Alright fags, I have something for you on this so open your minds up and maybe you'll help solve this riddle.
The only reason we know anything about the Church of Scientology is because a man named Stephen Fishman was caught committing crimes. When asked about it, it turns out he was told to by the church and a percentage of the profits from the crimes would go to the Church.
Fishman brought in thousands of Church-eyes only documents, which the Church counter-sued to attempt to have closed. They lost and this is the ONLY reason we know ANYTHING about CoS - about Xenu, Operating Thetans, about how the term "Prison Planet" was coined in OT III and not revealed until AFTER Jones had named his channel (his other name, Info Wars being the product of the Vallale Mindwar thesis).
Now, Fishman wrote a book - called Lonesome Squirrel. In CoS - there are three types of Scientologists. 1) Regular Church members 2) Freezone Church Members (this is what Jim Marrs was, he was invited to scientology events, given an award and even shilled for Battlefield Earth on Scientology TV channels) - they claim NOT to be members (and they technically aren't) - but they serve the greater good of the Org.
The third type of member is a Squirrel, a person who hordes church information and attempts to use it for their own gain.
Squirrels fall under SP or Suppressive Persons - and are targets for the fair game doctrine.
Fishman's book is damn near impossible to find, I will include a copy because I am not a good goy.
In Lonesome Squirrel, on page 111, halfway down - at a party, Fishman recounts talking to a high-level Church member who told him Georgia Guidestones were being build by LRH to commemorate his "landing site on Earth in his first physical body".
As a bit of a side note for those unaware of LRH crimes - he was "best friends" with Aliester Crowley, who introduced him to Jack Parsons and together they committed the Babylon Working Ritual. Not to mention LRH being in the OSS until 1947 when it was rebranded as the CIA, involvement in MK Ultra/Mindcontrol and the entire possibility that the alien based religion could be the template for the One World Religion… assuming it did in fact fold all occultism into it.
Additionally and this is where you guys are going to get stirred up - did you know Louis Farrakhan's Nation of Islam signed its entire organization up to Scientology? That NoI soldiers TRAIN at Scientology Facilities? Yeah, CoS is training the race war army… pic related.
Here is a link to Lonesome Squirrel if you don't trust my upload: Squirrel.pdf and an archived HTML copy from Fishman's website:
Slide thread or not, there is definitely suspect shit going on in the CoS.
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