Looks like some (((parents))) are opposed to getting rid of gay sex and other deviance from the sex-ed curriculum.
Protest at the Ontario Legislature. Colin Mockery (some comedian, likely in the Royal Order of Jesters) will speak.
Looks like some (((parents))) are opposed to getting rid of gay sex and other deviance from the sex-ed curriculum.
Protest at the Ontario Legislature. Colin Mockery (some comedian, likely in the Royal Order of Jesters) will speak.
Wasn't this chomo on the Drew Carey show or something?
Who's Line Is It Anyway
^ faggot pedophile
Its ok gays. You can teach your adopted niglets all about homosexual sex at home with your legal partner.
Both shows, and his son is a tranny faggot.
Well, you're half-right.
dick pics?
when is this thing OP
teaching boys that they can buttfuck other boys in a school setting makes them think its normal/acceptable. it's promoting it.
kids dont even need to learn about regular sex, they'll figure it out on their own. but theres nothing wrong with a class about sexual health and hygiene like teaching girls/boys about pads/tampons/deodorant/puberty
all faggots are pedophiles, but not all pedophiles are faggots, so youre a pedophile?
isnt his son the tall lanky curly haired guy that kinda looks like cramer from seinfeld, and also acted with him on both of those shows? or is there a different son.
A child molester has a tranny son. Who could have predicted it?
Ok, I'm old, but I remember when trannies actually tried to look female. The fuck is this?
CBC Jews says it's a lunch hour protest.
anyone have a sauce on this?
Ever heard of the "cotton ceiling" user?
Apparently it's sexual harassment if a tranny tricks you into bed and you won't fuck it.
Another comedian. Mirth is king, but a six year old is heaven, right?
When your "protest" is mostly media…
To refute the second, one is a man created subject which requires rigor to develop and understand. The other is something inate in humans. It's a subject which humans intrinsically understand and just need some guidance on.
Alternatively, yeah, actually. Kids who are homeschooled math are much smarter than those that aren't. The only thing I would change is replace "playground" with "online forum" and we got the Art of Problem Solving home schooled kids.
But user, muh professionals!
Someone should crash it with a huge NAMBLA banner. Let's see if they have another one.
This is doomed to failure, and anyway you're steering way off topic when you try to oppose science to things "innate in humans". Much better just to smug at the comparison. If you really need to respond, try the agree-and-amplify strategy.
Children should be taught calculus, and history, and reading and writing, and basic maths, and biology and pretty much everything else at home, not in some government "education" factory.
Shame, I used to think Colin Mockery was actually funny, now I do't ever wanna see that fags face again
dead ontario pedos can't protest jack shit
Observation one: Liberal and progressive filth justify their egalitarian bullshit, their preferential treatment programmes for their pets, their constant accusations against all sanity that white people are 'ebil racis nazee' on the notion of the blank slate. They MUST push the notion that socialisation/environment is the primary factor in individual behaviour and ability because if they dont their egalitarian circlejerk collapses.
Observation two: If the first observation is true then by the internal logic of their own beliefs when they teach sodomy to children they are trying to pervert them into becoming sodomites and deviants.
See, I was once the gullible liberal who thought that awareness would reduce gay-bashing. I never signed up for any "teach your kids rimming" garbage, and now I know better.
Yikes, spoiler that shit!
Either a nigger 'muh dicking' or a white person just being friendly and saying 'hello, how are you today?'
It's a special kind of hurt when people you grew up and have fond memories of turns out to be a real fucking piece of shit.
So a whole bunch of child abusers are going to rally in one spot, what could possibly go wrong? Oh, nothing because its cucknadia and no one has any balls.
Jordan Peterson was against this, and especially the Albertan sex ed. How fucking retarded are you?
Don't you know? It's edgy to hate JBP because people who reach a wide audience are not "based" enough for pol.
How could I forget, according to shills anyone who is not Hitler himself should not only be ignored, but he and anyone interested in any of his ideas should be hanged. :^)
kys shill.
yeah. voting is gay, anyone who doesn't think a white ethnostate will ever happen in the US is a faggot, etc, etc
aw why bc I didn't style it as Zig Forums? omg hitler forgive me
Juden Peterkike is a white hating faggot who hates nationalism, only the reddit faggots care about him or give him any attention
who do you think I'm shilling for? If I were shilling I'd be getting paid to talk to a paranoid faggot like you. Unfortunately I'm doing it for free.
I don't really think he has much of a message but I feel like he does more good than harm. There are plenty of people I hate much more. I'd rather people listen to his "clean your room" bullshit than socialists and far left weirdos
You can leave any time.
Temporarily improving peoples lives in order to make them passive and apathetic towards white genocide and filling their heads full of anti-nationalist trash is not doing good.
The amount of energy your organization attacks him should raise any suspicion to even the casual Zig Forums lurker. I say organization because you all talk the same, post the same (((OC))), reddit and cult blah blah blah etc etc
oh wait, there it is. Right next to your guy's "Trump touches the wall" pictures
Youre going to lose, kike.
Lose what?
Your blatant agenda has been exposed for the last 6 months. Instead we should be discussing how to cultivate people who are interested in the main ideas presented by JP instead of bickering about %1 of his content that is rarely even considered by his main audience.
Back to your other failed thread Moshie
Genuine outrage. Youre not welcome, you would have been banned if we still had rules. Peterson has negative value and so do you.
(((Genuine outrage.)))
Stop typing like that.
Can you fucking into grammar for two posts?
Also, as I pointed out, in your buddies failed thread the OP is most likely b& and the thread is anchored. What the hell are you going on about I would be banned you slimy kike?
No, your paid jewish supremacist isn’t going to be followed here. Go away.
lol you’re done
I haven't shilled for the jews once. What is the obsession with calling everyone a shill here? I never even said I like Peterson. So much delusional paranoia here honestly
We already have a juden peterstein thead too.
Oops, HAD. Looks like it was (((slid))).
Rumor back in the day was Drew Cary was a homo… (even though Marine Reserve), then when he made it to prime-time rumors vanished and stories of prostitutes started surfacing…
Whose Line is it Anyway was questioned by general public on cast members all being Gay; they are "Married" (Colin Mockery married) was the response, back then, and that was considered an answer because the general public did not know what a Hollywood Beard was…
Are you retarded?
IT's called ANCHORED' you insufferable
Mods started finally getting hip to the (((purely organic))) threads that were rightfully dealt with in the prior administration. Guess the globals were unfamiliar with the poor, and low energy tactics and now are dealing with it accordingly.
Thanks, paid shill.
Thanks, paid shill.
Since this turned into a Juden Peterstein thread:
It's gone now, shill. We will make more though.
This is illegal you are promoting crime here.
Ah yes, the classic "if you don't agree with me you're obviously a shill" tactic
Anti-white identity is race treason. Youre oppose white survival, you also support zionist kike lovers, you dont have the right to use the word kike, your own side condemns you. What a joke you are, a pissant nothing. A pathetic wall in the way of whites which we will gladly overcome.
That's the truth though, at least when it comes to kids who haven't reached the middle stages of puberty. Our "sex ed" prior to freshmen year of high school was limited to what was relevant to such a young age group, i.e. teaching us about puberty snd trying to get our asses comfortable with the soon-to-arrive awkwardness that is puberty. These are the most impressionable years for mental development, their immature minds have immature notions of sexuality and what their hormones are trying to drive them towards. Introducing adult notions of sexuality into a group of children/young teens that don't have the mentality to assign appropriate context to what they're being told is a recipe for disaster.
I'm honestly beginning to believe that anyone who doesn't immediately understand what is and is not appropriate in terms of information exposure to children/teens of various ages was simply a dullard in their younger years. How else csn you explain their complete inability to remember their own mindset at the same age? I don't thinky memory is anything spacial but so many people I know seem to have zero recollection of anything before high school. It's like their string of continuous memory was cut off and they no longer have the ability to properly relate to their younger self.
white identity like gender identity does not exist.
we all bleed red.
He doesn't want to jeopardize his patreon account by saying something honest, please understand.
That fucking image
"Are you a clown?"
It’s ok to kill gays
My town wants to hang their annual LGBT flag. What do?
Burn it.
Use it as a way to identify possible pedophiles. There must be some kind of committee. Then, since the law won't help you, warn the kids privately.
Note the shape of their noses too and ask your child if you think there might be a correlation. Turn it into a game.
For someone who's against PC, he acts like a little bitch for some things. How can he talk about Cultural Marxism, while ignoring the JQ
This would surely be an awful time to edit together clips of the more fucked up things this pedo jester has said under the cover of improv. For every bizarre sex joke he's made with good enough timing to be funny, there are three he made that weren't. Most of Whose Line is easy to get your hands on. It's time to meme the Royal Order of Jesters into the pop culture consciousness. The repercussion has begun.
No one said the Purging wouldn't at some point hit home.
We will all feel it in some way
Natural selection at work my friend. Those degenerate will never reproduce.
It's already a thing.
Well yeah, there are 48 genders and people can fluidly transition between them all the time and consent can change moment to moment things get really complicated
Nice reddit meme. Very conservative.
The Canadian Nationalist Party needs your help to fight this kind of degeneracy. We are new but growing fast and will need reps. in the East. Join us and build a future worth fighting for!
I've lurked the chans for many years and this movement is in my humble opinion legit. I wouldn't spam shit on this Burmese rice flinging forum if it weren't important.
Pic related.
the funniest thing I've seen him do tbh
Feels strange saying that to a Tor poster
A more correct analogy would be the similarities to teaching a child to walk or talk, which is performed partially by the child itself and partially by the parents. Natural biological functions are not the same as human created concepts, despite what virgin kikes believe about reproduction.
I watched an interview with the leader the other day, hes clearly pushing subtle natsoc, I think even opposing usury but its far too civnat even still, representing Canadians. Cant have NatSoc with 80 IQ niggers holding you back and being equal by law.
He's talking about a month or two ago when a Turk named ImKampfy was the board owner. He ran 8/pol/ into the ground with capricious bans for any deviation from empty Nazi posturing. He also set up so many inane word filters that discussion about right movements in the real world ground to a halt.
Global mods had to take the board away from him. It's the first time anything like that happened on this site. The only other thing they'll confiscate a board for is CP.
Some spergs are still butthurt about it. They loved trying to out-Hitler each other from their armchairs.
Jews loved it too.
Essential life skill right there, right next to learning how to mount a dragon dildo on the wall.
Dude do not repost lists of links as an image. No one's going to type that shit out. Put it in your copypasta file and repost the text.
Dont you have pedos to be defending?
Oh wait, you are literally defending pedos in this thread. Genuinely didnt realize that until after I posted, how perfect, its the Tarantino shill.