the moment. They can't really self-reflect so they end up lashing out. If you want to drive them wild and make them "crack" I just suggest you start ignoring them, or laughing at their faces whenever they start talking anything serious. And if they try to "joke" back out of frustrations just pull back a few zingers and one liners. They will blow up in public like a C4 bomb. Trust me, it is magnificent.
You could have bought a billboard for a LARP…
Q is the greatest lol
Looks stylish as hell. Wtf I want communism in USA now.
Gas yourself, comrade.
Now that Q-LARP is expanding into the physical world, we have to start asking where the money comes from. We’ve started to see professionally made Q-posters and Q-shirts, and now a Q-billboard (without any context or links, even). This makes NO sense.
Fuck off, civnat.
This is a promotion for #WalkAway isn't it. The GOP paid for this I bet.
"You old racists are all stuck in the past!"
"GOP beez ebil gommunists!"
I mean considering neocons are trotskyites they aren't even wrong. They probably just didn't realize that.
So this is near me. Should I try something fun?
Any other indiana fags here?
user, nobody would ever get tell you to deface property by painting "Death to commies," or anything similar, on a Space Elevator image board
never stop your enemy from making a mistake
although you could amplify the message with "death to commies" as
Lol cant pin em with nazi so they throw commie at them while having unironic communists in their ranks
This. Is. Gold.
A little less edgy slogans could probably work, just has to be different than the norm to catch people's attention
Some of those shirts are just redbubble style print companies dude, you can set up a storefront and have them print it on anything
dont be a scared fag … this is your moment … dont do anthing illegal
do what you want to do
be safe
have fun kid, talk to your parents and elders
Good I love Communism. Rather he ruled by Soviets than LGBT Faggots.
I don't know where this came from, but I will give you one (1) Internet shekel for it.
Best accidental redpill of 2018.
Totally. Don’t be retarded and be careful.
Hello (((fellow traveler)))
Tell the Dems that they are ran by NeoConservatives and George W Bush.
Neocons are communists though. DnC are also communists, just a different flavor.
Heck, Rick Snyder was a GOP governor called himself a technocrat unironically and no one bats an eye.
Necons have lost most influence in the GOP.
They still have Paul Ryan but everyone hates Paul Ryan.
Oh boy, neoliberals!
Maybe we should take this opportunity to expose the neocohens.
Fuck, I actually like that billboard. But Russia isn't even Communist anymore and hasn't been for decades? It'd be like saying that since Eastern Germany was Communist it still is now.
Welp, I guess Russians count as white too. 1488!
Whoa, let's not go crazy here!
That fool Bolton would probably donate his children to a jewish orthodox blood libel.
The fact is that billionaires will hold secrets and power, unless we find ways to deal with them.
Kikes, billionaires, cucks. But first kikes.
Bump for the schizophrenia. The Republican party… ebil space Nazis, or secret communist collaborators?
Northeastern Indiana born and raised, but I live in Ohio for work now.
They only use gentile children.
I say more billboards.
communists trying to slander people by calling them communists
Weird shill. Completely irrelevant post:
But neo-Conservatives are communists, OP.
Hey, don't get any ideas now ;^)
Bolton is a kike, his children couldn't be used for jewish ritual murder.
aha. What's the relationship between the weird sign and Bolton, though?
Does this mean /trannypol/ has to support the republicans now?
My god, the irony in that image is heavy.
We may never know, as they deleted the relevant thread 8^)
Not really. Corporations are highly communistic…
Not true. My uncle we're in his district still thinks "Ryan is a good man. It's a difficult job." Even though he would be nearly Zig Forums on paper. There are many people here like that. I imagine there are people like that all over the country, the people in McCain, Graham, etc's districts largely still think they're good people.
The root of communism is judaism or rather, the instincts of jewish people. Not to say anything nice about communism, but the biggest problem with it were the jews who invented it and ran it. Russia is still controlled by communist jews, they just have to work under a different name and system.
We still have to stand in solidarity with the whites. Never forget the 20 million WHITE CHRISTIANS who were slain by exile, man-made famine, the gulags, of the kike Stalin by the ideology of the kike Marx, under the banner of the kike philosophy communism.
Never forget.
Well, both are highly talmudic.
Do it!
I once knew a Russian that was pro Communist. He lives in California and voted Democrat every election.
Because we are building a new system.
Not based on (((advertising))) and lies but on real learning and truth. Not on (((education))) and various reeducation efforts but on objectivity.
Communists are the real Republicans
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
This timeline is just starting to get weird.
Leftist projection is as old as the way to Rome.
I get a feeling the ones that came up with this had their brains frozen in the 60ies, where accusing a person to be a soviet collaborator would ruin him.
Can we turn this into actual anti-communism? We could get rid of the conservatards simultaneously and come to power.
WTF? Russia is right-wing and Christian. Putin wants to return the Romanoffs and the tsar, turning Russia into a constitutional monarchy.
Hahahaha holy shit this is the gayest thing I've ever seen.
Not as heavy as they are.