>Same source but you don't post the graphic, (((how strange!)))
… Because you already posted it?
So, what you're saying is, Jews always provide the majority of their funding to the Democratic party? And that they're a minority in terms of Republican spending, EVEN THOUGH Republicans bow to them on the reg?
Its almost like, despite the fact that only a minority of Jews support the right, they are able to provide large sums of money to the right… (((how strange!)))
Which says absolutely nothing.
Here, let me help you understand numbers.
Lets say you have 10 donators, 9 of them are White and 1 of them is Jewish.
Lets say the 9 each give 10 dollars. Wow, you got $90! Congrats!
But then the Jew comes in and gives you $9,000.
Now, only 10% of the contributions came from Jews, so clearly, Jews are not a major factor in terms of your funding, right?
The fact that Jews gave Trump tens of millions of dollars which you keep trying to deny despite it staring you right in the face?
You mean while the Israels were laying mortar fire down upon anyone who came within range? I'm sure the US wasn't supportive of that.
Wait, what? "The kikes are told to stay off Syria"?
That's funny, because the kikes have been BOMBING SYRIAN FORCES quite recently.
Again, user, its like 5 articles compiled into one image, and only a mongoloid would have trouble reading it or mistake it for lefty wall of text meme-failure.
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