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I'd rather the san andreas fault line split the state up anyway.
holy shit, these kikes know no bounds. the most 'sweeping' of issues is SUPPOSED to go 'directly to the people,' and I'm pretty sure its the kikes who told me that
anyway, this is actually a good thing. separating California this way would have created 2 Blue States and 1 Red State, thereby ensuring Kike/Spic control of the Senate. Also, and for this reason, the States would never have been admitted to the Union, which would take a vote by Congress, iirc if i'm wrong - fuck you. I'm not pulling out the Constitution this early in the morning. i haven't had my coffee yet
oh also
why? you know he's a kike, right? you know Zig Forums isn't /b/ and doesn't take kindly to pointless lewds, right?
do your job and take that pic and put, like, menorahs or some shit on the glasses to make it funny
How do you expect anyone to take you seriously when you failed elementary-school spelling?
this is a good thing because Jefferson would be lumped in with the Bay Area while socal faggots cut out LA
(for real though fuck socal, you're all fucking spics, cucked pro-amnesty republicans and worthless human trash that deserves LA)
Yes it would have needed a vote by Congress which is why most plans to subdivide California would fail and have failed, the earliest one being southern slavers' desire to extend the mason-dixon all the way to the pacific and create two Californias (norcal and socal). Jefferson only barely has a chance because it's about even in terms of demographics (50/50 split between dude weed green voters and christian communes), and has bipartisan support because everyone in the region is a low priority for Sacramento.
You fucking wizard you
It is America's Brazil.
And this was a state that was consistently red until the 1980s (and during the interwar period, it also had the most Fascist/NS organizations of any state in the union as well.)
They want to do to all of America what they did to California.
Learn to swim faggots.
Funny how that whole Federal Republic concept keeps coming up again and again. Golly gee what about the (((WILL OF THE GOYIM))) err- People™
Who are you trying to kid, America's Brazil is everything between Memphis and the Gulf. Everything down there is pure shit which is to be expected for any nigger majority area. Which is a thing California doesn't have, the massive inflow of spics and asians has destroyed nearly all of CA's black communities.
Yes, that's because California is full of spics. It is also why CA leads the country in hate crimes, because CA's prisons are full of spics who have to deal with all the remaining niggers.
No, that is America's South Africa
The southwest, especially California, is an extension of Latin America. The south is an extension of Africa (South Africa in particular due to demographics and history)
and yes, I know it is because of the mestizos
And Brazil is culturally closer to Africa than it is to the rest of the Americas. This is why Brazilians are rightfully hated for being the niggers they are.
thats retarded , south africa is a british colony creation … its not fucking africa
heres the difference between the south and south africa and why apartheid was so awful
whites out number blacks in the south, in south africa you have black out numbering whites but the whites were still top dog
there is a particular word for this where its not only opression , but opression by a smaller group, some south african told me. He was white nice guy, glad he made it to the states before all this shit happened
nothing is like california … watch the movie "sleep dealers" … its pretty much what I expect california to become
Really more California Republicans. One of the worst aspects of the CAGOP, and why they keep losing, is that their entire operation is still based out of Socal (home to Nixon, Reagan). This is why they have completely lost out on two consecutive tech booms even though Democrats don't have much to offer tech companies except taxes and bad land use policy.
It's bad enough where the party has to import some faggot from Illinois to run for Governor instead of one of their own. I think only Utah is about this cucked and only because Romney is running to be their Governor.
retard … that dont get more electoral college votes , you are a complete idiot fucking think for 2 secs
california today: all blue
3 state cali: some blue some red … less blue in total more red in total
weak link retard
there is no norcal conservatives , just a bunch of hippie commies, let it go brother , california is dead
So what you're telling me is that they don't want a democracy at all?
Breaking up the state will only give the dems more senators. The liberals are turning TX into another CA.
The deep south is minority white, retard. It has been that way for a while now.
Willie Brown, Dianne Fienstien and Gavin Newsom are all comparable to early 90s conservatives like HW Bush. Newsom himself will probably engage in pension reform after he becomes Governor, cucking the shit out of unions just so he can embezzle enough money for a Presidential run.
However, there are no pro-borders conservatives in California. This is because the entire CA GOP's operation is funded by farmers who want illegal labor.
This. The proposed NoCal state is designed to include places that it should not in order to make it blue. Jefferson would probably be a red state.
*close to being minority white
I keep fucking up today
What does this mean for the State of Jefferson? Jefferson proper doesn't include SF bay area or Sacramento. It also includes part of Oregon.
And the only reason why they aren't minority white today is because of the great migration to the north during WW 1&2. Now that those blacks are moving back to the south, the demographics are getting worse and worse.
Stupid shit will always be stupid.
Montana next? How about Texas. Derrrrp.
You mean once the boomers and those who're currently dying in care centers are dead.
The shittier (and most racially aware) Southern states are already white minority, see Mississippi and Louisiana. Notice how there is a strong correlation between living around blacks and being racist.
nothing changes because the SOJ51 movement wasn't involved with any of this, and their means don't require a ballot measure insomuch a bill passing inside Sacramento (consider that if Jefferson is booted out of CA, CA Dems get a permanent 4/5ths majority with no penalty)
That too.
Yeah, but if Jefferson leaves, Cali loses their cheap water supply. In adfition, Cali will never not be democrat thanks to spics. They will never be penalized. Tbh SOJ would be ideal guerrilla territory when the peaceful measures fail.
the water issue can be figured out like the power issue is: privatization of water districts (or just existing water districts being cut down and charging higher rates). There are ways around this problem, especially when the political payoff is so big.
Why would you want to shill for this?
Get the fuck out!
could you glow any more you absolute nigger? Why are you typing like that nigger? And apartheid was horrible? This your first time here or something?
didn't even notice this fucking faggot. He's definitely not one of us
Note 1: Too stupid to understand an analogy.
Note 2: Jewish propaganda.
Note 3: Statement irrelevant to the content being discussed.
Note 4: No evidence for claims.
Nonwhite shill, sitting in a third world click farm, going off a script? You be the judge.
Actually, no, I’ve seen his other posts. He’s clearly nonwhite and very clearly a redditor, but he makes good enough points (lost in the miasma) often enough that his bullshit should just be called out rather than deleted.
I wonder if they realize they can still leave if they want to, they don't need the courts blessings to do so. If they wish to split and form their own government then if the right people came around they could easily do so but hey, it's fucking commiefornia and of course no one would ever have the balls like Thomas Jefferson, or John Adams or Washington did back in 1776 to do it
all statements were very relevant , you are wrong
thx , at least a mother fucker accepts the challenge instead of being a fucking cult following sheep piece of shit
I dont want to hang with niggers but I dont want to hang with back country ofay idiots either
I fucking use reddit spacing cause its clear to see separate points.
Oh, you are that boomer who was spilling his spaghetti a few weeks ago and got bullied off the board.
Low fucking effort these jews….they are in panic mode now, peurto rican mayor arrested for fraud, they see their liberal world disintegrating, and they are just SCRAMBLING to keep control of us bad goys.
It's time for people to start killing the families of judges and lawmakers.
Just for note, the shittiest bay area is the East bay.
t. Californian
Good. The new layout completely favors shitlibs.
What more proof do you need that Commiefornia is a 3rd world dictatorship?
Kek'd and checked.
lol there should be an ai photo editor that does the nose edit to every kike photo
You are right, diversity is our strength
>>>Zig Forums
The libtards are worried about losing their agricultural areas.
You keep forgetting the Yankees were slavers too and slavery was a political angle to attack the south because Lincoln didn't want the union to split. Lincoln hated niggers.
The "Black Belt" of the gulf states is more like South Africa circa 1900. Whites are still a substantial portion of the population in the black majority areas and contribute nearly 100% of the region's value added economic activity. They may not hold the majority of elected positions but they are the backbone keeping the local governments alive.
what diffrence would it make? It would be worse than Texas because it's next to the cancer because it was a part of the cancer.
If Jefferson became halfway decent liberals would flock to it.
Should be four states tbh.
Southern CA
San Diego - The Grapevine (Santa Barbara on the coast)
Central CA
Grapevine to Modesto (Monterey on the coast)
Northern CA
Monterey to Yuba City (north of Sacramento)
Yuba City to the Oregon Border
no 2. Cal Jeff
not gonna happen anyway
nice spin cocksucker
Good we dont need 6 more democrat senators and a dozen mlre democrat members of congress
The way they split it on the map made sure to have a poz city in each California to ensure it'd all be blue. Northern California splitting into Jefferson could potentially end up a red state.
They will never allow the state of jefferson unless its suddenly becomes liberal. This was gerrymandering on the state level.
California isn't even the USA anymore. I live in this shithole, spics are more savage and subhuman than even niggers.
Yes. Bwahaha, indeed. Well said, insightful and articulate friend.
1. The Senate is Congress. The House is Congress. Stop using jewish perversion of words. “Congressmen” refers to both houses.
2. The House doesn’t change in size.
remember that other thread about the ballot measure, where all those fucking shills came out and said that CA split would be bad for us?
i do.
i guess this move by the scoca makes it clear, the split would have been good for us, and the shills were just … shills.
speaking of those shills, there's some of them here!
The Spics are even worse. Niggers are dumb loiterer NPCs, the Spics actively push you out of areas and do not stop yelling "VIVA MEXICO! VIVA MEXICO!" in your face for the millionth time. There's anons that last in the South but anyone who spent time in CA knows it's an erosion of the soul. And, that's what the kikes have planned for the rest. Seriously, it sucks to be white in all diversity areas but spend a year in CA and you'll want a race war after being on Zig Forums. There's just no other way.
the us congress would need to approve anyways, regardless of what the individual state government wanted.
the ballot measure was basically just to make the state government make a request to congress to look at it.
Up yours twat, if you want to pretend gerrymandering what red areas remain with hipster/spic/faggot cities is a better idea than cutting off the malignant cancer from Jefferson, then fine by me you dense fuck.
Wow, it's almost as if they want three democrat states instead of one, what a totally honest (((plan))) to split up California.
The only way to truly split up California would be to put all the degenerate strongholds into NewJewCal and everything else should be Jefferson.
Texas has Austin … ever red state has its liberal shit hole ….3-4 shitholes is too much for one state
Fuck California. Burn it all.
This right here. Spics are also worst because they actively move in to White suburbs and take them over in less then a decade. They are just as backstabbing violent as niggers. Then the White schools become half beaner and if you look up dating statistics Spics are the most likely non-white group to try and successfully racemix with Whites.
Spics aren't totally shunned by Whites" because of mexican food dude and they are hardworkers man" which is utter bullshit becuse all the current mexican food was made up recently in the USA, spics would rather do crime then work ,the beaner worship is real because their shit crude culture has taken over all of Socal by sheer population so its like all the White people have Stockholm Syndrome in Socal.
Spics do end up dating White women and White men because they get to go to the White schools now out of district so Paco gets to take Blonde Stacys virginity in highschool then Bill gets to marry the leftovers and then Stacys half of Stacys friends are Spics so they don't want to say no to Paco just because he is mexican with her Spic friends knowing that they would think shes racist then get teased at school.
I saw it first hand when shy pretty White girls were dating mestizo spic mutts because the school was still 40% mexican in what was considered a White school in a White area of Socal. So at the same time you would see good looking White males dating indian goblinas while a cute Blonde pale Blue eyed girl from a middle class family holding hands with a midget indian orc. Its mostly younger Whites doing it do but, its fucking disgusting and makes you want to 14/88.
Every male beaner I have known expresses their desire to marry a Blonde White woman over a fellow spic if they aren't married yet. The mutts that Whites and Spics produce just makes more goblinos.
Spics and Mexico needs to be glassed.
It's exactly where democracies always go once the populace is uneducated and uninterested in what's going on around them; the fucking sewer. 10 years ago, I couldn't understand why we have voting ballots in other languages. But after the shitshow of the last few elections, it all makes sense. And now dozens of cities around CA are additionally openly allowing illegals to vote, because "they are part of this community". However, I see a great way to subvert this: get a locally voted initiative on the ballot (like mandatory use of eVerify for state officials) and then bus in "vagrants" and have them vote.
Luckily I have learned to swim, but lately I feel lately like I will end up swimming in blood rather than salt water.
You don't actually know that. It would have probably had that result but it would have at least made it much more likely to swing one of those states red. Right now there is no chance. It also would break up California's hold on the USA in terms of setting policy. But you probably don't live here so what the fuck would you know?
Maybe but the state should let it get that far. Instead they violated the California Constitution that allows for ballot measures like this by saying "Nah fuck your vote, we don't like you." This section of the California constitution is specifically there for taking back control from the government.
Seriously, you're a torPEDO, and give torposters a bad name you fucking faggot. You are right though, I would love to see her… drown in that fucking pool with the rest of her family. It looks big enough for her nuclear family and maybe a few cousins…
Uh, yes. Yes we do, retard. Look at where the splits for this specific plan were.
The only split of commiefornia that works is splitting it east/west. Everything on the coast goes blue. Everything on the interior goes red. That's how it's divided right now, with the big leftist shitholes mostly on the coast and the besieged conservatives still sticking it out further inland.
Yes, he is right, after all, look at CA prop 187. CA's good folks have known for a while what would happen. They tried to fight. Look what happened. 187 PASSED BY VOTERS VETOED BY COURTS!!!! I think that was the wakeup call, becuase the state went full retard after that because good people saw what was happening and packed their bags, no more voters for the opposition. Only later came the leftist exodus of CaliFilth.
is correct too, every region there is gerrymandered and has an area of rapid Taco expansion, further solidifying it. The SoCal Stronghold they create also has the heavily Mexicunt area of Imperial Valley, which has Colorado River Water rights and Mexico is pissed they're draining the Colorado to grow hay to sell to the Chinese. Globalism at its finest while Cali is in a government-created "drought"
As a general note, the farmers don't want Mexicans anymore, except for the Mexican farmers who are warlord status. The state of agriculture in the Central Valley is shit, 2/3 of the fruit and nut trees (insert commiefornia land of fruits & nuts joke here) have been cut down (of the 20 miles of orchards along SR-46 out of Lost Hills, less than 2 miles remain). Only those with the oldest water rights going back to the 1930's were able to keep going, driving the price of domestic nuts through the roof while demands are finally increasing as Americunts finally change their diet. So all of this is due to CA declaring the SaCRAPamento River Delta Smelt (invader species not actually native here) a protected species, changing water to the Cental Valley and destroying the state with a "drought" in order to impose Orwellian water control measures and test how well neighbors would snitch on each other about watering their lawns (their test failed because invaders didn't call the cops and knew their gardener jobs depended on them not snitching on their customers either)
You see it's all part of the plan:
leftists unchecked in state gov -> Environmentalism creates the CA drought -> loss of agriculture production -> Force farmers to sell -> Banks win -> Commie Party members benefit buy cheap farms and restart them because "capitalism failed" -> CA creates first farming communes to "educate" white people about how hard the "migrants" had it
Leftists in Cali have pissed off the liberals, and that is cannon fodder in the making. CA is a powderkeg ready to blow, citizenry disarmed, cartels, organized gangs, and politicians all bought and paid for. Place is one step away from Mexico status politics & you see the crazies Waters is gathering.
All you need to do to start the real fun, is turn the lights out.
I don't know how anybody can look at this and think whites still have a future.
Go fuck yourself. You’re not getting two more blue states. Period.
Then why are you still here on this board?
Good we don't need 4 more liberal senators.